علاج حب الشباب دون الحاجة للطبيب

علاج حب الشباب لا يحتاج إلى المزيد من الكيماويات كل ماتحتاجه البشرة العناية بها ومعاملتها كطفل صغير واليوم سنقوم بتقديم بعض الخطوات للعناية بالبشرة في المنزل دون الحاجة للذهاب إلى الطبيب بالنسبة للنساء والفتيات، عادة ما يرتبط حب الشباب بالتغيرات الهرمونية المصاحبة للطمث شهرياً. أما الإجهاد والضغط النفسي، فيؤثران بشكل مباشر على إفراز هرمون الكورتيزول والذي يتسبب في زيادة التهابات …

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Ever wondered Where Teddy Bears Got Their Name

  Ever wondered Where Teddy Bears Got Their Name In 1902, Roosevelt went bear hunting in Mississippi at the invitation of Gov. Andrew H. Longino. Roosevelt’s guide was Holt Collier, who was born in slavery and served as a Confederate cavalryman during the Civil War. He was also a skilled hunter and killed more than 3,000 bears, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife …

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Trance Metals

Trance Metals

Trance Metals “What an awesome design! This truly makes the previous sphere portable. I particularly like the Copper for the health benefits. I’m looking forward to backing another of your successful projects!”

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The best graphics cards of 2017

The best graphics cards of 2017

The best graphics cards of 2017 There’s no doubt about it – PC gaming is in its prime. If it hasn’t been proven already by the suave GTX 1080 Ti with its 4K, high-refresh-rate gaming capabilities then maybe the imminent Windows 10 Creators Update will

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Sony’s 55-inch 2016 HDR TV is super cheap this week

Sony's 55-inch 2016 HDR TV is super cheap this week

Sony’s 55-inch 2016 HDR TV is super cheap this week spring, a time for renewal. While the birds and bees are emerging from their respective respites, TV manufacturers are hard at work pumping out the best screens of 2017. In case you haven’t been paying attention to the fusillade of HDR TVs flying back and forth, LG is leading the …

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Samsung Gear VR with controller Hands-on

Samsung Gear VR with controller Hands-on

Samsung Gear VR with controller Hands-on   For Samsung, it may indeed be a case of third time’s a charm as far as its Gear VR headset goes. The third iteration in less than 18 months includes a remote control, but also effectively makes its two predecessors obsolete.

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