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الارشيف يحتوي على مواضيع قديمة او مواضيع مكررة او محتوى روابط غير عاملة لقدمها

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قديم 13-11-07, 11:27 PM   المشاركة رقم: 26

التسجيل: Jun 2006
العضوية: 7129
المشاركات: 287
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: نيارااا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 43



نيارااا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : نيارااا المنتدى : الارشيف



'WHAT are you looking at?' Lucianna demanded of Jake as he paused on the corner of the street they were entering to watch something, or rather someone. When Lucianna realised she flushed and gave a rather self-conscious, 'Oh,' as she saw the girl Jake had obviously been admiring come sauntering into view.
Like Lucianna she was dressed in jeans, and like her she also had tawny-coloured long hair, but that was where the resemblance between them ended.

Whereas Lucianna's hair was tied back uncompromisingly this girl's was worn loose and slightly messy, giving the impression that she had been doing something far too pleasurable to waste time grooming her hair before coming out, and she had obviously also neglected to put on any proper underwear beneath the neatly fitting cream stretch jeans she was wearing, Lucianna decided scathingly as she saw Jake's glance move from the other girl's face to her body.

There might not be anything openly tarty about the girl's appearance, Lucianna acknowledged, but there was still definitely an air about her and about the way she was dressed that somehow suggested even to Lucianna's inexperienced eye that she was a person who enjoyed her own sexuality.
Typical.' Lucianna couldn't quite stop herself from saying this disparagingly as she saw the small, teasing look the girl gave Jake before turning away and strolling across the road—or rather sashaying across the road, Lucianna acknowledged—if that wasn't too old-fashioned a word to use for the provocatively swaying movement of the girl's pert bottom.
'Jealous?' Jake asked her mockingly.
'Certainly not,' Lucianna told him scathingly, adding pithily, 'And I wouldn't dream of coming out without my...not wearing any underwear...'

'Not wearing...?' Jake was frowning slightly as he turned to give the girl another brief look, but when he turned back towards her Lucianna could see that he was struggling not to laugh.
'You really do need educating, don't you?' he told her with a grin that made him suddenly look much younger and made her equally suddenly wonder why she was finding it such a struggle to fill her lungs properly with air.
'If being educated means dressing like a...like that, then I'd rather stay the way I am,' she began crossly, but Jake shook his head.
Still laughing, he told her, 'You're wrong, you know. She's more than likely wearing a string of some type underneath her jeans, and—'
'A string...?'
'Yes, you know, an item of underwear...an item of female underwear...that is commonly worn beneath fitted clothing to prevent the unforgivable fashion solecism of VPL...'
'VPL...?' Lucianna repeated in irritation.
'Visible panty line,' Jake explained patiently.
'I know what it means,' Lucianna told him. She might not be fashion-conscious, but she did read her sister-in-law's magazines and she knew perfectly well what he meant. Her anger was directed not so much at him for teasing her but at herself for giving him the opportunity to do so.
'I take it that it isn't an item of underwear you favour?' Jake said to her as they continued to walk down the street.
'My underwear is not something I intend to discuss with you,' Lucianna told him frostily.
'Pity,' Jake returned, his voice suddenly crisply ominous, 'because, much as it pains me to say it, the male of the species, still at heart being the unnewmanish creature that he is, is still very much influenced and intrigued by women's underwear, let's be honest, is perhaps still regrettably prone to making character and personality judgements on a woman based on her choice of underwear and his idea of what he personally finds exciting and erotic...'
'If you're talking about stockings and suspenders...' Lucianna began warily. She had heard more than enough about the allure and potential of such garments from her brothers during the years they were growing up to have been put off wearing them for life.
'Amongst other things,' Jake agreed. 'Personally, what I find erotic is the knowledge that a woman cares enough for herself and for me to want the act of undressing her to become a sensually special appetiser to our loveplay... Rather like the anticipation and buzz one gets from unwrapping an enticingly wrapped present...'

'Oh, you would see a woman like that...as a thing...a toy...a...a present...' Lucianna told him furiously. 'Well, for your information, I would rather
die than present myself like that...than humiliate and degrade myself like that...'
'So you expect John to enjoy the sight and act of watching you strip down to the utilitarian and functional underwear you no doubt favour, do you? Tell me something, Lucianna,' Jake challenged her. 'Do you permit him to be equally uncompromising with you? Do you enjoy the sight of him wearing a pair of well-washed baggy boxer shorts, or perhaps the gimmicky jockstrap his pals gave him as a joke for his birthday?'
Lucianna's face had gone scarlet, as much with embarrassment as with anger.
'John and I don't have that kind of relationship, and I don't...'
When she stopped Jake demanded with dangerous softness, 'Yes, do go on; you don't what?'

Stubbornly Lucianna pursed her lips and looked away, refusing to speak. She wasn't going to tell Jake that she had no idea what kind of underwear John favoured any more than she was going to admit that the mental images he had just drawn for her, especially the one of John, had somehow or other rung unpalatably true. His pals were the type who would give him jokey and embarrassing underwear as a present.

Jake, on the other hand, would not doubt— Her thoughts careened to an unsteady halt as she abruptly realised that the mental image she had conjured up of Jake's body, superimposed over the image of an unknown model posing in a pair of immaculate pristine white and very close-fitting undersborts that she had glimpsed in an advertisement in one of her sister-in-law's magazines, was one she most certainly should not be entertaining. One she most certainly should not be entertaining at all, and she had no idea exactly why she was—or, even more importantly, how she was.

After all, the last time she had seen Jake without... wearing very little, she amended to herself hastily, had been the last time they had all gone swimming together before Jake had gone to university. And that had been years ago. She had been a child and Jake had been a young man...a boy...whereas the body she had been mentally visualising had most definitely been that of a man...very definitely that of a man.
Self-consciously Lucianna avoided Jake's eyes as she heard the questioning note in his voice.
'Right,' Jake announced, lifting his wrist to glance at his watch. "That's enough shopping for today. It's time we were making our way back, I think. I've got some work to do and whilst I'm doing it you can make a start with your homework,' he informed her dryly, nodding in the direction of the books she was carrying.
'I can do that by myself at home,' Lucianna told him spiritedly, not in the least relishing the idea of having to sit reading dutifully beneath Jake's eagle eye like a schoolgirl. 'John might ring,' she added.
'So much the better,' Jake retorted firmly. 'It will do him good to wonder where you are. No more excuses, Lucianna,' he advised her. 'Don't forget you wanted to do this...'
Reluctantly Lucianna had to concede that he had a point. There had been moments during the morning, far too many of them in fact, when she had been in danger of forgetting just why she was putting herself through such a painful process.

As they turned into the car park they were greeted by the shrill sound of a car alarm ringing. To Lucianna's surprise, Jake halted abruptly and cursed under his breath, muttering feelingly, 'If that's what I think it is, that damn garage...'
Lucianna's eyes widened as she stared across the car park and saw that it was indeed Jake's car alarm that was ringing, the car's indicator lights flashing on and off as though someone had tried to break into the vehicle, and she couldn't resist saying dulcetly, 'Oh, dear, Jake, it looks like something has gone wrong with your car's electronics.'
The look Jake gave her told her that he wasn't in the least deceived by her mock-innocent concern.
I don't have a problem,' he told her forcefully, 'but the garage is certainly going to have one. They assured me that they'd found the fault and solved the problem.'
'The electronics systems in these expensive status cars are very complicated and sensitive,' Lucianna told him sweetly, with triumph in her voice.

Only six months earlier, when Jake had first taken delivery of his new car, she had begged to be allowed to familiarise herself with its mechanical and electronics systems, but Jake had sternly refused, telling her in what she had considered at the time to be an extremely bossy manner that the car wasn't a toy and that furthermore it would negate its warranty if he allowed anyone who wasn't an approved mechanic to tamper with its inner workings.

'I don't want to tamper with them,' she had told him through gritted teeth. 'I simply want to look at them...'
'I know your looking,' Jake had reminded her grittily. 'I haven't forgotten what happened when you looked at the engine of my TR7.'
Lucianna had grimaced. The TR7 had been Jake's pride and joy, a racy little sports car he had worked hard to buy, and just as soon as his back was turned she had ignored his veto on her touching it. He had returned earlier than expected one afternoon when he had been supposed to be away all day to discover her sitting on the floor of his garage, surrounded by the parts she had painstakingly removed from his car.

It hadn't been her fault that he had flustered her so much with his ire that she had muddled up two very similar pieces when she had rushed to reassemble everything. Just as soon as she had realised what she had done and why it wouldn't start, why the heating system was throwing out freezing-cold air instead of hot, she had quickly put matters right—but not, as it turned out, quickly enough to repair the damage the shock of icy cold air blasting over Jake's girlfriend's body had done to Jake's budding romance with her.

It wasn't her fault that his girlfriend had chosen to wear such a stupidly short skirt, Lucianna had defended herself, her already hot face growing even hotter when her amused elder brother had hooted with laughter and told Jake teasingly that it was probably the first time his passionate advances had been frozen off by a faulty car heater.
'The first time and the last,' Jake had replied grimly, then had advised Lucianna tersely, 'Don't you ever, ever tamper with my car again, otherwise you'll be the one in need of a blast of cold air—on your backside, which will be smarting very hotly indeed...'
Lucianna had just been at an age when any reference to almost any part of her anatomy had had the power to raise a deeply mortifying crimson flood of
colour through her body—and on that occasion, if she remembered aright, her self-consciousness had outdone itself.

Now she watched in secret glee as Jake tried to silence the car's shrilling alarm, first by using the automatic door key and then, once he had got the car unlocked, by deactivating the alarm itself.
'I thought these things were supposed to stop automatically after twenty minutes,' Jake gritted through grated teeth as all his attempts to stop the alarm met with no response.
"That's house alarms,' Lucianna informed him sunnily, her glee growing as she saw the faint tinge of colour beginning to bum his skin. For the first time in the whole of the time she had known him, Jake was actually beginning to exhibit the tell-tale signs of becoming harassed. His hair was rumpled where he had pushed his hand through it and she could see from his expression that he wasn't enjoying the attention and pity they were attracting from other motorists.
'It could be worse,' she comforted him with pseudo concern. 'I believe the latest model of this car has an optional new alarm system that actually cries, "Help, I'm being stolen"...'
She managed to keep her face straight as Jake gave her a look that should .have turned her to cinders.
'Very funny,' he told her savagely, reaching into the car to pick up his car phone, but Lucianna shook her head and told him gently,
'It won't work, Jake, not whilst the alarm's ringing; there's an automatic bar that means you can't...'
'Where's the handbook?' Jake growled, reaching towards the glove compartment, but once again Lucianna shook her head sorrowfully.
'That won't open, Jake, not—'
'Not whilst the alarm's ringing... I know,' he cut in tightly. Then he asked her grimly, 'What about the engine? I suppose that won't start either...?'
'I'm afraid not,' Lucianna agreed gently.
'All right. You stay here; there's a public call box round the corner. I'll go and ring the garage.'
'All right, but you'd better leave me with the keys,' she told him dutifully, and explained, 'If you don't someone might think that I've tried to break in...'

Silently Jake handed her the keys.
Lucianna waited until he was out of sight and then went into action. Just as well she had ignored his veto on her touching his precious car...
Humming to herself, she set to work. Ignoring the alarm and overriding the system to open the glove box and remove the owner's manual, whilst deftly unlocking the bonnet, within three minutes she had silenced the alarm and within another two located the fault, which, as far as she could see, was simply a matter of replacing a fuse. The alarms would have to be reset, of course, because she had overridden them, but she still felt very pleased with herself as she stood back and enjoyed the consequent silence of her handiwork, patting the car and telling her that she was a very clever girl.

'What the...?'
She smiled as she turned round in response to Jake's ominous voice, telling him calmly, 'It's stopped...'
Out of the corner of her eye she could see a car bearing the insignia of the garage which had supplied Jake with his car. As it came to a halt alongside them Lucianna stepped forward and told the mechanic when he climbed out, 'I've overridden the central nervous system and removed the electronic data coil,
but I think the main problem lies with one of the fuses...'
'More than likely,' the mechanic agreed, giving her an initial appraising and then approving look as he lifted the bonnet and checked what she had done.
'It's a problem we're having with these cars, and something that wasn't discovered in the retesting stage. We suspect it could be caused by changes in the air temperature, but we haven't enough evidence to make a firm decision on that yet...'
That was all the encouragement Lucianna needed; within seconds the pair of them were deep in conversation and it took Jake's grim, 'When the pair of you have finished...' to bring the young mechanic's enthusiastic praise of the manufacturer's latest electronic system to a faltering halt as he turned his attention back to Jake's car.

Ten minutes later, after the mechanic had gone and they were driving out of the car park, Jake turned to Lucianna and demanded coldly, 'All right, Lucianna, you've had your fun. When...?'
Lucianna didn't pretend not to understand what he meant.
'Er...the weekend you had to fly to Brussels. You asked David to drive you to the airport and then collect you when you got back because you didn't want to leave the car parked there because so many had been stolen; so whilst it was at the farm...'
'You ignored what I'd said and decided to start playing around with it... You do realise that it could have been your interfering that caused the fault in the first place.'
She watched his mouth harden as he swung the car out into the road. It felt good to know that there was one area at least where her knowledge was superior to Jake's, and even better to know that he knew it as well—knew it and didn't very much like it, if his thunderous silence was anything to go by.
Lucianna paused in the act of watering the plants she had lovingly rescued, freeing their poor constricted roots from the prison of the over-packed pots in which they had been planted, repotting them in a much more generously proportioned home.
They had repaid her love and care by flourishing despite all the taunting comments of her brother. Her father had been one of the old school of farmers, disdainful and impatient of anything grown for mere ornament and pleasure, and as a girl Lucianna had tended her small garden in secret, guiltily aware that her father would not have approved.

Now things were different, though, and even her brother had been impressed the previous summer when her planters and hanging baskets had not only attracted admiring comments from her customers and visitors, but had also won first prize at the local country fair.

On the other side of the yard her brother and sister-in-law were deep in conversation. Against all her own expectations Lucianna had quickly discovered that the books Jake had persuaded her to buy were giving her a fascinating new insight into other people's reactions and feelings, and now, a week after their purchase, she was discovering that she was becoming something of a people-watcher.

The way her brother was leaning over his wife, the way their bodies were touching, the way she was smiling up at him were all indicative of then- love and intimacy, and as she watched them Lucianna felt a painful welling of loneliness and envy.

Why was it that the ability to be attractive to and appeal to a man seemed to come so easily to others but not to her? Surely it wasn't just a matter of looking docile and demure, of deliberately appealing to a man's vanity, to his need to boost his own ego, because if it was she had too much respect for herself ever to adopt that kind of artifice. But no, it couldn't be. She only had to think of how strong Janey could be and how determinedly she held her own against David whenever she felt the need.

Sexual chemistry was easy to recognise but hard to define, according to The Art of Flirtation, and without it...
Lucianna turned back to her plants, but this time as she nipped off the dead heads her fingers weren't quite as steady. The relationship she had with John might not be smouldering with sexuality and passion but there was more to a good relationship, a meaningful relationship, the kind of relationship she, Lucianna, wanted with a man, than mere sex...
She glanced at her watch. Jake was due back this evening. He had been away on business for the last few days but he had telephoned her from his hotel this morning, instructing her to present herself at the Hall this evening so that they could start work on the new phase of "The Plan'.

Out of the comer of her eye she suddenly noticed the way her brother's hand had dropped to Janey's stomach.
It was no secret to Lucianna that her brother and Janey had been wanting to start a family for quite some time. Did that small possessive gesture she had just witnessed mean that she had now conceived?
Thoughtfully Lucianna watched the way her brother kept his arm around his wife's shoulders as they walked back to the house together. He was certainly being rather more physically protective and careful of her these days...or was it simply that she was more aware of the subtle messages of other people's body language which had hitherto been a closed book to her?

'Jake's still obviously not got around to taking you shopping yet' David teased, as Lucianna joined them in the kitchen tugging affectionately on her hair. 'I can't wait to see what he's got in mind for you. It will have to be black, of course—that way the oil stains won't show.'
'David...' Janey began to warn, but Lucianna shook her head and smiled.
'It's all right, Janey,' she told her. 'I know when I'm being wound up.'
Yes, she knew, but in the past she had always reacted with defensive anger to such teasing, she acknowledged. Overreacted, some might say, but since her eyes had been opened to the power and the potential of using her body language to work for her she had discovered that there were far more subtle ways of getting her arguments across than verbal arguing— and apparently, if the book on flirtation was to be believed, more ways of attracting a man's interest than by dressing provocatively.
In the privacy of her own bedroom she had already secretly been practising the small, telling gestures which were supposed to draw a man's attention



عرض البوم صور نيارااا  
قديم 13-11-07, 11:29 PM   المشاركة رقم: 27

التسجيل: Jun 2006
العضوية: 7129
المشاركات: 287
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: نيارااا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 43



نيارااا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : نيارااا المنتدى : الارشيف



HALFWAY through cross-questioning her on how much time and attention she had given the books she had bought, Jake had had to excuse himself to take a business call in the library. From the way he had been speaking to her since her arrival at the Hall she might have been a schoolgirl, Lucianna decided wrathfully, absently glancing at the TV screen she had just switched on, her eyes widening as she saw the couple on the screen start to kiss one another with passionate intensity. As the camera closed up on their faces Lucianna tensed and watched closely.

When she and John kissed she felt none of the intense passion this couple were so enviably sharing. No, John had certainly never kissed her the way the man on the screen was kissing the woman, holding her face in his hands as he pressed hungry, biting kisses onto her mouth and she responded, twisting and turning in his arms as though she couldn't get close enough to him.
Lucianna felt her heart start to beat faster, oblivious to Jake's return as she stared in fascination at the screen. The couple were kissing differently now, their mouths fused together, their breathing laboured.

'What's wrong, Lucianna? Hasn't John ever kissed you like that?'
At the sound of Jake's voice Lucianna spun round, her face burning hotly, embarrassed at being caught studying the screen as though she had actually been guilty of voyeurism.
'Y-yes, of course he has,* she told Jake fiercely, starting to stammer slightly and somehow unable to meet his eyes.
'I don't believe you,' she heard him challenge her suavely. 'In fact I don't believe you even know how to kiss like that...'
'Of course I do,' Lucianna asserted quickly.
'Yes? Then prove it,' Jake demanded softly. 'Come over here now and prove it to me, Lucianna... Kiss me...'
At first Lucianna thought that Jake couldn't possibly mean what he had said—either that or she must have misheard him—but when she searched his face for confirmation she realised with a fierce, sharp thrill of fear that he had meant it.
'You can't, can you?' she heard him saying softly to her. 'You can't and you don't—'
'I can,' Lucianna lied immediately.
'Prove it, then...'

How had Jake managed to move so quickly that he was now standing right next to her, one hand already cupping the back of her head, constraining her, preventing her from moving? His mouth was only centimetres away from hers. Nervously she licked her lips and heard him say, 'Well, that's an interesting start, but you're supposed to be the one kissing me, not enticing me into kissing you...'
Enticing him! Fear and anger, always a dangerously volatile cocktail of emotions, exploded inside her and before she could lose her courage Lucianna closed the distance between them, her lips firmly pressed together as she brushed them against Jake's mouth.
His lips felt cool and smooth and nothing whatsoever like John's, which if she was honest always felt just a little too wet and soft and—
'Call that a kiss? If that's the best you can do then no wonder you're having so much trouble with your love life... The wonder is that you've got one at all,' Jake told her succinctly.
Furious now, Lucianna opened her mouth to retaliate and then discovered that it was impossible for her to speak for the very good reason that, despite the fact that she was sure she had removed her lips from his, Jake's mouth was now covering hers, covering it and...

Involuntarily Lucianna's eyes widened, her gaze focusing helplessly on Jake's as she recognised that the movement of his mouth against her own felt nothing like John's and, moreover, that her response to it, to him, was nothing like anything she had ever experienced in her life before.
Why was her pulse hammering, over-revving so much that her heart felt as though it was going to jump into her throat? Why were her own lips trembling so much? Why did she feel this sudden strange, strong need to get even closer to Jake, so much so that she was, she recognised dizzily, actually pressing her body against his?
Why did she have this urge to make those soft keening, whimpering little sounds she could feel bubbling desperately in her throat?
To try to protest had been a mistake, she realised seconds later as her lips parted but no sound emerged, for instead of being free to speak, it was Jake who had the freedom to cover her now open mouth with his and to keep it open by pressing his thumb against her chin whilst he slowly stroked the tip of his tongue back and forth against her parted lips.
It must be that the deliberately slow-building rhythm of what he was doing was having some sort of mesmeric effect on her, she decided in shocked bemusement, because instead of trying to stop him she was actually, she was actually...

A vision flashed behind her closed eyelids, a mental image of the couple she had been watching on the television screen and the way they had been kissing.
To her shock, almost as though he had been reading her mind, Jake started to kiss her in the same way— quick, biting kisses interspersed with softer, longer ones that for some reason compelled her mouth to cling helplessly to his.
She felt as though she was lost, adrift, drowning in the unfamiliar torrent of sensation that engulfed her. Beneath her clothes her body was behaving, reacting to Jake in a way it had never reacted to John, nor to anyone else. Jake was caressing the nape of her neck as he kissed her now and his tongue was beginning to make slow, sensual forays into her mouth. His tongue!
Dizzily Lucianna dug her fingernails into Jake's arms, somehow managing to find the strength to tear her mouth away from his.

'You shouldn't have done that,' she told him stormily, all too conscious of her heightened colour and ragged breathing.
'No,' Jake conceded grimly. 'I shouldn't.'
Jake admitting that he was in the wrong? Lucianna could hardly believe it, and neither could she believe the extraordinary way in which she had responded to
his kiss. In fact she wasn't going to believe it, she told herself hastily. She was going to forget that the whole incident had ever happened.
She darted a wary look at Jake who had gone to stand in front of the window. He had his back to her.

'Tomorrow afternoon we're going shopping,' he announced abruptly, startling her. 'And this time...' He paused and then told her, 'If you want to be treated like a woman, Lucianna, then you're going to have to learn to dress like one.'
Lucianna was far too relieved that he hadn't made any reference to what had just happened between them to object to his plans for a shopping trip, or to the comment which had accompanied his announcement of them.
And besides, one totally unexpected offshoot from the hours she had stubbornly forced herself to spend people-watching had been a tentative awareness that there were other modes of dress for her sex apart from the two completely opposing sides she had previously believed existed.

There had been that woman she had noticed the other day, for instance, wearing neatly pressed, well-fitting jeans, an immaculate white shirt and a caramelly-coloured blazer which Lucianna had just known would feel wondrously soft to the touch, and to her own astonishment, as she'd studied her, Lucianna had experienced a wistful curiosity to know what it would be like to wear such clothes herself and with such confidence.
She had seen other women, of course, wearing garments she would never wear in a million years—tight, short Lycra skirts and equally tight, close-fitting leggings—but they too had exhibited the same careless confidence, a sort of insouciant ease which Lucianna was becoming increasingly aware that she did not possess.

She wore the clothes she did not just for practicality, as she had always insisted, she had been forced to recognise, but as a means of concealing herself, protecting herself. Almost as though if she was going to be accused of being unfeminine, unwomanly, then she might as well dress as though she wanted to be judged in that way.
She still wasn't sure where it had come from—this unfamiliar shy yearning for something different, to be someone different—and she was still very nervous and wary of it. But for the first time since she had started to grow up she was aware of a need within her to reach out towards the femininity she had previously fought so hard to deny.

Two hours later, with Jake still questioning her on her reading of the books she had bought, she had all but forgotten the turbulent and passionate moments she had spent in his arms.
Relaying the information she had gathered from the books back to Jake, she'd been surprised to discover just how much she had learnt, but if Jake was equally impressed he was concealing it well, his expression impassive, his profile turned slightly away from her, his whole manner towards her rather remote and withdrawn.
Only when she had impishly given him a demon stration of the 'mirroring' technique she had just been reading about did he actually seem to focus on her,
but if the brief flash of anger she saw in his eyes was anything to go by he wasn't as surprised by her progress as she had expected.

'Jake...' Instinctively she reached out to touch his arm, unaware herself of just how much her quick mind had picked up from her reading or just how much her new knowledge was already reflected in the way she moved, talked and smiled. Ten days ago she would never have dreamed of touching Jake or any other man—but more especially Jake—to get his attention, and yet now she was doing it as naturally as though it were something she had always done.
She smiled teasingly at him as she said, 'I think perhaps you ought to read the books as well. You're supposed to respond to this...' she touched him lightly again and moved slightly closer to him, giving him another teasing smile '...by looking properly at me and moving closer to me.'
'It's John you need to practise your flirting techniques on, not me,' Jake told her harshly, moving away from her, 'I think we'd better call it a night...'

Half an hour later, as she drove home, Lucianna felt an odd sense of let-down and disappointment. What had she been expecting? she derided herself. Not praise from Jake, surely? She knew him far too well for that. For as long as she could remember and certainly since she had been a teenager, he had done nothing but criticise her.
Once Lucianna had gone, Jake poured himself a large glass of whisky. He wasn't normally a drinker, but right now...
Just what the hell had he got himself into? And why? He shook his head in self-resignation. He didn't really need to ask himself that question, did he? But
until tonight he had managed to convince himself that his motives were, if not a hundred percent altruistic, then at least ninety-nine percent so.

Of course, what had happened tonight had blown that self-delusion totally apart. It had all been very well reminding himself at the start of how, as he had watched Lucianna growing up, he had often had to bite hard on his tongue to stop himself from quarrelling with her brothers, his friends, about the way they were treating their younger sister. Not that any of them had meant to hurt or harm her—it was just that because of their own upbringing they were unaware of how they were inhibiting her development as a woman, confident and happy in her femininity and her sexuality. He had seen...known, but then for him it was different. For a start, he wasn't Lucianna's brother.
Swearing under his breath, he poured himself another drink, going to sit down in one of the chairs drawn up close to the fire, resting his head back and closing his eyes.

He could still vividly remember the day, the hour, the moment he had recognised just how he really felt about his friends' baby sister, just why, when he was out on a date, instead of enjoying his date's company, he was constantly comparing her with Lucianna, knowing that he would rather be with her, enjoying her wickedly sharp sense of humour and its contrast with her still very naive emotions. He had gone round to the farm to see David, the kitchen door had been open and he had walked in. The telephone, which was located in the kitchen, had started to ring. Upstairs he had heard a door open and then Lucianna had come running downstairs and into the kitchen, hastily wrapping a thin towelling robe around her wet and totally naked body as she did so.
As soon as she had seen him she had crimsoned with embarrassment, a floodtide of colour which had run up her body, scorching her tender, pale skin, filling her nipples with hot colour which had made them look...

Jake swallowed hard. There were some memories that haunted a man for all his life, some sins. She had been all of sixteen and he... He swallowed again. He doubted he would ever get over the sense of shock and self-disgust he had felt at the urge to take hold of her, to wrap her in his arms and plunder the tight virginity of those thrusting, colour-flushed nipples with the hot suckle of his mouth, until she twisted and arched against him, returning the white heat of passion that was coursing through him, scorching him, torturing him, possessing him with the same overwhelming fury with which he wanted to possess her.
Of course he had done no such thing. Of course he had forced himself to turn away whilst she turned and ran back upstairs, and of course neither of them had ever referred to the incident again. But from then on he had taken good care to distance himself from her both physically and emotionally...especially emotionally.

But, of course, it had been too little and far too late. He had been a man then, more than old enough to recognise what he was experiencing, even if that recognition had been coloured by his own distaste, his disgust with himself for falling in love with someone who was still only a girl...a child.
He had tried to cut himself off from what he was feeling, calling himself a pervert and worse, but none of it had done any good. He had, however, comforted himself that he was at least in control of his feelings, totally and absolutely... Until tonight...

And he still wasn't sure just what it had been about seeing her this evening that had destroyed the barriers he had painstakingly built to protect her. Certainly he hadn't enjoyed hearing her talking about John, and certainly the mental image he had had of her kissing him had stretched his self-control to its limits. But it had been more than that, he recognised. There had also been that new air she had about her, that subtle but oh, so alluring sudden awareness of herself as a woman, which he had returned to find her wearing like a little girl pirouetting proudly in her new dress.
How long would it be before she became even more self-aware, before she realised just why he was so determined to hold her at arm's length? And when she did—what then?

He glanced at the telephone. The temptation to ring the farm and say that their arrangement was off was almost overwhelming. It would be easy enough to invent some business trip that would keep him out of the way for a few weeks, but he already knew that he wouldn't do it, that he couldn't do it.
If he loved her as much as he claimed, then surely he loved her enough to help her get what she wanted, the man she wanted. And perhaps once she was safely engaged to him, married to him, he would finally be able to get on with his life.
Lucianna might not be a child any longer, but her feelings for him were still those she had had as a child. She still disliked and distrusted him and there was no way now that he could tell her just why he had had to make her feel like that towards him—no way, no point.
He closed his eyes again. Had she any idea just how close he had come this evening to totally losing control? Just how much he had wanted, ached for her?

'I thought Jake wasn't picking you up until two,' Janey commented with a smile as she caught Lucianna glancing through the kitchen window.
'He's not,' Lucianna agreed, flushing slightly.
'You know, if I didn't know better,' her sister-in-law teased, I'd think you were actually looking forward to this shopping trip.'
'Which just goes to show the sacrifices a woman is prepared to make to get her man,' David interjected, saving Lucianna from the need to defend herself and deny Janey's allegations.

They had told her this morning that, just as she had suspected, Janey was pregnant, and she had felt quite pleased to be able to say truthfully to them that she had half suspected as much.
"That sounds like Jake now,' Janey warned her as a car pulled into the yard. 'Looks like he's as eager for this shopping expedition as you are...!'
'Eager to get it over with,' David muttered. 'I hate shopping...'
'If that's the opening shot in a campaign of getting out of going to choose the nursery equipment, then it's one you're not going to win,' Janey told him cheerfully, laughing at his expression. 'And, unlike you, Jake enjoys shopping, and he's got excellent taste, unlike some men I could name.'

To Lucianna's surprise, once they were in the car Jake announced that he wasn't taking her into the local town but to a new shopping complex which had recently been opened several miles closer to the city.
Lucianna had heard about the complex via one of her customers, who had visited it to buy her outfit for her daughter's wedding. And, whereas the old Lucianna would immediately have objected that there was no point in him taking her there, since she had no intention of listening to his dictatorial views on what she should and shouldn't wear, this new Lucianna found that she was actually having to suppress a small bubble of female excitement as well as the sudden rush of apprehension and familiar dread that the thought of having to go into the—to her— unfamiliar and alien world of clothes normally gave her.

From her books she now understood that how a woman chose to present herself visually carried a very strong non-verbal message, and that the male sex was highly receptive and indeed vulnerable to visual messages.
And as for the impulse which had led her the other day to buy a couple of unbelievably expensive and glossy fashion magazines along with her newspaper and the new car magazine she had originally intended to buy, well, she'd told herself that if she had to endure the self-inflicted torture of having Jake boss her around and tell her what to do she might as well grab what extra help she could to make sure she kept her ordeal as short-lived as possible.

Once she had got over the shock at their cost and past her initial reluctance to turn the first page, she had discovered the cut and line of expensive clothes was, in many ways, as interesting to study as the design of a new car, and she had quickly found that, as with cars, her taste ran to the clean and simple, which would endure, rather than the fussy and over-ornamented—styles which were gimmicky. And already, although Lucianna herself wasn't aware of it, what she had seen not just in the magazines but also through her people-watching exercises had begun subtly to exert an influence over her.

Jake, though, had noticed that the jeans she was wearing were a slightly better fit than the oversized ones she normally favoured, and the crisp white shirt, although still a man's and, he suspected, one she had purloined from her brother's wardrobe, was much more flattering than the heavy checked work shirts she normally wore.

Lucianna was forced to admit to herself that she was impressed by the shopping complex as she and Jake walked across the thankfully not too busy paved piazza area. Sapling trees, shrubs and attractive planters 'interspersed with seats, along with a good mixture of restaurants, bars and coffee shops, all of which had pleasant outdoor seating areas, all helped to lend a relaxing and almost continental atmosphere to the place, and Lucianna was also impressed by the absence of litter and general air of cleanliness.
'Where do you want to start?' Jake asked her. 'Or would you prefer to have a cup of coffee first?'
The thought of a cup of coffee was tempting, and not just as a means of a delaying tactic, Lucianna acknowledged, but she still shook her head determinedly. Now that they were here she wanted to get the whole thing over and done with as quickly as possible.
'What's wrong?' Jake taunted her softly. 'Afraid you might lose your nerve?'
Lucianna flashed him a disdainful look and tossed her head, denying fiercely, 'Certainly not.'
Hiding his smile at her predictable reaction, Jake indicated a shop on the other side of the square. Lucianna started to walk towards it and then stopped, frowning slightly and hesitating.

The understated elegance of the window display seemed to indicate that it would be one of those shops with the kind of assistants who would look down their elegant noses at her and make her wish she were a million miles away, but Jake was walking determinedly towards it and she wasn't going to have him thinking that she was nervous or, even worse, afraid.
'This shop is part of a European chain that specialises in providing a specific look which continues from season to season,' Jake explained.
'Really? How interesting,' Lucianna replied, covering her growing feeling of insecurity and panic with the sarcastic retort, adding, 'Well, that must make things easy for you, I suppose. If you bring all your girlfriends here for their clothes, then at least you won't miss recognising the latest one in the street.'
'And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?'
Lucianna was shocked into instant immobility as, instead of treating her comment with the contemptuous amusement she was used to, Jake suddenly wheeled round to confront her, his mouth a dangerously thin line and his eyes cold with anger.
'It...it wasn't meant to mean anything,' Lucianna denied. 'It...it was just supposed to be a...joke...'
'A joke?' Jake's eyebrows rose. 'Really? Well, I don't find it particularly funny to be accused of being the kind of man who has a chain of interchangeable bimbos dragging through his life, and for your information I have never suggested nor would I ever insult anyone by doing so, that a woman is some kind of doll, a toy, to be dressed up or undressed at my or any other man's whim. And furthermore I find it extremely unamusing, not to say offensive, that you should 'suggest I might,' Jake informed her acerbically.

Despite the fact that his obvious anger had shocked her, Lucianna fought back valiantly, determined not to be left wrong-footed, as she pointed out, 'Well, I'm sorry if I've got the wrong impression, but you're the one who's always changed his girlfriends more frequently than most men change their...their socks...' ! 'Really?' Jake challenged her. 'Do go on... It seems to me that you know more about my private life than I do myself.
'What a wonderfully insightful person you must be, Lucianna,' he marvelled sarcastically. 'And there I was thinking you never noticed anything that didn't come with wheels and an engine, and yet here you are, completely au fait with the most personal details of my life...more au fait than I am myself, as it happens, since the last time I had anything even approaching a relationship was—' He stopped speaking as Lucianna, unable to control herself any longer, interrupted him hotly to say, 'I don't know why you're so angry, or pretending to be so...so... I heard the way David used to boast about the number of girls you and he took out,' she reminded him. Both her eyes and her voice mirrored her feelings, revealing to him far more than she knew as she added defensively, 'I thought it...you were...disgusting... boasting and bragging like that and—'
'Not me,' Jake interrupted her cuttingly. 'I don't recall ever having discussed such a subject in your hearing, and in fact...'

Forced by the sheer grim sternness of his voice to reconsider her own hotly, hastily spoken words, Lucianna was obliged to concede reluctantly, 'All right...I might never have heard you say it, but you were part of it.. .part of what David was talking about. You and he—'
'He and I might once have behaved with all the boorish stupidity that teenage boys are capable of displaying at times,' Jake interrupted her to agree, 'but the wholesale seduction and abandonment of a series of defenceless, vulnerable teenage girls in the style you were implying was totally and completely fictitious.
'For one thing, you underrate the intelligence and sense of self-preservation of your own sex if you think otherwise, Lucianna...and, for another, teenage boys have a capacity for self-aggrandisement and exaggeration that knows no limits. It's a fault that most of us grew out of very quickly indeed, and the kind of boastful comments teenage boys make shouldn't be taken too seriously, you know...'
Lucianna shivered slightly as she turned away from him, her voice low and slightly shaky as she told him passionately, 'I hated hearing the way you talked about...about girls...and...'
'Sex?' Jake supplied softly for her.
Lucianna could feel her face starting to burn. Why, oh, why had she ever brought up this subject? It was something she found it hard enough to think about herself even in the privacy of her own thoughts, never mind discuss with anyone else—and most especially with Jake.
'Yes, I can understand how some of the things you overheard must have made you feel.' Pensively Jake watched her. Suddenly an awful lot of things were beginning to fall into place.
'No, you can't,' Lucianna contradicted him wildly, the panic starting to flood through her as she mentally relived the emotions and fears she had suffered through inadvertently listening in on her brothers' macho conversations coupled with the well-intentioned but clumsy lectures they had given her on the wisdom of the way she should behave with boys and the pitfalls that lay in wait for her if she didn't take heed of their advice.

'You're a man and you don't...you can't—' Abruptly Lucianna stopped, conscious that she had been on the verge of saying too much.
Jake, though, was refusing to let the subject drop, prompting gently, 'I can't what?'
Tight-lipped, Lucianna shook her head and looked longingly towards the interior of the shop. What ten minutes ago had seemed an inhospitable, unfriendly, alien place now seemed like a welcome haven when placed alongside Jake's unwanted probings into her most closely guarded thoughts and feelings.
'I can't what, Lucianna?' Jake persisted. 'I can understand how destructive, how emotionally and physically blighting it must be for a young girl on the brink of exploring her own sexuality and emotions to overhear a group of young men discussing such subjects without the guards they would normally put on their tongues in the presence of her sex.'
'It didn't do me any harm.' Lucianna immediately defended her brothers. 'In fact, it did me a favour. At least I knew what boys thought...'

'You knew what boys thought, yes,' Jake agreed quietly, 'but what about men, Lucianna? Did you...do you know how they think and feel, or did the lessons you inadvertently learned from your brothers go so deep that they instilled in you a fear and dread of being talked about as your brothers talked about their first sexual experiences? Did their conversations inspire in you such a dread of having all your dreams violated by the crassness of some boy who might later boast about his sexual conquest of you to his friends that sex is still something you view with distaste and embarrassment?'
'Of course not,' Lucianna denied quickly. 'In fact...' she tilted her chin towards him bravely as she lied '...I don't think anything of the kind... I—actually, I like sex; I like it a lot...'

'I see. So if I were to suggest that instead of continuing with our shopping trip you and I go back to the Hall and spend the afternoon in bed mutually enjoying sex you'd be perfectly happy to agree?'
Lucianna was almost unable to believe her ears, her shock showing in her eyes, her voice quavering betrayingly as she responded, 'No... No, I wouldn't.'
'But you just said you like sex,' Jake pointed out reasonably, 'and since I haven't had a relationship with anyone for quite some considerable time, and of course being a man...'
'I can't go to bed with you,' Lucianna protested squeakily.
'Why not? I'm no different from any other man,' Jake told her, adding silkily, with a deliberately sexual downward glance at her body, 'I don't intend to boast, but I think you'll find I'm equally satisfactory as any of the other men you've had.'
'Other men!' Lucianna's eyes rounded. 'I don't... there haven't... I think you're forgetting about John,' she managed to say.
'Ah, yes, John,' Jake agreed, but then added swiftly, 'But he isn't here, is he, and you and I...?'

Lucianna had had enough. Now that she was over the initial shock of Jake's astounding proposition, common sense was pointing out several salient facts to her. Tossing her head, she told Jake forthrightly, 'You're just trying to make fun of me. I know perfectly well you don't want to go to bed with me, you don't want to have sex with me...'
'You're right, I don't,' Jake agreed, but as he watched the emotions chase one another across her face he added mentally to himself, But I sure as hell want to make love to you, again and again and again, and if I had your precious brothers here with me now, friendship or not, I'd wring their wretched necks.

To Lucianna's relief he started to walk towards the shop, but as she made to follow him he stopped and turned back to her, catching her totally off guard as he asked her almost absently, 'Presumably there aren't any problems with the sexual side of your relationship with John...?'
Immediately Lucianna bristled.
'Of course there aren't,' she denied, thankful that Jake wasn't standing close enough to hear the way her heart was hammering. The last thing she wanted was for Jake of all people to discover her most closely guarded and shameful secret...which was that she was still a virgin.

Technically she knew what sex was all about, of course. How could she not do so with her outspoken elder brothers? Elder brothers who had not been merely outspoken in their frank teenage discussions about their own sex lives, when they thought she wouldn't understand or hear what they were saying, but who had been equally outspoken and frank in their fraternal advice to her about the way in which she should respond to any sexual approaches to herself.
'Say no and make sure you keep on saying no,' had been David's stern advice. "That way they'll know they can't take advantage of you and they'll respect you.'
'Yes, and if they don't they'll have us to answer to,' Lewis had added fiercely.
What they hadn't told her, though, Lucianna recognised, was when and how a girl changed her no to a yes and, even more importantly, as she was discovering via her relationship with John, how she should let a man know that she was ready to be given the option to do so.

In the early days of their relationship John had certainly been keen enough to try and coax her into bed, and she, faithful to her brothers' stem lectures, had very firmly said no, but in the weeks before his departure he had seemed quite happy with the tepid kisses and caresses they had exchanged and Lucianna had been at a loss to know how to generate a little more passion between them.
When she had tried tentatively to snuggle up a little closer to him he had simply asked her if she was cold; when she had tried to deepen the kisses they had shared he had seemed oblivious to the hints she was trying to give him.

Hopefully, though, the tips she had picked up via the books she had bought should help her to make things clear to bom, but it was a subject she certainly wasn't about to discuss with Jake. Jake, who, despite his surprising announcement earlier about the lack of any current relationship in his life, certainly had far more experience of her sex than she was ever likely to have of his.

Caught up in her thoughts, Lucianna suddenly realised that she had actually entered the shop and that the girl approaching her, far from being the haughty, disdainful type of person she had been dreading, was actually smiling at her with genuine warmth.
'Would you like some help?' she asked Lucianna. 'Or would you prefer to be left alone to browse?'
'We need—'
'I prefer to browse.'
Lucianna overrode Jake firmly, and just as firmly ignored his sardonic comment, meant for her ears only. "This isn't a jeans shop, you know,' he said as the girl retreated, returning to the pile of jumpers she had been folding when they'd walked in, leaving Lucianna and Jake on their own.
'I do know that,' Lucianna returned with pointed emphasis, before turning on her heel and, ignoring Jake, walking over to study a selection of colour coordinated clothes which had caught her eye.

At first sight, the plain, caramelly-coloured coordinates for which she was heading might have seemed dull in comparison to the much brighter range of clothes the shop also carried, but Lucianna had remembered seeing similarly coloured clothes being modelled by a girl with her colouring in one of her fashion magazines.
She reached out and touched the fabric of a pair of trousers uncertainly. It felt cool and silky soft. She frowned as she studied the swing ticket. Tencel', it said, which left her none the wiser apart from her instinctive awareness that Tencel, whatever it was, made the fabric feel good and hang well.
There was a brochure on a coffee table beside her turned open at a page depicting the trousers she was currently examining. In the photograph they were teamed with a neatly fitting short jacket casually unbuttoned over what looked like a plain cream silk top.

"This is our newest range,' the salesgirl announced helpfully, suddenly materialising at Lucianna's side. 'It's my favourite and I've really fallen for the shell,' she added enthusiastically, whilst Lucianna looked blank and wondered frantically what on earth 'the shell' was until she saw that Jake had removed a hanger with the cream silk top on it and was holding it out to her.
He said quietly, 'Yes, it would suit you, Luce.'
The top, of course; she remembered now seeing it described as a 'shell' in her magazine. For once she was too grateful for Jake's intervention to object to his interference, but that still didn't quite explain, as she told herself later, quite just how she came to be standing in front of him half an hour later, selfconsciously wearing not just the shell but the trousers and the jacket that went with it as well, along with the toning scarf, whilst the salesgirl enthused about the practicality of adding the sleeveless dress that was also part of the collection to the trousers, since the same jacket could be worn over it.

'I don't want...' Lucianna began, and then stopped,
a fiery blush staining her skin as she saw the way Jake was looking at her.
'What is it? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?' she hissed defensively at him whilst the salesgirl went to find the dress.
Jake shook his head.
'Nothing's wrong,' he responded shortly, but he was frowning, Lucianna noticed, and suddenly the burning feeling of self-confidence and heady, unfamiliar pleasure in her own appearance that she had experienced when she had studied her reflection in the changing-room mirrors evaporated, bringing her abruptly back down to earth, making her feel awkward and uncomfortable and longing for the protection of her heavy denims to replace the silk trousers she was wearing.

As he turned his back on her Jake questioned with quiet inner savagery if he was totally sane. Knowing what he did about his feelings for her, it had surely been total madness to bring Lucianna somewhere where he was forced to watch her outer transformation from chrysalis to butterfly. He knew just what effect she was going to have on the rest of his sex when they saw her lovely lissom body dressed in that outfit, was aware that, whilst outwardly perfectly respectable, she seemed to hint with every movement she made at the delicate femininity of the body the suit was supposed to cover and shield.

'You really do have the most wonderful figure,' the salesgirl enthused, coming back with the dress over her arm and pausing to admire the effect of her coaxing and tweaking as Lucianna paused, reluctant to respond, to listen to her.
'And that colour is definitely you as well,' she added truthfully. 'There's something about clothes like these that makes you feel and look so feminine, isn't there?' she said warmly, and Lucianna, who, after witnessing Jake's reaction, had been on the point of rejecting the outfit, hesitated and then frowned as she glanced into a mirror set at an angle to the shop floor several feet away.
In it she could just glimpse the back view of a woman wearing the same outfit as she was herself but on this woman it looked truly elegant, truly feminine. Lucianna lifted her hand to remove the scarf and then stood staring at the woman in the mirror, immobilised by the shock of realising that the reflection she could see was her own, that she was the woman who looked truly elegant, that the unfamiliar back view she had been admiring was, in actual fact, her own.
'I'll take it,' she told the girl positively, before she could allow herself to change her mind. 'All of it...and the dress as well,' she added.
The girl's smile widened.

Ten minutes later, as she paid for her purchases, Lucianna shot Jake a triumphant look. . He might not think she had what it took to be able to wear such feminine clothes,but the salesgirl had thought differently and so had she, Lucianna decided firmly. She couldn't wait to see John's face when he saw her wearing her new things.
'I hope you don't mind my saying so,' the salesgirl commented to Lucianna as she handed her a huge carrier bag containing her new clothes, 'but I love the highlights you've had woven into your hair. Would you mind telling me where you had them done...?'
Highlights! Lucianna gave her a puzzled look, whilst Jake, who had overheard their conversation, duly explained for her, I'm afraid they're the work of the sun.'
'You mean they're natural? Lucky you, the girl told her enviously. 'I have to pay a fortune for mine and they don't look anything like as good.'

Lucianna was still frowning as they left the shop. Highlights... Did the salesgirl mean those odd little goldy bits that had always lightened her hair in the summer?
'Coffee?' Jake suggested as he and Lucianna left the shop, but Lucianna shook her head and demanded instead,
'You didn't like it, did you? The outfit I just bought—you didn't like it. I could see it in your face...'
'On the contrary,' Jake assured her truthfully, 'I like it very much.' Where did it come from, he wondered ruefully, this female ability to sense and home in on any unwary male reaction with all the deadly accuracy of a heat-seeking missile?
'But you didn't like it on me,' Lucianna persisted. 'I suppose you think I'm not feminine enough, not womanly enough to wear it...'
Jake was frowning again now, she observed, his mouth hardening in that dangerous way that always made her heart start to beat just a little bit too quickly. Not that she was afraid of Jake's disapproval—no way...no way at all, she assured herself hastily.
'Anyway, I don't care what you think; it doesn't matter,' Lucianna informed him with a shake of her head before he could reply. 'It's what John thinks that matters...'
'What he thinks or what he does?' Jake demanded harshly, his own emotions overwhelming the need for caution and 'good sense. 'What kind of reaction is it you're expecting from him, Luce? What is it you want him to do? Take one look at you and want you so much that he can't wait to start ripping the things off you? Do you expect him to take one look at you and immediately declare his undying love? Because if you do...'
'Because if I do, what?' Lucianna challenged him angrily, her fingers curling tightly over the handle of the carrier bag as her face flushed with mortification. 'Just because you don't think I'm...that John loves me. Well, he does love me,' she told him proudly, 'and when he comes back...'
She paused, and Jake could see the tears she was fighting to blink away glittering in her eyes as he cursed himself inwardly for his stupidity. The last thing he'd wanted to do was to hurt her and he ached to be able to make her understand that loving someone, really loving them, had nothing to do with what they wore or how the rest of the world perceived them, and everything to do with what they were, and that a man who could only love a woman he could display on his arm like a pretty trinket wasn't, in his opinion, much of a man at all. But how could he



عرض البوم صور نيارااا  
قديم 13-11-07, 11:33 PM   المشاركة رقم: 28

التسجيل: Jun 2006
العضوية: 7129
المشاركات: 287
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: نيارااا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 43



نيارااا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : نيارااا المنتدى : الارشيف



'This way; we haven't finished yet.'
Lucianna frowned as Jake took hold of her upper arm in a firm grip and turned her towards the shop facing them.
'New underwear,' he added succinctly, although no explanation had really been needed—not with Lucianna well able to see what kind of apparel the shop he was indicating sold from the items on display in its window—undies which bore absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to the plain, sensible chain-store things she normally wore.
'I don't need any new underwear,' Lucianna denied untruthfully, glowering at Jake as she saw his disbelieving expression.
'No?' he questioned sardonically. 'You surely weren't planning to wear those no doubt sensible but far from sensually appealing items of female apparel you were removing from the washing line when I called round the other week for the welcome home seduction scene you're planning for John's return, are you? Because if so...' He paused without finishing what he was saying, and added obliquely, 'Besides, they'd show through under those silky trousers.'

Lucianna opened her mouth to argue with him and then closed it again.
She might need new underwear to complement her new clothes but there was no way she was going to buy it with Jake there.

'I haven't got time today,' she told him loftily. 'I've got a customer's car booked in for a service at half past four.'
'Really? Well, in that case we'd better make a move,' Jake accepted. 'It's almost four now,' he told her.
They were halfway back to the car when he suddenly said musingly, 'I suppose you could always do without any underwear at all; that way the fabric would certainly hang well and of course, as you'll no doubt have learned by now from your books, from a man's point of view it's a very definite ego boost to know that a woman wants you so much that she's already prepared herself for sex with you and she wants you to know it.'

Lucianna stopped dead and gave Jake a murderous look, her face burning with angry heat as she denied furiously, 'I would never do anything like that... How dare you suggest I might?'
The naivety of her angry indignation should have made him feel guilty instead of pleased, Jake acknowledged as they walked on with Lucianna maintaining a stormy silence, because he recognised that he had deliberately used a verbal description to conjure up an image he'd known she would find unappealing.
He could have, for instance, told her that there was nothing a man, and more specifically himself, would have found more erotic and emotional, as well as physically arousing than the knowledge that the only tantalising barrier between his hands, his mouth and her skin was the outward formality of her elegant trousers and top, and that beneath them her skin, her body, was deliciously and wantonly naked. He could have told her that nothing was guaranteed to make him ache more than to be with her in a public place knowing that... Determinedly he shook his head, reminding himself sternly of the danger of such thoughts.

It had been a shock to see her emerging from that changing room looking both so soignee and glamorous and yet at the same time too vulnerably unsure of herself. He had been hard put to it not to snatch her up into his arms and keep her there, to tell her exactly how he felt about her, how he had always felt about her, and for a moment the temptation had been such that it had been touch and go whether he would be able to control it—and himself.
Broodingly he watched her as she stormed across the car park ahead of him, still obviously angry with him, her head held high, shoulders back. Half of him wanted to take hold of her and show her physically if necessary just why a man who really cared, really loved her, would love her, want her exactly the way she was, and the other half prayed that she would never, ever have to suffer the disillusionment and pain of discovering just how unworthy of her love precious John actually was.

Lucianna hummed softly to herself as she gave the ancient Morris Traveller she had just been servicing a little pat. Bessie belonged to one of their neighbours, Shelagh Morrison, and Shelagh herself had inherited the car from her grandmother in Dublin, who had, in turn, been given her as a gift by her late husband, Shelagh's grandfather, and Bessie was therefore considered to
be more of a family pet than a mere car and had to be treated accordingly.
'She's horrendous to drive and expensive to keep and, if I'm honest, I much prefer my BMW,' Shelagh had confided once to Lucianna. 'And yet I just can't bring myself to part with her. I'm just thankful that you're able to service her for me. They told me at my BMW dealership garage that I was lucky to have found someone who could.'

Lucianna glanced at her watch now. She'd just got time to get Bessie washed and polished before Shelagh came to collect her. Her smile turned to a small frown as she saw a car come racing down the farm lane. Whoever was driving it was driving far too fast for the lane and its country environment and Lucianna's frown deepened as the car swung into the yard and she recognised its driver.
What was Felicity doing out here? She hadn't come to tell Lucianna that they'd had another fax from John, presumably. Lucianna wiped her hands on her dungarees and started to walk towards her.

In contrast to her own sensible mud- and farmyard-proof dungarees and boots Felicity was wearing spiky-heeled, strappy sandals and a short—very short, Lucianna noticed—white dress.
'Oh, Luc, good! I'm glad you're here!' Felicity exclaimed as soon as Lucianna was within earshot. 'My car is making the most peculiar noise; could you look, at it for me?'
'I can,' Lucianna agreed, glancing immediately at the car's relatively new number plate, 'but isn't it still under warranty?'
She remembered how impressed John had been when Felicity's then boyfriend had bought her the car as a twenty-first-birthday present, commenting much to Lucianna's chagrin, 'But you can't blame him for going overboard and trying to impress her. She is a real stunner..'

Stunner or not, she was certainly not mechanically minded, Lucianna decided ten minutes later, having run the engine of the Toyota and heard it making no noise other than a clean, healthy purr.
'What sort of noise was it making exactly?' she asked Felicity cautiously once she had checked out all the obvious potential faults.
'I don't really know...it was just...you know, a noise...' Felicity told her unhelpfully. 'Heavens, you are clever,' she added. 'I don't know the remotest thing about car engines. Not that I would particularly want to,' she added. 'All that dirt and grease... It must ruin your nails and your hands. Ugh...
'By the way,' she added conversationally when Lucianna made no response, 'who was that guy you were with when I saw you in town the other day? I rather thought I recognised him from somewhere but...'
'Jake, you mean?' Lucianna asked her as she closed the bonnet of the car. 'He's...' On the point of launching into an explanation of Jake's background and position in their local society, she suddenly changed her mind, alerted by some female sixth sense as to what was really behind Felicity's seemingly innocent question—which was confirmed by the predatory, eager look in the other girl's eyes. 'Oh, he's just a neighbour,' she said dismissively instead.
'A neighbour?' The other girl's eyes widened slightly and then narrowed as she gave Lucianna an assessing look before starting to smile and then laughing. "That's typical of you, Luc,' she commented, and then added for no apparent reason, 'I could never do a job like yours.'
'So you've already mentioned,' Lucianna agreed tersely.
'I'd hate having to wear such unfeminine clothes,' she continued, apparently oblivious to Lucianna's increasing desire to bring her call to an end. 'I like to wear soft, silky things next to my skin—silk underwear... Do you ever wear silk underwear, Luc?'
'Not under my dungarees,' Lucianna returned woodenly.
'I don't suppose you ever wear stockings either, do you, Lucianna?' she queried, giving Lucianna a faintly malicious look. 'John often teases me about wearing them.'

Lucianna looked away from her, determined not to let her see how hurtful she found her revelations— revelations which she was beginning to suspect were fully intended to be hurtful and to underline the differences between them. Well, anyone could buy a pair of stockings—and wear them. Lucianna's heart suddenly seemed to start beating a little faster.

That was twice now within the same twenty-four hours that she had been told that her choice of underwear lacked man-appeal, and even the book she had been reading on flirtation had stressed that it was perfectly acceptable for a woman to indulge in a small amount of sensually teasing dressing.
She took a deep breath as she came to a sudden decision.
'I can't see that there's anything wrong with your car,' she told Felicity firmly. 'But it might be as well if you took it back to the dealership and got them to check it over just in case.'
She looked at her watch. 'I'm sorry but I've got to get the Traveller washed and polished before its owner comes back for it.' And then, quite deliberately, she turned away from the other girl to show her that she expected her to leave.
If Felicity was so determined to make fun of her then Lucianna couldn't stop her, but she certainly wasn't going to help her, nor was she going to let her use her as a means of trying to get an introduction to Jake.

Did she really think that she, Lucianna, was so stupid, so lacking in female awareness, that she wouldn't realise just what she was really after underneath all that patently untrue concern about her car? If Felicity had been a little bit more open and honest with her, if she hadn't taken such delight in underlining the fact that John found her attractive, then she might have felt more inclined to help, Lucianna decided. And she might even have felt enough female fellow-feeling for her to warn her that Jake was no stranger to female admiration, even though he might have said to her this afternoon that it had been a long time since his last relationship.

Determinedly keeping her face averted, Lucianna didn't turn round until she heard the Toyota's engine die away as the other girl drove back the way she had come. If she was so interested in Jake then let her find another way of bringing herself to his attention. The two of them would be well suited, Lucianna decided angrily.
'What's wrong with you? You haven't spoken a word all through supper,' David said in concern.
'Nothing's wrong,' Lucianna told her brother quickly.

In point of fact the reason why she had not contributed very much to the suppertime conversation was that she was still reflecting on the events of the day. As she looked towards the window, she was mentally contrasting the visual difference between her own dungaree-clad body and the sultry, deliberately sensual swing of Felicity's hips in the short skirt she had been wearing, the way she had run her fingertips down along her thigh as she'd moved. She recalled the other girl's comment about how John teased her about her stockings.
There had been stockings in the window of that underwear shop Jake had directed her attention to this afternoon—stockings attached to the most frivolously feminine garter, with a tiny pair of briefs to match.

'I'm going over to Ryedales tomorrow. They're taking delivery of a new state-of-the-art harvester and bailer. Want to come with me?'
Lucianna looked at her brother then shook her head.
'I can't,' she told him. 'I've...I've got some shopping to do.'
Behind Lucianna's back Janey quickly and very firmly shook her head in her husband's direction, warning him not to make any comment.
'Lucianna going shopping... I don't believe it,' David commented to Janey later, when they were on their own. 'She's really got it badly for this John.'
'She's a woman, David,' Janey reminded him gently. 'And she's just beginning to discover the pleasure of what being a woman means, of taking pride in herself and her femininity.'
'But she's always been such a tomboy...'
'Because that was what all of you expected her to be,' Janey told him firmly. 'But she isn't a teenager any more, she's a woman now, and a very, very attractive one...'
'Luce,' Janey confirmed, shaking her head in faint exasperation at the brotherly disbelief in his voice and adding spiritedly and, so far as David was concerned, very cryptically, 'And if you don't believe me then ask Jake...'
'Jake...? What...?'
Shaking her head again, Janey gave him an enigmatic smile.
Men. Why was it that even the nicest of them could be so obtuse at times?
'Jake's been on the phone,' Janey announced as Lucianna walked into the kitchen the following morning. 'He's got to go away for a few days—something about some business matters needing attention.'He said to tell you that he'll be back by the end of the week.'

Jake was away. Lucianna's heart gave an unexpectedly intense flurry of small thuds which she told herself quickly were no doubt due to relief that she would be relieved of his odious and demanding presence for a small oasis of time.
She suddenly found herself wondering whether these business matters Jake so unexpectedly had to attend to might involve the presence of a female travelling companion, a someone with whom Jake might share whatever private time these business matters might allow him, a someone who might enjoy being taken shopping and dressed up in those same, so silky, frivolous bits of nonsense which had kept manifesting themselves throughout her troubled dreams last night. Not that she cared. No, of course she didn't. Why should she? Jake could buy underwear for as many other females as he chose—it was nothing to her! Nothing at all.

Janey frowned as Lucianna pushed away her cereal virtually untouched. Perhaps David was right after all and Lucianna did genuinely love John. Janey sincerely hoped not—for several reasons!
'I'd better go upstairs and get changed. I've got some shopping to do this morning,' Lucianna told her sister-in-law, abruptly coming to the decision she had been tussling with.

It was an easy enough task for Lucianna to drive to the shopping complex and find the shop Jake had pointed out to her the previous day. What proved far harder was actually making herself open the shop door and go inside.
In the end it was the friendly and slightly concerned smile of the girl behind the counter inside the shop, who had already glanced in her direction several times, that finally gave Lucianna the impetus to push open the door and go in.
'It is hard to choose, isn't it?' the girl commented as Lucianna glanced uncertainly around, thoroughly bewildered not just by the multiplicity of styles and colours in which the underwear was displayed but also by the confusing language in which it was described. 'Would you like some help?' the salesgirl continued.

Lucianna took a deep breath, nodding. Since she was the only customer in the shop she didn't exactly feel comfortable fibbing that she was simply browsing.
'Are you looking for something for yourself?' the salesgirl queried, and when Lucianna nodded again she enquired further, 'Is it for a special occasion or to go under a specific outfit? For instance, we recommend either a string or these to go under trousers,' she explained, taking in Lucianna's jeans-clad figure with a brief but professional glance and pointing to a nearby display.

The 'string', as she described it, made Lucianna gnaw worriedly at her bottom lip. She could just imagine Jake's reaction to the idea of her wearing such a delicate feminine wisp of underwear.
'It's far more practical and hard-wearing than it looks,' the salesgirl informed her, taking it off its hanger and proving her point by stretching the skimpy white lace garment.
'I wear them myself, and they're great under even the tightest jeans or anything where you don't want to show any knicker line. My boyfriend thinks they're rather neat as well,' she added with a conspiratorial grin.

'We do sell these as well, of course,' she added, her voice and expression thoroughly professional once more as she replaced the string with its fellows and removed the other pair of knickers she had pointed out to Lucianna.
'Big knickers, we call them,'. she explained wryly, 'and of course they do give an equally neat outline, but we do tend to find that they don't sell quite as well as the strings. Men don't like them,' she told Lucianna, before turning away and waving her hand around the shop floor. 'Of course, if you're after something a little bit more frivolous, something that's more fluty than functional, we do several mix-and-match ranges that include everything from silk or satin teddies right through to balconette bras, French knickers...'
Lucianna took another deep, steadying breath and, before she could lose her nerve, blurted out, 'Er... actually, I was wondering... Do you sell suspender belts?'

To her relief the girl didn't betray by so much as a flicker of an eyelash that she found anything unusual in her request.
'Oh, yes, they're over here,' she told Lucianna, indicating and walking towards another display.
'I must say I don't wear them very often myself since I tend to go for trousers rather than skirts, but just once in a while I have to admit there's something rather special and sexy about wearing stockings.
"This is one of our most popular ranges, especially with brides,' she said, removing a delicate garter belt of white silk and lace from the rack and holding it out for Lucianna's inspection. 'We do a matching strapless bustier-cum-corset piece, which is ideal for strapless dresses, but if it's just the belt you want I can definitely recommend this one. And these are the briefs that go with it,' she added, reaching for a pair which Lucianna could see on a display behind her.
'Of course, you'll probably need a small size,' she added thoughtfully, subjecting Lucianna to a professional inspection. 'And if you were thinking of buying
a bra to go with them as well, then I'd definitely recommend that we measure you properly to make sure we get the right fit.'

In the end it was a good two hours before Lucianna finally left the shop.
In addition to the suspender belt and two pairs of stockings she had also bought the briefs and a pretty bra that matched the belt and briefs, although she had complained to the salesgirl that there was so little of it that she wasn't sure how on earth it could be so expensive.
'Wait until the man in your life sees you wearing it,' the salesgirl had advised her with a grin. 'Then you'll know it was worth every penny! Trust me...I know!'
She had also purchased two other bras in a shimmery and virtually transparent soft, coffee-coloured Lycra, and their matching strings, which the girl had assured her were just the thing to wear beneath white or any kind of transparent fabric, since, once on, their unusual colour meant that they could not be detected.

Once outside again in the sunshine, Lucianna decided that the odd and unfamiliar sense of light-heartedness and recklessness that seemed to be propelling her across the piazza in the direction of a shoe shop the salesgirl had recommended to her must have something to do with the fact that she hadn't eaten her breakfast—just like the disturbing mental images that kept on popping up out of nowhere, showing herself dressed in all her new finery—including the new underwear—whilst Jake gazed on in stunned awe!
Why on earth it should be Jake rather than John who was stunned speechless by her transformation she had no clear idea... Perhaps it had something to do
with the fact that it was Jake who had suggested she buy the stuff in the first place.

The saleswoman in the shoe shop showed every sign of being equally helpful and knowledgeable about the goods she was selling as the girl in the underwear shop had been, but by now Lucianna was well into her own stride and, with an aplomb and sense of assurance which startled herself a little, she very quickly and calmly picked out a pair of lightweight shoes to wear with her new silk suit plus a pair of strappy sandals which, as yet, she had nothing in her wardrobe to wear with—unless, of course, you counted the stockings and suspenders!

It was now definitely time for her to go home, Lucianna decided dizzily as she emerged from the shop clutching her parcels, but first she needed a cup of coffee. And it was whilst she was seated on the pavement under an umbrella to protect her from the heat of the sun that she noticed the banner hanging in the window of the chemist's on the other side of the road, announcing that they were giving free make-up demonstrations and make-overs to anyone who wished to avail themselves of this treat.
Without knowing quite how it had happened, Lucianna found herself inside the chemist's enjoying the cool draught of their airconditioning whilst she studied the vast array of cosmetics on sale.

Her brothers had teased the life out of her when she had first started experimenting with make-up in her early teens, and David had even gone so far as to make her wash off the garish red lipstick and bright blue eyeshadow which she had secretly saved her pocket money for weeks to buy. But the kind of makeup on sale here was very different from the cheap, brightly coloured cosmetics she had bought as a young girl, she realised. Very different...
'Would you like some help?'
As she turned her head towards the smiling salesgirl approaching her, Lucianna bowed to the inevitable.

Back at the farmhouse David glanced frowningly at his watch.
'Luce can't still be shopping,' he told Janey. 'She's been gone for over four hours.'
'Of course she can,' Janey replied smugly, adding with a smile, 'She's a woman.'
Thoroughly baffled, David retreated into the farming article he had been reading. He might not be an expert on the female sex like Jake was, but he knew when he was beaten!
'It would be just your luck for this—' Janey patted her small bump lovingly '—to turn out to be a girl,' she told him, correctly guessing what he was thinking.
'Girl or boy, I don't honestly mind,' David told her truthfully, putting down his magazine and walking round the table to take her in his arms and hold her, hold them both, tenderly. 'In fact, so far as I'm concerned you can go ahead and produce a whole tribe of girls...'
'I can produce?' Janey scoffed. 'You're the one who decides what sex our offspring are going to be, and as for us having a tribe



عرض البوم صور نيارااا  
قديم 13-11-07, 11:41 PM   المشاركة رقم: 29

التسجيل: Jun 2006
العضوية: 7129
المشاركات: 287
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: نيارااا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 43



نيارااا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : نيارااا المنتدى : الارشيف



LUCIANNA frowned critically as she studied her reflection in her bedroom mirror. With David and Janey out of the way on a rare night out together, she had taken the opportunity to experiment with her new make-up purchases, and not just her make-up, she acknowledged as she stared intently into her mirror, trying to gauge if she had followed the salesgirl's advice, or if she ought to add just a touch more depth to the eyeshadow she had so carefully and nervously applied.

'With your colouring, taupes and muted colours will suit your eyes best,' the girl had told her, laughing sympathetically when Lucianna had relaxed enough to tell her ruefully about her unhappy experiments with bright blue eyeshadow.
Now, with the taupe eyeshadow highlighting the size and colour of her eyes, Lucianna was slightly startled to see how both that and the softly pretty coral lipstick she was wearing brought out and emphasised the femininity of her facial features in a way which made her look and feel very different from her normal workaday self.

Would John be similarly surprised?
He had rung her earlier in the day, but she had had a customer waiting to collect her car and so their conversation had been rushed and not very satisfactory. John had sounded distant and on edge, more concerned with telling her all about the way he was being feted by his colleagues in the Canadian office than interested in talking to her about their own relationship.
Their relationship.

Rather nervously Lucianna stepped back from the mirror and studied her reflection full-length, forcing herself not to look away from what she saw but to examine herself. It was just as well she wasn't wearing any blusher—the rosy glow colouring her skin was more than colour enough—and even though she knew it was ridiculous to feel embarrassed by her own reflection, and in the privacy of her own bedroom, Lucianna couldn't help it. The reflection in front of her was just so very different from the one she was used to seeing.

After she had finished work she had showered and washed her hair, which was still hanging loosely around her shoulders in a thick, silky cloak which she privately deemed rather untidy but which for some reason seemed to highlight the delicacy of her facial bones and the softness of her skin. But it wasn't her face or her hair which was causing her to feel abashed. No, it was the fact that she had taken advantage of David and Janey's absence not just to try out her new make-up but to try on her new undies as well.

What would John think if...when he saw her like this...? Would he notice, as she had done herself, how delicate and slender her legs looked clad in such sheer stockings? Would he...? What would he think... say...Lucianna took a deep gulp of ah-...when he saw the frivolous lacy affair that was holding them up? What would his reaction be to her-new bra—a bra which was nothing like any she had ever worn and which it had taken all the salesgirl's earnest professionalism and sincerity to assure her was perfectly respectable and one of their customers' firm favourites?

'And, as if all that weren't enough, there was, of course, the string. Lucianna took another gulp of air... From the front it looked if not exactly as sturdy as her normal knickers then certainly not more revealing than a rather high-cut bikini, but from the back...! As yet she hadn't managed to pluck up the courage to study her back view, and the mirror in her room wasn't exactly ideal for.doing so.

In Janey and David's room there was a much better full-length mirror which could be angled. Lucianna glanced doubtfully at the high-heeled sandals she was wearing. So far she had only walked across her own bedroom floor in them—and had felt as vulnerable and awkward as a newborn colt.
Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that sooner or later she was going to have to appear in them in public, so the sooner she learned to walk properly in them the better, and since she could hardly service her customers' cars wearing them she had better make use of every chance she got to practise.
After all, there was no one around to witness her ineptitude, nor her shy awareness of how very different she looked and felt, nor how very much more aware of herself, her body, her womanliness, she suddenly was.
She started to walk tentatively towards the bedroom door.

The business meeting he had been called to in Paris so unexpectedly to attend had proved rather more fraught than Jake had anticipated but, in the end, he had had bis way—but not before he had had to argue bis point with some force. Along with the estate, he had inherited a considerable portfolio of stocks and shares to which he had, over the years, added other investments of his own, latterly moving into the area of helping others to set up their own small businesses and taking not just a financial but also a managerial interest in those businesses.

It was a high-risk enterprise and one which required steady nerves as well as a good deal of patience and faith in one's own judgement, and Jake's trust in his own judgement had been sorely tested of late.
There had been a delay at Charles de Gaulle and it had been a hot day; he was glad to be free of the stale, fume-filled air of the motorway but the drive ,home was not giving him its usual sense of release and pleasure. He turned off the main road and into the lane that led both to the farm and then on to his own home; he automatically checked his speed as he drove past the turn-off for the farm and then, instead of accelerating, for some reason he wasn't prepared to analyse, he braked instead.
Braked, stopped, reversed, and then finally took the side turning for the farm.

A little uncertainly at first, then with increasing confidence as she got used to the height of them, Lucianna walked up and down the landing in her new, delicate, high-heeled sandals. It certainly felt most peculiar, but not in the least unpleasantly so.
She frowned a little critically as she caught sight of her unvarnished toenails. The stockings she was wearing were completely sheer, designed to be worn,
if necessary, with open-toed shoes, and it seemed now to Lucianna that a pretty but discreet application of a soft shiny colour to her toenails would complement both her shoes and the sheer delicacy of her stockings, rather in the same way that she would have advised a customer that those all-important touches such as keeping the bodywork of their cars clean and polished were also part and parcel of keeping their vehicles in good working order.
Now that she had mastered the art of walking in her new shoes—well, sort of—it was time to venture into David and Janey's room and study her reflection in their mirror.

Once she was inside their room, though, Lucianna found she was having great difficulty in bringing herself to look at what she was wearing. Her heart had started to beat very fast and she was conscious of a mixture of apprehension and nervous excitement churning hi her stomach.
Unsteadily, she turned her head in the direction of the mirror and then tensed in shock. Was that really her? That unexpectedly tall, long-legged creature— long-legged woman? she corrected herself shakily. And those curves...that tiny waist, those softly rounded breasts; where had they come from? She didn't normally make a habit of studying her own naked body but surely she would have known, noticed, if her body was really as sensual, as womanly as its mirror image now reflected? Was it the soft light of David and Janey's bedroom that gave her skin its satiny sheen?
Hesitantly, Lucianna touched the smooth swell of her breast above the dainty cup of her bra and then flushed. She looked so different, so... Peeping over
her shoulder, she glanced uncertainly at her neatly curved and very provocatively rounded rear.

Totally absorbed in what she was seeing, she didn't hear Jake drive into the yard and stop the engine of his car.
The lights were on in the farmhouse kitchen and upstairs as well and, out of habit, Jake merely knocked briefly on the unlocked kitchen door before pushing it open and walking in. After all, he had been a regular visitor here at the farmhouse from boyhood and had long ago been instructed by David and Janey that he was not to stand on ceremony, that so far as they were concerned he was virtually an adopted member of the family.

The fact that there wasn't anyone in the kitchen wasn't particularly unusual; it was too early in the evening for David and Janey to have gone to bed, and since he had noticed as he'd driven up that then- bedroom lights were on he opened the kitchen door and stepped into the hall, intending to call up to warn them of his arrival, but, before he could do so, their bedroom door opened.
The uncertainty in Lucianna's movements as she opened David and Janey's bedroom door and stepped out onto the landing wasn't due as much to her unfamiliar footwear as to her unfamiliar self.

If the reflection of herself she had seen in the dress shop earlier in the week had surprised and pleased her that was nothing to the emotions she had experienced just now. Her reflection might have unnerved her somewhat but there was no doubting its femininity... sexuality...her femininity and sexuality. She paused in the open doorway, arching her neck, standing proudly, a small, secret smile curling her mouth.
Let Jake try telling her now that she needed to look to others to learn how to be a woman; that she needed to adopt their body language in order to make John appreciate her.
Suddenly, and for the first time in her life, Lucianna knew how it felt to be proud of her womanhood, of her body, and it showed in the way she held herself and moved as she started to walk towards her own room.
And how it showed!

Initially, standing in the hallway below her, Jake simply couldn't believe his eyes—or rather his brain was having difficulty in accepting that what he saw, who he saw, was Lucianna. His body was experiencing no such problems. It had recognised her straight away, recognised her, known her, reacted to her and was still reacting to her, and suddenly all the emotions he had been fighting to control for what, right now, felt like more than half his lifetime, exploded in a self-igniting flash of feral anger that caused him to take the stairs two at a time, blocking off Lucianna's access to her bedroom with his body as he demanded furiously, 'Lucianna...what the hell do you think you're playing at?'

To say she was shocked didn't begin to go anywhere near describing Lucianna's feelings. The totally unexpected sight of Jake coupled with the intensity of his anger would have been enough to put her on the defensive at the best of times, but to be confronted by it and by him in her present state of undress... It would have been bad enough to have been surprised by anyone, even to be faced by Janey, just at the moment The only reason she had found the courage to do what she had just done, to try on her new underwear and... Well, the only reason she had done what she had was that she had been secure in the knowledge that she had the house completely to herself.
And if anyone had asked her who the last person, the very last person was whom she would have wanted to see her like this she would immediately have said Jake. And yet here he was, looking at her with such savagery, such fury that...

'Where is he?' she heard Jake demanding furiously as he reached out to constrain her, to grab hold of her wrist, preventing her from fleeing, retreating back into David and Janey's bedroom.
'He...? What he?' Lucianna queried in bewilderment as she tried to prise his fingers free of her wrist.
'What he? The one you've dressed yourself up like that for of course,' Jake told her bitingly. 'And don't tell me there is no "he", Lucianna, because I won't believe you.' His eyes scanned her body, causing her face to burn a hot, embarrassed dark pink and then her whole body to become scorched with the same colour. She suddenly realised that for some totally unfathomable reason her nipples beneath the delicate fabric of her new bra had hardened and were now quite clearly visible in all their pouting provocation, and Jake had seen them; that much was clear from the way he turned his head and looked so intently at her body.
Instinctively, she placed her free arm across her breasts, her eyes flashing daggers of embarrassed fury at him.
'It's a bit late for that,' Jake told her scathingly. 'You might as well be stark naked—you damn well nearly are.'
'I am not,' Lucianna denied. 'I'm wearing the new underwear you told me to buy' she defended herself bravely.
'I told you to buy?' Jake checked himself and frowned. 'Don't try to tell me you bought this stuff you're wearing—this...these—because of me,' he told her bitingly.
'Why not?' Lucianna challenged him recklessly. 'It's the truth; you were the one—'

Abruptly she stopped speaking, her face going bright scarlet as she realised what she had been about to say, what she couldn't possibly say, and that was that five minutes ago, standing in front of her brother and sister-in-law's bedroom mirror, although it might have been John's reaction to her transformation and her shy realisation of her own sexuality she had first of all been thinking about, to her chagrin, it had been Jake's voice, Jake's face, Jake's reaction she had instinctively pictured.

Just for those few heart-stopping and instantly rejected heartbeats of time it had been Jake's hands, Jake's mouth, Jake's touch she had emotionally imagined caressing her near-naked body. To her horror, even as she fought back the treacherous memory of those few fatal seconds, her body was already wilfully reacting to it, her nipples flouting her fervent plea to them not to betray her, whilst deep down inside her body...

'So you dressed like this because of me.' she heard Jake demanding grittily and disbelievingly, releasing her wrist abruptly as he added with a growl, 'Lucianna...'
But as she turned in instinctive response to the harsh command in his voice suddenly his expression changed completely, his hand reaching out towards her again but not this time to restrain her in the old, familiar critical grip he had used on her since her childhood, but, far more dangerously, to gently cup the soft swell of her breast.
His thumb caressed the naked flesh above the low-cut cup of her new bra, caressing it and, Lucianna recognised dizzily, edging the fabric even lower so that she could quite clearly see the flushed dusky pink flesh surrounding her nipple and, even more disturbing, feel the urgent pulse of her nipple itself, as though it were silently urging Jake to pull away the fabric altogether.
'Because of me?' she heard Jake repeating in a very different voice from the one he had used earlier, a voice which held an unfamiliar, faintly rusty but wholly male message of urgency and arousal. 'Or for me?'

For him...? Lucianna opened her mouth to deny any such thing, heard Jake say her name in an excitingly harsh voice she had most certainly never heard him use before, and automatically and instinctively took the small provocative step, the fatal step forward that closed the minute distance between them, her body swaying provocatively, unsteadily, as she tried to balance on her new shoes, throwing her forward against him.
'Oh, God,' she heard Jake mutter under his breath, 'I must be crazy doing this.'
Doing what? she tried to ask, but found she couldn't say a single thing, for the very simple reason' that Jake's mouth was now covering hers and silencing every sound she tried to make, including her small shocked squeak of protest.

Later she would try to tell herself that it must have been the new shoes that caused her to feel so dizzy, just as it must have been the fact that she was only wearing her underwear that made her shiver and draw closer to the warmth of Jake's fully clothed body— fully clothed maybe, but she was not so naive that she couldn't recognise the surging hardness of his body as she pressed her own against him and then pressed herself against him again, carried away by the novel discovery that what she had read in her books had quite patently been correct and that men were responsive to a woman's body language.

Lost in the heady awareness of the power of her sensuality, she was dimly aware of Jake groaning hoarsely as he cupped her face with both hands, but it was only when she felt the urgent thrust of his tongue within the vulnerable cavity of her own mouth that she recognised just what her innocent experimentation had done. By then...by then, inexplicably, all she really wanted to do, all she could actually think of doing, was to wrap her arms around Jake just as tightly as she could whilst her senses spun under the sensual assault of his kiss.

When he finally paused to lick the outline of her mouth with the tip of his tongue and command, 'Kiss me back,' it seemed to be the most natural, the most essential thing in the world to do just as he had asked, tentatively at first and then with more assurance as she discovered the heady delight of exploring the moist heat of his own mouth with the darting, uncertain tip of her tongue.
But it was when he captured it, held it prisoner and slowly, delicately sucked on it that she finally realised how out of her depth she was and in what dangerous waters—waters in which the only thing she had to cling to, in which her only safety and security lay in trusting herself completely to Jake and letting him take the responsibility for her.

She opened the heavy-lidded eyes she had closed, trembling in his arms as he traced her swollen mouth with his fingertip. He told her huskily, as she shuddered under the sensual caress, her mouth unbelievably sensitive to his touch, 'If that's how you react to being kissed, I can just imagine how you're going to feel when it's your breasts, your nipples—you—that I'm sucking and kissing...'
Lucianna couldn't help it; she felt the shock of his words rip right through her body in a convulsive surge of sensual need and surrender, and without even realising what she was doing she heard herself moaning his name whilst her hands went to her breasts— whether to conceal them or tear away the fabric that covered them, to show him just what effect his words were having on her, she didn't really know; but Jake, it seemed, did, and the cool rush of air that preceded the hard warmth of his hands holding her naked breasts as he pulled away her bra only seemed to increase the hot, spiralling ache pulsing through her whole body.

Jake was kissing the side of her neck whilst his hands caressed her breasts, his mouth, hot and hungry, scorching her naked skin, and yet instead of feeling shocked she actually seemed to be welcoming it, wanting it.
Lucianna heard herself moan again as her body ached against Jake's hands, the rough pads of his thumbs moving against her nipples sending her into a frenzy of taut, aching need and unbelievably intense longing to feel his mouth against her body, caressing her in the way that he had so shockingly described to her.
'Yes...what is it? What is it you want?' she heard him demanding rawly in response to the impassioned plea she hadn't realised she had uttered. And it seemed the most natural thing in the world to tell him, in the sobbing, agonised voice she could barely recognise as her own, 'I want you to do what you said...to kiss me...suck me here,' she told him, putting her own hand where his covered her breast.

Later Jake was to tell himself that if it hadn't been for that, if it hadn't been for the way both her voice and her body had trembled as she'd looked at him with all her newly aroused womanhood in her eyes, he might have been able to stop, to take control of himself and the situation; but he knew he was lying. What was happening had been inevitable, not just from the heart-stopping moment when he had seen her standing there, but from the very first moment he had realised how much he wanted her, how much he loved her.

That, though, was later. Right now, as he felt her hand tremble slightly over his and her body tremble even more, he ruthlessly ignored the stern voice of caution warning him that what was happening must stop, and instead bent to take Lucianna's full weight as he swung her up into his arms. He then walked purposefully towards her bedroom, pausing in the doorway to lower his head and gently nuzzle the exposed peak of one breast with his mouth. Lucianna felt as though she was going to die from the sheer intensity of the sensation that swamped her as Jake's mouth opened gently over the aching tip ol her breast. She had never dreamed there could be such a sensation, such a boiling, turbulent sense of aching need, such a compulsion to lock her fingers in Jake's hair and keep his head, his mouth just exactly where it was.

Her reaction was too much for Jake; the gentle nuzzle became a deep, slow suckle and then an urgent, tugging demand that turned Lucianna's body to a boneless, melting ache of complicity in his larms and made Jake himself shudder from head to foot, his body drenched in a musky, male-scented film of sexually aroused perspiration.
'Do you know what you're doing to me?' he asked Lucianna rawly. 'Do you know what you're making me want to do to you?'
'Show me,' Lucianna urged him in response. 'Show me, tell me...teach me, Jake.'
The look she gave him to accompany her words as she gazed limply and longingly into his eyes was pure feminine seduction and Jake had no defences jagainst it.
'Luce...' he protested hoarsely. 'I...'
Take off your clothes, Jake,' Lucianna whispered to him. 'I want to see you—all of you,', she told him pleadingly, her face and then her whole body suffused by a tell-tale rosy glow as it reflected her inner shock at her vocal boldness, even if the words she had spoken were the truth and did reflect the longing, the need that was pulsing through her. Just for a moment Jake hesitated, and then he saw the way she looked at him and the way her mouth trembled.
Very gently he laid her down on the bed, and then, slowly, he started to remove his own clothes, Keeping his glance locked on hers, ready to register the first millisecond that her expression changed, that she betrayed any desire to change her mind. It never came, and when Jake's hand stilled over the belt of his chinos Lucianna couldn't quite prevent herself from giving a small feminine sound of protest and demand.

She had seen Jake's body before, of course—well, most of it at any rate. As a child she had swum uninhibited with her brothers and Jake in the river that ran through both their properties, and it had only been after her disastrous experiment with her sexuality as a young teenager that she had become reluctant to join the others when they went swimming.

But she had seen Jake working in the field often enough with David, stripped to the waist, wearing an old, faded pair of shorts, and she knew already the broad outline of his torso with its soft covering of dark hair, although she had never before experienced this urge to reach out and touch it...touch him, to bury her fingertips, her mouth in its male softness and nuzzle the flesh it covered. And she had most certainly never before experienced this dangerous, heart-stopping, breath-stealing sense of aching sensual excitement and urgency as she waited for him to remove the rest of his clothes. The sexuality of a man's body had never been something that had caused her any missed heartbeats in the past, and it had certainly never caused her to feel the way she was feeling right now.

As he removed the last of his clothes, Jake turned slightly away from her, but immediately Lucianna put out her hand to stop him, her eyes betraying her emotions when he obeyed her silent demand and slid them away from his body, allowing her to see the full male-ness of him.
He heard her swiftly indrawn breath, saw the way her eyes widened, almost felt the compulsive shudder that gripped her body, but it was too late now to hide himself from her, and for some reason her soft, slightly shocked but totally awed 'Jake' caused a sharp flare of anger within himself and against himself that manifested itself in an unintentionally harsh retort.
'What is it? What's wrong? You've seen a man before, haven't you?'
'Not one like you,' Lucianna told him honestly, her voice wobbling slightly. 'Not like this!'
'Oh, Luce....' Jake said, torn between laughter and the sharp unexpectedness of tears as he reached out to take her in his arms and hold her comfortingly. He told her gruffly, 'You're not supposed to say things like that to a man. It gives us too big an ego,' he explained, and then added with wry self-mockery, 'Never mind what it does to us physically...'
'Physically?' Lucianna asked him puzzled.
'I want you,' he told her frankly, framing her face in his hands, 'but you've never had a man before...and...'
Instantly Lucianna took umbrage.
'How do you know that?' she demanded.
'You told me...or as good as,' Jake told her dryly. And besides, he added silently, how could he tell her that everything about the way she was responding to him, unaware of just how strongly she was affecting him, pointed to her lack of sexual experience? But the man she really wanted wasn't him, and he knew that
even if she, no doubt caught up in the powerful flood of her discovery of her own sexuality, seemed to have momentarily forgotten it.
Lucianna looked at him.
'But I want one now,' she told him truthfully. 'I want you, Jake.' And before he could stop her she leaned forward and touched his body, touched him, her fingertips as delicate as a butterfly's wing against his tautly aching flesh but as destructive to his self-control as a sledgehammer.

He heard himself groan, wanted to draw back from her, and yet, as though a part of himself were standing outside himself watching him, powerless to control him or what was happening, he reached out for her, kissing her mouth gently and then less gently. He caressed her body with his hands as he slowly removed the remainder of her underwear, following each caress with a string of delicate kisses which, in Lucianna's now fevered imagination, wove a covering for her as airy and delicate as a cobweb and yet at the same time was as fiery as though he had encased her whole body in a sheet of burning desire.

As she felt him circle her navel with the tip of his tongue, she cried out tormentedly to him, instinctively arching her body, offering it...offering herself to him in the age-old, timeless language of feminine desire.
Jake trembled as he gripped her hips with his hands and tried to still her sensual writhing, as unsuccessfully as he tried to subdue his own response to it. And when he felt her innocently fighting against his constraint and trying to open her legs in pleading invitation he knew there was no way he could resist her any longer.
His body ached for the sweet, feminine warmth of hers so much that he was already shuddering under the impact of trying to control it, and as for the emotional impact she was having on him...
It was no good; what was to happen was inevitable, as inevitable as night following day, moon following sun, but first...

Her eyes closed, her hands balled into small, hard fists of agonised need as she cried out against the strictures of aching desperation that possessed her, Lucianna had no awareness of what he intended to do until she felt his hands on her thighs and then the softness of his hair against her skin. And by then it was too late...too late to be shocked by the intimacy of the caresses he was bestowing on her, too late to even think about trying to stop him, and certainly too late to stop her body's sweetly voluptuous, ecstatic response to the touch of his lips, his mouth, his tongue, caressing first her belly and her thighs and then the most intimate, hidden, secret part of her.

The sensation building inside her was so unfamiliar to her, so overpowering and unfamiliar, that she instinctively cried out Jake's name, but by the time he realised what was happening to her it was too late; the sharp, pulsing contractions of her orgasm were already convulsing her.
The shock of experiencing so much intense emotional and physical sensation was too much for Lucianna to bear, and her body started to tremble, her eyes filling with hot tears.

Instinctively, Jake reached out to take her in his arms and soothe her in much the same way he had soothed her when she had been a small child, holding her close, rocking her gently, brushing away her tears.
'What—?' Lucianna started to ask him tearfully, but then stopped.
'You've had an orgasm,' Jake told her.
'I know that,' Lucianna informed him indignantly glowering at him as she saw the way he was looking at her. Didn't he think she knew anything...!
'Good...then you'll be able to recognise your second one, won't you?' Jake challenged her softly, and before Lucianna opened her mouth to protest he covered it with his own and started to kiss her. He whispered to her thickly, "That was nothing... Just wait...you'll see.'
'I don't want to...' Lucianna told him truculently, and then, surprisingly, discovered that, on the contrary, she most certainly did; she wanted to very, very much indeed. And within a very short space of time she was telling Jake just how much she wanted to...just how much she wanted him, all of him, deep, deep inside her, moving in her the way he was doing right now, carrying her with him with every powerful thrust to that special magical place she had so recently discovered, that place, as she cried out to him, she so desperately needed. Only he could take her.
As she cried out his name Jake reached his own climax, and as he felt the pulse of his orgasm within her Lucianna was dizzily aware of just how pleasurable that small betraying pulse was, of how much her body enjoyed the feel of it, of him, within her. Drowsily she snuggled deeper into his arms.

Carefully Jake smoothed the duvet over Lucianna's still sleeping body. He had already picked up her discarded clothes and carefully folded them before dressing .himself and now it was time to go before Lucianna herself woke up and realised just how much he had betrayed the trust she had placed in him.
Jake was under no illusions.. The intensity of her sexual response to him had been activated simply by her discovery of her own femininity and had nothing whatsoever to do with any desire for hint. How could it when he already knew she believed she was in love with John?

It would have been easy, in the aftermath of their shared intimacy, to use his own experience and her lack of it to convince her that her response to him meant that she cared for him—loved him—and God knew he had been tempted, sorely tempted. But how could he have lived with himself if he had done so? He couldn't have. He couldn't steal from her her right to own her own sexuality and her own emotions.

To him, loving her meant allowing her the freedom to be her own woman, and to make her own choices. But it would be a long time, a hell of a long time— if ever—before he could blot out of his dreams the sweet scent and feel of her, the warmth and softness of her, the sound of her ecstatic cries as she reached her orgasm, the small keening sounds of urgency and need she had made in her desire for him. A long time? He would never forget. Never. Broodingly, he gave her sleeping form one last look before finally turning to leave



عرض البوم صور نيارااا  
قديم 13-11-07, 11:46 PM   المشاركة رقم: 30

التسجيل: Jun 2006
العضوية: 7129
المشاركات: 287
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: نيارااا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 43



نيارااا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : نيارااا المنتدى : الارشيف



'Luce, are you all right?'
Lucianna jumped and then flushed, gnawing anxiously on her bottom lip and avoiding meeting Janey's kind, concerned eyes as she lied, 'Yes. Yes, I'm fine.'
'You haven't forgotten that Jake is expecting you to go over there this morning, have you?' David asked her, stressing, 'When he rang earlier he said it was very important that he saw you.'
'No, I haven't forgotten,' Lucianna said hollowly. Forgotten? How could she when...? But right now she dared not even let herself think of all the reasons why she could not possibly forget and what she could not forget, not when she knew the tell-tale signs of her own thoughts would be clearly visible in her eyes and on her flushed skin for her astute sister-in-law to see.

She had been woken from the deepest sleep she could remember having in a long time by her family's late arrival home, and at first, still sleepy and confused, she had instinctively turned to the side of the bed where Jake had lain as he'd held her in the aftermath of...of what had happened. But of course Jake had not been there, although her knowledge of what had happened between them had, and abruptly she had come wide awake, her thoughts and emotions chasing one another in frantic unending circles as she'd tried to make sense of not merely what she had done but also what she had said, blush making though her increasingly cringingly clear memories were. She remembered calling out to Jake to touch her, hold her, imploring him to possess her and, most shocking of all, begging him to... But, far more importantly, she'd tried to make sense of how she had felt and why.

Surely it wasn't possible for the simple act of changing her normal sensible underwear for something much more provocative and sensual to have caused the kind of total personality change she felt she must have undergone to have acted as she had— and with Jake of all people?
Not even with John had she ever... She swallowed nauseously on the stomach-churning emotions as she heard Janey asking her again, 'Are you sure you're all right? You look awfully pale...'
'I...I do feel a little bit queasy.' Lucianna was forced to admit, adding uncomfortably, 'I think it must have been the fish pie I ate for supper...'
Janey was really frowning now.
'Do you? Well, in that case I'd better throw out what's left...'
'I think I'll go outside and get some fresh air,' Lucianna told her sister-in-law, guiltily aware that the reason for her malaise had nothing to do with Janey's fish pie.

Once outside she walked towards her workshop but made no attempt to so much as even glance at the car she was supposed to be working on.
How .could she have been so overwhelmed by passion... by need...by desire that she had...that she had wanted...? She swallowed nervously, recalling the panic she had first experienced last night when she'd realised that Jake wasn't there in bed beside her and that she had actually expected and wanted him to be...and had still wanted him to be this morning.

Her thoughts and emotions were totally confused and frighteningly complex as well. She longed to have someone she could discuss them with, someone she could turn to for help and advice, someone who could help her to unravel the disturbing tangle of her emotions and to reassure her that what had happened, what she had done, did not mean... Lucianna swallowed painfully. Did not mean what?

The needs, the desire, the emotions she had experienced last night, and their intensity, were things she had always expected only to feel with and for a man with whom she was deeply and compellingly in love and who loved her back just as intensely. But the man she had ached for, hungered for, wanted with every single fibre and particle of her body hadn't been John, the man she believed she loved, but Jake... Jake...whom she'd never, in her most remotest, wildest dreams or imaginings, had fantasies about, thought of as...
But no, that wasn't quite true, was it? Hurriedly Lucianna opened the bonnet of the car she was supposed to be working on, desperate to avoid the mental confrontation her thoughts were dragging her towards but knowing there was no way she could avoid the collision course she was on.

Her own moral code would not allow her to lie to herself. No, not even for her own self-protection. There had been times recently—brief, startling and shockingly explicit milliseconds of time—when she had experienced some very unfamiliar and disturbing sensations when she was in Jake's company, and some even more unfamiliar and disturbing emotions, accompanied by mental images she was blushing to recall now, just as much as she had blushed to remember what had occurred last night when she had first opened her eyes and known what had taken place!

She stiffened as she heard the kitchen door open on the other side of the yard and saw David striding towards her. She knew what he was going to say. ,He was going to remind her again that Jake wanted to see her. Her fingers fumbled with the catch of the bonnet as she released it, causing the metal to crash down on her fingers before she had time to snatch them away.j The skin wasn't broken but she would definitely bear, the bruises of her carelessness for several days, she1 recognised as she instinctively sucked her sore flesh.

And then she remembered just how Jake had sucked on her vulnerable and responsive body last night, and how it had felt—how she had felt—and by I the time David reached her her whole body was burning with the shocked heat of her own thoughts. I^ot because she now thoroughly rejected and regretted what had taken place, but because...because...
'You do know that Jake wants you to go over to the Hall this morning, don't you?' he asked her predictably.
'Yes, I know.' Lucianna knew she was stumbling over the words in her vulnerable emotional state, the colour coming and going in her face.

It was no use trying to delude herself any longer. She couldn't have experienced what she had last night—felt how she had last night, done what she had done last night—without at least feeling something for Jake, even if it was very difficult for her now, in the harsh light of day, to reconcile those feelings, those needs with the resentment and, yes, even animosity she had previously believed she felt for him.

Recognising that her mind simply wasn't on her work, and that if she didn't want David chasing her tail all day she would be better off simply giving in and going to see Jake, she automatically wiped her hands on a soft rag, wincing at the pain in her swollen fingers, and then headed for the house to get showered and changed.

Abruptly she stopped. Showered and changed...? What was wrong with going round to see Jake dressed as she presently was? After all, she had done so before on countless occasions. Why was this time different? Why did she feel this sudden need to have Jake see her looking her best?
Shyly and uncertainly Lucianna studied her reflection in her bedroom mirror. Her hair gleamed silkily down onto her shoulders, the make-up she had so painstakingly applied brought out the colour of her eyes and the purity of her skin, the lipstick...

She started to reach for a tissue to wipe it off and then stopped herself. The salesgirl had, after all, assured her that the soft colour was perfectly suitable for anytime wear. It was just perhaps that she wasn't used to seeing it on her mouth and certainly it seemed to make her lips look much fuller, almost slightly swollen, or was that because...? Her hand was trembling as she put the unused tissue down.

Half of her dreaded the thought of seeing Jake but the other half... Her heart skipped a beat and then another. Could it be possible, could she somehow or other, without knowing it had happened, actually have fallen in love with Jake? And was that why...? Jake would know, she comforted herself automatically. Jake would understand...explain... Jake would...
A hot pink film of colour flooded her face as she realised just where her wanton thoughts were taking her. Jake would what? Jake would take her in his arms, kiss her senseless and then...
Suddenly the jeans and tee shirt she was wearing seemed far too heavy and hot. Suddenly her whole body was aching in very much the same way that it had ached last night. Suddenly...
Suddenly she couldn't wait to see Jake, to be with him, to be reassured by him, to have him help her to understand and come to terms with the shock of what had happened.
Jake... He would, she knew, know just how she was feeling, just how shy and uncertain she was...just how much she needed his understanding...his...his love!

Jake frowned as he tried to focus his attention on the work on his desk. His head ached and his eyes felt gritty—no doubt from his lack of sleep last night, but how on earth could he have slept after what had happened? What had Lucianna thought, felt, when she woke up this morning? Did she hate him even more than ever now or...?

Of course she must. Why did he need to ask himself that question? The fact that he loved her was no excuse for the way he had lost his head, not to himself and certainly not to her, and yet lying awake in his own bed last night, thinking about her, remembering how she had felt in his arms, how she had been in his arms, remembering the warmth of her, the sheer essence of her, a part of him that was unashamedly and wholly male could not totally regret what had happened.

He could not regret either that he had been the first one, the only one, to hear her cries of ecstatic pleasure, to hear her unguarded, untutored words of female arousal, and he knew that, whilst she might not have loved him, last night, for a small space of time, she had been wholly his to love and cherish, his to show the true depths of her own passion and needs as well as his own, his to hold, to cherish...to love...

But this morning, in the cold light of day, he had had to face reality—and her—and so he had rung David and asked David to make sure that she came to see him. What he had to say to her required privacy for them both, and time—time for him to make sure that she listened and fully understood that no part of what had happened between them was in any way her responsibility. That burden at least he could release her from. Under other circumstances and in a different relationship with another woman he might have been impelled to ask why, when she claimed to love another man so deeply, she had responded so intensely, so intuitively, so instinctively to him, but he suspected he already knew the answer and that was quite simply that Lucianna had responded to him because he had been there, because he had overpowered her, overwhelmed her with his own sexuality and his own needs.

Jake frowned as he saw an unfamiliar Toyota car draw up in front of the house. Turning away from the study window, he went to the front door, wondering if perhaps Lucianna was driving one of her customer's cars. The young woman emerging from the car was vaguely familiar to him and her body language rather more so, although he didn't betray by as much as a single glance that he was aware of the delicate provocation of the way his visitor was walking towards him, nor the way she paused to smooth her completely wrinkle-free skirt down over her thighs, giving him a long, slow smile as she did so.
'I'm sorry,' she apologised as she got within earshot of him. 'I know you won't remember me. I'm a friend of Lucianna's, Felicity Hammond; we met in town a couple of weeks ago.' She tossed her hair and smiled at him again.
'I've just called at the farm but Lucianna wasn't there and I wondered if you could possibly pass on a message to her for me. I wouldn't ask but it is rather urgent. John, her boyfriend, faxed us this morning— I work in the same office—to say that he is coming home earlier than planned... I knew Lucianna would want to know. He's obviously been missing her as much as she's been missing him...'
She paused and glanced towards the door which Jake had pulled closed behind him.
"This is a wonderful house,' she told him appreciatively. 'I'd love to see more of it...'
'We don't hold open days, I'm afraid,' Jake told her impassively, and then added courteously, 'I shall certainly see Lucianna gets your message but now, if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I'm rather busy...'

As he turned away Jake guessed that the unflattering flush burning her face owed more to anger than embarrassment. He wasn't averse to women taking the initiative—far from it—and the reason he had taken such an intense dislike to her was not so much because of that but because she was the bearer of news he simply didn't want to hear, he derided himself as he firmly closed the door behind himself, leaving her standing in the driveway.
So, John had missed Lucianna, had he? Well, it was a pity that he hadn't appreciated her a little more when he had had the chance, Jake thought. And no doubt Lucianna would be thrilled to hear the news about his imminent return even if he wasn't.
Would she tell John what had happened between them, and if she did would he...? For her own sake he would have to caution her not to do so, Jake told himself sternly. In fact, he would have to caution her not to tell anyone, he acknowledged, feeling fiercely aware of his need to protect her from the judgement of others.

Lucianna saw the Toyota emerging from the drive to Jake's house just as she signalled to turn into it, and recognised both it and its driver immediately. She saw Felicity toss her head and give her a taunting smile, as though... Her whole body stiffening, Lucianna could feel her face starting to burn with the same heat that was savaging her emotions like acid.
The drive to Jake's house wasn't excessively long but it was certainly long enough for Lucianna to recognise immediately and pinpoint the cause of the searing, tearing spasm of anguished fury that had seized her the moment she'd seen the other girl.

She was jealous...jealous of the fact that another girl, another woman, had been with Jake...far more jealous than she had ever been when that same girl had flirted so outrageously in front of her with John.
And she was jealous because...because she and Jake had been lovers? Because she...because she...?

Jake heard the gears on Lucianna's car crashing as her car catapulted to an ungainly stop, its wheels spurting up gravel, its driver shooting from her seat,
her eyes flashing, her small hands balled into tight fists as he ran down the steps towards her.
'What was she doing here?' Lucianna demanded furiously, not giving Jake time to reply before she added, 'Not that I can't guess.' ,
Lucianna could barely see Jake for the hot tears stinging her eyes—tears almost as hot as the bitter, corrosive jealousy flooding her body and fuelled by an aching sense of loss and emptiness, coupled with a sick, shocked feeling of agonising despair.
'She came to leave a message for you. Apparently John's coming back earlier than expected.'
'She...? John's coming back...?'

Lucianna's skin turned white and then red, the hot lava flow of her jealousy chilled by the sudden recognition of the appalling way she was behaving, of the feeling she was in danger of betraying, but Jake, seeing that rapid change of colour and the consternation that darkened her eyes, immediately leapt to the conclusion that they were caused by a sense of fear and guilt.
'Come inside,' he instructed Lucianna tersely. 'We need to talk and we can't do so out here.'
'I want—' Lucianna began, but Jake overruled her, opening the door and telling her harshly,
'Oh, I can well imagine what you want, Lucianna, but I'm afraid it just isn't possible for me to give it to you, so...'

He heard her gasp quite clearly over the three yards or so that separated them but luckily, from Lucianna's point of view, she managed to drop her eyelids in defensive protection before he could see the tortured misery in her eyes.
She wanted to tell him that he couldn't be more wrong and that his cruelty was completely unnecessary. She had not come here intending to tell him that she loved him nor to beg him to love her in return. She had too much pride for that, even if... And if he thought for one moment that just because last night...that she might want...that she was here...

'You were the one who wanted to see me,' she managed to remind him as she followed him reluctantly into the house, not needing any guidance or direction to turn off the elegant rectangular hallway—with its pretty Regency decor and the marble busts of Jake's ancestors which had been commissioned by his great-great-grandfather adorning the shell-backed niches in which they were sited—into the small library which was Jake's favourite room.

For once Lucianna did not sniff the air of the room appreciatively, breathing in the scent of old leather and wood, neither did she pause to admire the wonderfully crafted mahogany furniture as she drew in the ambience of the room and briefly envied Jake such a wonderful home.
'What exactly did you want to see me about?' she demanded instead, deliberately avoiding looking at Jake as she asked the question to which she suspected she already knew the answer.
Jake, it seemed, was equally unimpressed.
'I shouldn't have thought you'd need to ask. Do you really need to ask?' he challenged her tersely. 'Last night—'
'Last night was nothing,' Lucianna interrupted him hurriedly, still avoiding looking at him and so missing the look of stark pain that crossed his face as he listened to her.
'Nothing to you, perhaps,' he agreed quickly once he had himself back under control.
'And nothing to you either,' Lucianna cried out, unable to hold back the words—words which Jake incorrectly interpreted as a plea from her to be reassured that it had not meant anything to him, that he was not going to embarrass her with his unwanted protestations of love.

And so, bowing his head, he continued brusquely, 'Nothing to either of us, maybe, but to others... I think it might be a wise and sensible course of action if what happened between us last night remained exactly that—between us...'
Now Lucianna did look at him.
'You mean you don't want anyone to know?' she demanded scornfully.
'Do you?' Jake argued back angrily, and then pushed his fingers into his hair. 'It isn't a matter of what I might or might not want people to know, Lucianna. It's you I'm thinking of. Your John will soon be home and the last thing he's going to want to hear is that you... I'm telling you this for your own sake and not...
'After all, the whole point of everything you've done...we've done,' Jake told her doggedly, 'has been to help your relationship with John...'
'Is that why you took me to bed and made love to me?' Lucianna cried, unable to endure any more. 'Because it would help me to make John love me?
'I hate you, Jake,' she told him passionately. 'I hate you more than I've ever hated anyone else in my whole life...'

And before Jake could stop her she ran out of the room, pulling open the front door and flinging herself back into her car.
'Lucianna,' Jake protested, but she had already got the engine started and short of dragging her out of the vehicle and forcibly manhandling her back into the house Jake knew he had no option other than to let her go.
He had been right to dread Lucianna's reaction to last night and more than right to guess that she would blame him; that she would be distraught with guilt and despair over what to her would be a betrayal of the love she believed she felt for John. But he'd been wrong, it seemed, to think he could talk to her about it—help her, reassure her.

Halfway back to the farm Lucianna suddenly pulled up and stopped the car. There was no way she could return home looking and feeling as she did right now. Dry-eyed, she stared unseeingly into the distance. What she felt hurt too much for tears. What she felt right now went so deep into her heart and body that she knew the pain would never ease, that she would never get over Jake's rejection of her, that she loved him so much, that...

Lucianna's teeth chattered as her body shuddered under the uncontrollable waves of pain that struck her. She loved Jake and suddenly, like someone whose vision had previously been blurred and distorted without them being aware of it, now that she had the benefit of true clarity, real vision, she could see and understand how shallow and childish, how laughable in so many ways the love she had claimed she had had for John had actually been.
She hadn't loved John at all, didn't love him at all... What she had loved had been the idea of being in love, of being loved in return, and she had imagined love between a man and a woman as something gentle and passive, something that would be a comfortable, simple part of her life without really touching her or changing her.

She couldn't have been more wrong. Love wasn't like that at all; love wasn't sweet and gentle, easily malleable, allowing itself to be manipulated and set neatly into the controlled framework of one's life.
This love, her love, was a tumultuous force, an overpowering, overwhelming surge of emotion and need that affected every single part of her life and every single particle of her. Love was pain and despair, a helpless sense of longing and need, an endless grieving for what she could never have, the person she could never have.

Love was...Jake.
But Jake didn't love her. Jake didn't want...Jake didn't need her. He didn't even particularly like her. He hadn't been able to wait to remind her that John was her boyfriend.

John. Lucianna frowned as she tried to summon up a mental image of him and discovered that she couldn't, that his features simply refused to form, that behind her tightly closed eyelids the only features which would form were those belonging to Jake.

Jake frowned as he watched Lucianna's car disappear in a cloud of dust. She was an exceptionally good driver and very little other traffic used the quiet country lane which Hiked his home to the farm, but even so, in her present mood, she was all too likely... He reached into his pocket for his own car keys and had just got to the door when the telephone rang. For a moment he was tempted to ignore it but he knew it would be the call he had been expecting regarding a joint venture he had recently entered into and which hopefully, if necessary, would bring the estate some valuable extra income.

Reluctantly he replaced his car keys in his pocket and went to answer his call.
It was almost an hour before Lucianna felt composed enough to return to the farm. The anger and hurt pride which had fuelled her furious flight from Jake had been replaced by a dull, numbing emptiness which enclosed her in a protective but oh, so fragile bubble—so fragile that she was instinctively cautious about allowing anything or anyone to get close to her in case they accidentally damaged it and allowed all the pain it was holding at bay to swamp back over her.

Janey, who had seen her park her car, watched her walk slowly and carefully towards her workshop, all her female instincts aroused by the pall of despair that seemed to hang over her like an invisible cloud. Putting aside the pastry she had been mixing, she made two mugs of coffee and carried them both out to where Lucianna was working.

Lucianna looked up apathetically as her sister-in-law knocked and then walked into her workshop, carefully placing the tray of coffee on an empty space on the workbench.
'I don't know what I'm going to feel like in five months' time,' Janey groaned conversationally as she sat down. 'I feel huge and worn out already...'
'You don't look it,' Lucianna assured her, putting down the manual she had been trying to read and studying Janey instead.

In fact if anything her sister-in-law looked positively blooming, her happiness at having conceived so apparent that she positively glowed with it. Already, too, Lucianna had noticed a difference in her brother. It had always been obvious how much David loved Janey but now...now he treated her as though she was the most precious, fragile, wonderful woman who had ever walked the earth.
As she looked at Janey, suddenly, for no reason at all that she could think of, Lucianna felt her eyes fill with sharp, hot tears. Quickly she turned away before Janey could see them, pretending to busy herself with some papers whilst Janey continued lightly, 'Jake rang about half an hour ago wanting to know if you were back. He sounded rather concerned...'
Jake, concerned about her? That would be 'the day... Concerned, more like, that she would ignore his warning and tell Janey and David just what had happened.
'He mentioned that John's coming home earlier than expected.'
'Yes,' Lucianna agreed stiffly and uncommunicatively.

Janey frowned a little as she drank her coffee. Something was quite obviously upsetting" Lucianna, but knowing her sister-in-law as she did she felt reluctant to pry too deeply. On the other hand, if Luce wanted someone to talk to...
'I expect you're feeling a little bit nervous and uncertain about seeing him again. In the circumstances that's quite natural...and—'
'Nervous...of seeing Jake? Why should I be?'
Lucianna demanded savagely, forgetting the tell-tale signs of her tears glittering in her eyes as she wheeled round and glowered miserably at Janey. Despite everything he had said to her Jake had obviously said something to Janey about what had happened between them, probably to get Janey to reinforce what he himself had already said to her. Poor Janey. Even though she might not realise it, she was being used by Jake just as mercilessly as Lucianna herself had been, albeit in a very different way...

Janey's eyes widened in confusion as she listened to Lucianna's angry tirade.
'Luce, I was talking about John,' she managed to intervene gently, 'not Jake.'
Too late Lucianna realised her own mistake and just what she might have betrayed.

'Have you and Jake quarrelled?' Janey questioned her softly.
Lucianna shook her head, unable to give her any answer, and wisely Janey did not pursue the subject



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