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Monthly e romantic publication Monthly e romantic publication


HARLEQUIN SUPERROMANCE 2007 NOVELS LINK - Janice Kay Johnson - First Comes Baby - Kimberly Van Meter - Father Material

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قديم 10-08-15, 12:08 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication





[9 Months Later 52] - Janice Kay Johnson - First Comes Baby
[9 Months Later 53] - Kimberly Van Meter - Father Material
[9 months Later 54] - Linda Styles - The Man From Texas
[9 Months Later 55] - Carrie Alexander - A Town Called Christmas
[A Little Secret 18] - Margot Early - Because of Our Child
[A Little Secret 21] - Margaret Watson - Stranger in a Small Town
[Count on a Cop 35] - Kay David - Safe in His Arms
[Going Back 15] - Kathryn Shay - The Wrong Man For Her
[Going Back 16] - Melinda Curtis - Count On Love
[Home on the Ranch 28] - Roz Denny Fox - Real Cowboys
[Home on the Ranch 29] - Brenda Mott - The Sheriff of Sage Bend
[Home on the Ranch 30] - Elaine Grant - Make-Believe Mom
[Single Father 22] - Joan Kilby - Nanny Makes Three
[Single Father 24] - Janice MacDonald - The Baby Doctors
[Texas Hold'em 01] - Tara Taylor Quin - The Baby Gamble
[Texas Hold'em 02] - Debra Salonen - Betting on Santa
[Texas Hold'em 03] - Linda Style - Going For Broke
[Twins 18] - Amy Frazier - Comfort and Joy
[You, Me & the Kids 15] - Kay Stockham - Montana Skies
[You, Me & the Kids 16] - C.J. Carmichael - Star-Crossed Parents
[You, Me & the Kids 17] - Deborah Salonen - Love, by George
Abby Gaines - Married By Mistake
Abby Gaines - Whose Lie Is It Anyway
Amy Knupp - Doctor In Her House
Anna Adams - [Welcome to Honesty 02] - The Man From Her Past
Anna DeStefano - [Atlanta Heroes 01] - Because of a Boy
Brenda Novak - [A Dundee, Idaho Book 8] - Coulda Been A Cowboy
Carrie Weaver - Temporary Nanny
Cynthia Reese - Where Love Grows
Darlene Gardner - The Other Woman's Son
Elen Hartman - Wanted Man
Helen Brenna - Treasure
Janice Kay Johnson - Snowbound
Karina Bliss - [Lost Boys 02] - Mr. Irresistible
Kathleen O'Brien - [Cowboy Country 01] - Texas Baby
Kathleen O'Brien - Everything but the Baby
Kay Stockham - [North Star 02] - Montana Skies
Kay Stockham - A Christmas to Remember
Kay Stockham - His Perfect Woman
Linda Warren - [The McCain Brothers 05] - Adopted Son
Molly O'Keefe - [The Mitchells of Riverview Inn 01] - Baby Makes Three
Roxanne Rustand - Lone Star Legacy
Roz Denny Fox - Looking For Sophie
Suzanne Cox - One Man To Protect Them
Tara Taylor Quinn - Sara's Son
Terry McLaughlin - [Bright Lights, Big Sky 03] - Maybe, Baby


Debra Salonen, Molly O'Keefe & Susan Floyd - Who Needs Cupid?
[Single Father 19] - Cynthia Thomason - An Unlikely Family
[Single Father 20] - Linda Barrett - Houseful Of Strangers
[Single Father 21] - Joanne Michael - It Takes Two
[Single Father 23] - Jeannie Watt - The Horseman's Secret
[A Little Secret 17] - Nadia Nichols - From Out of the Blue
[A Little Secret 19] - Cynthia Thomason - Her Sister's Child
[A Little Secret 20] - Dad For Life
[Going Back 12] - Darlene Gardner - A Time To Come Home
[Going Back 13] - Amy Knupp - The Boy Next Door
[Going Back 14] - Jean Brashear - Return To West Texas
[Going Back 16] - Melinda Curtis - Count On Love
[Single...With Kids 01] - C.J. Carmichael - Love And The Single Mom
[Single...With Kids 02] - Pamela Ford - The Sister Switch
[Single...With Kids 03] - Anna DeStefano - All-American Father
[Single...With Kids 04] - Melinda Curtis - The Best-Kept Secret
[Single...With Kids 05] - Amy Frazier - Blame It On The Dog
[Count on a Cop 34] - Anne DeStefano - The Perfect Daughter
Terry McLaughlin - [Bright Lights, Big Sky 02] - The Rancher Needs A Wife
[Home on the Ranch 27] - Barbara McMahon - The Last Cowboy Hero
Anna Adams - [Welcome to Honesty 01] - Temporary Father
Carrie Alexander - [North Country Stories 03] - A Ready-Made Family
[Suddenly a Parent 06] - Cynthia Reese - The Baby Wait
Margaret Watson - [Small-Town 02] - Small-Town Family
Molly O'Keefe - Undercover Protector
Margot Early - Good With Children
Bobby Hutchinson - The Family Solution
Eve Gaddy - [The Brothers Kincaid 03] - The Christmas Baby



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 10-08-15, 12:19 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Superromance 2008


Harlequin Superromance 2008


[9 Months Later 56] - Rogenna Brewer - The Marine's Baby
[A Little Secret 23] - Cynthia Thomason - Christmas in Key West
[A Little Secret 24] - Molly O'Keefe - The Son Between Them
[Bundles of Joy 32] - Carrie Weaver - Baby, I'm Yours
[Count on a Cop 35] - Amy Frazier - Single-Dad Sheriff
[Count on a Cop 36] - Janice Kay Johnson - The Man Behind The Cop
[Count on a Cop 37] - Beth Andrews - Not Without Her Family
[Count on a Cop 38] - Carrie Alexander - Nobody's Hero
[Count on a Cop 39] - Cynthia Reese - Not on Her Own
[Count on a Cop 40] - Jeannie Watt - Cop On Loan
[Everlasting Love 01, 02, 03] - Tara Taylor Quinn, Jean Brashear & Linda Cardillo - The Valentine Gift
[Everlasting Love 04] - Stella MacLean - Heart of My Heart
[Everlasting Love 05] - Margaret Way - Hidden Legacy
[Everlasting Love 06] - Linda Warren - Always a Mother
[Everlasting Love 07] - Jean Brashear - The Way Home
[Everlasting Love 08] - Holly Jacobs - Same Time Next Summer
[Everlasting Love 09] - Laura Abbot - Stranger at the Door
[Everlasting Love 10] - Catherine Spencer - The Man From Tuscany
[Everlasting Love 11] - Tracy Wolff - A Christmas Wedding
[Everlasting Love 12] - Lee Duran - Meant For Each Other
[Going Back 16] - Roz Denny Fox - More Than A Memory
[Going Back 17] - Pamela Ford - The Wedding Heiress
[Going Back 18] - Cindi Myers - A Man to Rely On
[Home on the Ranch 31] - Barbara McMahon - Caitlin's Cowboy
[Home on the Ranch 32] - Jeannie Watt - The Brother Returns
[Home on the Ranch 33] - Brenda Mott - Cowboy For Keeps
[Marriage of Convenience 12] - Eve Gaddy - Baby Be Mine
[Marriage of Convenience 13] - Melinda Curtis - A Marriage Between Friends
[Single Father 25] - Ellen Hartman - His Secret Past
[Single Father 26] - Cindi Myers - A Soldier Comes Home
[Suddenly a Parent 07] - Abby Gaines - The Diaper Diaries
[Suddenly a Parent 08] - Darlene Gardner - Anything for Her Children
[Suddenly a Parent 09] - Janice Carter - A Father For Danny
[Suddenly a Parent 10] - Elaine Grant - An Ideal Father
[Suddenly a Parent 11] - Karina Bliss - Second-Chance Family
[Texas Hold'em 05] - Linda Warren - Texas Bluff
[Twins 19] - Kathryn Shay - Be My Babies
[Twins 20] - Anna Adams - Her Reason to Stay
[You, Me & The Kids 18] - Joan Kilby - How To Trap A Parent
[You, Me & The Kids 19] - Kimberly Van Meter - An Imperfect Match
[You, Me & The Kids 20] - Roz Denny Fox - A Texas Made Family
[You, Me & The Kids 21] - Cynthia Reese - For the Sake of the Children
Amy Frazier - Falling for the Deputy
Anna Adams - [Welcome to Honesty 03] - Her Reason to Stay
Anna DeStefano - [Atlanta Heroes 02] - To Protect the Child
Anna DeStefano - [Atlanta Heroes 03] - To Save A Family
C.J. Carmichael - [Three Good Men 01] - The Dad Next Door
C.J. Carmichael - [Three Good Men 02] - Matthew's Children
C.J. Carmichael - [Three Good Men 03] - Christmas With Daddy
Caron Todd - Her Favorite Husband
Cynthia Thomason - Return of the Wild Son
Debora Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 01] - Baby By Contract
Debora Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 02] - His Brother's Secret
Elizabeth Ashtree - The Child Comes First
Helen Brenna - Finding Mr Right
Karina Bliss - [Lost Boys 03] - Mr. Unforgettable
Kay Stockham - [The Tulanes of Tennessee 01] - Another Man's Baby
Kay Stockham - [The Tulanes of Tennessee 02] - His Son's Teacher
Kimberly Van Meter - A Kiss To Remember
Kimberly Van Meter - Return to Emmett's Mill
Lori Handeland, Rebecca Winters & Anna DeStefano - Mothers of the Year
Margaret Watson - [The McInnes Trilogy 01] - A Place Called Home
Margaret Watson - [The McInnes Trilogy 02] - No Place Like Home
Molly O'Keefe - [The Mitchells of Riverview Inn 02] - A Man Worth Keeping
Molly O'Keefe - [The Mitchells of Riverview Inn 03] - Worth Fighting For
Pamela Bauer - Having Justin's Baby
Tara Taylor Quinn - Trusting Ryan
Terry McLaughlin - [Built to Last 01] - A Small Town Temptation
Terry McLaughlin - A Perfect Stranger

Missing :

[A Little Secret 22] - Ann Evans - The Missing Mom / A Mum for Amy
[Count on a Cop 41] - Carolyn McSparren - His Only Defense
Tara Taylor Quinn - The Holiday Visitor



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-08-15, 12:26 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Superromance 2009


Harlequin Superromance 2009


[9 Months Later 57] - Tanya Michaels - Mother To Be
[9 Months Later 58] - Ann Evans - Best for the Baby
[9 Months Later 59] - Roz Denny Fox - The Baby Album
[9 Months Later 60] - Holly Jacobs - Unexpected Gifts
[A Little Secret 25] - Amy Knupp - The Secret She Kept
[A Little Secret 26] - Carrie Weaver - Welcome Home, Daddy
[A Little Secret 27] - Jamie Sobrato - Baby Under the Mistletoe
[Bundles of Joy 33] - Stella MacLean - Baby In Her Arms
[Bundles of Joy 34] - Sarah Mayberry - A Natural Father
[Bundles of Joy 35] - Cindi Myers - Child's Play
[Bundles of Joy 36] - Tara Taylor Quinn - Sophie's Secret
[Bundles of Joy 37] - Kay Stockham - Her Best Friend's Brother
[Count on a Cop 43] - Linda Barrett - Summer at the Lake
[Cowboy Country 03] - Candy Halliday - A Ranch Called Home
[Cowboy Country 04] - Kathleen O'Brien - Texas Wedding
[Cowboy Country 05] - Kimberly Van Meter - Kids on the Doorstep
[Cowboy Country 06] - Linda Warren - Caitlyn's Prize
[Cowboy Country 07] - Jeannie Watt - Cowboy Comes Back
[Everlasting Love 13] - Amy Garvey - Pictures of Us
[Everlasting Love 14] - Geri Krotow - What Family Means
[Everlasting Love 17] - Ginger Chambers - All That Love Is
[Everlasting Love 18] - Roxanne Rustand - Save the Last Dance
[Everlasting Love 19] - Margot Early - Here to Stay
[Going Back 19] - Jamie Sobrato - A Forever Family
[Going Back 20] - Laura Abbot - A Letter for Annie
[Going Back 21] - Ellen Hartman - The Boyfriend's Back
[Going Back 22] - Jeannie Watt - Cowboy Comes Back
[Going Back 23] - Linda Styles - The Promise He Made
[Going Back 24] - Jean Brashear - The Man She Once Knew
[Home on the Ranch 35] - Mary Sullivan - No Ordinary Cowboy
[Hometown U.S.A 16] - Ellen Hartman - Plan B, Boyfriend
[Marriage of Inconvenience 14] - Abby Gaines - The Groom Came Back
[Single Father 27] - Sarah Mayberry - Home for the Holidays
[Suddenly a Paren 12] - Susan Gable - A Kid to the Rescue
[The Diamond Legacy 01] - Tara Taylor Quinn - A Daughter's Trust
[The Diamond Legacy 02] - Kathleen O'Brien - For the Love of Family
[The Diamond Legacy 03] - Karina Bliss - Like Father, Like Son
[The Diamond Legacy 04] - Janice Kay Johnson - A Mother's Secret
Abby Gaines - [Those Merritt Girls 01] - Her So-Called Fiancé
Abby Gaines - [Those Merritt Girls 02] - Her Secret Rival
Anna Adams - [Welcome to Honesty 04] - A Conflict of Interest
Beth Andrews - A Not-So-Perfect Past
Beth Andrews - His Secret Agenda
Carrie Alexander - A Holiday Romance
Darlene Gardner - [Return to Indigo Springs 01] - The Hero's Sin
Darlene Gardner - [Return to Indigo Springs 02] - The Stranger's Sin
Darlene Gardner - [Return to Indigo Springs 03] - The Secret Sin
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight On Sentinel Pass 03] - Daddy by Surprise
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight On Sentinel Pass 04] - Picture-Perfect Mom
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight On Sentinel Pass 05] - Finding Their Son
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Rember 01] - First Come Twins
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Rember 02] - Next Comes Love
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Rember 03] - Then Comes Baby
Holly Jacobs - [Whedon 01] - Unexpected Gifts
Janice Kay Johnson - Someone Like Her
Kathryn Shay - A Man She Couldn't Forget
Kathryn Shay - Back to Luke
Kay Stockham - [The Tulanes of Tenessee 03] - Her Best Friend's Brother
Kay Stockham - [The Tulanes of Tenessee 04] - Simon Says Mommy
Kimberly Van Meter - [Home in Emmett's Mill 01] - Kids on the Doorstep
Kimberly Van Meter - [Home in Emmett's Mill 02] - A Man Worth Loving
Linda Warren - [The Belles of Texas 01] - Caitlyn's Prize
Linda Warren - [The Belles of Texas 02] - Madison's Children
Pamela Ford - Her Best Bet
Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 11] - Sophie's Secret
Terry McLaughlin - [Built to Last 02] - A Small Town Homecoming
Terry McLaughlin - [Built to Last 03] - A Small Town Reunion
Tracy Wolff - From Friend to Father
Tracy Wolff - The Christmas Present

Missing :

[Everlasting Love 15] - Elizabeth Blackwell - The House Of Secrets
[Everlasting Love 16] - Tessa McDermid - Weddings In The Family
Molly O'Keefe - The Story Between Them
[Home on the Ranch 34] - Jeannie Watt - A Cowboy's Redemption
Margaret Watson - [The McInnes Triplets 03] - Home At Last
Linda Style - The Mistake She Made
Mary Brady - He Calls Her Doc
[Hometown U.S.A. 15] - Elaine Grant - No Hero Like Him
[Cowboy Country 02] - Elaine Grant - No Hero Like Him



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-08-15, 12:34 PM   المشاركة رقم: 4
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Superromance 2010


Harlequin Superromance 2010


[9 Months Later 61] - Tracy Wolff - Beginning with Their Baby
[9 Months Later 62] - Janice Kay Johnson - The Baby Agenda
[A Little Secret 28] - Kristi Gold - His Best Mistake
[A Little Secret 29] - Ann Evans - That Last Night in Texas
[A Little Secret 30] - Beth Andrews - A Marine for Christmas
[Alaska Bound] - Candy Halliday - Dad's E-mail Order Bride
[Count on a Cop 43] - Carolyn McSparren - Bachelor Cop
[Count on a Cop 44] - Beth Andrews - Do You Take This Cop
[Going Back 25] - Margaret Watson - An Unlikely Setup
[Going Back 26] - Jeannie Watt - Always a Temp
[Going Back 27] - Margaret Watson - Can't Stand the Heat
[Going Back 28] - Dawn Atkins - A Lot Like Christmas
[Home on the Ranch 37] - Mary Sullivan - A Cowboy's Plan
[Home on the Ranch 38] - Kathleen O'Brien - Texas Trouble
[Home on the Ranch 39] - Liz Talley - Vegas Two-Step
[Home on the Ranch 40] - Roz Denny Fox - The Cowboy Soldier
[Home on the Ranch 41] - Mary Sullivan - This Cowboy's Son
[Hometown U.S.A 17] - Jeanie London - Frankie's Back in Town
[Hometown U.S.A 18] - Cindi Myers - Her Mountain Man
[Hometown U.S.A 19] - Liz Talley - The Way to Texas
[More Than Friends 01] - Sarah Mayberry - Her Best Friend
[More Than Friends 02] - Jeanie London - Her Husband's Partner
[More Than Friends 03] - Jamie Sobrato - The One That Got Away
[More Than Friends 04] - Tracy Kelleher - Family Be Mine
[Single Father 28] - Greta Krotow - Sasha's Dad
[Single Father 29] - Jeannie Watt - Once and for All
[Single Father 30] - Cindi Myers - Dance with the Doctor
[Single Father 31] - Helen Brenna - The Moon That Night
[Suddenly a Parent 13] - Cindi Myers - The Father for Her Son
[Suddenly a Parent 14] - Linda Barrett - Quarterback Daddy
[Suddenly a Parent 15] - Janice Kay Johnson - Match Made in Court
[Suddenly a Parent 16] - Susan Gable - The Family Plan
[Suddenly a Parent 17] - Stella MacLean - A Child Changes Everything
[Suddenly a Parent 18] - Jenna Mills - This Time for Keeps
[Suddenly a Parent 19] - Candy Halliday - Adopted Parents
[Suddenly a Parent 20] - Margaret Watson - Life Rewritten
[You, Me and the Kids 21] - Brenda Mott - Ranch at River's End
[You, Me and the Kids 22] - Elle Hartman - Calling the Shots
Abby Gaines - [Those Merritt Girls 03] - Her Surprise Hero
Amy Knupp - [The Texas Firefighters 01] - Playing with Fire
Amy Knupp - [The Texas Firefighters 02] - A Little Consequence
Amy Knupp - [The Texas Firefighters 03] - Fully Involved
Angel Smits - A Message for Julia
Anna DeStefano - [Atlanta Heroes 04] - The Firefighter's Secret Baby
Brenda Novak - [A Dundee, Idaho Book 09] - A Dundee Christmas
Brenda Novak, Kathleen O'Brien & Karina Bliss - That Christmas Feeling
C.J. Carmichael - [The Fox & Fisher Detective Agency 01] - Perfect Partners
C.J. Carmichael - [The Fox & Fisher Detective Agency 02] - The P.I. Contest
C.J. Carmichael - [The Fox & Fisher Detective Agency 03] - Receptionist Under Cover
Carrie Weaver - Once a Ranger
Darlene Gardner - [Return to Indigo Springs 04] - An Honorable Man
Darlene Gardner - [Return to Indigo Springs 05] - That Runaway Summer
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 06] - Until He Met Rachel
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 07] - The Good Provider
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Remember 04] - Along Came a Husband
Holly Jacobs - [Whedon 02] - A One-of-a-Kind Family
Holly Jacobs - [Whedon 03] - Homecoming Day
Janice Kay Johnson - [The Russell Twins 01] - Charlotte's Homecoming
Janice Kay Johnson - [The Russell Twins 02] - Through the Sheriff's Eyes
Jeanie London - Her Husband's Partner
Karina Bliss - What the Librarian Did
Kathleen O'Brien - [Cowboy Country 03] - Texas Trouble
Kay Stockham - [The Tulanes of Tenessee 05] - She's the One
Kimberly Van Meter - [Home in Emmett's Mill 03] - Trusting the Bodyguard
Linda Warren - [The Belles of Texas 03] - Skylar's Outlaw
Margot Early - Love Potion #2
Molly O'Keefe - [The Notorious O'Neills 01] - The Temptation of Savannah O'Neill
Molly O'Keefe - [The Notorious O'Neills 02] - Tyler O'Neill's Redemption
Molly O'Keefe - [The Notorious O'Neills 03] - The Scandal and Carter O'Neill
Sarah Mayberry - The Best Laid Plans
Tara Taylor Quinn - [The Chapman Files 01] - The First Wife
Tracy Wolff - Unguarded
Zana Bell - Tempting the Negotiator

Missing :
Tracy Kelleher - Falling for the Teacher
[Home to the Ranch 36] - Carrie Alexander - Cowboy Comes Home



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-08-15, 12:41 PM   المشاركة رقم: 5
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Superromance 2011


Harlequin Superromance 2011


[9 Months Later 63] - Margaret Watson - For Baby and Me
[9 Months Later 64] - Kathleen O'Brien - For Their Baby
[Count on a Cop 47] - Janice Kay Johnson - Bone Deep
[Count on a Cop 48] - Jeanie London - Then There Were Three
[Count on a Cop 50] - Janice Kay Johnson - All That Remains
[Going Back 29] - Karina Bliss - Here Comes the Groom
[Going Back 30] - Sarah Mayberry - The Last Goodbye
[Going Back 31] - Beth Andrews - The Prodigal Son
[Going Back 33] - Sarah Mayberry - One Good Reason
[Home on the Ranch 48] - Jeannie Watt - Maddie Inherits a Cowboy
[Hometown U.S.A 20] - Liz Talley - A Little Texas
[Hometown U.S.A 22] - Vicki Essex - Her Son's Hero
[Hometown U.S.A 24] - Liz Talley - A Touch of Scarlet
[In Uniform 07] - Rogenna Brewer - Mitzi's Marine
[Marriage of Inconvenience 15] - Molly O'Keefe - His Wife for One Night
[More Than Friends 05] - Susan Gable - As Good as His Word
[More Than Friends 06] - Abby Gaines - Her Best Friend's Wedding
[More Than Friends 07] - Jeanie London - No Groom Like Him
[Single Fathers 32] - Michelle Celmer - Nanny Next Door
[Suddenly a Parent 21] - Mary Brady - Promise to a Boy
[Suddenly a Parent 22] - Janice Kay Johnson - Finding Her Dad
[Suddenly a Parent 23] - Holly Jacobs - A Father's Name
[Suddenly a Parent 24] - Kate Kelly - A Deliberate Father
[Together Again 01] - Jeanie London - The Husband Lesson
[Together Again 02] - Beth Andrews - Feels Like Home
[Twins 22] - Karina Bliss - Stand-in Wife
[You, Me and the Kids 23] - Elizabeth Ashtree - Reconcilable Differences
Amy Knupp - [The Texas Firefighters 04] - Burning Ambition
Amy Knupp - Because of the List
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 08] - Return to the Black Hills
Debra Salonen - [Spotlight on Sentinel Pass 09] - A Father's Quest
Ellen Hartman - Married by June
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Remember 05] - The Pursuit of Jesse
Holly Jacobs - [Whedon 04] - A Father's Name
Jeannie Watt - [Too Many Cooks 01] - The Baby Truce
Joan Kilby - [Summerside Stories 01] - Her Great Expectations
Joan Kilby - [Summerside Stories 02] - In His Good Hands
Joan Kilby - [Summerside Stories 03] - Two Against the Odds
Kara Lennox - [Project Justice 01] - Taken to the Edge
Kara Lennox - [Project Justice 02] - Nothing But the Truth
Kara Lennox - [Project Justice 03] - A Score to Settle
Karina Bliss - [Special Forces 01] - Here Comes the Groom
Karina Bliss - [Special Forces 02] - Stand-in Wife
Kimberly Van Meter - [Mama Jo's Boys 01] - The Past Between Us
Kimberly Van Meter - [Mama Jo's Boys 02] - A Chance in the Night
Kimberly Van Meter - [Mama Jo's Boys 03] - Secrets in a Small Town
Kristi Gold - [Delta Secrets 01] - The One She Left Behind
Linda Warren - [The Hardin Boys 04] - The Texan's Secret
Linda Warren - [The Hardin Boys 05] - The Texan's Bride
Linda Warren - [The Hardin Boys 06] - The Texan's Christmas
Sarah Mayberry - [Adamson Brothers 01] - The Last Goodbye
Sarah Mayberry - [Adamson Brothers 02] - One Good Reason
Sarah Mayberry - All They Need
Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 12] - Full Contact
Tracy Wolff - Deserving of Luke
Valerie Parv - [Make Ma a Match 01] - With a Little Help

Missing :

[Count on a Cop 49] - Julianna Morris - Honor Bound
[Twins 21] - Darlene Gardner - Twice the Chance
Zana Bell - A Risk Worth Taking
[Going Bacck 32] - Mary Sullivan - Beyond Ordinary
Tracy Kelleher - Invitation to Italian
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Remember 06] - Her Sure Thing
Helen Brenna - [An Island to Remember 07] - Redemption at Mirabelle
Kay Stockham - [North Star 03] - The Sheriff's Daughter
Kay Stockham - [North Star 04] - In the Rancher's Footsteps
Kay Stockham - [North Star 05] - Christmas in Montana
[Going Back 34] - Dawn Atkins - The Baby Connection
[Hometown U.S.A. 23] - Mary Sullivan - Winning over the Rancher
[Home on the Ranch 48] - Ann Evans - Temporary Rancher
[Hometown U.S.A. 25] - Mary Sullivan - These Ties That Bind
[Going Back 35] - Darlene Gardner - The Christmas Gift
[Hometown U.S.A. 26] - Kathleen O'Brien - The Cost of Silence
[Going Back 36] - Lenora Worth - A Southern Reunion



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