منتديات ليلاس

منتديات ليلاس (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/)
-   سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/f207/)
-   -   أغلفة بعض أعداد روايات مصرية للجيب !! (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t68912.html)

^RAYAHEEN^ 19-03-07 08:42 AM

*&* أغلفة أعداد سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب *&*
مرحبا احلى اعضاء
بقدملكم بهالموضوع
الاعداد الي نزلت من سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب
سعيا منا لمعرفة كل ما تم اصداره من كل سلسلة
ومحاولة منا لحصر الاعداد وعرض ما لم يتم عرضه .









^RAYAHEEN^ 19-03-07 08:51 AM








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^RAYAHEEN^ 19-03-07 09:04 AM


^RAYAHEEN^ 25-03-07 08:19 AM

وهلء بكفي باقي الدليل
تكرم عيونكم ،،،


^RAYAHEEN^ 25-03-07 08:20 AM


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^RAYAHEEN^ 25-03-07 08:35 AM


بيجاسوس 06-06-07 10:40 AM

*&* الأغلفة الخلفية للأعداد الجديدة من سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب و غيرها *&*
*&* الأغلفة الخلفية للأعداد الجديدة من سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب و غيرها *&*

سلسلة ما وراء الطبيعة

ما وراء الطبيعة (70) : الحلقات المنسية

من جديد نحن في الانتظار جوار الهاتف .. لو كنت تشعر بخوف غامض .. لو كنت تسمع من يتسلل في الردهة الآن، وعندك ألف يقين أنه ليس مجرد لص .. لو كانت خزانة الثياب تنظر لك في حدة عندما تدير ظهرك.. لو كان جهاز التلفزيون يعرض أفلامًا لم ينتجها بشري .. لو كانت ساقك تقوم بجولة وحدها في المنزل، فلا تتردد .. إننا ساهرون هنا ومعنا الدكتور (رفعت إسماعيل).. سوف نحل مشكلتك في دقائق، وإن لم نستطع فلسوف تحرك صرخات استغاثتك خيال آلاف المستمعين الساهرين معنا الآن .. !

الكتيب القادم ( أسطورة الظلال )..

............................................................ ......................................

سلسلة سافاري

سافاري (39): NDE

أنت تقترب من النور .. من فتحة النفق ..
سوف تعبر ...
شعور بالنشوة يغمرك، لكنه كذلك توتر لذيذ .. درجة معينة محببة من الخوف ...
لكنك سوف تعبر .. وسوف ترى ما ينتظرك هناك ..
تعرف مصدر هذا الضوء وسره ...
ربما تذوب فيه للأبد ..ربما لهذا جئت إلى العالم ..
ربما لهذا أنت موجود ..
كي تذوب فيه فلا يصير لك وجود ...

القصة القادمة: عن الطيور نحكي

............................................................ .................

حين وجود أغلفة جديدة سيتم تجديد الموضوع

قادم من الماضي 07-06-07 12:42 AM

شكرا لك اخي بيجاسوس

هل معنى ذلك انه قد تم اصدار اعداد جديدة في الفترة الاخيرة من سلسلتي سافاري وما وراء الطبيعة؟

بيجاسوس 07-06-07 06:15 AM

لا أعتقد هذا

بس أنا جيبتلك دول من موقع د.أحمد خالد توفيق مباشرة ههههههه

بيجاسوس 11-06-07 07:09 AM

سلسلة رجفة الخوف

7 - ثورة الحيوانات

ونستون مجنون الكمبيوتر يقرر أن يذهب ليزور مزرعة ابن عمه .. هو يعرف أنها عطلة مملة، لكنه يكتشف أن الأمور تختلف ..
سرعان ما يجد ونستون وابن عمه أن الحيوانات متوترة بشدة....... وخطرة ..
يجب على ونستون أن يستعمل ذكاءه لو أراد أن يبقى وابن عمه حيين هذه الليلة !

القصة القادمة: جنون في المركز التجاري


سلسلة فانتازيا

فانتازيا (50) : هي والأنا

تعال معي .. مد لي يدك الباردة المبتلة بالعرق، وتعال نخترق ذلك الظلام الكثيف الذي يقود إلى غابة عقلك الباطن .. تعال معي ولا تخف .. أنا معدوم الخبرة مثلك، لكننا لن نكون وحدنا .. سوف نهتدي بالدكتور (فرويد) والدكتور (أدلر) والدكتور (يانج) وربما سواهم ممن قرروا أن يعرفوا كل شيء عن تلك الغابة ..
تعال معي ولا تخف .. سوف تفهم الكثير عن نفسك، لكن صدقني لن تعود الحياة كما كانت .. لن تعود أفراحك وأحزانك وأحلامك كما كنت تحسبها قبل هذه الرحلة المرعبة ..

القصة القادمة: فلننقذ الدوتشي


سلسلة روايات عالمية للجيب

(64): أليس في بلاد العجائب

أحيانًا ما تترك موهبة بعض الكتاب لمسة لا تُمحى على الأدب العالمي، وربما على الوجدان الشعبي ذاته .. بالنسبة لأديب اليوم (لويس كارول)، يظل الوجدان الغربي يحمل صورة الرجل البيضة الجالس على الجدار، والزجاجة التي كُتب عليها (إشربيني)، وحتى بالنسبة لقارئ العربية تظل فكرة اجتياز سطح المرآة لدخول عالم الأحلام باقية للأبد..

القصة القادمة:قلعة الأسر

popt2t 12-06-07 09:32 AM

شكرا اخي

بس هل الروايات دي صدرت ولا انت مش عارف وناقلها برضه من موقع الرائع د /احمد خالد توفيق

tantomonto 15-06-07 12:41 PM

we want this stories begassssssssssssoooooooooooooooooossssssssssssss
thank you

بيجاسوس 07-07-07 09:05 PM

*%* أغلفة الأعداد الأصلية الانجليزية من سلسلة صرخة الرعب GOOSEBUMPS *%*
الــســـلام عليكم و رحــــــمة الله و بركـــــاته

ازيـــــــــكم أحلي أعضــــاء

سلسلة صرخة الرعب GOOSEBUMPS تصدر عن طريق دار النشر scholastic

و يقم بكتابتها RL.Stine

و أنـــا جايبكلم الأغلفة الأصلية للأعداد الانجليزية الأصلية

و حصريا علي ليلاس

يالاا نبدأ

الشبح مقطوع الرأس

"The Headless Ghost"


Everyone knows about Hill House. It’s the biggest tourist attraction in town. That’s because it’s haunted. Haunted by the ghost of a thirteen-year-old boy. A boy with no head!

Duane and Stephanie love Hill House. It’s dark. And creepy. And totally scary.

Still, they’ve never actually seen the ghost. Until the night they decide to go on a search. A search for his head...

القناع الملعون 2

"The Haunted Mask II"


Steve Boswell will never forget Carly Beth’s Halloween mask. It was so gross. So terrifying. But this year Steve wants to have the scariest costume on the block. So he gets a mask from the same store where Carly Beth got hers. It looks like a creepy old man. With stringy hair. A wrinkled face. And spiders crawling out of the ears!

Steve’s definitely got the scariest mask around. Too bad he’s starting to feel so old. And so tired. And so evil…

"Go Eat Worms"


Obsessed with worms? That’s putting it mildly. Todd is so fascinated with worms, he keeps a worm farm in his basement! Most of all, Todd loves torturing his sister and her best friend with worms. Dropping them in their hair. Down their backs. Until one day, after cutting a worm in half, Todd notices something strange. The rest of the worms seem to be staring at him!

Suddenly worms start showing up in the worst places for Todd. In his bed. In his homework. Even in his spaghetti! What’s a worm lover to do when his own worms are starting to gross him out?

"Be Careful What You Wish For"


Make a wish! Samantha Byrd is a klutz. She’s the laughingstock of the girls’ basketball team. And mean Judith Bellwood is making her life miserable on and off the court.

But everything is about to change. Sam’s met someone who can grant her three wishes. Too bad Sam wasn’t careful what she wished for. Because her wishes are coming true. And they’re turning her life into a living nightmare!

"Night of the Living Dummy III"


When dummies speak... everybody listens!

Trina O’Dell’s dad used to have a ventriloquist act. That’s why he has all those dummies in the attic. He calls it his Dummy Museum. There’s a dummy with freckles. And one with a sneer just like Rocky. Trina and her brother, Dan, think the dummies are pretty cool.

But now there are voices in the attic. And the dummies keep showing up in the strangest places.

No way those dummies could be alive! Right?

"Why I’m Afraid of Bees"


Right brain. Wrong body. Gary Lutz needs a vacation – from himself. Bullies are constantly beating him up. His only friend is his computer. Even his little sister doesn’t like him. But now Gary’s dream is about to come true. He’s going to exchange bodies with another kid for a whole week. Gary can’t wait to get a new body. Until something horrible happens. And Gary finds out his new body isn’t exactly human.

"The Girl Who Cried Monster"


She’s telling the truth – but no one believes her! Lucy likes to tell monster stories. She’s told so many that her friends and family are sick of them. Then one day, Lucy discovers a real, live monster: the librarian in charge of the summer reading program. Too bad Lucy’s told so many monster tall tales. Too bad no one believes a word she says. Too bad the monster knows who she is – and is coming after her next.

"The Beast From the East"


Ginger Wald and her identical twin brothers, Nat and Pat, are lost in the woods. No problem. After all, Ginger did go to that stupid nature camp.

Still, there's something odd about this part of the woods. The grass is yellow. The bushes are purple. And the trees are like skyscrapers.

Then Ginger and her brothers meet the beasts. They're big blue furry creatures. And they want to play a game. The winners get to live. The losers get eaten...

"The Curse of Camp Cold Lake"


Camp is supposed to be fun, but Sarah hates Camp Cold Lake. The lake is gross and slimy. And she's having a little trouble with her bunkmates. They hate her.

So Sarah comes up with a plan. She'll pretend to drown — then everyone will feel sorry for her.

But things don't go exactly the way Sarah planned. Because down by the cold, dark lake someone is watching her. Stalking her. Someone with pale blue eyes. And a see-through body...

"A Night in Terror Tower"


All locked up and no place to go!

Sue and her brother, Eddie, are visiting London when they run into a little problem. They can't find their tour group. Still, there's no reason to panic. No way their tour guide would just leave them. All alone. In a gloomy old prison tower.

No way they'd get locked inside. After dark. With those eerie sounds. And a strange dark figure who wants them... dead.

"Piano Lessons Can Be Murder"


Practice till you drop... dead.

When Jerry finds a dusty old piano in the attic of his new house, his parents offer to pay for lessons. At first, taking piano seems like a cool idea.

But there's something creepy about Jerry's piano teacher, Dr. Shreek. Something really creepy. Something Jerry can't quite put his finger on. Then Jerry hears the stories. Terrifying stories. About the students at Dr. Shreek's music school. Students who went in for a lesson... and never came out.

"Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns"


Nothing beats Halloween. It's Drew Brockman's favorite holiday. And this year will be awesome. Much better than last year. Or the year Lee and Tabby played that joke. A nasty practical joke on Drew and her best friend, Walker.

Yes, this year Drew and Walker have a plan. A plan for revenge. It involves two scary pumpkin heads.

But something's gone wrong. Way wrong. Because the pumpkin heads are a little too scary. A little too real. With strange hissing voices. And flames shooting out of their faces...

"The Haunted Mask"


If looks could kill...

How ugly is Carly Beth's Halloween mask? It's so ugly that it almost scared her little brother to death. So terrifying that even her friends are totally freaked out about it.

It's the best Halloween mask ever. It's everything Carly Beth hoped it would be. And more.

Maybe too much more. Because Halloween is almost over. And Carly Beth is still wearing that special mask....

"The Horror at Camp JellyJam"


It's not whether you win or lose—it's how you stay alive!

Swimming, basketball, archery. King Jellyjam's sports camp has it all. Too bad Wendy isn't a total sports freak like her brother, Elliot. But how excited can you get over a game of softball. It's just a game right?


Because Camp Jellyjam is no ordinary sports camp. And Wendy's about to find out why. Why the counselors seem a little too happy. A little too obsessed with winning. And why the ground is always rumbling late at night....

"How I Got My Shrunken Head"


Two heads are better than one!

What has two eyes, a mouth, and wrinkly green skin? Mark's shrunken head. It's a present from his Aunt Benna. A gift from the jungle island of Baladora.

Mark can't wait to show the kids at school his shrunken head. It's so ugly. So gross. So awesome.
But late one night the head starts to glow. Because it's no ordinary head. It gives Mark a strange power. A magical power. A dangerous power....

"How to Kill a Monster"

كيف تقتل وحشا


Step 1: Run. Step 2: Run faster.

Gretchen and her stepbrother, Clark, hate staying at their grandparents' house. Grandpa Eddie is totally deaf. And Grandma Rose is obsessed with baking. Plus, they live right in the middle of a dark, muddy swamp.

This couldn't get any worse, right? WRONG.
Because there's something really weird about Grandma and Grandpa's house. Something odd about that room upstairs. The one that's locked. The one with the strange noises coming from it. Strange growling noises...

"It Came From Beneath The Sink!"


Their luck's about to go down the drain...

Kat and her brother, Daniel, are so lucky. They just moved to a new house with tons of rooms, two balconies and a lawn the size of a football field!

But all that good luck is about to run out. Because there's something really evil living in their new house. Something that's moving. Watching. Waiting.
Something that comes from beneath the sink....

"Lets Get Invisible!"


Now you see him.
Now you dont.

On Max's birthday, he finds a sort of magic mirror in the attic. It can make him become invisible.

So Max and his friends start playing now you see me, now you don't. Until Max realizes that he's losing control. Staying invisible a little too long. Having a harder and harder time coming back.
Getting invisible is turning into a very dangerous game. The next time Max gets invisible, will it be...forever?

"Monster Blood"
الوحش الدموي


It's a monster blood drive!

While staying with his weird great-aunt Kathryn, Evan visits a funky old toy store and buys a dusty can of monster blood. It's fun to play with at first. And Evan's dog, Trigger, likes it so much he eats some!
But then Evan notices something weird about the green, slimy stuff—it seems to be growing. And growing. And growing. And all that growing has given the monster blood a monstrous appetite....

"Night of the Living Dummy"


He's no dummy!

Lindy names the ventriloquist's dummy she finds Slappy. Slappy is kind of ugly, but he's a lot of fun. Lindy's having a great time learning to make Slappy move and talk.

But Kris is jealous of all the attention her sister is getting. It's no fair. Why does Lindy always have all the luck? Kris decides to get a dummy of her own. She'll show Lindy.
Then weird things begin to happen. Nasty things. Evil things. No way a dummy can be causing all the trouble. Or is there?

"One Day At HorrorLand"


The next ride might be their last....

The Morris family got lost trying to find Zoo Gardens Theme Park. But that's okay. They found another amusement park instead. It's called HorrorLand.

In HorrorLand there are no crowds. No lines. And the admission is free. It seems like a pretty cool place. But that was before that heart-stopping ride on the deadly Doom Slide. And that terrifying experience in the House of Mirrors.
Because there's something weird about the rides in HorrorLand. Something a little too creepy. A little too real...

"Say Cheese and Die!"


A picture is worth a thousand screams.

Greg thinks there is something wrong with the old camera he and his friends found. The photographs keep turning out wrong. Very wrong. Like the snapshot Greg took of his father's new car that shows it totaled. And then Greg's father is in a nasty wreck.

But Greg's friends don't believe him. Shari even makes Greg bring the camera to her birthday party and take her picture.
Only Shari's not in the photograph when it develops. Is Shari about to be taken out of the picture permanently?

"The Scarecrow Walks At Midnight"


It's a field of screams!

Jodie loves visiting her grandparents' farm. Okay, so it's not the most exciting place in the world. Still, Grandpa tells great scary stories. And Grandma's chocolate chip pancakes are the best.

But this summer the farm has really changed. The cornfields are sparse. Grandma and Grandpa seem worn out. And the single scarecrow has been replaced by twelve evil-looking ones.
Then one night Jodie sees something really odd. The scarecrows seem to be moving. Twitching on their stakes. Coming alive....

"A Shocker On The Shock Street"


Talk About Shock Treatment!

Erin Wright and her best friend, Marty, love horror movies. Especially Shocker on Shock Street movies. All kinds of scary creatures live on Shock Street. The Toadinator. Ape Face. The Mad Mangler.

But when Erin and Marty visit the new Shocker Studio Theme Park, the get the scare of their lives. First their tram gets stuck in the Cave of the Living Creeps. Then they're attacked by a group of enormous praying mantises!
Real life is a whole lot scarier than the movies. But Shock Street isn't really real. Is it?

"Stay Out of the Basement"


Something's waiting in the dark….

Dr. Brewer is doing a little plant-testing in his basement. Nothing to worry about. Harmless, really.

But Margaret and Casey Brewer are worried about their father. Especially when they... meet... some of the plants he is growing down there. Then they notice that their father is developing plantlike tendencies. In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy—and seedy.
Is it just part of their father's "harmless" experiment? Or has the basement turned into another little shop of horrors?

"Attack of the Mutant"


He's no superhero... He's a supervillain!

Skipper Matthews has an awesome comic book collection. His favorite one is called The Masked Mutant. It's about an evil supervillain who's out to rule the universe!

Skipper can't get enough of The Mutant. Until one day he gets lost in a strange part of town. And finds a building that looks exactly like The Mutant's secret headquarters. A building that appears and disappears! .

Has Skipper read one too many comic books? Or does The Masked Mutant really live in Riverview Falls?

"You Can’t Scare Me!"

لا تستطيع أن تخيفني


Courtney is a total show-off. She thinks she's so brave; and she's always making Eddie and his friends look like wimps. But now Eddie's decided he's had enough. He's going to scare Courtney once and for all. And he's come up with the perfect plan to do it.

Eddie's going to lure Courtney down to Muddy Creek. Because he knows that she actually believes those silly rumors about the monsters. That there are Mud Monsters living deep inside the creek.

It's just too bad that Eddie doesn't believe the rumors, too. Because they just might be true...

"Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes"


Two pink flamingos. A whole family of plaster skunks. Joe Burton’s dad loves tacky lawn ornaments. But when he brings home two ugly lawn gnomes, the trouble begins. Late at night. When everyone’s sleeping. Someone’s creeping in the garden. Whispering nasty things. Smashing melons. Squashing tomatoes. No way two dumb old lawn ornaments with pointy hats could be causing all the trouble... is there?

"Night of the Living Dummy II"


Amy’s ventriloquist dummy, Dennis, keeps losing his head... for real. So Amy begs her family for a new dummy. That’s when her dad finds Slappy in a local pawnshop. Slappy’s kind of ugly, but at least his head stays on! And besides, Amy’s having fun practicing her new routine. It’s like this dummy knows what she’s thinking. Like he can move on his own. And it’s great – until Slappy starts a routine of his own. A nasty, horrible routine. And Amy can’t control him...

جاري اضافة أغلفة أخري

لرؤية الأغلفة بحجم كبييير زوروا الموضوع التالي

طموحة 08-07-07 05:56 PM

مساء الخير
مرسي كتير بيجاسوس على الشيئ الرائع اللي قدمتو

بيجاسوس 08-07-07 07:58 PM


طمطم مالك داخلة ضاربة بوز هههههه

العفو و جاري وضع باقي الأغلفة لانه لسه فيه كتيير


dragonguard 09-07-07 01:21 PM

they are perfect, you are doing a good work Pegasus
could you bring the *******s of those covers,it's first time i've seen them and i really like the drawing, i red lots of comics (DC comics and marvel comics) but not this creepy type, so PLeeeeas where can i find them

بيجاسوس 09-07-07 01:34 PM

ههههههه ازيك دراجون

الحمد لله انهم عجبوكي و لسه الأعداد مخلصتش لسه هاحط تاني

و أنا قرات السلسلة بس بالعربي لكن دي الأغلفة الأصلية بالانجليزي

و أنا برضه معجب برسوماتها جدا و علي فكرة دي مش كوميكس لا دي قصص عادية تقرايها

بس ايه رايك في الأغلفة حلوة مش كده

و علي فكرة أنا باعمل دلوقتي موضوع باحط فيه أغلفة السلسلة ولكن بحجم كبييييييييير

و من غير ما تقولي أول لما الاقي الاعداد دي أنا دورت كتييير و أول ما الاقيها اكيد هاحطها هنا

و لو عايزة تعملي سيرش

ممكن تكتبي Goosebumps في اي موقع بحث

تحياتي لك

بيجاسوس 09-07-07 01:49 PM

*$* أغلفة الأعداد الأصلية من سلسلة صرخة الرعب Goosebumps حجم كبير *$*
































و لمشاهدة هذه الأغلفة بل و أكثر بحجم صغير مع الكتابة الخلفية للأعداد

زروا هذا الموضوع هنا

بيجاسوس 09-07-07 01:51 PM

يالا شوفوا الأغلفة بحجم كبير في هذا الموضوع من هنا

بيجاسوس 09-07-07 01:53 PM

و علي فكرة جاري اضافة أغلفة لاعداد أخري في نفس المشاركة بالأعلي


طموحة 09-07-07 10:39 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بيجاسوس (المشاركة 869312)

طمطم مالك داخلة ضاربة بوز هههههه

العفو و جاري وضع باقي الأغلفة لانه لسه فيه كتيير


علاش بيجاسوس انت شايفني يعني هههههه
على العموم اهي ضحكة عريضة المنكبين هههههههههههههههههه

بيجاسوس 09-07-07 10:44 PM


علشان شايفك اه طبعا ههههههه

كنتي ضاربة بوز هههه

و ايه دي كمان ضحكة ادهم صبري هههههه

ميرسي علي المرور

dragonguard 10-07-07 09:44 AM

I think it's similar to Steven King's style

Thank you Pegasus and keep going

بيجاسوس 10-07-07 10:05 AM

هههههههه لا لا لا دي مش زي كتابات ستيفن كينج اطلاقا و بالمرة

جربي تقري صرخة الرعب هتلاقيها استايل مختلف تماما كوميدي و رعب في نفس الوقت و له طابع خاص


بيجاسوس 08-11-07 11:43 AM

*^^* أغلفة اصدارات دار ليلي *^^*

ABDOLA 04-02-08 01:13 AM

أغلفة بعض الإصدارات الجديدة !!
هاكم أغلفة بعض روايات مصرية للجيب التي نزلت في معرض الكتاب منذ يومين تقريبا :
و هذه الأغلفة من رفع الصديق المصري العزيز الخلوق جدا : إيهاب احمد عمر

ملف المستقبل : 156 - عالم جديد

ABDOLA 04-02-08 01:16 AM

ABDOLA 04-02-08 01:18 AM

ABDOLA 04-02-08 01:20 AM

ABDOLA 04-02-08 01:23 AM

الساعة الآن 01:53 AM.

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