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-   -   my collection of novels (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t94028.html)

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 08:46 PM

my collection of novels
A Firefighter in the Family
by Trish Milburn

As a kid, Randi Cooke couldn't wait to follow her father and four brothers into a firefighting career. But after a terrible accident at her very first fire, she fled her Florida hometown. Three years later an arson investigation brings her back to face her estranged family…and Zac Parker, the friend and lover who betrayed her when she needed him most.

Zac Parker had a home with the local fire department, until a false accusation cost him his career. Now he and Randi have to work together to find the culprit in another suspicious fire. He let her down once before. Can he earn Randi's forgiveness and give them both a second chance?

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:02 PM

by Barbara Dunlop

Things Crystal Hayes could do without: her looks, men obsessed with her looks, and guys who think they're God's gift to the ladies. She'd rather be behind the wheel of a truck than navigating cheesy pickup lines. But when Crystal makes a delivery to a NASCAR event, she meets the one guy who could blow all her preconceptions away.…

All his life Larry Grosso has lived in the shadow of his well-known racing family—but it's now time for him to take what he wants. And on the top of that list is Crystal—breathtaking, sweet…and twenty-two years younger. Their age difference is creating animosity within their families, and suddenly their romance is the talk of the entire NASCAR circuit!

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:10 PM

by Michele Dunaway

Personal trainer Terri Whalen breathes car exhaust fumes the way other people breathe air. Born and bred into a NASCAR family, Terri travels the race circuit and ensures the drivers are in great shape. Her rule: job first. Men always seem to want more than Terri can give…until she meets Max Harper.

Max is a good-looking single dad, and the spark plugs between the two start firing almost immediately. When Terri brings Max and his daughter to experience the "behind-the-scenes" world of NASCAR, it's immediately obvious that business has turned into pleasure. But when Max's ex-wife shows up in a bid to reunite her family, Terri will have to decide whether to surrender…or fight!

ruba 21-09-08 09:10 PM

hey blueangel....lovely summuries..they look great..i dont know if they are already in the site..the other girls know..but im awaiting to see more from your collection..hope you post the novels soon

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:12 PM

Teaming Up
by Abby Gaines

After spending most of her life buried in books and academia despite her NASCAR roots, scientist Kim Murphy is a complete success. But when she stumbles across an old list—”Things To Do Before I Die”—Kim realizes that she hasn't really lived. Now it's time for her to tackle the frivolous things in life: “Play hooky.” “Buy a push-up bra.” Next up…find a “jock” to date!

Kim's unusual mix of beauty, braininess and humor seems tailor-made to get under NASCAR car chief Ward Abraham's skin—so when she asks him out, Ward can't refuse. But when he offers to help her out with her “list” (and then some!) Kim is delighted… and terrified that Ward will discover the real reason for her list!

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:16 PM

The Rookie
by Jennifer LaBrecque

Maddie Felton used to be a credit-card-flashing daddy's girl. But that was so three years ago. Now the heiress is ready to make her mark on her family's motel chain empire. Problem is, she's never had a job. Any job. That is, until daddy puts her in charge of his latest venture—NASCAR sponsorship.

Driving rookie Tucker Macray knows NASCAR is an opportunity of a lifetime—but does it have to come with a spoiled rich girl sponsor running his show? Say this. Do that. It's not as if she knows an iota about the sport or even pretends to enjoy it.

But would she actually sabotage Tucker's rookie season to get out of her job?

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:22 PM

Full Throttle
by Wendy Etherington

What happened to car chief Lexie Mercer's star driver? Kane Jackson used to be an untamed force. A winner. Now he's calm, composed—and apathetic. She can't even pick a fight with him anymore! What's worse, his lackluster mood is affecting his racing.

Then Kane does the unthinkable. He kisses Lexie, giving in to months of pent-up desire. How could this happen? Lexie is bossy, brainy…and exactly the woman to ignite his lost passion for winning.

But Lexie knows Kane's got to stay focused on racing, despite his insistence that one night together will get her out of his system…and into Victory Lane.

It won't work. It can't work. Can it?

blueangel_1268 21-09-08 09:23 PM

No Time To Lose
by Carrie Weaver

Jamie Tanner might appear more lingerie model than grease monkey, but she's actually a highly qualified mechanical engineer. No way is she going to let some struggling, chauvinistic NASCAR driver say her work isn't up to speed. Tanner Performance Motors is the best in the business—and so is she.

But Ryan Pearce can't afford to make nice. He's counting on Jamie to find out why his performance engine keeps failing…and there's no time to lose. Ryan is only a race away from tanking his career. Jamie has never been bested by an engine—or a man. But spending long nights working closely with Ryan, trying not to be distracted by his presence, she wonders if she's met her match….

darla 21-09-08 09:53 PM

Hi Blue Angel

welcome to our forum

Thanks for lovely novels

cocubasha 21-09-08 10:06 PM

Lola Ali 21-09-08 11:55 PM

welcome blueangel to our forum and thanks in advance for the novels:flowers2:

sommanha 22-09-08 12:43 AM

welcome blueangel to our home

Thank you for the novels



blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:39 AM

thanx everybody for your welcom and here are more novels for you

Finally a Bride
by Lisa Childs

Friend. Lover. Groom?

Running out on her own wedding is the only way Molly McClintock can stop herself from making the biggest mistake of her life. But running to her childhood friend Eric South could land her in even more trouble. Ever since the second grade, Eric's always been there for her. Now the wounded war hero is back in her life… and igniting enough sparks to turn friends into lovers.

How could Eric forget the girl who accepted his boyhood marriage proposal? Now, twenty years later, he's getting a second chance. With Molly back in his arms where she belongs, will Eric finally get his lifelong wish and meet the woman he loves at the altar?

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:41 AM

Baby In Waiting
by Jacqueline Diamond

When Brooke Bernard learns she's pregnant, she knows exactly what's missing from her soon-to-be family.

A daddy.

That certainly isn't Oliver Armstrong, Brooke's new roommate. Oliver may be gorgeous and caring, but the ambitious developer definitely isn't father material.

When Oliver agreed to let Brooke temporarily move into his condo, he should have known the free-spirited beauty would promptly turn his life upside down. Now she wants him to help her find a suitable husband! But weeding out all the Mr. Wrongs is just making Oliver realize that Brooke's ideal mate is closer than she realizes—right under the same roof!

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:42 AM

Trust a Cowboy
by Judy Christenberry

When Pete Ledbetter's granddad decided to find Pete a wife, the bachelor had no choice but to find a decoy bride-to-be. For help with his scheme, he looked no further than his family's Colorado dude ranch. After a summer romance, he knew he was compatible with chef Mary Jo Michaels. But after a summer breakup, he knew convincing her to help him would be nearly impossible….

Mary Jo loved the Lazy L; it was Pete she wasn't so sure about. He'd hurt her once, and she couldn't be sure he wouldn't again. Although the way he's acting around her—the way he looks at her—has her thinking the cowboy has changed his ways.

Can she trust Pete enough to turn their pretend engagement into a real marriage?

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:46 AM

Man of the Year
by Lisa Ruff

Advertising executive Samantha James is looking for a ballplayer who can turn the city's losing team into a winning package. From the moment she sees pitcher Jarrett Corliss in that steamy locker room, she knows she's found her star candidate.

She also knows she needs to steer clear of the arrogant player outside the boardroom.

Jarrett agrees to be Samantha's poster boy on one condition— that she goes out with him. Even though the team's owner has forbidden fraternization because of recent scandals that almost brought down the ball club, Jarrett isn't about to strike out.

He needs the team to win this season to save his career, but he also needs Sam…and this is the one time where he hopes his pitch lands a home run.

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:55 AM

The Bridegroom's Secret
by Melissa James

With a glittering wedding to plan, Julie Montgomery is the happiest girl in town. Their engagement party is the talk of Boston—but then Julie discovers everyone seems to know more about her groom-to-be than she does….

Matt McLachlan wants to protect his beautiful fiancée from the complications in his life—he only wants good things for her. But Matt has to learn that marriage is about sharing everything, for better and for worse. Before he says "I do," he has to tell Julie a secret….

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 03:59 AM

The Boss's Unconventional Assistant
by Jennie Adams

Sophia Gable is anything but conventional, and multimillionaire Grey Barlow knows this the second he meets her. With her bright clothes, and even brighter outlook on life, Sophia is no ordinary PA! And Grey is beginning to wonder why he's hired her…

Sophia is nervous about her first temporary assignment, and falling for her boss is the last thing she needs. But how can she not want to get personal with broodingly handsome Grey? He may not be the commitment type, but she has a warm, generous heart that may be just what this grumbly boss needs!

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 04:06 AM

The Heir's Convenient Wife
by Myrna Mackenzie

The Wedding Belles' photographer, Regina, captures picture-perfect memories for brides and grooms to treasure. But looking at her own wedding photo makes her realize she barely knows the man she conveniently wed.…

Dell O'Ryan was always brought up to do the right thing, to be responsible. So when his no-good cousin landed the beautiful Regina in a whole heap of trouble, Dell stepped in to save the day.

One convenient marriage later, they are practically strangers, and now Dell has decided it's time to date his wife

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 04:09 AM

The Desert Prince's Proposal
by Nicola Marsh

Time is running out for Prince Samman! In order to be crowned king, he must marry, but he has rejected all his advisors' suggestions. Then he is captivated by a unique pair of honey-colored eyes, and chooses Bria as his bride!

Bria Green is an intelligent, independent, modern woman. When Samman tells her she'll agree to his proposal within a week, Bria's sure the powerful prince won't get his way!

But in the scorching heat of the Adhara desert, Samman's heady kisses may change Bria's mind….

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 04:11 AM

Parents in Training
by Barbara McMahon

Discovering she's pregnant fills Annalise with joy! She doesn't have a clue about babies, but with her husband by her side, she's confident they can learn the ropes together….

But Dominic feels shell-shocked by the news. The truth is he's still reeling from an unhappy experience of parenthood from his past—a fact he's kept secret from everyone, even his beloved Annalise. So even while he longs to share her excitement, the fear that history might repeat itself is keeping him from the one person he loves most—his wife.

Now it's up to her to prove that Dominic really can be a daddy in a million!

blueangel_1268 22-09-08 04:14 AM

Saying Yes to the Millionaire
by Fiona Harper

First date: Oxford Circus, London…

When cautious Fern Chambers is challenged by a friend to say yes to every question, she never expects to spend four days with dreamy Josh Adams doing a charity treasure hunt. First dance: Covent Garden…

Daredevil millionaire Josh never stays in one place—or with one woman—for long. But Fern is challenging that rule….

First kiss: Trafalgar Square…

Josh realizes the treasure he's been looking for may in fact be the beautiful Fern. Can he persuade her to say yes to his final question, the most important one of all?

korabika 23-09-08 12:41 PM

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
the novels are wondeful
plz put them soooooooooon
thx a lot

blueangel_1268 24-09-08 05:59 AM

Hitched to the Horseman
by Stella Bagwell

Gabe Trevino came to the family-owned Sandbur Ranch to train horses, not fall for the boss's daughter. The sultry ranching heiress could ride and rope as well as any man. She was also hiding something, tempting Gabe to solve the enigma that was beautiful, vulnerable Mercedes Saddler.

Mercedes knew better than to trust the handsome cowboy. She'd come home to Texas to start over on the ranch she loved. And Sandbur's new head horse trainer was a man who could break her heart as easily as he could break a foal. But Gabe called to something deep within her, making her yearn to heal the past and build a future with this lonesome, wary-of-love loner….

blueangel_1268 24-09-08 06:01 AM

Expecting the Doctor's Baby
by Teresa Southwick

His bedside manner needed work

Mitch Tenney's reputation preceded him. He was a miracle worker in surgical scrubs, a hunk and a half with riveting blue eyes and a really bad attitude. The dazzling doctor had offended one official too many and was now this close to being fired—unless Samantha Ryan could set him straight.

…or did it?

With Sam's disposition and powers of persuasion, she was sure she could get Dr. Mitch back on track. But somehow the brooding bachelor got to her instead—body and soul. Now Sam had a baby on the way with a man who had no interest in playing house. What was a good girl to do?

blueangel_1268 24-09-08 09:25 PM

Sister's Choice
by Emilie Richards

With nine years and a turbulent childhood between them, Kendra and Jamie have never been storybook sisters. After a long estrangement, they've finally begun to heal their hurts and forge a new bond.

Now Jamie is offering a gift Kendra has long since given up hoping for, the fondest wish of her heart—a baby. Already raising two young girls on her own, Jamie wants to become a gestational surrogate for Kendra and her husband, Isaac, giving birth to a child the husband and wife have created together. Despite some lingering misgivings about her once-wayward younger sister's commitment, Kendra agrees, and soon Jamie is pregnant.

In addition to this amazing gift of life, Jamie has designed a new house for Kendra and Isaac and is overseeing its construction on Isaac's ancestral property along the Shenandoah River, with the help of Cash Rosslyn, one of the most attractive men Jamie has known. By giving her sister both a home and a family, Jamie hopes to prove to Kendra that she deserves absolution for her past mistakes. But when a medical crisis threatens her health and her promising new relationship with Cash, Jamie learns that the most difficult choice in her life is yet to come—and its cost may be beyond calculation.

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 04:14 PM.

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