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zhraa 30-07-08 11:55 PM

’let’s complete the story
Complete the Story

Hi, All

In this subject the main goal is to improve our ways of writing, so the idea is to start with asmall paragraph of an incomplete story then, the person whose turn is next he/she have to complete the story with out putting an end to it in order, to give the next participant a chance to participate in the story. After any Participation, we should try to correct the mistakes that had been made and if I have done any mistakes don’t hesitate in correcting mine. It’s really an effective way to know our minor errors in writing.

مرحبا للكل

في هذا الموضوع الهدف الأساسي هو تحسين طرق الكتابة لدينا, الفكرة هي البداية بفقرة لقصة غير مكتملة وبعدها يتم الزيادة عليها من قبل المشارك الذي يلي دون إنهاء القصة حتى يحصل المشارك التالي على فرصة للمشاركة في هذا الموضوع. بعد كل مشاركة, سأحاول تصحيح الأخطاء ولا تترددوا في تصحيح أخطائي إن وجدت. هذه الطريقة فعالة لتجعلنا على علم بالأخطاء التي لا نلاحظها و نقع فيها أثناء الكتابة.

The Story

Ones upon time, in a great big farm there was a huge house in this house, there was a little family surrounded by love and happiness. The father of this family was named Josef, the mother her name is Sarah, and God blessed them with a very beautiful daughter they’ve named her Hanna.

i hope you like the idea

waiting for new events:lol:

darla 31-07-08 12:23 AM

Hanna was a pretty girl, with sweet temper. One day, her mother sent her to the nearby farm to fetch someone to fix the broken lambs in the basement. ll

نجمة لامعة 31-07-08 08:48 PM

great idea....i like it

in her way ...hanna has met her friend may..and they kept walking tell the
middle of tha tone,and pay some piskuites to both of them,.

darla 31-07-08 09:20 PM

Then May told Hanna a story about her lost dog ( pepo), she was looking for it, and Hanna suggested that maybe the dog is locked inside her home's basement

زهرة الكاميليا 31-07-08 09:51 PM

great idea Zhraa
let's see I'm not very good at making up stories ,but I'll try

May said that she looked carefully all over the house. But she didn't think of the basement. And she said that she's gonna hurry back home to look for the poor little dog.
Hana then continued her way to the farm, where she was going.
But then, she looked back to say something to May. May was already gone, but Hana then stumbled in a stone and fell to the ground

amer_6630 01-08-08 12:24 AM

woooooooow what really a gr8 idea i like it soooo much

hana cried a little until some one came from far away , she didn't know him at first sight and she felt scared but something from the bottom of her heart told her don't be afraid something good will happen .

she looked around her to ask for help if something wrong happened and she didn't find anyone at all , the strange character came near her and smiled to her and he was a young handsome male and his eyes was very very strange because on of them was green and the other was blue


she stared at him and look to her from her legs to her head and laugh and said : ........ ?

(Hana )

continue please i want to know the end of this conversation

زهرة الكاميليا 01-08-08 12:42 AM

hhhhhhhh the pictures are great idea amer
Ok then I'll try to complete

Hana said "Oh your eyes are so strange"
And she kept laughing through her tears (coz she still felt pain). The young man was used to people saying that about his eyes. So he wasn't angry. In fact he knew his eyes were beautiful , despite their strange color.
But he pretended to be angry and said " Oh I stopped to help you and you are making fun of me ??"
"Ok then you don't seem to want help........ bye"
and he pretended to leave. Hana then remembered her pain and cried to him "No no please wait I won't laugh again"
The young man smiled secretly and turned to her again, saying ..........

amer_6630 01-08-08 01:05 AM

hehehheheh i like it from u zahrat al camilia

the young man returned to her and he said in his mind what a cute girl and poor one ( for the ppl who don't hana : she is 22 years old wear glasses look like books worms and her dress is dirty all the time but at the same time something looks good in her maybe her sweet heart ) he tried to took her hand but she was crying hardly before


so his hand slipped away but he tried many times and every time his hands slipped away so he tried to think about something and he took tissue from his pocket and give it to hana with a cute and lovely smile


and said to her " take my hand now little girl !! "

she took his hands and stands up and there was a little blood in her knee and he saw that and his reflect was ....... ??

continue please

zhraa 01-08-08 01:11 AM

At This time hanna's parents notes her delay

her father went out to search for her & her mother tried to make phone calls to hanna`s friend


زهرة الكاميليا 01-08-08 01:42 AM

Thanks Amer
and the pictures are really making action I love the idea

The young man saw the blood and got concerned about Hana. He looked at her and said "Oh you're hurt , Let me see that"
He then examined her injury and said "It's not so dangerous, but you're bleeding "
"We must stop that"
then he tried to make a bandage for her. As he finished Hana felt better and tried to thank him.
But she felt so tired and exhausted. She was half a sleep. so as she looked at him again to say thank you, she said with a sleepy voice "Oh where did you get those eyes??"
the young man laughed this time and said "now we're back to my eyes again"
"Don't you wanna tell me where do you live so that I can help you go home??"

Then Hana remembered her parents and got scared
and then..............

amer_6630 01-08-08 02:01 AM

and then she said " oh my god my parents gonna kill me i went for a walk and now it's 11:30 PM oh my god wat am gonna do?? wat am gonna do ???

the young man looked at her and find himself in terrible situation and he started to think about what he will do ??

1- walk her to her house


2- try to find a taxi in the middle of the night and leave her alone with the taxi driver


he look to her again and he found such an angel


so and that make him choose without thinking about the consequences for walking with a strange girl in the night so he told her " hey you don't panic "

but she wasn't there she was screaming all around


he find himself taking her hand with his hand and looking to her eyes and saying to her " don't panic i'am with you "
it seems these words was like heaven to her because she can't feel any panic anymore and find her self looking in his strange eyes and seeing his inner heart .
he asked her now one question want to ask her from a long time " what is your name ? "

hana answered : " ............


Gon405 01-08-08 10:36 AM

CoOoOoOl ^^

I'm not very good in writing stories and in English ^^"
But I will try to write the story with you :dancingmonkeyff8:

He said with abig smile : what a beautiful name


Hana : Thanx

He look at her and said : Oh .. You have to go to your home now .. Let's GO

then he walk with Hana to her home

and on the road >>>>>

نجمة لامعة 01-08-08 06:20 PM

on the road they found her father who was very ungry
her father loked very carefully to the stranger ,and then said to hana: were
have you been hana your mather is very worried about you? come here
hana left the hand of the boy and walked to her father

Gon405 01-08-08 06:31 PM

She turn her face to see the young man But she didn't find him


She was surprised .. But Hana couldn't do anything
So .. She returned to her home

The mother was crying when Hana and her father entered the home
The father slapped Hana and said : Don't do that again

And >>>

نجمة لامعة 01-08-08 06:49 PM

hana run to her mather and kept cry,
on her room hana told her mother evrything happend
and told her aboud the man with the different eyes
her mother told her to forget everything and sleep

زهرة الكاميليا 01-08-08 10:16 PM

Hana went to sleep then. She thought a little about the man with strange eyes but then she fell a sleep because she was so tired.

three days later, Hana was walking in the town to buy some stuffs for the house. she decided to stop to have a cup of cafe.
She suddenly saw the man with strange eyes sitting on the next table.
Hana decided that it's better to leave quietly, before he could notice her. She started to walk out.
Suddenly the man became next to her .
"ooh ... it's you again" he said
"how is your leg??"
Hana said "it's better now, thanks "
"why did you leave suddenly last time?? I wanned to invite you for a cup of cafe and thank you for your help"
the man said "Oh I didn't want to cause you troubles with your dad, little girl"
"after all it's not proper for a little girl like you to come home with a stranger"
hana was astonished, the man thought her a little girl because of the way she dressed, and the innocent face she had.
in fact he thought she was 15 and not 22

then .............

you complete please

نجمة لامعة 02-08-08 04:28 PM

hana become nervious about the way he discriped her "little girl" so
she thought with alittle wize she will gife him a lesson
hana daid: bay the way this is the second time we met and i did not know your name?
he smiled and said: yaa my name is...kippei..it is alittle bit hard but you can say it" kip pei" ha
hana repeat: kip pai yaa easy
kippei said: know what is your's
hana thought to play alittle with him and said: hhmmm

amer_6630 02-08-08 11:22 PM

she told him : " my name is khadeja "

but keppie ( what is that name by the way hehhehe ) tell her :" what are you talking about yesterday you told me your name is Hana so are you playing with me ? "

Hana felt very timid !! and told him " am sorry kep - can i call u that ? - but i was playing a little with you but i didn't think you remembered every word i said before !! "

kep said : " believe me i remembered every word u said with your cute voice "

Hana felt more comfortable with his words

kep saw that and told her" so Hana in which grade you are ?"

Hana said : " ..... "


زهرة الكاميليا 02-08-08 11:54 PM

Hana got furious again, and she said "Oh but I told you yesterday with my cute voice"
"don't you remember?? "
the man got confused , but he laughed and said "oh stop playing little girl"

hana then saw a taxi coming. She then told the man "will you give me my stuffs please??"
she then took her stuffs and suddenly said " next time I hope you will know the difference between a little girl....... and a women who is 22!!! "
then hana jumped into the taxi and left

the man then stood there astonished

you continue please

amer_6630 03-08-08 01:20 AM

hhehhehehehhe wat a lovely ending here


kep tried to understand this attitude of her but as always mens can't understand womens so he tried to forget it

he went to home in his home and tried to sleep for a little bit but he can't because hana was in his mind with her baby face and her amazing voice and creepy style that she has
so he bring a pencil and piece of paper and tried to draw her
but he wasn't good in drawing but he draw a cute sample of her


but he kept it in his wallet in case he saw her again he would see her

after that he went to the Cornish and tried to get a big breath to forget his problems in college

now he saw a young boy playing with his bicycle and get near to him and watch him and the boy wasn't good at his job

so kep come near him and ask him : "do u like...... ?"


go on guys it's getting better in here

زهرة الكاميليا 13-08-08 01:27 PM

Hi everyone ......... ok let's complete the story

Kep came near the little boy and said "Do you like some help??? "
The boy got up (after he fell on the ground) and said "Thank you sir I'm fine"
Then the boy looked at kep's face and said "Oooooooooh where did you get those eyes"
Kep then remembered that hana said those words too. "Oh no ..... every thing reminds me of her!!!" he said to himself
"This is crazy "
Then kep continued his way..........

Meanwhile hana returned home. She was very angry because Kep thought she was a little girl
"How dare him!!!!" she thought to her self
I have to prove to him otherwise. this man ought to know how much he was stupid to call me "little girl!!!"


Hana then decided something to change her look ................

you continue please

amer_6630 13-08-08 06:18 PM

hey it's the story topic it' is so cool

Hana asked her mother just one question and she said to her NO

so what was the question it is easy to know

hana Decided to make a Beautification surgery to make herself look bigger than her age

she didn't listened to her mother and tried to find a good doctor in the news papers

and she found one his name was Say'ed jarah ( Lost heroes hehhehehhe)


and she called him immediately and told him her situation and he offered her a surgery with 200 $ and she accepted it


Kep Scene

kep walked like nothing happened but the small kid run to him crossing the street and a Van came from nowhere
and the kid screamed but kep so that from the beginning so his reflix weas fast and run to the kid and hold him in his hand and jump to the cornich

the people gathered arounfd him and claps for him and the father came and told kep : "........"

guys am counting on u

زهرة الكاميليا 14-08-08 12:47 PM

Wooooow and lost stars are here too!!!!!!!!!
I wonder when is Jack gonna come hhhhhhhhhh
Oooooook let's complete

The boy's father came near Kep and said "Thank you so much for saving my child"
"I'm so grateful to you...... here's my card. If you need any thing, just call me"
Kep thanked the man and told him that it was his duty to save the little boy.
Kep then continued his way. he decided to return home.
The crazy Hana agreed with the doctor to have the operation two days later. when her father heard about that he got furious!!!!!!! He called hana and said to her "Hana are you crazy???"
"A beautification surgery!!!???"
"But papa... "hana tried to explain to her father, but he interrupted her saying:
"No hana it's over!! no more talking about that"

then Hana rushed to her room angry

Then at the day of the operation, hana went to the doctor without telling her parents. She decided to have the operation no matter what!!!!
Two days later, Kep decided to visit his friend Dr Sayed at hospital.
Sayed was so happy to receive his old friend
"kep!!!!!!!!! it's good to see you man after all that time"
" how are you doing sayed?? still making those surgeries??"
"Oh yea........ and right now I have one. Come I'll let you meet the girl before the operation
So that you find out how clever I am hhhhhhh"

"she is about to be here now !!!!!!!!!"

You continue please

الساعة الآن 05:43 PM.

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