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dr_md76 19-03-07 03:48 PM

Destiny's Pirate
thats another time travel novel and really is beautifull too it come to the second for me after wish upon a star
hope u enjoy reading it

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:50 PM

Chapter 1
Okay...So it wasn't the most "thought-out" plan that I've ever come up with, Destiny thought with a sigh. Well, it was a sort of sigh, the best one she could make through the gag wrapped over her mouth!
When she'd received the travel brochure in the mail, it had sounded like a great adventure. "Pirate Cruises Unlimited!" The company's name had sparked her interest right away. The company boasted that it would be like traveling back in time. Costumes would be provided, shows would be performed, reenactments...that word made Destiny roll her eyes as she thought of it. That's what she was experiencing right now...a reenactment. But being tied to a pole and gagged in the middle of the Atlantic ocean was not her idea of fun. And considering the pirates were all Fabio look-alikes and were dancing around and singing YO-HO, YO-HO, it was not the most authentic either!
Finally after what seemed like an eternity...one of the "pirates" came and untied her hands and mouth. She was rubbing her aching wrist, when she noticed that he hadn't moved away.
He waved the bright colored scarves that had bound her earlier, in her face and leered in an awful accent, "Join me in my cabin and I'll show you what a pirate would do with a lovely captive like yourself!"
Destiny rolled her eyes and avoided his hand reaching for her arm, "And who are you suppose to be? Edward Teach?" she asked referring to the infamous pirate, Blackbeard.
"Who?" he asked, confused.
"Never mind," she said with disgust as she pushed past him.
Destiny went to the railing and leaned over, letting the ocean breeze drift over her face. She smiled as she looked down at the ice-blue costume she wore. The only redeeming part of the whole trip was that she got to wear the dresses of the eighteenth century. There was something so feminine about wearing all the lace underthings, covered by a silk dress with a wide skirt and daringly low neckline.
What must it have been like, she thought, to really be living back in the eighteenth century, being at the mercy of a ship full of pirates. A shudder ran through her. It must have been terrifying!
Suddenly without warning, a loud crack split through the air and a fierce wind picked up, nearly blowing Destiny down. Everyone on the ship was yelling and running to their cabins. Debris flew through the air. Destiny wrapped her arms around the railing, trying to inch her way towards the covered part of the deck.
But, it seemed as though, something was pulling at her. Something more than the wind. An unknown force seemed to pull her towards the water. She couldn't resist it. Part of her didn't want to. Her arms let go of the railing, and she went hurdling over it. She fell but not into the water. It was like a bottomless tunnel, and she seemed to be falling in slow motion. The motion and the wind pulled at her eyelids and though she tried to resist, she fell into a deep sleep...
It was Jinx that found her. There he was, mopping the deck after that freak storm that had just hit, whistling a bawdy melody that he'd heard in a barroom once, when he spotted her.
His whistling drifted to a sour note and his mop clanged to the floor. "Cap'n! Cap'n come quick!" he yelled, not taking his eyes from the frilly heap on the deck of the ship.
Captain Spenser Kennington quickly secured the tattered sail and hastened to his first mate. Whenever he heard that worried tone in Jinx's voice, he didn't question it. He ran to see what was the matter. It usually meant trouble!
But as he came around the sail, he saw Jinx near the ship's bow staring down at something on the floor. There were no threatening ships on the horizon, no more storms brewing without notice...nothing...but a strange bundle on the deck.
"Jinx what is.."
Jinx made a shushing sound and pointed the blue heap.
Spence watched as the blue silk shifted around and slowly pushed back to reveal a head covered with wavy, blonde hair. A dainty hand came around and pushed the hair back. Spence blinked, trying to make sure he wasn't seeing things. The blue heap was a woman. A very beautiful woman.
Destiny's head was spinning when she came to. Pushing back her hair, she glanced around her, noticing the ships deck. She must have gotten knocked out during the storm. She could have sworn she fell over, but it must have just been a dream. Her gaze lifted a little more and she saw two pairs of black boots. She groaned and pushed herself up to her knees. She wasn't in the mood to deal with the "pirates!" But as her eyes kept traveling upward, she noticed that the costume was different. Where were the bright colors? These guys were wearing brown pants and white shirts. The shirt on the tall one was of a more full cut than the other, but they both seemed a little dirty and more than a little worn in places.
Shaking her head, to try to clear the dizziness, she complained, "Well, are you guys going to stand there, or are you going to help me up!"
"Holy Mother, it's a bloomin' mermaid!" Jinx proclaimed backing up a few steps.
Spencer stood gazing at the lovely creature, and wondered how she ended up on his ship. Did the storm bring her in? How? But as he reached down and took her arms, he couldn't help but feel like she was here for him. It was almost a feeling of...destiny.
"Not a mermaid jinx. See she's standing on two legs," he told Jinx. Then said to her, "Tis, alright, my lady, I will help you to your feet."
Destiny clear blue eyes flew to the pirates face. THAT was no fake accent and she was sure she'd never seen this particular man before. Lord, he was gorgeous. Not the G.Q. guys kind of cute, but rugged, manly, handsome! Her gaze went from him to his friend, then to rest of the ship.
This was not the cruise ship. This ship wasn't like anything she'd ever seen outside of history books.
She looked back at the man who still held her arms and couldn't get over the fact that he looked so much like Mel Gibson only with longer, curlier hair. "Umm..Who are you?"
He smiled, released her arms and executed a smart bow. "Captain Spencer Kennington, at your service, my lady. And you are?"
"Destiny," she answered.. "Okay," she whispered uncertainly, her eyes still skimming her surroundings. "And where am I?"
"In the Atlantic ocean, sailing due east from the colonies."
Colonies??!! Destiny searched Spencer's eyes and saw that whatever he was telling her, he believed he was telling her the truth. He was either mad or a very good actor.
"And what year is this?"she tried on more time.
"Why, 'tis 1769, my lady," he answered, looking a little worried at the pale look on her face.
She shook her head. "No, it's not...it's 1997."
A gentle look came over Spensers features and he said softly. "No, my lady, 'tis not. It's the fourth day of the month of August in year of our Lord, 1769."
She put a hand to her face and swayed. Spencer quickly scooped her up and held her to his chest. She looked up at him and smiled, thinly. "Jules Vern must have been on to something, after all." she told him, then promptly...fainted.

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:52 PM

Chapter 2
Spencer and Jinx stared down at the woman now lying on Spencer's bed in his cabin. She was a strange one, Spencer thought, that was for sure. Where had she come from and how in the world did she get on his ship? What was all that nonsense about it being the year nineteen and ninety-seven, that she was going on about? These were questions that he nor Jinx could answer. Glancing over at Jinx, he could see that his first mate wasn't sure he wanted to know those answers!
"Uh...Cap'n...Maybe we jus' need to toss her back where she came from," Jinx stammered nervously. In his fumbling hands was his cap that was surely twisted and mangled beyond repair.
Spencer bit his cheek to keep from smiling. "Ah, Jinx, your worrying for naught. Surely you wouldn't see this helpless lady drowned would you? She's harmless."
"Tis bad luck to have a female on a ship. And a female that's appeared out of a storm on a man's ship is surely bringing a curse with 'er!"
This time Spencer did smile. "But how could something so lovely bring about a curse, Jinx," he said softly as he bent down and lifted a golden curl that lay on her cheek.
"Bloomin' fishtails! Yer smitten with 'er!" he railed while pointed his finger at Spencer. "Maybe she's already put a curse on ye! Don't blame me when we're layin' on the bottom of the ocean, then. I'll have no part of this!" With that he left the cabin and Spencer alone with the sleeping woman.
Spencer shook his head as the door of the cabin closed sharply and after a hesitation, perched himself on the edge of the bed. Silently he studied the girl. He now noticed things about her that he'd overlooked before. For one thing she was wearing rouge on her cheeks and kohl about her eyes. Her lips were also tinted with a shiny pink color. The women of the colonies that he was acquainted with, wore no make-up, unless they were prostitutes. And although powdering the face and hair and wearing some rouge were the rage in England, it wasn't applied like this woman wore it.
Then there was her dress. Although it was very pretty, it was not quite the style worn by either English, or colonial women. And wear did she get such fine stitchery done? The seams were perfect, as was the lace.
The woman was shrouded with mystery. One that he very much wanted to unravel...in more ways than one.
Destiny's head was spinning like an amusement park ride, when she finally came to. The first thing she focused on when she finally managed to open her lids was that gorgeous man with the weird clothes. Everything came flooding back to her, the storm, the strange boat, the odd little man called Jinx, and this man...the year...seventeen sixty seven!!
With a lurch she sat up and scooted away from the man. "Oh my God!"she screeched with horror.
The man frowned in confusion and tried to reach out to comfort her.
"Don't touch me!"she cried as she leaned away from him. Quickly she scanned the room until she saw the doorway. Like a flash, she was out of the bed and headed towards the door.
But Spencer was faster. He grabbed her arm and held on, despite the fact that she was pulling with all her might to break free. "Hold still, my lady. I won't hurt you," he coaxed, while trying to dodge the blows she was raining on him with her free hand.
"I've been kidnapped," she cried while landing a few good hits, "by a bunch of deranged criminals," she nearly got him between the eyes, "who don't know what year it is!" she finished, with one half-hearted blow to the shoulder. She'd exhausted herself.
Spencer held on to her while eyeing her warily. She was tired, but the lady's eyes were still full of fire. This wasn't a happy woman.
Spencer tried again. "This is getting us no where. Could we, perhaps, sit down and discuss this like rational adults?"
Destiny wasn't feeling very rational at the moment but knew the hysterics were getting her nowhere. She must remain calm. She had to get a hold of her situation so that she could figure out a way of getting out of it!
She lifted her chin in the air. "Alright."
Spencer smothered a grin as he lead her to the small table that he used as a desk. He could practically see her brain working. She was definitely smart. The combination of beauty and brains made him want her even more. But he was a patient man. And when he finally had her in his bed, that fire in her eyes would be burning there for another reason. Him.
Destiny sat in the wooden chair that he'd pulled out for her and wondered at his gentle manners. In fact, everything about the man caused her to wonder. He'd changed closed and was no longer dressed shabbily as he had been before. Although, the shirt he wore was something similar to the one he'd worn before, it was newer and cleaner and a black silk vest with shiny gold buttons was worn over it. On his legs were black pantaloons with equally black boots that reached his knees.
He looked like he'd just stepped out of the musical "Pirates of Penzance."
And suddenly his neatness made her realize how she must look. Her dress was crumpled and her make-up, she knew, must be smeared and worn off in places. Her teeth yearned for a tooth brush and her hair needed about three washings to get the smell of the sea out of it.
But what made her even more aggravated was that she was so concerned about her appearance in the first place!
"Now," he began, "We know one thing about you. And that is the fact that you suddenly appeared on this ship right after the storm that passed over suddenly just hours ago. What we don't know, and maybe you can help me understand, is how you got here."
Destiny narrowed her mascara smeared eyes. "Probably about the time that you kidnapped me and put me on this ship!" she charged, although she wasn't so convinced that that was what happened.
The handsome man just looked at her and raise his right eyebrow in a superior way. "My lady, we will get more accomplished if you will please put away your ridiculous accusations and just try to answer my question."
Suddenly Destiny felt the weariness of all that had happened to her weigh down on her shoulders. Sighing she leaned back in her chair and smoothed her matted hair back away from her face. "Alright, alright." she groaned then sat back up again. "Let's see...It was after I'd been untied and ungagged by that stupid pirate wannabe..." she let her sentence drift as she paused to try to remember. She looked up at the captains face and saw his look of total incomprehension. Maybe the guy didn't have a clue about any of this after all.
She began again. "I was on a Pirate Adventure Cruise. You know...where they dress up pirates and reenact how it used to be...you're not getting this are you."
Spencer wasn't "getting" this at all! It wasn't only what she was saying, it was how she was stating it. Her speech was the strangest he'd ever heard. Pirate cruise? What in Heaven's name was that?
"Uh...no. I'm afraid I'm not. Are you saying that you were abducted by pirates?" he asked carefully.
Destiny rolled her eyes. "No, for pete's sakes! There are no pirates anymore! You really do get into this eighteenth century historical thing don't you!"
Spenser raise an eyebrow at the "pirate" statement, and he wasn't even going to ask who "Pete" was. "So how did you end up on my ship?"
Destiny's brow wrinkled. "I don't know. This really big storm came up all the sudden, and the next thing I knew, I was sailing over the rail. The weird thing about all this, though, is that I never felt myself hit the water. It was like I was floating, then I passed out and woke up here!"
Spencer nodded. "We experienced the same storm. It went away just as suddenly as it appeared." Spencer motioned towards her. "Jinx found you on deck, as soon as the winds died down."
There was suddenly a knock at the door and it flew open as soon as Spencer called out in answer. It was Jinks. "Cap'n! It's here! Starboard to the east. Just like you knew it would be." His face was beaming.
Spencer jumped up. The look on his face reminded Destiny of a kid in a candy store who'd just been told to have at it. "Stay her, my lady. And keep the door lock." he said over his shoulder as he bounded out of the cabin.
Destiny blinked a couple of times, trying to comprehend what just went on here. What was here? What had they been waiting for? This was getting stranger by the minute. She felt a little like Alice in Wonderland.
One thing was for certain. She wasn't going to sit around in this musty old cabin when something exciting was obviously happening on deck!
With little trouble, she found her way topside. But what she saw, wasn't exactly what she'd been expecting.
Men were running around gathering weapons and charging up their cannons. All were looking towards one direction. She moved onto the deck all the way so that she could see what they were seeing.
It was a ship. And they were headed right toward it.
Destiny spotted the captain standing in the middle of it all shouting out orders. Without a thought she ran to him and grabbed his arm. "What is going on?"
He barely threw her a glance. "I told you to stay in the cabin." He shouted more orders, dismissing her presence.
She tugged at his arm, harder. "Are we being attacked?"
He ignored her. "Jinks! Take her down to the cabin!"
Jinks came right away and started pulling her back down away from the deck. "Jinks, please tell me what's going on? Are we being attacked?" She was starting to panic.
Jinks saw the opportunity to really rile the woman and he wasn't about to pass it up. "We are attacking them, miss. That ship has a load of gold aboard and we mean to have it."
Destiny gasp and took one last look at the ship they were approaching. It was much closer now, and very much like the one she was on. It too was an eighteenth century ship. Something was not right. And what was staring to make sense to her, could not even be!
She'd gone back in time.
"Jinks," she tried one more time, as they neared the cabin. "Are you telling me...that is...Are you guys...pirates?"
Jinks stopped at the cabin door and turned to her with a somewhat nasty grin. "The Cap'n prefers the name "privateers", but I just call us what the rest of the world calls us. Pirates!"
Destiny, slightly dazed, let herself be led into the cabin and stood there while Jinks bolted the door shut.
It was just too ironic. She plopped down on the floor where she'd stood and...begin to laugh.

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:52 PM

Chapter 3

Written by: Kim Comeaux
The battle that raged was not a long one. No one was suppose to know that there was gold aboard that ship, so they'd not thought it likely that they'd be attacked. They were not even flying there true colors. Spanish colors.
But Spencer knew.
Not only was he a privateer, he was also a second son to the Duke of Ballington. And although he was considered the "black sheep" of the Kennington family, he hadn't severed all his ties to English society. He'd grown up running wild with the village children, despite his fathers objections, and never cared a fig about how he was to conduct himself, or how he was to dress. That attitude had carried him into adulthood, and at twenty, because of a fiery argument with his father, after he'd embarrassed the family by bringing one of the parlor maids to the family's annual spring ball, he'd set out on the first ship that would hire him. He'd never been back.
The ship that he'd hired on to had been a pirate ship. Of course, Captain LeMark refused to think of himself in those terms, called himself a gentleman raider. He raided more ships than Spencer could remember, but he never killed anyone unless it was in self-defense and he never, ever took women captive.
He retired, and allowed Spencer to buy his ship. Spencer had taken over where LeMark had left off.
It had always been a thrill. A drink to quench a never ending thirst for adventure.
Lately he was realizing his own mortality, though. He'd come close to being captured by the Spanish government only a fortnight ago. And although he'd shunned his family for twelve years now, he would not like to bring shame to them if ever the world found out who "Captain Spence" really was.
His family. The incomparable Kennington's of Ballington. He was headed there now. One of his fathers messengers had managed to find him when they'd been docked just outside of Boston.
A family crisis has arisen, the note said. He was being ordered home.
That could only mean one thing. Something must be wrong with his eldest brother.
"So!" a female voice stated haughtily from behind him, breaking him out of his contemplation. "You're a pirate. A real pirate with real cannons and real weapons that attacks poor, helpless, people on the ocean. You're probably pals with Blackbeard!"
Spencer turned and raised an eyebrow, his face amused. "I beg your pardon, lady, but I don't think that I could manage that, seeing that the man died before I was born."
"Oh...well...I was never very good at historical dates, anyway," she said with a sigh. She stared out absently to the ocean for a moment. Carefully she asked, "What do you plan to...uh...do with me? You're not going to ravish me or make me walk the plank or anything like that are you?"
Spencer laughed. "Where do you get such wonderful outrageous ideas? Walk the plank? I think not, since we do not have one. But ravish? Not that has possibilities!"
Destiny stared at him hard. "You're teasing me," she concluded with relief.
"I'm teasing."
"Well," she noted warily, "you don't fit the role of any pirate I've ever heard of."
"The kind like Blackbeard, I suppose, you mean."
She shrugged. "Anyway, now that I know that your not going to ravish me, etc...What are you going to do with me?"

Spencer contemplated Destiny's wary expression, as she joined him, at a safe distance, leaning on the ships rail. That was a good question. What was he to do with her? If he brought her home with him to Ballington, his father would throw a fit.
Although Destiny did not appear to be a peasant by any means, she was not gentry either. Her accent was American, although spoken more strangely than he'd ever heard. She seemed outspoken and headstrong. Not at all like the women of the ton.
And what could he tell his father? He found her on his ship so he had to keep her? He would suspect right away that he was bringing his mistress into the household. Not that Spencer didn't like the idea of this women being his mistress, but he had a feeling that she wouldn't like the term applied to her.
An idea occurred to him. "Destiny, after I embark in England, I will send you back to the Colonies. I'll have Jinx escort you safely to your family."
Thinking this would make her happy, he was surprised to see her look up at him and shake her head, sadly. "You just don't get it, Spencer. I'm not just lost from my country. I'm lost from my time."
Spencer opened his mouth to question her strange words but she interrupted.
"I fell through some sort of time portal, Spencer. I am from the future. I am from the year 1997!"
Spencer face immediately filled with pity. "Good God! My dear, I don't believe that you are well, after all. Perhaps you hit your head. Why don't you lie down..."
"I'm not crazy, and I will not lie down!" She looked away from him and took a calming breath. "Remember when I first came to and I asked you what year it was? I said the year was 1997 and you said it was 1769."
Spencer nodded his head.
"Okay. Now, I'd just come to, and was disoriented. Why would I say the year was 1997, if I didn't know, at one time, I'd lived in 1997. If I was someone from this time, wouldn't I have thought it a date in the 1700's? Why would I say the twentieth century? I would have no reason to be thinking of it!"
Spencer rubbed his forehead, trying to get understand what she was saying. "I suppose you have a point. It's just that it is an impossible point."
"If I were in your shoes, I would think so, too." She looked back out to the water, enjoying the breeze as it blew across her face. "But it's the truth, Captain. And I'm not crazy. I fell through some sort of time tunnel, probably caused by the freak storm."
It had been a strange storm, at that. One minute it showed up, the next minute it was gone.
Only it left behind something. Destiny. His Destiny, as he was already coming to think about her.
He turned to face her, leaning on one elbow. "Well, my lady, if that is true, I would think that your options are limited. I don't see how we could conjure up another storm and send you back from whence you came."
She looked up into twinkling eyes and she knew that he was teasing her. But what he said had some truth to it. "I may never go home, will I, Captain? Oh my God, I had not even thought about that." She looked down and tried to blink back the tears that had suddenly sprung into her eyes.
On instinct, Spencer put his arms about her and drew her into his embrace. He smoothed his hand down her silky tresses. "There, there, my dear. Please do not worry yourself with this. We may yet find a way to get you back home."
But Destiny felt hopeless. She had very little family, her parents had both passed away when she was still in her teens. But she did have friends that she would miss. She couldn't believe that she was thrown into a place in time where they would have no modern conveniences. Where doctors still probably bled their patients and getting the flu could kill you. How was she to survive? Where was she to go?
Spencer answered the last question for her.
"You'll come home with me, of course."
Destiny pushed back out of his embrace, wiping her eyes, looking at him with a wary expression. "Where is home? Don't pirates live on Caribbean Islands or something?"
Spencer laughed. "I suppose some do," he said, still grinning. "But home for me is England. Ballington, to be exact. But there is something that I will have to ask of you before we get there."
Fully composed now, Destiny carefully answered, "If I can."
Spencer smiled again at the meddle in this lady. No one was going to take advantage of her, if she could help it! "No one knows where I've been or what I've been doing for the last twelve years. I'm known as Captain Spence out here on the sea. When in truth I'm Spencer Kennington, second son to the Duke of Ballington."
"Your father is a duke?" she asked skeptically. "Is he a poor duke?"
"No," Spencer replied, surprised. "Why would you ask that?"
"Well, if you are from a wealthy family, Captain, I don't understand what you are doing here on the sea, robbing and plundering poor helpless ships! What's the matter, did your father disinherit you?"
"No, he didn't. I left because I felt I didn't belong there."
He interrupted her,"I will tell you about it sometime. Just not now." He sighed. "I suppose there is no help for it. I'll have to bring you with me."
Destiny didn't like how he said that! "Look, pal, don't do me any favors, alright? I'll be just fine on my own. Just drop me off at the nearest hotel and I'll figure out something!"
"Hmmm...I see. And you have money to get a room, have you?"
Destiny groaned inwardly, but maintained her resolve. "I'll get a job." Yeah, right! she thought.
"As what? Have you ever had a job before?" he asked with much skepticism.
She smiled smugly. "I am an accountant. I was the top of my class at Florida State and I've been working for a very prestigious account firm for five years!"
Spencer didn't say a word. His undignified snort said it all.
Destiny rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's right. I forgot that your living in the dark ages where woman are little more than wives or whores. Where I'm from, women are treated equally!"
Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Really madam. Your speech is unbecoming as well as outrageous! I happen to have a great respect for women. I just don't think that most women would have the mind to work figures as you claim."
"Oh, what's the use!" Destiny threw up her hands and deliberately turned away from him. Maybe if she thought it hard enough, she'd wake up from this nightmare and he'd be gone!
"No..no, my mind is made up. You will come home with me. I just have to think up a reason why your with me. As it is, no matter what I tell my father, he's going to believe that you and I...well....that your my..." Spencer drifted off uncomfortably. It'd been a long time since he'd been in the company of a lady and he had to remind himself of his speech.
"Your mistress, you're trying to say?" Destiny supplied dryly. "Honestly, Captain, did you think I'd have "the vapors" if you said the word?" she said using her hands to make quotation makes in the air. "Women in this period had no backbone."
He eyed her with renewed interest. "And women of your world do?"
"Yes, we certainly do. At least most of us do!"
"What else do women of your world do that differs from mine? Do you marry?"
"Yes, but many women chose not to, or if they do, they have careers, also."
"It sounds like your men have no backbones! I would not allow my wife to work! It would be a disgrace!"
Destiny threw him a sour look. "And look whose talking. A pirate!"
"Well, my dear, I may be a pirate now, but I have a feeling that in a few weeks, I'll be a pirate no more." Spence said with a touch of sadness.
The teasing laughter had gone from his face. Destiny wondered at his sudden changing mood. "And...why is that?"
"I've been called home. Once I get there, I have a feeling that I'll not be able to leave. At least, not sail my ship, any longer."
Destiny waited, not knowing what to say.
Spence had been holding his fears inside and had not told even Jinx. But if Destiny was going to travel home with him, she would know anyway. He decided to tell her.
"The only reason my father would summons me home would be because my brother is dying, or he is already dead. I have failed to mention, I believe that my father is the Duke of Ballington," he said finally.
Destiny looked down at her hands, thinking carefully. "You only have one older brother?" she asked.
"Then...that would make you..."
"Yes," he said looking at her for a moment, then bringing his gaze back out to sea. "That would make me a duke. The Duke of Ballington."

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:54 PM

Chapter 4

Life on a pirate ship was no picnic, as Destiny was soon to find out in the days that followed. The food left something to be desired, for one thing. Destiny got to the point where she just didn't ask what exactly she was being served. After the "eel" episode, she pretended that everything she ate was chicken!
Then there was having to "use the bathroom" in a ceramic pot. It gave her shudders to even think about how embarrasing that was!
And when she'd asked for the nearest shower, she been given a blank stare. Upon explaining, she was shown a bowl and a pitcher of water. "Fresh water is to precious to waste on baths" she was told.
But none of that compaired to the crazy, unwanted feelings that the captain stirred within her. They were together much to often, and she had to sleep on an extra bunk in his cabin. They would play cards in the evening and during those quite times, he would tell her about his life and about his time.
He never made advances, and continued to be a perfect gentleman....
It was driving her nuts!
She wished sometimes he would just grab her and kiss her and put her out of her misery! She told herself that anything of that nature could lead to things that she was not ready for, but it did no good. She wanted to be in his arms. She wanted him to tell her he was beginning to fall in love with her...
Just like she was falling in love with him.
Lord! How could something like this happen? It was bad enough that she was out of her time zone, so to speak! Her future was unclear, and she had no idea if she wouldn't just wake up one day and be back in the twentieth century.
None of that mattered. All she could think about was Spencer. Spencer smiling. Spencer concentrating at the helm. Spencer barking out orders. Spencer standing by the rail as the wind whipped through his long black hair.
Spencer, Spencer, Spencer. Morning, noon, and night.
Jeez, she was pathetic!
The object of her thoughts materialized behind her. She was mortified to find herself blushing, as if the wretched man could read her thoughts!
"Look, just over the horizon. See the dark strip rising just over the water?" he asked as he placed one hand on her shoulder and pointed with the other.
She nodded, not able to speak quickly with him standing so close and taking her breath away.
"That, my lady, is London." He said this with so much dread that Destiny turned her face to look at him.
"I wish that there was a way to make this easier on you," she told him, unaware that her love for him was shining in her eyes and worried expression. But Spencer saw it, and his dread grew.
He managed a smile and squeezed her shoulders. "You make it easier by just being here, Destiny."
He knew that he'd lied to her. Her being with him, every moment of everyday was a sweet torment. On one hand he reveled in her company. Basking in the warmth of her smile or the sound of her laughter. But these feelings that she stirred within him, could never be voiced and could never be acknowledged. He was probably heir to the dukedom. Dukes had responsibilities. Dukes had to marry well and produce little blue blooded heirs. Dukes did not publically dally with commoners no matter how beautiful or enchanting they were.
Especially beautiful commoners that did belong to this century.
No. No one must find out. No one could ever suspect, especially Destiny...that he had fallen in love with her.
London was not how she'd pictured it. Some how she thought it would be something out of a play she'd seen once depicting the Dicken's tale, "The Christmas Carol". Something cozy with clean cobblestone streets, cute little English people herding sheep or something and and grand castle, or two set off in the distance.
Instead it was smelly, dirty, and the waterfront was filled with criminal looking men that looked worse than anything she'd ever seen on America's Most Wanted! She watched as a dirty little boy tried to pick someones pocket, then get knocked on his rear when he was found out.
It was a place that Destiny was certain that she didn't want to spend alot of time in!
Captain Spencer threw a large seaman's cape over her shoulders and guided her off the ship. "Stay close by me and for God's sake keep your head down. The less attention we draw our way, the better," he said quietly.
"Not a problem," she answered him with a shudder.
Without much trouble, Spencer managed to obtain a carriage and soon they were on their way to Ballington.
As they were leaving the city, Destiny couldn't get over the fact that she was seeing history the way it was two hundred years ago. She felt like she should get a pen and paper and take notes or something so that she could write a book about it when she got back...
Got back.... If she got back...
"Dear girl, you just went from a look that held pure awe and fascination to a frown of despair! I don't quite understand how you swing so swiftly from one mood to the next," Spencer contemplated from his side of the carriage. "Whatever has you upset, now?"
Destiny sighed. "Homesickness, I guess. Though, to see history pass before your eyes is quite unbelieveable. I was thinking of the book I could write about the real 19th century England. I could make millions!"
The Captain laughed. "A woman writing a book? Why, my dear, you would be laughed out of town for even suggesting such a thing!"
"Oh, Pul-ease!" she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'll have you know that women in my century frequently make the best seller's list, beating out many men for that honor!" She shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. "Really Captain. This male-chauvanistic thing you've got going is really getting on my nerves!"
Spencer raised an eyebrow. "And your atrocious vocabulary is beginning to wear on mine! It's appalling how the English ************************************************************ **** has deteriorated in just two hundred years!" It was a on-going argument between them, though it still seemed to ruffle Destiny's feathers every time.
"I'm not English. I'm..."
"Have I told you how lovely you are when you get angry," he mused, interrupting her retort. He watched as more color bled into her soft cheeks. "Which is why I bring you to that state often!"
Destiny frowned and turned away to look out the window once more. She hoped that he wouldn't see how his words affected her. "What else can I expect from a pirate!"
"True, but you must forget that about myself, as soon as we enter Ballington. You mustn't even call me Captain."
"What should I call you? Spencer?"
He winced. He wanted to tell her to call him anything her heart desired, but he knew that wasn't possible. "You must address me as 'my lord.' Tis what is proper."
"Proper, shmoper! I feel like I've fallen into a Barbara Cartland novel!" she complained. But Spencer only smiled absently, his mind else where.
They rode in silence for several miles. Again, Destiny shifted around in her seat, trying to find a space on the seat that was more padded. The road was primitive and bumpy and it would have been horrible driving over it in a car, much less a souped-up buggy! As she wiggled around her knee hit Spencer's knee and once again, as always, she felt a jolt of eletricity, run up her leg.
Spencer felt it too, because the eyes that met hers were burning with undisquised heat and..hunger. She usually backed down and away from him when he looked at her this way, scared of her own feelings that churned within her. But this time she didn't.
Maybe it was because she was homesick and lonely, maybe because they were alone in the close quarters of the carriage, or maybe she realized that she was denying the one thing that she craved the most.
His touch.
Spence,never taking his eyes from hers, picked up her hand and drew her to him. She let him place her beside him, there sides completely touching. The heat radiating between them, though their garments. Gently, he cradled her face in his hands.
"Destiny." He spoke her name in a whisper, but it was laced with yearning so deep it made her want to weep.
"Yes," was all she said, and was all the words he needed.
There lips met. Softly at first, then again with passion. It took no effort to coax her lips apart and for him to delve into the sweet recesses of her month, tongues mating in a ritual older than time.
His hands left her face and smoothed down her throat past her shoulders and around her back drawing her even closer to him. He was effected and shaken by this one kiss, more than he'd ever been in his whole life.
"Oh, Spence," she cried, when his lips left her mouth and found the soft skin at her neck. "Who are you to make me feel this way? Why did it have to be you?"
Spence looked up and into her eyes. Softly he kissed the lids and then laid a feathery kiss on her nose. "What, sweetness? What do I make you feel?" he breathed as he devoured her lips once again.
Her hand touched the side of his face and she pulled her lips from his. Destiny looked up into Spencers eyes and knew that what she was feeling for this man, could never happen with any other man. "Love. I lo.."
"NO!" he grounded out harshly and set her away from him. Swiftly he sat himself across from her and covered his face with his hands.
Stunned, Destiny could do no more than stare at him. He dropped his hand but didn't look up at her. Instead he stared out the ************************************************************ **** His features were masked, and hard.
"You do not love me, Destiny. You cannot!" he told her wearily, as if the world rested on his shoulders.
"But...Spencer.." she cried.
"We shall speak of this no more! What happened should not have happened!"
Destiny blinked back tears at his cold tone. If hearts could actually break, hers would be shattered in a million pieces.

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:56 PM

Chapter 5

Destiny's heart WAS broken. And she felt like crying all over the hateful man all of....five minutes. THEN she got angry. In fact the more she thought about it, the madder she got.
What was with her anyway? It was like being in this time was affecting her emotions! Had Destiny lost her grit, her decorum, for heaven sakes!! She couldn't believe she told him that she loved him. It was like something out of a bad movie!!
She narrowed her eyes at him and decided to give him a piece of her mind. "Look, Captain Bligh!" she started, sarcastically. He looked at her without understanding. "Just forget what I said, all right? It's this time-travel thing that's got me all mixed up and saying things I don't mean."
He looked uncomfortable and looked out the ************************************************************ **** "Destiny... You don't have to say anything...."
She rolled her eyes. She's the one that made the horrifying confession and He's embarrased!!! "All I want, is to get out of this backwoods contraption, you people call transportation, and get some rest on a bed that isn't moving with the ocean. Then, I want to find a way to go back to the 20th century!"
Spencer briefly flicked a look her direction, then looked away. He shouldn't feel this way about her. Didn't she realize how hard it was for him to push her away? And to know that she loved him.... It was more than he ever dreamed of and at the same time, something that he could never endulged himself in. His future was uncertain. And what is she did find a way to go home, after he'd grown attached to her? He would be devasted.
For now, he'd ignore his heart, and listen to head. He had to find out what was going on at Ballington.
The silence hung thick and unnerving the rest of the way to the castle.
The Ballington Castle was truly a sight to behold. It was like something out of an BBC film! Beautiful landscaped grounds were bordered by a small villiage and crops that were neatly tended and well kept.
"Holy, moly! This is "some" family home!!" she said in one long breath.
For the first time in many miles, he smiled. "That's Ballington. It's good to see the old man has kept up the place. But then again, " he said, his tone cynical, "he always was more fond of his possessions than he was his own flesh and blood."
She looked at him with compassion. "Now Spence...Maybe he's changed. It's been years, since you've seen him."
He shook his head. "Men like him don't change, sweetheart. They just keep getting meaner and meaner as they get older."
Destiny ignored the sentiment, knowing he hadn't meant it. She watched him as the bitterness faded away as he looked upon his boyhood home. She knew that he loved Ballington. She prayed that things would work out for him. After all he'd been through, he certainly deserved to claim his place in the family.
As they entered the grounds, villigers stopped what they were doing and looked curiously at them as they rode by. Spence, unconciously started naming those he recognized.
"Ah...there's Mrs. Mintle. She would place her sweet meat pies on her window sills, and I would always come by and steal one or two."
Destiny gasped. "You didn't!"
Spence laughed. "I think that was why she kept putting them out there. She had to know it was me, yet she was always so nice to me."
"You're a likeable kind of guy, Spencer...er....excuse me, My Lord!!"
He arched his right brow. "I think I like the sound of that!"
She snorted an unladylike sound. "You would, you barbarian!"
He just laughed.
The coach stopped and the coachman opened their door. Spencer got out then helped her out. For the first time, he looked at what she was wearing and mentally kicked himself for not thinking about the dress sooner. "Blast it! Look at your bloody dress!"
She looked down and noticed it was a little wrinkled and sort of smelled like the sea, but other wise in remarkable good shape. "What? It just needs to be tossed in the washing machine and pressed a little."
"Washing machine?" he asked curiously.
She nodded, remembering that he wouldn't know. "It's a big square thing, that runs off electricity. You just toss your close in it, add a little soap and voila! Clean clothes."
He knew that they were way off the subject but he had to ask. It sound all so facinating to him. "And...What is electricity?"
She wrinkled her brow as she thought. "Well...I'm not really sure how it all works. It had somthing to do with Ben Franklin flying a kite with a key attached to it, while standing out during a lightening storm."
He blinked. "That makes no sense, whatsoever."
She laughed. "I know. I don't get it either! All I know, is we have these holes in our houses that we plug things into and it works!"
Spencer shook his head in an aggrevated gesture. This female was going to drive him batty. "Well, regardless. You still are not dressed properly. My father will think...."
"Spencer. So the prodical returns."
Spencer turned his head at the loud booming voice. There, in the doorway, stood William Spencer Phillip Kensington, the Duke of Ballington.
His father.
He nodded to the man. "Father. I see you are well," he said stiffly.
His fathers cool gaze swept over him and then latched onto Destiny. "And I see that you still flaunt your lightskirts in polite society," he said, with a look of disgust.
Destiny knew she'd been insulted, but not sure to what extent. "What's a lightskirt?" she whispered in Spencers ear.
"He's calling you a whore, my dear," he said aloud. Destiny could practically see his spine stiffening. He was mad.
And so was she! "I'm not a whore!" she defended with indignation. "I am an American citizen and I...."
Spencer clamped his hand over her mouth, shutting her up. "Excuse her, Father. We've had a rather long journey and we're both tired." When he was sure that she was going to stay quiet, he let her go and made a show of adjusting his jacket. "You summoned me here for a reason. Why don't you show us to our rooms, so that we can ******************************************************** ourselves and get this meeting over with."
The duke lifted his chin and flared his nostrils. "Very well. But I will show your doxy to the servents chambers. I'll not have you bring her into the household. You have cousins here. I demand that you not upset them."
Destiny let the "doxy" word slip by, because she realized she was about to be seperated from Spencer. He was her only link in this crazy time warp! "No," she whispered to Spencers, grabbing his arm. "Please don't let them seperate us."
Spencer looked down and saw that she was terrified. And he could only imagine how the servants would treat her. But the biggest concern was the male staff. He wouldn't be able to protect her, either. She would be fair game.
He did the first thing that he thought of. He wrapped a comforting arm around her and brought her close.
"Father," he began, "I think there has been a misunderstanding. Destiny is not my lightskirt or my doxy."
He brought her closer to the duke. Taking her hand he extended it out to the man. "Father, meet Destiny Kennsington. My wife."

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:57 PM

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 "I can't believe you told him we were married!" Destiny blurted out as soon as they entered "their" bedroom. She narrowed her eyes at him and wished that he would, at least, look at her! "First you don't want anything to do with me, now, you have us sharing a bedroom!! What were you thinking?"
That was the problem, Spencer thought, he hadn't been thinking! He still avoided looking at her, unable to face her. He pretended to be in the *******s of his trunk. "Really, Destiny, my dear. You are making too much of this. It was the only excuse I could come up with to make sure that you stayed with me and not put in the servants quarters," he answered calmly.
Destiny threw her hands up in the air. "But you saw his face! He didn't believe you! He thinks that I'm your mistress!"
"Whether he believes me or not, it not the point. Your here, and your safe."
Destiny knew he had a point, but she hated the lie. Especially since she wished so much that it was the truth! It was hard enough being with him in the same room. But now, they had to share a bedroom. It was true, they'd shared the same quarters on the ship, but that was before she bungled everything up by professing her LOVE for him!
Wearily she sank down on the feather mattress, that was settled in the massive frame of the bed. "What's going to happen now, Spencer? How long will we have to stay here?"
Spencer finally looked over at her. He could see the lines of worry etched across her fine brow. He found himself walking towards her, dispite all his resolve to stay away. Carefully he sat down beside her and cupped her chin in his rough hand. "I'm sorry, about all this, Destiny. But I spoke the truth. It is the only way for you to be safe." He sighed and his hand left her chin and moved to smooth her brow. "We will have to try to convince father that you are not my mistress but truly my wife."
She felt spellbound gazing into his eyes. "But...but we're not..truly..married." But oh how she wished they were... Correction. She wished they were living in the 20th century and married.
Regret pierced through Spencer. Regret for how he treated her in the carriage. Regret for not returning her declaration of love. How could he undo his hurt?
"No. We are not," he said finally. "But we will have to pretend to be." He moved closer and his voice was growing huskier.
"What would I need to do?" she ask, knowing that she was teasing him, but longing for him to take her in his arms.
"Just. .." he began pulling her to him. "Follow me." With that, he wrapped his arms around her and closed his mouth over her own.
Even as the man was kissing her senseless, Destiny could not shake the confusion that clamored in her head. Jeez the man was either a big tease or had multiple personality disorder! Hot and cold, hot and cold...WHAT was WITH him??
But as he nibbled and sucked gently on her lips, she lost her train of thought. Who WANTED to think when a hunk like Spencer was...well...RAVISHING her?
His hands gripped desperately onto her shoulders, but she felt no pain. Without another thought she wrapped her arms up under his and pulled herself closer, molding herself to his hard body.
Spencer whispered her name as he broke from her lips and trailed kisses across her check and down her neck. Tremors of desire coursed through her body, and she felt her legs grow weak.
She felt herself being lifted into his arms and carried to the massive bed in the center of the room. She took the chance to see what was in his eyes, and was shocked at what she read in them.
She had expected desire, that much was a given. But she had not expected to see such yearning and possessiveness burning within his fiery gaze. And something else, too. Some thing that could be interpreted as...love? Oh Lord! She hated even to think it, much less hope for it. But she couldn't help it. It didn't matter that she was a stranger in a strange time, and that she didn't belong. All that mattered was this man and this time. Would she sacrifice her modern future to be able to live forever in this backwards time with this man? The answer was a most definate....YES.
So gently, he laid her down and then laid down beside her. She expected him, to start kissing her again, but he didn't.
For a moment he stared into her eyes, while bring a hand to her face and gently caressing her with his thumb. Destiny felt tears begin to clog her throat. She had been with him for just a few weeks, but already she couldn't imagine being without him. Especially if he always looked at her like her was doing now.
Heat seemed to blaze from his eyes as they roamed from her eyes to her mouth. His thumb followed and smoothed her lips, opening them slightly. She reacted intinctively, brushing her tongue over it. For a moment a look of surprise crossed his face, then...one of delight. She was a feisty one...his Destiny..
She brought up her hand and laced her fingers with his. "Spencer, I know it bothers you, what I said earlier, but I don't want you to feel obligated to respond. I know where you stand. But I don't care. I think you DO care for me, a little." she told him boldly.
A tortured expression came over his face and he breifly closed his eyes. "Destiny , I need to talk to you about that, I..."
A knock at the door interrupted him. "Master Spencer, your father expects you in the Library in ten minutes," a loud, snooty voice sounded from the other side of the door.
Sighing, Spencer rolled away from Destiny. "Thank you Matthews. Tell him we'll be right down." he called to the butler.
"Very good, sir."
Slowly he rose into a sitting position and raked an impatient hand through his hair. His hormones were running wild and protested at the interruption! And he needed so badly to tell her...
"Jeez, Spencer. You'd think you were five years old by the way that old coot talks to you!" Destiny complained. She had to complain about something! What had he wanted to tell her? Would she ever know?
Patiently, he smiled at her and helped her up. "He's known me since I was a boy. Old habits die hard, I guess," he explained. Looking around, he spotted the wardrobe and got an idea. He got up and opened the heavy wooden doors.
With a big smile and a grand sweep of his hand he presented Destiny with the *******s of the wardrobe. It was full of beautiful dresses.
"I wandered if my aunt still came to visit. She is about your size and she always insisted on taking over my room because she loved my view of the lake. I see that she has completely taken it over, since I've been gone!" he told her.
Destiny forced herself to push her frustrations aside and get off the bed. Clothes! She was going to get to wear pretty, CLEAN, clothes!
But she would definately deal with Spencer...later!

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:58 PM

Chapter 7

Destiny could hardly breath!
Gasping for air, she squirmed around, trying to get comfortable in the corset she'd just had a maid lace her in. "This is torture!" she moaned.
Mauve, the duke's irish housekeeper, made a tsking sound as she pulled tighter. "There'll be no getting you in that gown unless we get this tighter!" she assessed.
"If you get it any tighter, I'm going to faint!"
Mauve just laughed. "You're a strange girl, you are! "
Destiny winced as Mauve gave another yank. "I'm a stupid girl, for ever going on that cruise in the first place. You know, my best friend said I should go to the beach. I should have listened!"
Mauve had no idea what the young woman was talking about, so she just laughed again. "There it tis!" she finally announced and tied the ribbons into a tight bow.
When Destiny was finally able to see herself in the gown that Mauve had thrown over her head, she had to admit, she never looked so slim. What's a few crushed ribs? She wondered if Spencer would be impressed.
He was.
"You're a vision to behold, my lady," a husky male voice sounded in the direction of the door. Hastily, Mauve quit the room.
Destiny twirled around to see Spencer coming her way, a sultry gleam in his eyes as they raked her green satin clad figure. "What do you think?" she asked with her arms spread wide.
Spencer took advantage of her position, and circled her waist with his arms. "I think that I want to forget the meeting with my father and schedule a new meeting with my 'wife.'"
Destiny felt a pang of regret that the word held such a lie. But she smiled and placed her hands around his neck. "You're not getting out of this, Spencer."
His shoulders drooped and he sighed. "Could I bribe you with kisses?"
She grinned saucily as his pouting little boy's face. "You can try, but sorry. No cigar!"
Spencer frowned. "No cigar?"
Destiny rolled her eyes and pushed away from him. "Never mind." She then winced as the sudden movement. "How did women wear these things?" she muttered tugging at her dress and the corset underneath.
Spencer cocked an arrogant brow. "I can help ease your discomfort by helping you out of it."
Destiny just stared at him like he'd grown two horns and a tail. "I guess corniness transcends centuries," she said with a shake of her head. "Does that line work on other women?"
Spencer shrugged. "Usually."
"Figures," she muttered and walked ahead of him to the bedroom door. "Well, come on. Let's hurry and get this over with."
Spencer smiled as he watched her walk ahead of him down the long hall way to the grand staircase. She was truly a woman of different manners from the women he'd known. But she possessed a goodness that drove right through him and soothed his weary soul. He wanted her like he never wanted another, yet he hesitated to take her. Dispite her lack of British class, she was every inch a lady, and every inch an innocent.
He wanted to cherish, not conquer.
But he could not. Not this woman. A woman who did not even belong to this century.
And not him. A man whose heart had frozen long ago.
"Your brother is dead."
The words were spoken so bluntly and without a hint of emotion. Destiny and Spencer exchanged a quick glace at one another and then back to the duke. And that was when Destiny saw it. The faintest flutter of the Dukes eye. For a moment, just the barest bit of emotion crossed his features and Destiny realized that his son's death affected him much more than he let on.
Spencer acknowleged the words with a small nod and a lowering of his eyelids. He'd never been close to his brother and he'd suspected that this was why he was brought back, but it still hurt, hearing it.
"It is a great loss to the family. But this still doesn't tell me why you brought me here," Spencer told him, cooly. He had to hear the old man say the words.
The Dukes eyes narrowed. "You know bloody well, why I brought you here! You are now my heir and I intend to make sure that you won't make waste of the title once I'm gone!
Spencer's jaw clentched, then unclentched. Destiny reached for his hand and to her surprise, he took it in his own and squeezed it. He needed her! This revelation filled her heart, near to bursting. Spencer could be a real tough guy when he wanted to be, but at this moment, she was going to give him all the support that he needed.
"I have never wanted to lay aside my responsibilities," Spencer finally said. "It is you who ran me off in the first place. I can't be what you want, Father. I am capable of running my own life and doing things the way I see fit. If I am to live here, you have to acknowledge this."
"You are a bloody renegade and you always were! If you run this good name into the ground, I'll haunt you from my grave, you see if I won't!" the duke charged, then immidiately started coughing.
Spencer flinched but didn't otherwise react. So, Destiny went to him, and poured him a glass of water from the pitcher beside him on the table. "Are you all right?" she asked once he'd taken a drink and seemed to get control.
Wearily he closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes, yes, I'm all right. I'd like to be alone now if you don't mind," he told them.
"Of course," Spencer said. "Come, my dear."
Destiny took his offered arm and they quit the room. But the moment they were out in the hallway and out of earshot from the duke, Destiny let him have it.
"How can you be so cold, Spencer!" Destiny charged. "Can't you see that he's not nearly as mean as he lets on. He really cares about you, but just doesn't know how to show it!"
"He's hated me all my life, Destiny. You know not what you speak of," he answered coldly. "You would do well to stay out of this matter. It does not concern you."
Destiny thrust up her chin in defiance and blinked to hold back her tears. "All right, Mr. Macho! Carry the whole world on your shoulders all alone. Just don't come knocking on my door, when you realize that you can't handle it!"
With that, Destiny ran up the giant staircase and out of Spencers sight.
"You're a fool, Kennsington," he whispered to himself. But he was also proud. He had to handle his father, his own way.
He wouldn't acknowledge that his way has always been to run away...

dr_md76 19-03-07 03:59 PM

Chapter 8

Destiny had only been in the bedroom, where she'd run to, only just a minute or two, when she heard a sound coming from the door. She looked to find someone had slid a small piece of paper under the doorway. Curious, she walked to the door and picked it up.
Meet me at the gate, outside of the garden. Destiny smiled as she read the note. It must be from Spencer. He wanted to apologize for being such a hard-head!
With a smile on her face (and a quick tug on her corsets) she flew out of the door and made her way down the back staircase to the outside door.
As she made her way through the garden, she couldn't help but admire the beauty of the roses and meticulously shaped shrubs that framed the narrow pathway. Spencer's dad may be a big crab, but he sure was to be commended on keeping the garden such a lovely place. She made a mental note to come back out, when she had more time to enjoy it. More and more she was coming to realize that she was probably not going home anytime soon. How would she manage it, afterall? Was she to wait for a storm and throw herself in it? Or did it have to be on a ship? It was beginning to seem so hopeless.
Yet a part of her was not as heartbroken at this throught as one might think. Being with Spencer for the rest of her life would be heaven on earth. Even if she went forward to her own time, she would never get him out of her heart.
Putting dreary thoughts out of her mind, she turned her mind, instead, to her meeting with Spencer. But when she arrived outside of the garden, he was not to be found.
Destiny frowned, but then shrugged her shoulders. He would be here, soon. Maybe she was just early. She found an old bench, slightly covered by the shrubs that were growing outside of the fence. It put her in a complete shadow, and she soon grew chilled.
Just when she was about to give up and go back to the house, an old woman appeared. Destiny's eyes widen with surprise as she took in the woman appearance. Within a face that resembled leather, were set two sharp blue eyes that seemed to drill holes right through Destiny. She was stooped over and used a cane. On her body was draped the most awful combination of colored materials that Destiny had ever seen. She reminded Destiny of the wicked witch from "Hansel and Gretel". As a matter of fact, she was sort of looking at her like she could gobble her up and spit her out, right then!
Slowly Destiny stood, giving her an advantage of height over the strange woman. It didn't work. She was still scared half out of her head!
Just when Destiny was ready to bolt, the woman spoke, "So you are the time-traveler."
Destiny froze. "What did you just say?"
The woman gave her a look that one might give a simpleton. "Do you have a problem with hearing, my dear?"
Destiny blinked, bemused. "Uh, no, no I don't. How...How do you know..."
The woman waved an irritated hand in the air and interupted her. "Never mind, how I know. I've come to tell you that I can help you get back... if you want," she added mysteriously.
"Of course, I want to get back home!" Destiny quickly interjected. This is what she wanted from the beginning! She wanted to go home more than anything!
She was almost sure of that.
Bringing her thoughts back down to the woman who sat staring at her like she could read Destiny's mind, her eyes narrowed. "Are you some sort of witch?"
The woman smiled. Well, she sort of smiled. Her lips twitched slightly. "Let's just say I'm an angel of mercy."
Destiny gasp. "You're an angel?" She immediatly thought of the popular angel show on t.v.
The old woman actually rolled her eyes. "Heaven preserve me!" she muttered under her breath, just loud enough for Destiny to hear. "We haven't progressed much intellectually in two hundred some-odd years I see." She shook her head causing her loose grey hair to fall about her face.
"Look, Granny!" Destiny addressed sarcastically. "Are you going to insult me all day, here, or are you going to help me out?"
The woman through her wrinkled arms in the air. "You try to help someone and get nothing but more demands!" She turned and began to walk away. "Follow me."
For a moment Destiny didn't move. She could have sworn that she heard the woman use a New York accent, just for a moment. Could she also be from the future? Destiny shook her head, as if trying to clear it. No, surely not. Yet...she would have never imagined that she could go through time, either.
Everything was so confusing!
"Are you going to stand there all day or what?"
THAT was definatly a New Yorkish accent! Destiny began to follow the woman. Something smelled fishy and she was going to get to the bottom of it!

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:00 PM

Chapter 9

It was a shack that Destiny was brought to. A shack that smelled like... tortillas?
Destiny peered around the dimmed room with undisguised curiosity. It looked like a junk shop! There were things on top of things on top of more things. And as her eyes lit on the fireplace where a large ********************************l grill had been set up over it, her suspicions were confirmed.
Sure enough, there was a stack of tortillas.
Now, Destiny was almost certain that Mexican food was not a popular menu item in modern day England. And she'd bet her bottom dollar that it was practically unheard of in eighteenth century England!
She was just about to tell the woman so, when the woman walked over to the fire and took a small pot that had also been hanging over the flames. Carefully, she placed it on the table and began to stir. After a few seconds she took what looked like leaves from a jar and dramatically sprinkled them into the brew.
Destiny grew impatient. "What..."
"Shhh!" the woman snapped back, effectively cutting off Destiny's question. She peered into the pot. "I see tall buildings...I see birds that carry people in it's belly... I see...
"I don't see anything!" Destiny's voice sounded right behind the woman, startling her.
"It's there!" she declared waving towards the brew. Only I can see!"
Destiny rolled her eyes. "Oh, please!" She took the woman by the arm and turned her towards her. "Look. This is all very entertaining, but I don't have time for this. If I don't get back, Spencer is going to start looking for me."
The woman gave her a look of disqust. "You take all the fun away from an old woman!"
Destiny gave her a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I really am. But I know that you have either been to my time, or you are from there. And I really need for you to level with me. This is very important!"
"Alright, alright! But it's not going to be nearly as much fun," she warned.
"I'll risk it."
The woman led her to a small door that Destiny would have to stoop to go through.
"This is what I wanted to show you." The woman held out her hand to the door.
Destiny looked unconvenced. "A door."
But then the woman opened the little door, and Destiny almost fainted.
For the third time in ten minutes, Spencer knocked on the bedroom door. "Destiny, please open the door. I didn't mean to sound so awful to you. I just want to apologise... Destiny?"
Still there was no sound from the room. With a frustrated sigh, Spencer started to leave, but something stopped him.
In the short time he'd known Destiny, he'd never known her to ignore him. Yell at him, snap at him, or laugh at him, yes. Ignore? No.
Something wasn't right! Cautiously he pushed on the door and found it open.
Empty! Where in the devil had she gotten off to?
He started thinking of all the things that she could get into. Correction...All the trouble that she could get herself into, and he started to worry.
Like a light, he was out of the room and flying down the front stairway, nearly running over his father in the process.
"Here, now! What's are you about, running me over like a wild boar on a hunt!" His father blustered, brushing invisible dust off his clothes.
"I have to find, Destiny. Something has happened to her!" Spencer said quickly, continuing down the staircase. The Duke shrugged. "Good riddence, I say! This may be the first good piece of fortune you've had in years, Spencer."
He just couldn't let that comment slide. Angrily he spun around and glared at his father. "You will refrain from making unseemly comments about my...about Destiny," he bit out stumbling over calling her his wife. "I will not have it!"
His father narrowed his eyes. "What will you do? Run away?"
"What ever I do about it, you can be assured that you won't like it!" With that he quit the room.
The duke looked thoughtful for a moment, then with a small smile playing about his mouth, he turned and walked up the stairs.
"Oh my gosh! This can't be real...Can it?:"
The old crone, rolled her eyes. "Sheesh! Young people! You show them something face to face and they're still unbelievers," she said with a sad shake of her head. Destiny straightened. "Yeah, but this could be some sort of witches trick!" Destiny countered.
The woman looked offended. "Who said I was a witch?"
"Well...What about all that mumbo jumbo over the pot, huh? And how do you explain the fact that you know so much of my time?" Destiny pointed towards the open door.
"Because I've been to where you're from! I've been crossing over for years. I didn't create this door. I found it!" the woman explained.
Excitement and dread began to stir within Destiny's chest. "You mean...this is a time portal?"
The old woman smiled and destiny realized that the woman had dentures. "You got it! You can walk right through and you'd be home."
"But...will I be in my right time?"
The old woman scratched her head. "I don't know how it works. I just think about a time and poof I'm there."
Destiny stared at the door. Here was her chance. This whole bazaar episode of her life would be over. She could forget it. Put it all behind her. She could leave this backword world that didn't have the modern conveniences that she was so used to. She could leave the strange people who believed that she was such a commoner.
She could leave Spencer.
But she would never, ever forget him.
"I can really leave..." she murmured to herself aloud.
"But I'm begging you to stay," Spencer's voice sounded behind her.

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:00 PM

Chapter 10

Spencer, for the first time in his life, felt a desperation so deep, it left him shaking. He'd been standing there in the door way for quite sometime. His heart sank when he realized just what that passageway was for and what it represented.
Freedom for Destiny.
A life of misery for him.
He knew he should let her go. It wasn't fair to keep her in a time where she didn't belong. But did she? What if the fates had sent her to him. What if it was...destiny?
He couldn't let her go. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Not willingly, anyway.
"Destiny, if you leave now, I will never be able to come to an agreement with my father. You are the only one who can help us. And besides, how can I explain to my father that you've disappeared? We ARE supposed to be man and wife." He was playing dirty, but he had no choice. He knew that she loved him. He had to play on those emotions.
Destiny looked at Spencer and saw the pleading in his eyes, and she knew that she couldn't go through the passage, yet. He was right. He needed her to help with his father. And it WOULD look strange if she just disappeared.
Okay...the REAL reason was that she wasn't ready to leave Spencer. She'd never been in love before. And it didn't matter if he didn't love her back, she wanted to be with him more than anything. Of course, she would have to leave...eventually.
Destiny took one last look at the doorway to her time, then she looked back at the old woman. "I'll be back."
The woman looked worried. "Don't take too long. You see, what I didn't tell you is that the passageway has been coming and going. Now, it's only appearing at night. I don't think it's going to last much longer."
Destiny swallowed and willed herself to be brave, praying that she was making a right decision. "I will be back," she answered firmly. Then she walked passed Spencer into the night.
"Destiny," he called softly to her back. She stopped. That was when he noticed her shoulders shaking. "Oh, Destiny, darling. Please don't cry."
Quickly he went to her and wrapped her up in his strong embrace. Every tear she shed went straight to his soul. Let her goa voice urged him. But he ignored it. He would bring her back in time. He just needed her for a little longer. That was all.
Gently he set her away from him and brushed away her tears. The smooth touch of her skin sent quickened his heart. She was so beautiful, even when her face was puffy and red from crying.
"Come along, my dear. Let's get you into the house and into bed."
Together they walked the path that led to the old castle. Destiny noticed that it sure got alot spookier out here at nighttime. The gargoyles that sat on either side of the gate, seemed to sneer at them. Why did people put those ugly things up anyway? They didn't ward off evil spirits, they seemed to harbor them!
She shivered and Spencer put an arm about her shoulders, bringing her closer to him. Her fears banished at his touch. Never had she felt so ******* than when she was in his arms. Her thoughts became centered on him and nothing else.
Nothing else that is, until they arrived at the bed chamber
Destiny looked at the bed then looked at the grinning man standing beside her. He looked quite pleased with himself.
"Oh, no!" she drawled. "I'm not getting into this thing any deeper with you. You'll just have to sleep on the floor."
His smile turned into a scowl. "I will not sleep on the floor, madam! This is my chamber, you forget."
"Oh, I don't forget, Don Juan. It's just that I'm not going to spend the night in the same bed as you. I won't last five minutes, if you start trying to seduce me!" She ignored his returning smile. "I'm going home, Spencer. Would you want me taking YOUR child with me?"
Those were sobering words, for both of them. Neither of them wanted that. So, they stood there, silently, contemplating the situation.
"My father will find out if either of us sleeps in another chamber. He would never believe that I'd allow any wife of mine to sleep away from my side. And he's right," he added significantly.
Destiny tried to turn her thoughts away from his beguiling words. Then she got an idea. "Wait a minute. I saw an old movie once... "It Happened One Night" with....Clark Gable, I think it was!"
"Your talking in riddles again, darling."
She smiled at him. "Sorry. But anyway, he and another woman, I can't think of her name, were traveling together and sharing the same rooms. In order to sleep in the same bed and still stay modest and moral, they strung a rope up over the bed and hung a blanket right down the middle!" She frowned. "At least they did that until the end when they.... Oh never mind."
"No, no. Please continue," Spencer urged with great interest.
Destiny rolled her eyes and sighed. "They called it the wall of Jericho. You know, like in the Bible."
Spencer nodded drolly. "Yes, Destiny, I do know the story. I was a gentleman before becoming a pirate, you know."
"Whatever," she said waving off his sarcasism. "They end up getting married at the end and one of them blows a trumpet and..."
"...And the wall came tumbling down." he finished for her with great satisfaction in his voice.
"I think, 'married' is the key word here. We're only pretending, remember?"
He sighed and preceded to build their "Jericho".
Destiny was the first to rise, the next morning. A quick peek under the blanket, and she saw that Spencer was dead to the world. He'd slept so fitfully, tossing and turning, that she didn't have the heart to wake him now that he was sleeping so well.
She chose one of the pretty dresses from the wardrobe (ignoring the corset) and made her way down to the kitchen.
It took her exactly 30 minutes to finally find it. The castle was like a maze! All different corridors leading here and there...it was better than one of those mazes at the county fair!
But she did finally arrive in the morning room, when a helpful servant pointed the way, and she realized that she would be dining with the duke.
Destiny stared at him from the doorway, before announcing herself. Gone was the stern, larger than life man who was so mean the day before. Instead, there sat a weak, old man who had circles beneath his eyes.
Suddenly those eyes were glaring at her.
"Good Heavens! Are you going to stand rudely there and stare at me, or are you going to sit and eat?" he growled.
Destiny hid a smile and walked over to the chair at his left. She observed from yesterdays meal that this was not the proper way to sit in the Kensington household. She and Spencer had sat at the other end, at least 8 spaces away, then.
"Just WHAT do you think you are doing?" he asked imperiously.
"I'm sitting by a grouch!" she shot back, and quickly regretted her outburst. She was about to apologized when the man started laughing!
"You may not be our equal in class, but you surely have spirit!" he barked out with laughter.
Destiny blinked in bemusement. Wow, she thought, He no longer looked tired, but healthy and happy! She thought a moment, then asked, "So...uh...Your Grace, just where do you think I came from?"
"Well, according to Spencer's accounts, you are from the colonies. Ghastly lot of heathens, they are. Always fighting about something and dumping tea in the harbor," he said with a sigh.
"Yeah, well, look what it got us! Freedom!" she countered.
"Freedom from what? Civilized society?"
Destiny sighed. "Oh, never mind. You're mighty fiesty yourself, you know."
He leaned toward her and said in a whisper, "Good God, don't tell anyone! The whole household would lose respect for me. They think I'm a tyrant!" The last statement was stated with great amounts of pride.
Destiny leaned forward, also. "You do a good job at playing that part. You had me convinced!"
"What's all the whispering about?" Spencer spoke up from the doorway.
They both turned surprised eyes towards him. Destiny stuttered, "Uh...we we're just...uh..."
"What's wrong with this household. Everyone stands about spying on me. Anyone with eyes to see could tell that we were breaking our fast!"
"Yeah, Spence! Anyone with eyes!" she repeated with a look of mock Innocence on her face.
Spencer narrowed his eyes as he entered the room. And what surprised Destiny most of all, he came right up to her and planted a kiss on her unsuspecting lips.
"Good morning, darling," he whispered intimately, then sat down beside her.
Destiny cast a quick eye to his father. He was staring at them like he'd just caught on to a secret.
And he had.
"It would seem we have a lot of work to do, before the nights ending," the old duke said, mysteriously.
Spencers brows rose. "What are we planning, father?"
"A wedding." He took a big bite of cheese.
Destiny's face lit up. "Oh, I love weddings! Who is getting married?"
The duke took his time chewing and when he had finished, he slowly wiped his mouth with his napkin. He looked at Spencer, then at Destiny and...smiled.
"Really, Spencer. When did you imagine that I turned into a fool? I will not have you dallying with this poor woman's affections any longer. You must do the proper thing, even though she's not in our set."
He rose glared at his son. "She is not your wife, now. But she will be before nights end. So, I'm glad you like weddings, Destiny. Because it's you who will be the one getting wed!"

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:04 PM

Chapter 11

"What are we going to do!" Destiny asked when they had reached their bed chamber. After the duke had dropped his little bomb on them, Spencer had put up an argument, but to no avail. His father wouldn't be budged.
"I don't know, woman! Let me think!" he growled, as he paced the floor. "I still don't know how he figured out that we were not married." He then stopped his pacing a and narrowed his glittering eyes on Destiny. "Unless...YOU told him!"
"Now, hold on just one minute, there buster! I haven't told him a darn thing! You've been acting so hateful towards him, it must have looked like you were hiding something!" she threw back at him. The NERVE of the man!
"Oh, no. Don't blame me for this!" he said, shaking his finger in her face.
Destiny looked at the offending finger and did the first thing she thought of.
She bit it.
But not hard. Just enough to make him laugh. Soon they were both laughing at their childish argument.
He raised an eyebrow in that sexy way of his, and said, "I can think of a couple of other places I wouldn't mind you biting."
Destiny rolled her eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Romeo and help me think of how we are to handle this!"
Spencer sighed, "You're right, I suppose. Though my suggestion does have it's merits... All right, all right. We'll do this your way." This time they were both pacing the room, thinking so hard that it was beginning to give Destiny a headache.
"I've got an idea!" Spencer finally said. "Why don't we just admit that the old man is correct in his assumptions. It'll give him a thrill at any rate. Then I'll convince him that it would be better to wait a fortnight before the ceremony takes place. I'll say that he could throw a large party and let everyone know that his heir has come home and taken a bride, etc. etc..."
Destiny shook her head. "But that will be worse, Spencer. He's going to go to all the trouble to throw a huge party, and then I'm going to up and disappear! Won't it look terrible to your peers - cause a scandle of something?"
"Hmmm.... Not if we make it look like you've been murdered!" he said with great delight.
"Jeez! I have an Alfred Hitchcock on my hands! You are going to make it seem like I was murdered?" she ask with horror. "I couldn't just vanish or jilt you or... something!"
"If you vanish, my father will expect me to spend weeks looking for you and if you jilt me, that will DEFINATELY cause a scandal!"
She came back with, "What if YOU are accused of murdering me. Then your whole past as a pirate will come to light and there's not a court in this century or mine that would believe you! And what about a body?"
He rubbed his chin in contemplation. "You have a point. But we make it look like you were kidnapped, and all I found was a bloody dress... That's it! We'll make a token search, but will give up knowing that all evidence points to your death!"
Destiny shook her head in bemusement. "I can't believe we're talking about this!"
"Do you have a better plan?"
"Well...no, but I don't think you should be enjoying my 'death' so much!"
His face suddenly grew still, and quietly he came over to where she stood with shoulders slumped. "To me, once you are gone, it will be like a death. For I shall never see again. And believe me, I will not enjoy it."
He placed his hands on either side of her face and gently kissed her lips. It was so sweet that it brought tears to her eyes. "Oh, Spencer. I know you don't like hearing it, but I have to tell you anyway. I love you. And when I'm gone I want you to remember that, okay, that someone out there, loves you through all time."
Spencer folded her into his arms, so that she would not see his own tears. Tell her, that small voice inside his heart prompted. Tell her that you love her, too. But he could not. He could not allow himself to explore this love that he had for her when she would be leaving him so soon. It would destroy him. As it was, his heart would be broken, forever.
He cleared his throat as he smoothed a hand down her slim back. "Do not cry for me, Destiny, nor waste your love on someone like me. I'm not worth it. And when you return to your time, you will find someone who is worthy of your love, and this adventure will seem like a distant memory."
She back away from him and she did not look happy. "You just don't get it, do you, Spencer? I've looked for a man to love. I knew that when I found him, that it would be forever. The first moment that I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special, different."
"I was a pirate," he teased, trying to lighten the mood.
She ignored him. "I will love you for as long as I live. And I know that you can't love me, but I pray that there will be someone that you will come to love." She walked away from his and went to stand by the huge canopied bed in the middle of the room. Idly she fingered the rich golden tassle hanging off the canopy. "I suppose you will have to marry, am I right?"
He cleared his throat again. "Yes. It will be expected."
She turned to look at him with clear eyes. "Will you promise me, that you will marry for love."
He looked away. "You must know that love doesn't enter in to it, in my circles. You marry for wealth or class, not for love."
"Look at me, Spencer." She waited until his eyes met her own. "Promise me."
He swallowed past the lump in his throat and told her what she wanted to hear. "I promise to marry for love," he lied.
Pain filled her eyes and she nodded, looking away. "Well, that's good. I won't have to worry about that."
But she would grieve. Grieve for the love that might have been, and for the life they might have had, if only he could love her.
If only the man realized that she would stay in a heartbeat, if only he would tell her that he loved her. She would give up family and friends and every twentieth century convenience just to remain with him for her lifetime. But she couldn't make him love her.
"Well," she said after a moment. "We'd better go and talk to your father."
He nodded distractedly. "Of course."
"Oh, and while we are going down there to meet him, I thought of a way to get you and your father communicating."
Spencer raised his brows in inquiry. But she could tell his mind wasn't on what she was saying.
It soon would be.
"I think you should tell your father that you were a pirate."
Yep. That got his attention.
"You must be out of your bloody mind!" he stormed.
She took his arm and pulled him towards the door. "Trust me on this, Spence. You'll see. It will open up all kinds of doors!"
"Yes, to boot me right out on my arse!"
"Come on, doubting Thomas!" With that she escorted him down the hall.
"I suppose that pushing the wedding off a fortnight, will cause no harm. But I forbid you to share the same chamber! Destiny will be put into the chamber next to mine. I think we are beyond protecting your virtue, but at least we shall keep the appearance on the up and up."
Destiny sighed. "My 'virtue' is still intact, thank you very much. Although, I doubt that you will believe me."
"My dear, with you, I could believe anything!" he declared with a laugh and a quick pat on her hand lying next to his.
Spencer marvelled at how quickly Destiny had completely charmed his father.
Destiny laughed a little nervously. "Well, if you can believe that, I hope that you will believe something else. Uh...Spence has something to tell you. Don't you Spence?" She looked at him with innocent eyes. Deviously innocent eyes, they were!
"I want to tell you what I've been up to for the last twelve years."
The duke let out a 'hrumpt'. "Is that all. Well, you can save your news. I already know what you've been up to."
Spencer's eyes flew to Destiny's where they met in confusion. "You...know?" he asked carefully.
"Spencer, dear boy, do you think that I'd allow my youngest son to dilly dally about the world without the singlest knowledge of what he was up to? Really, son. You do me a discredit."
Spencer felt like a scolded little boy. "So you ... uh... know that I was a..."
"A Pirate. Yes, I know that," the duke stated calmly.
Spencer once again looked at Destiny and helplessly shrugged his shoulders, as if asking "What now?"
Destiny moved closer to the duke. "In other words, your saying that you wanted to make sure that your son was safe. That you didn't forget about him. That you were concerned about him."
"Good God! I wouldn't put it like that. You've made me into some sentimental fop! But as a father, I have certain obligations. Who do you think kept Spencer out of trouble all those years! He would have been arrested a long time ago if it wasn't for me!"
"The Devil you say!" Spencer barked, ignoring the glare from Destiny.
"Come now, boy. You were never a very clever pirate. But I knew that if I let you have your fun and kept you safe that you would come home soon enough." He then frowned at his son. "But you never did, did you. Too much pride, there boy. I had to come and get you. Which I would have done anyway whether your brother had passed on or not."
Spencer was fuming with indignation. "I cannot believe I'm hearing this! How can you say that I was not a good pirate? We may not were the richest on the sea, but we were bloody well close!"
The duke merely smiled. "If it pleases you to think so, son, then you go on thinking it."
Spencer turned his anger towards Destiny. "Do you have any more ideas from that silly brain of yours?" And before she could say anything, he had stormed out of the room.
Destiny groaned, "Oh, great! I've really messed things up, now." She then frowned at the smiling man. "And you weren't helping matters any, either. Why couldn't you have just gone along and pretended that you didn't know. Now, you've made him embarrassed and scolded like a child!"
The duke stopped smiling. "Well, Good Lord, I was just telling the truth!"
She shook her head. "I'm trying my best here to help you two get along. But neither of you are helping."
He looked at her with speculative eyes. "You love my son, very much, don't you."
She looked down at her hands. "Yes. Very much so."
"And so do I, my dear. So don't fret. All will be well," he told her without so much as a care.
Destiny looked worried. She didn't have a lot of time for 'all to be well.' What would she do, if they were still not getting along, by the time she had to leave?

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:07 PM

Chapter 12

Spencer resumed his pacing once he reached the gardens. The fragrant flowers and the bountiful array of colors were lost on the brooding man.
Actually, it wasn't what his father told him that got him so riled up. He'd always wondered why he'd been so bloody lucky, while others were getting caught left and right. Perilous times these were for pirating! And his heart had not really been in it. It had all been a game. A foolish one at that, though he supposed it allowed him to sow his wild oats.
But what was his life to become? He was destined to live the life of a duke and all the responsibilities that went with it. Maybe he would be reclusive peer of the realm! Stay at the country estate...
No, his anger was not set off by his father or at Destiny. It was just that he began to realize just how short their time together was. And God forgive him, but he didn't want her to go. He wished that he knew the magic words that would make her want to stay.
But he didn't. He was not so selfish that he would keep her here when her family and friends were in another time, another world. It would not be fair to ask that of her, of anyone.
And then there was the task that he could not dismiss. He had to find a wife.
Now that he'd found Destiny and known true love, he didn't know how he would live with another woman, but he knew that he must. The line must go on and all that.
His wife would have to be someone that would provide heirs and then live her own life and let him live his. There were plenty of women around who wouldn't mind that arrangement.
It made thinking about it, no less pleasant, however.
A gentle knock sounded at the door and he heard it open. He, however, did not turn around. He knew who it was.
"So wouldn't win the "Pirate of the Year" award. It's all over-rated, anyway!" she told him in a chipper voice.
He struggled to keep the smile off his face as he turned towards him. "If that is your way of making up for scene that you just caused, you are not doing a very good job of it. And as far as my relationship with my father is concerned, I suggest you keep your ideas...to yourself, else you'll never be able to leave!"
She planted her hands on her hips and huffed, "Well, with that kind of attitude, you'll never have a good relationship with him!"
There was a sudden commotion in the hallway and knock sounded at the door.
"Yes, what is it?" Spencer called out.
The door opened and Beauford the butler stood there. "His grace request your presence in the great room, my lord. Lady Smithers and her daughter Annabelle have just arrived."
Spencer looked perplexed. "Who are they, Beauford? I don't recall the name."
Beauford cleared his throat but maintain his dour expression. "Lady Annabelle was your brothers betrothed, my lord. They maintain the estates in the next county."
Spencer masked his surprise. "Thank you, Beauford. You may tell my father we will be down directly."
"Your brother was engaged to be married?" Destiny asked as he shut the door behind him.
"Hmmm," he nodded. "So it would seem." He looked at Destiny with a sigh. "Well, lets go and have a look at the woman who would have been my sister-in-law. I'm curious to know what kind of a woman my brother chose for a wife."
She looked like an eighteen century Claudia Schiffer.
As Destiny and Spencer came down the stairway into the great hall, the young woman, swathed in light green silk, turned her face up to them. Never had Destiny seen such luminous skin and such lovely blond hair. She had it done up perfectly with tiny green ribbons intertwined throughout. And to top it all off, her eyes were the color of her dress.
Talk about color coordinating!
Then Destiny made the mistake of looking at Spencer. He would never know how much it hurt to see him looking at the woman, like she was an angel.
"Ah, there you are, Spencer. I would like to introduce you to Lady Smithers and Lady Annabelle. Lady Annabelle would have been..." The duke paused with a flash of grief haunting his features for a breif moment. "She would have been your sister-in-law."
Spencer turned to the beautiful woman and started to bow to her, when her mother stepped in between them and stuck out her bejeweled hand. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, my lord, and to see that you are in good health from your long journey. We've heard much about your endeavours in the colonies."
On the way down to kissing her hand, Spencer's eyes flew to his father's. "Indeed, my lady."
His father coughed. "Uh, yes...I told her all about your business enterprises."
"And what 'business enterprises' did you tell her I was in, Father?"
The duke shrugged. "Free trade."
Spencer coughed to cover his incredulous laugh.
Lady Smithers, who looked well for her age, although slightly plump, smiled at Spencer. She had her hopes high that her daughter would still be a duchess. The future duke couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. There was only one thing troubling her though.
"I don't believe we've met your houseguest," she initiated in a cooly polite voice. But her eyes raked down Destiny like she was worm rather than a lady.
Spencer blinked and finally took his eyes off of Lady Annabelle. He looked over to his 'guest' and flinched. Destiny was not happy. She was positively GREEN with jealousy.
For some reason, this made him incredibly happy.
He reached for Destiny's hand. "This, ladies, is my fiance' Miss ..." Spencer hesitated. Had she ever told him her last name? He couldn't remember, so he made up one. "Miss Worthington."
Destiny choked back a giggle. Worthington? Her name was plain ol' Brown!
Lady Smither's eyebrows rose. "Ah, you must be related to the Worthinton's of Devonshire!"
Destiny couldn't seem to help herself. She smiled at the uppity woman. "No, I'm afraid I'm from across the ocean."
The polite smile dropped swiftly. "Really," she said with distaste. Once again she gave Destiny a nasty once-over. "A colonist!"
Spencer's face became stone cold. He didn't care a fig about polite society or the ton, and he had no use for those who did. "She's the future Duchess of Ballinton," he told her in a frightening voice that made her quickly back down.
"Please forgive me, my lord. I was simply stating the obvious, is all."
The Duke quickly averted their attentions. "Shall we retire to the drawing room. Beauford will see that tea is brought in."
A warm feeling went down Destiny's back as Spencer placed a possessive hand on her back, escorting her into the room. He had come to her defense, like a true fiance' would. For just a moment, she felt what it would be like to be truly his.
And it helped that he wasn't staring at Annabelle anymore!

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:07 PM

Chapter 13
For three days, Destiny endured (for lack of a better word) the Lady Smithers and her daughter Annabelle. It made her want to scream, the way that woman was trying to throw her daughter at Spencer. Destiny might as well have not been in the room for all the attention that she was shone from the entire household.
Well, Spencer wasn't exactly ignoring her, but he felt torn with enjoying the camaraderie he was experiencing with his father, and acting as a polite host for his guest, and worrying how Destiny was doing.
On that third day, Destiny knew that she had to make a decision. It would be a decision that would best suit everyone.... except, maybe, her.
Despite Destiny's dislike for Annabelle she had to admit that she would make Spencer the perfect wife. Someone befitting his station. Someone who would not shame him. Someone....that he would come to love in time.
They were all sitting at the breakfast table, now, and Destiny felt more like an outsider than ever. It was time.
Time to let Spencer get on with his life. He and his father has formed a truce and seemed to be getting on famously.
Time to let Destiny get on with her life. Though she had no close family and only a couple of friends, she knew that she didn't belong here, and she ever felt as though she belonged in the 1990's either. Where did that leave her? What was to become of her?
Excusing herself, Destiny made her way to her room and begin to plan her escape.
Spencer watched as Destiny walked out of the room. Something wasn't right. She looked pale and...troubled? She's not been herself since the Lady Smithers and her daughter had come to the castle. He tried his best to show Destiny his attention, but it had been so hard. Especially since it was apparent that Destiny was not trying to get to close to him. What was she thinking?
A horrible thought crossed his mind. A thought that was not going to go away, not until he checked something out.
After mumbling his own excuses, Spencer ran to where Destiny had been sleeping the last few nights.
It was empty!
A feeling of panic that shook him down to his boots, ran through him, leaving him weak. She had left him. She was going to go through the time portal without telling him goodbye.
He was 't going to let it happen! He was going to tell her what he should have told her days ago.
He had to let her know that he loved her.
He only hoped that he was not too late.
“Now tell me how this thing works again?” Destiny asked, warily staring at the time portal. It had noticeably shrunk. Where it had been up to Destiny’s head, last time, it was now nearly to her middle. There wasn’t much time left.
It was best this way
Harriet, the old woman, sighed. “For the umpteenth time. You think on the place and time that you want to be and voila, there you’ll be. Now can you get this show on the road, honey, because you are keeping me from my breakfast!”
Destiny glanced over to the table that the old woman was referring to and saw a southwestern omelet with melting cheese over the top of it.
Closing her eyes and concentrating hard, she tried to pull up an image of her apartment in Florida. But it was no use. All she could see was Spencer’s face.
Shaking her head, she ordered herself, “Concentrate, Destiny! Think about home, think about home….” She began to chant.
And just as she was beginning to get a picture of home in her mind, her concentration was broken.
“Destiny, wait!” Spencer called out, as he came barging in through the door.
Harriet eyed her door’s broken hinges. “Can’t you come through the door like a normal person?” she complained.
Spencer waved an impatient hand her direction. “I’ll build you a brand new house, if you’ll just give me some time alone with Destiny.”
Harriet grinned, her blackened teeth peeking out between her wrinkled lips. “Take all the time you want. I’ll just take my breakfast with me,” she said as she grabbed up her omelet and shuffled outside.
For what seemed an eternity, Spencer stared into Destiny’s eyes with a hopelessness that struck him down to his soul. He tried to think of something brilliant to say, something….anything that would make her want to stay with him and not leave. But he couldn’t.
He could only say one thing.
“I love you, Destiny. Please…please don’t leave me.”
Destiny’s eyes filled with tears and she slumped against the door frame. Her shaking hand, covered her mouth. After a moment she answered him. “I love you, too, Spencer, but I can’t stay here. Can’t you see that I don’t belong? I’m just a plain girl who knows nothing of courtly manners or how to be around members of the upper class. I’ll be an embarrassment to you.”
Slowly he walked up to her, his head shaking. “How can you believe that you don’t belong here? How can you believe that you don’t belong with me? Feel this, Destiny!” He placed her hand over his rapidly pounding of his heart. “It beats for you, my love. If you leave me, you’ll take this heart with you. I’ll be worthless without you. Less than half a man.”
Destiny felt her resistance crumbling. “Oh, Spencer. I’m just not sure wh…what to do. I can’t believe that you love me, you said…”
”Shhh,” he hushed her putting a gentle finger to her lips. “I was a fool. I was falling in love with you from the first moment I saw you. I just didn’t want to admit it.”
”I demand to know what is going on here!” a loud command came from the doorway.
“Father?” Spencer turned with Destiny still in his arms, to the doorway.
Harriet, standing just behind the duke, shrugged her shoulders. “I tried to tell His Grace that you wanted to be alone.”
“I’ll handle this, woman!”
Harriet rolled her eyes, not at all intimidated by the big man. “Suit yourself.”
The duke frowned. “That old woman is impertinent!”
Spencer matched his frown. “How did you know where to find us?”
“Do you think that I could have something like this ‘time doorway’ on my property and not know about?”
Spencer opened his mouth to retort, but closed it. His father had already amazed him with how much he did know about everything. Why not this? He tried again. “Destiny is from a place on the other side of that door, father. She feels like she needs to go back.”
The duke looked at Destiny in his usual shrewd way. “Do you have family back there, girl?”
Destiny shook her head. “My parents died when I was in college. I’m an only child. And my name is Brown, by the way. Not Worthington.”
The duke folded his hand over his chest. “That doesn’t matter. Worthington suits our purpose better, I think.” He seemed to contemplate something. “Do you love my son?”
“Then what on God’s green earth is the problem, here?” He boomed. “You don’t have family connections, you love my son…. I should think it would be obvious!”
Spencer turned to Destiny. “He’s right, my love. You belong here with me. I’d like to think that God had something to do with sending you to me. That you are my…destiny!”
Destiny couldn’t help but smile at the pun. “And you are mine, Spencer. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. And your father’s right. I won’t deny that I’ll miss my own time, but I want a life with you more.”
Spencer laughed aloud as he grabbed her up into his embrace and smothered her face with little kisses, and when he’d finally reached her mouth, he put her down gently and placed a hand on either side of her face, ever so gently and placed a caressing kiss on her waiting lips. The kiss deepened when she opened up to him and with a groan, he lost himself in her sweetness.
Spencer regretfully pulled away from Destiny, and turned a shade of dull red when he turned to face his father. “Uh, you are still here father?” he mumbled.
His Grace lifted an imperial eyebrow that was so like Spencer’s that Destiny smiled. “Is the wedding on or not?”
Spencer turned to Destiny. “I’ve never asked you to marry me, for real, Destiny, so I will ask you now. “ He bent down on one knee and took Destiny’s hand. “Will you, Destiny Brown Worthington, agree to be my wife, and put this retired pirate out of his misery?”
Tears of joy tumbled down her cheeks as she gripped Spencer’s hand. “Oh yes, I’ll be your wife.”
They both heard the door close behind them and Spencer didn’t waste anytime. He folded her into his embrace and kissed her.
Just outside the old woman’s cabin…
“Well, we did it, Harriet! By God, we pulled it off!” The duke crowed, quite proud of himself.
“It was pure dumb luck, if you don’t mind me saying so, Your Grace. Anything could have gone wrong. She almost drowned, you know!”
”Yes, but she didn’t, and now my son is happy! Soon there will be a wedding, then a few months down the road, an heir!”
"What if she'd gone through that time doorway before Spencer got there? I don't know why you wanted me to show her the doorway in the first place!"
The duke looked at the woman patiently. (Or as patiently as he could look.) "I had to know if she cared for my son. I had to give her the option to choose and as you see, she chose correctly!"
“But we still have one problem, Your Grace. That ‘time doorway’ isn’t fading, like I told Destiny it was. What if she finds out and decides she wants to go back home?”
The dukes smile was quickly erase. “Then we will board the doorway up! I won’t have that worry hanging over my head!
Harriet looked up with dismay. “But what about my tortillas! And you know how you love that Cajun dish that I bring back from my trips to that New Orleans place!”
The duke just shook his hand and began to walk back to the castle. “You heard my order, Harriet!”
”But, Your Grace…..”
But Destiny never asked about that doorway. She was far too happy and fulfilled with her husband and children to worry about going back ‘home’. Which is good because Harriet never got around to boarding that portal.

dr_md76 19-03-07 04:09 PM

enjoy hope u like it

روزا 20-03-07 07:26 PM

it`s amazing story

thank u so much

dr_md76 23-03-07 08:54 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة روزا (المشاركة 710990)
it`s amazing story
thank u so much

u r wellcome sweetie

روزا 26-03-07 02:23 PM

hiii dolly..

Iwanna ask u about

?who is the author


dr_md76 30-03-07 10:18 PM

Kim Comeaux

غيمة بيضاء 09-04-07 07:20 AM

:Thanx: :Thanx: :Thanx: :0041: :0041: :0041: :0041: :rdd10ut5:

nargis 31-05-07 05:24 PM

thank you dr_md76 , i loved it,hope there is more

liilas676 05-08-07 12:02 AM


الساعة الآن 03:44 PM.

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