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-   -   Bonnie Vanak's Books (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t206887.html)

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:31 AM

Bonnie Vanak's Books
Bonnie Vanak

Bonnie Vanak fell in love with romance novels during childhood. While cleaning a hall closet, she discovered her mother’s cache of paperbacks and started reading. Thus began a passion for romance and a lifelong dislike for housework.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:38 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Draicon Werewolves Series

Book 1: THE EMPATH, 2007 (Nicolas and Maggie)
Book 2: "Broken Souls" in MIDNIGHT CRAVINGS anthology, 2009 (Baylor & Katia)
Book 3: ENEMY LOVER, 2008 (Damian and Jamie)
Book 4: DARKNESS OF THE WOLF, 2009 (Guy and Kayla)
Book 5: IMMORTAL WOLF, 2009 (Raphael and Emily)
Book 6: SEDUCING THE VAMPIRE, 2009 (free read from eHarlequin, Indigo and Avril)
Book 7: "Unwrapped" in HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE III, 2009 (Adrian and Sarah)
Book 8: COURAGE OF THE WOLF, 2010 (Michael and Sabina)
Book 9: "Unwrapped" re-release in CHRISTMAS WITH A VAMPIRE, 2010
Book 10: THE SHADOW WOLF, 2011 (Gabriel)

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:50 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Taken by the Alpha Wolf
(Draicon Werewolves 0.5)
by Bonnie Vanak

From the moment he saw the pale-haired beauty, Draicon werewolf Etienne Robichaux vowed to claim Cindy Parker as his mate. Nothing will stand in his way. After learning she’s targeted by a Columbian drug mob, the former Navy SEAL will do everything in his power to protect her.

His touch ignites her passion and his tender concern touches her soul. But Cindy has a deadly secret she hides from Etienne, one that not only risks losing her heart to handsome shifter, but her very life.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 07:59 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Empath
(Draicon Werewolves #1)
by Bonnie Vanak


Nicolas was the strongest and fiercest of the Draicon, until he was banished for a trumped-up crime. Now the werewolf has only one path to redemption: find the Draicon's long-lost empath, the woman who will save the pack--and Nicolas himself--from terrible danger.

Maggie Sinclair is a veterinarian, dedicated to healing. She has no idea of her true nature, the magic waiting in her soul--or the man coming to claim her.

The survival of their pack depends on them finding each other, on their ability to become one. But their enemies have also found Maggie, and will kill to stop her awakening to an all-consuming passion...


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:01 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Broken Souls
(Draicon Werewolves #2)
by Bonnie Vanak

She was forbidden by the Draicon to cast the blood-to-blood spell. But Katia was determined to find her father, and the spell was her only option. The Draicon had taken her into their pack when her own family had been destroyed by the Morphs. But Katia had never given up hope that her father was still alive, and refused to mate for life with her beloved Baylor until she found him. Now Baylor had given her an ultimatum, and Katia was forced to take drastic measures.

But when Katia's spell summoned a Morph claiming to be her father, nothing Baylor said could convince her of the danger. Baylor knew too well the cost of trusting a loved one who'd turned, and desperately wanted to save Katia the pain he'd lived with for so long. He also knew that if he spared the Morph, it would destroy Katia, but if he killed this evil being, he risked losing her love forever.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:03 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Enemy Lover
(Draicon Werewolves #3)
by Bonnie Vanak


Overwhelming arrogance demands that Damian Marcel claim Jamie Walsh no matter who vies against them. For she is the only woman who can sate this powerful were's untamed hunger. But Jamie believes Damian is the Draicon werewolf who murdered her brother. She fights the dominating male at every step --- only to succeed in binding herself to him.

Now the same magick that links them together is slowly killing Jamie, for she is infected with a spell that's turning her to stone. As they race against time to find a cure and to ward off attacks from the evil Morphs, dare Damian hope that his draicara will finally accept him as her lover ... forever?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:05 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Darkness of the Wolf
(Draicon Werewolves #4)
by Bonnie Vanak

Imprisoned and tortured by demons, Guy Laurent thought the only way he could escape was through death.
Then he is offered a chance a freedom by recovering a girl with the help of former Draicon Kayla Morris. . . Even though Kayla has been warned that Guy is a dangerous and savage wolf, his scent—and his kiss—makes her wildness surface.

But despite both their inner wolves howling to mate, Kayla must fight their attraction—or risk unleashing the deadly gift she hates. . .


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:06 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Immortal Wolf
(Draicon Werewolves #5)
by Bonnie Vanak

Exiled to a life of extreme loneliness because everyone she touches dies, Emily Burke has every reason to distrust Raphael Robichaux. The immortal werewolf possesses immense power and has been summoned by her pack to end her life. And yet, from the moment she lays eyes on the powerful rebel, he awakens all the longings she's kept bottled inside...and gives her hope.

When Raphael meets Emily, he knows something enormous is at stake. For not only does he see that her blood can restore life - but she is his destined mate.

Trust doesn't come easily to Emily. But somehow Raphael must convince her to put her life in his hands. Only then will an ancient prophecy be fulfilled and a terrible evil destroyed....


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:09 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Seducing the Vampire
(Draicon Werewolves #6)
by Bonnie Vanak

Banished by his mother’s vampire clan a century ago after a liaison with the clan leader’s pureblood daughter, half-wolf, half-vampire Indigo Mercier has made a new life for himself as part of the Draicon wolf pack. Now, Avril Antoine haunts only his most forbidden dreams—until one night she appears, seeking his protection!

Avril has endured her own punishment for her affair with the Changling. But with the Anastasia charm—a crystal with the power to grant wishes—about to fall into the wrong hands, she can trust only one to guard it with his life: Indigo Mercier!


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:11 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Holiday with a Vampire III
(Draicon Werewolves #7)

Christmas starts at midnight...And after you've been visited by these sexy men, you'll discover the true meaning of the season in these dazzling tales of love.

Sundown by Linda Winstead Jones
After distancing herself from a very attractive cop, vampire Abby Brown discovers she wants only one thing for Christmas--Leo Stryker. But when a murder investigation endangers his life, she may be the one to give him a present....

Nothing Says Christmas Like a Vampire by Lisa Childs
Sienna Briggs never knew she had a guardian vampire. But, when she stumbles across the truth surrounding the Secret Vampire Society, her guardian--the handsome Julian Vossimer--has only one solution to save the woman he's loved for so long.

Unwrapped by Bonnie Vanak
Adrian Thorne never expected to see Sarah Roberts again. But she's presented to him as a special gift. The vampire is elated to finally avenge the werewolf who broke his heart... except Sarah may be the only one who can mend it!


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:13 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Courage of the Wolf
(Draicon Werewolves #8)
by Bonnie Vanak

Werewolf Sabrina Kelly longs to put her family's brutal slaying by a demon behind her. Finding her destined mate might bring her solace...though in her heart, she knows she only wants her long-time friend Michael Anderson. Instinct tells Sabrina he desires her as strongly as she craves him, yet still he pushes her away....

As an immortal Justice Guardian, Michael has vowed to protect Sabrina...and deny his hunger for her. It's his duty to make Sabrina find the courage to challenge the demon once and for all—though it may cost him the only woman he could ever love.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 08:14 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Shadow Wolf
(Draicon Werewolves #9)
by Bonnie Vanak

On the run from authorities, gutsy Megan Moraine knows shadow wolves like herself have no place in this world. But she's still prepared to do anything to protect her young charges. That resolve is tested when the trio is captured by Gabriel Robichaux. Everyone knows that Gabriel is a ruthless bounty hunter, a member of an elite group called the Enforcers. Why then is Megan so attracted to her enemy—a wolf who hunts his own people? A wolf whose languid, sexy drawl makes her dream the impossible?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 09:37 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Draicon Werewolves Series


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ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 09:56 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind Series

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 09:59 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Falcon & the Dove
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #1)
by Bonnie Vanak

In the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, there was born a love that could never be broken--that of a young queen and a great warrior. And while the warrior's duty to combat the infidel was strict, and though his beloved was the wife of Pharaoh, the two would be separated only by death. But then only for a time.

Elizabeth Summers came to the dig at Akhetaten in 1892. Great things were being discovered! English archaeologists had made huge advances, and Egypt's fantastic history was being laid bare. But Elizabeth had not come to simply study history--she was to be a part of it. Swept away by desert raiders, the pale beauty found herself in the arms of a great sheikh. And while Elizabeth didn't know whether she was the reincarnation of an ancient queen, she realized that in this man's arms she had found her destiny.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:01 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Tiger & the Tomb
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #2)
by Bonnie Vanak

The map to the treasure-filled tomb that would ransom Lady Katherine's father was in the possession of a half-English "Khamsin" - a desert warrior renowned for tiger-like ferocity. Long ago, a tiger had scarred Katherine and taught her a lesson: Protect yourself from such powerful creatures, no matter how beautiful. The veil she wore would not be enough.
Her foe was truly dangerous. His amber eyes were keener than his sword, his kisses too. They stripped away Katherine's defenses and made her forget her duties, her promises - why she'd hidden so much from his view. Then the warrior too Katherine where she wished to go. In depths of his ancestors' tomb he made sweet love to her and proved she was hiss ... and that very soon he would uncover everything she tried to hide.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:02 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Cobra & the Concubine
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #3)
by Bonnie Vanak


Badra sought refuge in the Sahara, but she could never truly escape the sheikh who’d stolen her childhood. Fareeq had proven that her long dark hair and lush body aroused a passion in men that meant only pain—and neither his death nor protection by her rescuers, the Khamsin, the Warriors of the Wind, could change that. Badra could no more forget her past than one Khamsin’s burning sapphire eyes. And she could no more accept the feelings Khepri aroused than she could admit the secret shadowing her heart.


Kenneth Tristan, heir to the duke of Caldwell, had ridden with the Khamsin since his English family’s slaughter. Known as Khepri, the Cobra, he’d grown up in Egypt. He loved the land, yet the respect of his Arabic brothers, the title that awaited him in London, the treasures from his family’s archaeological dig—it was all sand in the wind, nothing, for he could not touch the woman he loved, could not save her from the past. He would sacrifice everything to make her whole. And until he did, they would be just… the Cobra and the concubine.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:04 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Panther & the Pyramid
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #4)
by Bonnie Vanak

Graham Tristan had been tormented too long. For years he had lived in fear. He was physically strong: during his childhood exile, he had ridden with the Khamsin - Egyptian Warriors of the Wind. He had learned their code. been called The Panther. Now he was returned t his rightful place as the Duke of Caldwell. But still he feared. And there was a new face that haunted his dreams. It was the face of a woman.
Red hair, the color of blood. Green eyes, the color of emeralds. And that face, that body - the memory threatened to consume him. True, he was a dangerous man, accepted back to the ton despite his upbringing. But there were those who dared oppose him, and in certain ways he remained untried. In his dreams, this woman threatened all he sought to protect, all he thought to hide. She was more perilous even than the ancient treasure that would draw him back to Egypt, back to the shifting sands where he'd been raised. This woman would uncover his heart.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:05 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Sword & the Sheath
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #5)
by Bonnie Vanak

From a young age, Fatima knew she must do battle. She knew this, her destiny, because every fiber of her body cried out for it--just as every fiber cries out for Tarik, the impossibly handsome "White Falcon," her friend and next in line to lead her tribe. She has been trained by her father to be the future sheikh's bodyguard. Yet, women of the Khamsin are not warriors, and the sons of sheikhs do not wish to have their lives saved by women any more than they wish to fall in love with childhood friends. Tradition be damned; she will fulfill her destiny. And Tarik will love
her forever.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:07 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Scorpion & the Seducer
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #6)
by Bonnie Vanak


Jasmine Tristan was no stranger to the upper crust of London society. And yet, though adopted by an English viscount, she was called the "Brown Scorpion" and knew the cruel sting of bigotry. When she took revenge, a new fear was voiced: Was Jasmine truly bad at her core, like her sultan father from whom she and her mother had fled? How could she be, when she'd known a moment of pure beauty with Lord Thomas Claradon? Their kiss had been scorching as a desert sun.

But like a sandstorm, it was misdirecting: Thomas's loyalty to his family and duty, and his Countess mother's disdain, put him forever out of her reach. Only a return to her birthplace, a quest to find her roots, would bring Jasmine answers--and also prove that true love could triumph over ignorance, passion over prejudice.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:09 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Lady & the Libertine
(Khamsin: Warriors of the Wind #7)
by Bonnie Vanak


Anne Mitchell, born illegitimate and raised in a workhouse, sold by her mother and packed off by her father to the East, had every reason to lose faith. But in Egypt she found identity with the Khamsin, a tribe of Bedouin warriors. Greater even than the secret they entrusted to her was her newfound honor, and for that she would give all.


Nigel Wallenford was an earl. He was also a thief, a liar and a libertine. Regaining his birthright of Claradon had been a start. Next he required wealth, and he knew of just the fabled treasure ... and its key's guardian was a ripe fig waiting to be plucked. Never before had he scrupled to cheat, steal or even murder. One displaced Englishwoman, no matter how fair, would hardly be his match.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:19 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Here is the link for the series


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 13-06-19 10:21 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Werewolves of Montana Series

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:39 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Heat
(Werewolves of Montana 0.5)
by Bonnie Vanak

After an explosive kiss that awakened a burning passion, Lupine Kara Mitchell is certain she will never see Ryder Carrington again. Her alpha father punished them for their illicit love and Kara fled their home with her brother Aiden to start a new life in Montana. Left scarred by her father’s ugly cruelties, she is certain no Lupine can ever love her. When Aiden faces financial ruin, she risks going back to find her family’s cache of gold and is captured by Ryder.

Former Omega werewolf Ryder Carrington spent ten hellish years living under the thumb of his cruel, violent leader. After killing his alpha in a Challenge to save the pack, Ryder now rules, but needs a mate to bring peace to his fractured people. Kara is his and his alone. He will never let her go, despite Aiden’s demands to release her. Ryder will do anything to claim her, even risk an all-out pack war that could cost them everything…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:41 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Chase
(Werewolves of Montana #1)
by Bonnie Vanak

Home from college, where men teased her for being overweight, Beth doesn't fit into pack life at the Mitchell ranch. Because she’s forgotten how to shift into a wolf, the pack alpha has ordered her to choose a mate or leave. The only male Beth desires is Dale, a fiercely protective Lupine who loathes the human lifestyle she embraces. She hungers for the handsome shifter’s touch, but fears their differences are too vast to overcome.

Dale has waited for four long years for Beth’s return. Her scent ignites his desire and her voluptuous body fires his blood. He is determined to awaken her to the sensual world of the Lupine. Although she acts more “Skin” than wolf, he can’t deny his overwhelming drive to claim her.

As the heat of passion threatens to consume them both, a new peril arises. Someone is killing a local rancher’s livestock and blaming it on wolves, endangering the pack’s ability to shapeshift. It will take all Beth’s courage and Dale’s skill to find the enemy threatening to destroy their world...


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:46 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Hunt
(Werewolves of Montana #2)
by Bonnie Vanak

Arianna Sanders doesn’t remember everything that happened to her when she was 12. All she knows is a savage monster left her terrified of sex and a freak among Lupines, werewolves known for their sensual nature. Her guardian is the only male she trusts, the one she secretly desires. Arianna longs to overcome her fear and make love with the sexy, mysterious shifter. But Kyle Morgan harbors a dark secret, one that if Arianna knew, would send her screaming into the night.

The fiercely protective Kyle hungers for the voluptuous Arianna, who’s been teased for her generous backside. He thinks she’s perfect and dreams about consummating the passion smoldering between them. When Arianna makes a lethal mistake and is told she must mate before the full moon or face execution by the powerful Silver Wizard, Kyle knows the time has come. He must tame the savage, sexual beast inside him before he can claim the woman he’s vowed to protect from all harm.

But a greater threat emerges when Kyle and Arianna find three missing Lupine children stolen by humans. Vowing to protect the children with their lives, they must band together to fight a growing evil that threatens the entire Lupine population, an evil that will reignite Arianna’s old terrors…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:53 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Seduction
(Werewolves of Montana #3)
by Bonnie Vanak

Lexie Walters knows she’s in big trouble. Caught trying to steal her champion horse from the sexy werewolf cowboy who purchased the mare, she’s offered a devil’s bargain. Jackson Palmer will let her ride Diamond in an upcoming barrel race if Lexie spends seven nights in his bed. Desperate to win the rodeo prize money that can save her pack’s ranch, Lexie agrees. But there’s no way she’ll become his mate, no matter how much Jackson ’s touch arouses her.

Ever since Lexie left for college Jackson Palmer has waited to capture the curvy Lupine werewolf’s heart. Now she’s back in his life and he’s determined to claim her. Only Lexie can tame his wild wolf side. If Jackson doesn’t find a mate in two weeks, he’ll get kicked out of the Mitchell pack.

Lexie will do everything to resist Jackson ’s seductive charms. But she doesn’t realize there’s a far more serious threat than losing her virginity to this powerful and determined Lupine. Someone wants to prevent her from racing, only this someone will not stop until she’s off the rodeo circuit for good…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:56 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Rite
(Werewolves of Montana #4)
by Bonnie Vanak

Ten years ago, Darius Bryant fell in love and lost his mate before they consummated their union. He mourned her death and moved on, but innocent, carefree Samantha always possessed his heart, no matter how many women he had in his bed. When the sexy werewolf shifter discovers Samantha is alive, he becomes determined to claim her as his forever mate. He must convince the now-cynical Samantha that her heart, body and soul belong to him.

Samantha Evers spent years waiting for Darius to return, and thought he’d forgotten his promise to make her his own. She’s vowed to live as a human, for she fears the sexual savagery of the wolf life. Now Darius is back and the only act that will seal them together is the intense sexual bonding of the mating rite. She will fight hard to resist Darius’ sensual allure and his tender words of passion. But a far greater problem awaits them both when they discover someone wants Samantha out of Darius’ life for good, and will stop at nothing until she is dead…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 09:59 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Intent
(Werewolves of Montana #4.5)
by Bonnie Vanak

A Shadow Elf tainted with dark magick must purge it in a sacred spring in the Florida Everglades, but the price for admission is participating in an orgy with the sexy panther shifter who took her virginity years ago.

Twenty-five years ago, Gabriel Sanders took Sienna Bennett’s virginity in a night filled with fiery passion. For breaking her vow of celibacy, Sienna was severely punished by the Fae king. If she surrenders to Gabriel’s sensual allure this time, Sienna faces banishment from her people forever.

Gabriel burns for Sienna and has never forgotten the taste of her mouth, nor the exquisite pleasure they shared in his bed. Only Sienna can satisfy his intense need to mate. He desperately needs her dark Elven magick to fight a deadly curse that is killing shifters and destroying his territory. Gabriel must convince the pretty Elf to sexually bond with him to defeat the dark enchantment before it destroys the Everglades for good.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:02 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Challenge
(Werewolves of Montana #5)
by Bonnie Vanak

For a long time alpha werewolf and ranch owner Aiden Mitchell has desired the curvy, vivacious Nikita Blakemore, alpha female of the Blakemore pack. He will have her as his mate and no other. To force her hand, Aiden maneuvers her into hosting a Mating Challenge, the ultimate warrior competition for werewolves, where males fight for the right to mate and breed with a female alpha. Fiercely protective of his future mate, Aiden will do anything to make her his own, even fight to the death.

Masquerading as her twin sister, Nia Blakemore knows she is the one Aiden wants in his bed. Nia has dreamed of the handsome cowboy sweeping her into his strong arms and consummating the passion consuming them both, even though he thinks she is Nikita, the true alpha female. Nia must try to keep Aiden from discovering the truth to protect her frailer, gentler twin. But Nia and the real Nikita hide a secret far more deadly than the charade they have pulled off for years, one that can kill Aiden and any healthy male who sets foot upon their land…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:04 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
Lovestruck: A Dragon Story
(Werewolves of Montana #5.5)
by Bonnie Vanak

Fiery red dragon Anna Dixon knows what she wants – the sexy, handsome Michael Vincent as her mate. Once childhood friends, an undying passion now claims them both. But Michael is a black dragon belonging to a rival clan, and her father will never allow the match. Heartbroken, Anna is resigned to the fact that the hatred between their families will never cease and she must deny Michael for the sake of peace.

Michael has tried to put away memories of Anna, but can never forget the red dragon who aroused his passion and claimed his heart. When Xavier, the Crystal Wizard, sends Michael to gather rare Lumen seeds from land belonging to Anna’s clan, the two dragons consummate the desire burning between them. But after Michael is caught and his presence stirs old animosities, they are threatened with a dragon war in the skies that can claim everything Anna holds dear, including her beloved Michael…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:06 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Season
(Werewolves of Montana #6)
by Bonnie Vanak

In the centuries since he became immortal, Tristan, the Silver Wizard, has awaited the return of his long lost love. Nikita was his life and his heart, and when he died as mortal fighting for the freedom of Lupines and dragons, it was with her name on his lips. Now he has found her again, and Tristan is determined to claim her and fulfill his legacy – by impregnating her with his child. He will take her to his heavenly home in Tir Na-nog to show her the passion they once shared in another life. Before they can reach there, he must protect Nikita from his enemies, and he will fight with all his power to keep her safe from all harm. The handsome, sensual wizard who saved her life from a lethal virus and swept her off her feet is no mere werewolf like herself. He is the Silver Wizard – the ruler of all werewolves, with the power to turn them into dust. Possessive and protective, he wants to recapture the love they had 900 years ago – a love Nikita cannot recall. All she knows are dreams of his passionate lovemaking and a burning desire for his touch. If she doesn’t accompany Tristan to Tir Na-nog, her mortal body will die, for the potion that saved her life will not last. But the journey ahead is filled with danger, and it will take all their courage and everything they shared in the past to endure the darkness that awaits them both…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:10 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Destiny
(Werewolves of Montana #7)
by Bonnie Vanak

The Mating Destiny
In all his 150 years as dragon, sexy, handsome Crown Prince Alexander d’Mateo de Drakon Tremaine has been treated with privilege and respect. And then he met a half-blood who turned his world upside down and made him see life in a new light. Alex would do anything for Emma, even fight to the last drop of his royal blood to keep her safe. But they can never be more than friends, for Alex is destined to marry and mate with a princess from a rival clan to unite their two kingdoms.

Half-blood dragon Emma Kantris is servant to Alex’s intended, and she knows his marriage will mean much-needed change for both dragon clans. Through his union with Princess Sabrina, Alex can finally eradicate the hated caste system that suppresses Emma and other half-bloods. Secretly, her heart longs for Alex, the dashing prince who has been a friend when all others deserted her, even though Emma has been warned to stay away. But when Emma is abducted by her enemies, it’s Alex who’s off to rescue her, and in doing so he may pay a price that could endanger them both…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:15 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Game
(Werewolves of Montana #8)
by Bonnie Vanak

Stripped of his memories by the goddess Danu, the powerful Crystal Wizard Xavier must find his way back to the woman he has loved, and lost. Only Ciara can aid him in helping him remember who he is, and what they shared. She never forgot the night of passion they shared and how they were forced to part. But an evil witch wants more than Xavier's memories restored. She wants the immortal wizard himself, and she will stop at nothing to destroy him and everything he holds dear, including the woman Xavier loves and can't remember..


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:23 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Ritual
(Werewolves of Montana #9)
by Bonnie Vanak

Stripped of his powers and charged with stopping a growing evil among the Fae, the Crimson Wizard must join with a beautiful, curvy Fae woman who will either mend his broken heart... or assassinate him.

Long ago, Unseelie Prince Gideon lost Lady Eleanor, princess of the rival Seelie kingdom, and vowed to never love again. Now the immortal Crimson Wizard, the handsome, sexy and lethal Gideon loses his powers as punishment for sharing magick to restore a fellow wizard’s life. But there are greater dangers at risk, for a terrible darkness threatens the peace treaty that Gideon died to implement. Glamoured as an Unseelie Prince, Gideon is pledged in marriage to Lady Alia, the curvy and lovely daughter of the Seelie king. Their marriage will keep the fragile truce.

Princess Alia fights a battle of her own, for women are scorned and abused in her father’s kingdom. To spare her people from her father’s cruelty and save her little sister from slavery, she must assassinate her groom, which will start a war between the two rival kingdoms. But gentle-hearted Alia is falling in love with Gideon, who treats her with all the tenderness and concern she’s longed for her entire life. Little does she know she is the key to restoring Gideon’s broken heart, and helping him to stop the evil infiltrating both kingdoms and killing everything in its path…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:26 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Frenzy
(Werewolves of Montana #10)
by Bonnie Vanak

Strong-willed, curvy Ella Princeton doesn’t have time for dating or dreams of fantasy. Practical to the core, she's working three jobs to support her family. But everything changes when Ella meets a handsome naked man while searching for a lost cat. Exuding male strength and pure sex, he makes her heart race and her hormones fire. She wants to crawl all over him and lick him from head to toe. Too bad he’s crazy and talks as if he’s a shapeshifter from another world where the sharp snows of winter hold power and magick.

Kieran of the Winter Kingdom may be a tomcat when it comes to sex, but he is equally smitten with Ella, his new assignment. He must convince fiery, lovely Ella that she is a werewolf, and coax her into joining him on a quest to find a rare crystal. The hidden gem will turn her into a powerful warrior to fight the gathering darkness in the world. Only Ella can help stop a growing threat to Xavier, the Crystal Wizard, and save him and perhaps the entire human race…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:33 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
Snowbound with the Alpha Wolf
(Werewolves of Montana #11)
by Bonnie Vanak

Ten years ago on a snowy night, alpha werewolf Adrian Williams was left stranded on a frozen mountain and knew he would die. Until he was rescued by a mysterious, lovely woman came along who shifted into a wolf and fed him her body heat. She gave him new life, and new hope, and led him to a ragged pack of Lupines needing a leader. At that moment, Adrian knew he would survive and form his own pack. He vowed she would become his mate. Nothing would stop him.

Darcy Chambers is no ordinary woman. She’s a powerful Changeling Shifter, who can shapeshift into any animal form. Drawn to Adrian that snowy night, she has resisted the potent sexual chemistry bringing them together. Caught “borrowing” a rare gem from him without permission, she is forced to spend two weeks with Adrian. He desires her as his mate, but also needs her powers to help him retrieve an important crystal that could save a pack member’s life. The crystal is hidden in an abandoned silver mine where dark magick still lingers. But what awaits them in frozen Colorado is not only deadly, it could also expose the dark secret Darcy hides, the secret that could turn this powerful alpha wolf against her…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 10:57 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
Wild Wolf
(Werewolves of Montana #12)
by Bonnie Vanak

A fiercely independent werewolf must choose between prison and mating with the wolf whose heart she broke years ago.

Feisty & curvy Jordan Baxter has a choice. Either mate with rugged, sexy Nolan Mitchell, the Lupine she loved and left, or go to shifter prison for setting a fire to smoke out humans beating an innocent child. Jordan chooses Nolan, but it won’t be an easy mating, for Nolan is now alpha of his pack, and doesn’t tolerate rule breakers. Domineering in bed and possessive, Nolan is also fiercely protective of what he claims, and he intends to claim her fully.

If Nolan Mitchell doesn’t take a mate before the next full moon, the Fae protecting his vineyard from fires will leave. He’s never forgotten Jordan, even after she broke his heart. He hungers for her lush figure and passion in bed, while her spark for life equals his own. But taking a free spirit like Jordan as his mate will turn his world upside down and inside out.
Jordan has a painful secret she’s desperate to keep from Nolan, the real reason she left him six years ago. As they grow closer, she is torn between trusting him and running away again. For someone on the Mitchell farm is trying to force her into leaving, either dead or alive…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 15-06-19 11:03 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini Boxed Set: Books 1-5

Seduction #1
Obsession #2
Passion #3
Redemption #4
Temptation #5


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 16-06-19 09:41 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Patriot's Conquest
by Bonnie Vanak

NEW historical romance set in 1775 Virginia.

Is the red-headed beauty who appears through the smoke in a blacksmith's shop forged from a dream, or Jeffrey Clayton's worst nightmare? An avid patriot aiding the colonies in the cause of freedom, Jeffrey knows Amanda Reeves is spying on him. He has vowed to never fall in love again after his fiancée betrayed him to the British. But the bewitching, fiery Amanda threatens to weaken his resolve. If he doesn't tread carefully, Jeffrey could face worse than losing his heart - he could hang for sedition.

Amanda Reeves craves acceptance among the gentry, but a debt of her father's threatens to send her family into the almshouse. If she finds evidence of Clayton's treason against the Crown, the governor will forgive the debt and introduce her into society. But the handsome, dashing Jeffrey is a dangerous rogue, for he incites the very passion that caused her to flee her beloved England in disgrace. The prim and proper Amanda finds herself helpless to resist his advances, even as she fights the desire he arouses.

Amid the rumblings of revolution stirring sleepy Williamsburg, Amanda and Jeffrey surrender to the burning attraction flaring between them. But as sensual passion sparks into an inferno, an enemy lies in wait to trap Jeffrey, and will stop at nothing but his death...


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 16-06-19 09:49 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #1)
by Bonnie Vanak

Desperate to free her family from their evil alpha, curvy werewolf Alexa Grant sells her virginity in a private auction. Alexa has heard nothing good about Jeremiah Jackson Taylor, the ruthless and cold Lupine who purchased her innocence. She’d rather experience passion with J.J., the sexy and handsome cowboy who stole her heart when she worked at Aiden Mitchell’s Montana ranch.

Alexa doesn’t know J.J. is Jeremiah Jackson Taylor, the mysterious billionaire ranch owner who bought her for one night to rescue her from her pack. Determined to prevent another man from touching Alexa, J.J. will tutor her in the erotic pleasures of lovemaking. But when it becomes clear someone at the ranch knows his secret and is trying to pull them apart, J.J. knows he must step out in trust and tell Alexa the truth, or risk losing her forever…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 16-06-19 09:56 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #2)
by Bonnie Vanak


He comes to her in a dark dream promising sensual pleasure - sexy, tempting and dangerous. Raphael is an obsessed wolf with one thing on his mind. He wants Jessica naked beneath him, and nothing will stop him until he has her in his bed.

Jessica Tyrell is a Lupine with a mission – find her missing brother, her only living blood relative. Now, with the help of magick crystals, her dream can come true. All she needs is to hack into restricted records at her friend Alexa’s ranch. The only thing standing in her way is Raphael Amador, head of pack security. The wolf wants her with the same ruthless intent he displays in protecting the pack. Jessica knows if she surrenders to his sensual allure, she could lose her soul to Raphael.

Haunted by his tortured past and determined to never love again, Raphael finds his passion awakened by the lovely redhead who threatens his control. He has vowed to seek revenge against the man who killed his intended mate and scattered his pack. Can he experience a night of pleasure with the lovely redhead and pursue his goal of revenge, or will Jessica capture his broken heart?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 10:45 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #4)
by Bonnie Vanak

Robert Keynes has known more tragedy than any soul should have to bear. Years ago, a Mage—Robert’s ex-lover—cursed the alpha Lupine and his pack, resulting in the deaths of many, including Robert’s parents. Only a great sacrifice on his part stemmed the curse. But the magick that protects the pack is now waning, putting Robert’s people in peril once more.

Aurora Seville is little more than a captive; a beautiful slave given to Robert so he might produce an heir. A gifted Mage, Aurora has little chance of gaining his trust—until he discovers she bears the mark of the dragon. Mating with her could be the key to breaking the curse over his pack forever. In exchange, Robert promises Aurora her freedom…unaware the very woman capable of saving his pack could also destroy the dark secret keeping them alive.

Aurora has her own reasons to get close to the sexy Lupine. The secret Robert hides could free her beloved sister. So she’ll agree to become his mate—but at what cost to both their hearts?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 10:48 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #5)
by Bonnie Vanak


After spending 15 years as a celibate dragon, Sebastian Kane finds his desire ignited on his latest assignment for the Silver Wizard: preparing a curvy college graduate for her first shift into dragon. Problem is, Skylar Moore thinks she's human.
Although she thinks Sebastian is a smokin' hot hunk who ignites her libido, the idea of her being a fanged, fire-breathing dragon is a little too much to take, even with a shot or ten of tequila from the bar where she works.

Not only is Skylar a dragon, she's a rare Jewel, whose scales will be real diamonds. Skylar is the missing princess of a dragon clan and it's Sebastian's job to return her safely back to her people. There's a pack of greedy hyenas howling to kill her so they can get rich from selling her scales. Sebastian has his hands full training this pretty dragon, and keeping her safe from those who would harm her, while fighting the temptation to call her his own.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 10:52 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Werewolf Cowboy
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #6)
by Bonnie Vanak

The alpha wolf has vowed to protect her from all danger—including himself.

At 21, Katy Thomas is finally considered a full-fledged wolf. Yet, while she loves her adopted family and owes her allegiance to alpha Aiden Mitchell and his pack, she couldn’t be more confused. There’s only one male that attracts her. Problem is, he’s definitely not pack-approved.

Neighboring rancher Grayson Moore is a lone wolf. Bonded to no pack. Answerable to no one. A hint of danger lurks behind his ice-blue eyes. Katy could swear she hears his sexy, gravelly voice inside her head as he tracks her every move. And she can’t help but imagine him naked, and what this rugged alpha would do to her in his bed.

Grayson has lived the past year in hell, hiding dark secrets inextricably linked to a past Katy can’t remember. Fighting to control desires too wild and fierce for any normal Lupine, much less her innocent body.

But when a kidnapper sweeps Katy away into the Dark Kingdom, Grayson has no choice but to unleash his beast to save her. Only to discover that the deadliest secret was never his own, but a sinister betrayal that stabs from the shadows.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 10:55 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Black Dragon
(Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #7)
by Bonnie Vanak

Justin Moore never forgot Ariel Harrington, the bewitching beauty who ensnared him and caused him to become her father's prisoner. Ariel's father tortured Justin as he tried to extract the powerful black dragon's magick, but Justin managed to escape. Now the black dragon has returned, demanding that Ariel spend three nights in his bed. But in claiming his revenge, will Justin surrender his heart?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 11:13 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Dark and Damaged:
Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance
by Jennifer Ashley, Caris Roane, Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton, Erin Quinn, Laurie London, Bonnie Vanak, Colleen Gleason


LION EYES by Jennifer Ashley
BLOOD FLAME by Caris Roane
TEMPTED BY FIRE by Erin Kellison
HER SINFUL ANGEL by Felicity Heaton
REBEL'S DESIRE by Laurie London
REDEMPTION by Bonnie Vanak
RAGING DAWN by Colleen Gleason


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 11:18 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
His Forgotten Colton Fiancee
(The Coltons of Red Ridge #8)
by Bonnie Vanak


“I’m engaged to you ?”

When Quinn Colton is injured in an explosion, undercover FBI agent West Brand is devastated. Not only is she unable to recognize him, her secret fiancé, but everything the two of them hold dear is in danger. Together, they investigate the incident that caused her amnesia and track a killer. But can West convince Quinn that their happily-ever-after is still on the horizon?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 19-06-19 11:31 AM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Ancients Series

Bitten by the Vampire #1
Mated to the Wolf #2
Hunted by the Jaguar #3
Seduced by the Wolf #4
Incubus Wolf #5

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:10 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Bitten by the Vampire
(The Ancients #1)
by Bonnie Vanak

"Open yourself to passion and I will show you incredible pleasure in a night that will never end. You will be mine. I will never let anyone hurt you, if you but surrender to me."

Vampire Lucian Marcello knows it's his destiny to claim Mara Fuller as his own. She is a Darklighter, half-demon and half-angel, and has sworn to destroy the man who almost killed her. If she succeeds, her demon side will take over and she will turn evil. The only way to save Mara is for Lucien to mate with her and absorb her dark powers. But though tempted by a shared erotic vision, Mara is resistant to his charms. It will take all Lucien's powers of seduction to make her surrender to his dominance and desire. For if he fails, her life will be forfeit...


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:15 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Mated to the Wolf
(The Ancients #2)
by Bonnie Vanak

Grayson Adler—lone werewolf, powerful Ancient and empath Healer—has never lusted after prey before.
As a paranormal bounty hunter, he's duty bound to capture Samantha Fuller. She's half demon and half angel, with deadly powers emerging and a vendetta against the hunter who killed her parents.

Yet Grayson aches to touch her and let her angelic half soothe his hurts, his longing for a connection as powerful as his sexual need. Then he gets a new assignment: to absorb her evil powers and tame her by becoming her mate before she turns demon....


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:16 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Hunted by the Jaguar
(The Ancients #3)
by Bonnie Vanak

Stranded miles from home, Ariana Fuller has few ways to protect herself from the enemy hunting her—except to let her demon side take control over the angelic half of her soul. The last man she wants to come to her rescue is jaguar shifter Daimon Nelson, the man who claimed her virginity and still tempts her like no other.

Though Ariana fears giving in to erotic abandonment will free her inner demon, Daimon's scorching kisses and wicked aura of sensuality make her forget all common sense. She tries to resist his allure, but Daimon is equally resolved to complete his mission of seduction. He must mate with Ariana to absorb her dark powers before they are unleashed—and before the enemy can claim her for himself....


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:19 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Seduced by the Wolf
(The Ancients #4)
by Bonnie Vanak

Jarrett Lawson can't fall in love -- but he needs a woman. Pack rules dictate that as the alpha male, he must mate before the rest of his shifter community can. But after losing his cherished wife, Jarrett has vowed never to risk his heart again. A vow that is tested when Ariel Abidos reenters his life.

Jarrett and Ariel once shared an explosive sexual chemistry, but Ariel left him with no explanation just before they became lovers. So when the sexy Lupine Fae needs his help to investigate why her people are vanishing on his ancestral land, he asks one thing in return: that she become his new mate....


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:24 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:25 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Phoenix Force Series

The Covert Wolf
Phantom Wolf
Demon Wolf

ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:27 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Covert Wolf
(Phoenix Force #1)
by Bonnie Vanak

When a mission gone wrong kills his best friend, navy SEAL Matthew Parker will stop at nothing to destroy the demons who threaten his team. To do so, Matt must locate a mysterious orb before the demons use it to destroy the world. But the only woman who can help him—Sienna McClare—has her own agenda… and every reason for hating his kind. A half blood, Sienna hopes returning the orb to her people will gain her acceptance back into the only family she's known. But working with a Draicon werewolf like Matt comes with a high price—one that could cost Sienna her dreams.

A natural-born leader, her werewolf lover must now teach Sienna to listen to her heart—and go where their all-consuming passion leads them….


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:28 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Phantom Wolf
(Phoenix Force #2)
by Bonnie Vanak

Some fires still burn when star-crossed lovers reunite...

When a dangerous mission leads him deep into the jungles of Honduras, Navy SEAL Sam Shaymore is confronted with his fiery past in the form of Kelly Denning. Once their romance had been forbidden because of class differences. Then a tragedy drove them apart. But the minute he looks into her eyes, Sam knows he's never forgotten the sultry kisses and luscious curves of the beautiful Enchanter Mage. Nor can he turn his back on helping her.

Sam's unit has been charged with arresting Kelly. But if he can believe her, Kelly needs his help now to save some kidnapped Mage children and to stop a conspiracy with far-reaching implications.

Threatened with being kicked off his SEAL unit if he does not follow his orders, Sam must risk everything... even his heart.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:30 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Demon Wolf
(Phoenix Force #3)
by Bonnie Vanak

Can love save a cursed woman from the demons who've enslaved her?

When navy SEAL commander Dale Curtis encounters the mysterious Keira Solomon, he doesn't remember her--but his body does. Her presence brings up half-hidden memories of torture at the hands of demons. But her scent calls up desires that can only be described as magickal. Neither Dale's abilities as a Primary Elemental Mage, nor his access to military intel, can help him to untangle the dark secret of Keira's identity.

Beautiful, innocent shape-shifter Keira knows that Dale is the one man strong enough to conquer the demons that have enslaved her. But he can only help her if her powers are great enough to heal the scars that haunt him. Together, they can combat the dark forces that threaten humans and paranormals alike--if Dale can learn to trust Keira...and his heart.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:31 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:34 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Navy SEAL Seduction
(SOS Agency #1)
by Bonnie Vanak


A navy SEAL takes on a death-defying assignment to save the one who got away…

With the island nation of St. Marc erupting in civil war, SEAL Jarrett Adler must rescue the woman he never got over—his alluring ex-wife, Lacey. Jarrett regrets failing her as a husband, and he hopes protecting her will offer a second chance to win her trust.

As charming and sexy as Jarrett still is, Lacey knows he won't stick around. She's found her niche in nonprofit work and longs to create a family of her own. But when death threats and bombs arrive at her door, she turns to the man who still holds her heart. Can Jarrett and Lacey navigate their way home—and back into each other's arms?


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:43 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Shielded by the Cowboy SEAL
(SOS Agency #2)
by Bonnie Vanak


The SOS Agency grants one Navy SEAL his most personal mission yet...

Home on leave at his family farm, Navy SEAL Cooper Johnson receives an unexpected assignment: to protect a beautiful socialite on the run from her abusive ex. Grieving his kid sister, a brave cop killed in the line of duty due to a faulty bulletproof vest, Coop is in no mood for work--until he meets Meg Taylor. Soon, he finds that riding the land, lovely Meg safe beside him, is a surprising comfort to his heart. But when he discovers Meg's dark past--and the evidence she possesses that her ex would kill to keep buried--it will take both the cowboy and SEAL within him to get the ultimate justice.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 04-07-19 09:46 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Navy SEAL Protector
(SOS Agency #3)
by Bonnie Vanak


A sexy hometown hero returns to rescue the one who got away

Ten years ago, bad boy Nick Anderson left home--and a brokenhearted Shelby Stillwater in his wake. Now the retired navy SEAL has inherited the family ranch Shelby calls home. Almost in foreclosure, the property is being sabotaged to force a sale...and Shelby is in mortal danger.

As Nick and Shelby work together to stop the vandals, old passions and new threats arise. The ranch carries painful memories, and Nick's not sure if he's willing to work to save the land. But as he finds new purpose and a new home, he remains determined to keep Shelby from harm...even if it means risking everything he holds dear in the process.


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 12-07-19 12:42 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Mating Magic:
Werewolves of Montana Book 13
by Bonnie Vanak


One desperate dragon with a crippled wing and one stolen potion granting powerful magic equals one furious, immortal wizard who wants it back.

All Evie ever wanted was to fly like other dragons, and win the heart of sexy dragon Chase Burke. After she’s snubbed by Chase’s wealthy family at an elegant society ball, her sister Lacey concocts a powerful potion to give Evie magick beyond her wildest dreams. The problem is, Lacey stole the ingredients from the immortal Coldfire Wizard and now an infuriated Drust wants it back or there will be hell to pay.

Chase Burke has secretly loved Evie, but pressured by family demands, must hide his true feelings. To grant Evie’s dearest desire, he’s apprenticed himself to the Coldfire Wizard. But when Chase accidentally consumes the immortal elixir and becomes as powerful as Drust himself, he threatens the welfare of every fire-breathing dragon on earth. Evie and Lacey must find a cure for Chase before Drust is forced to exterminate him, or Chase threatens to destroy everything in his path, including those he loves…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 24-10-19 09:45 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
The Mating Claim
(Werewolves of Montana #14)
by Bonnie Vanak


The sexy, remote Coldfire Wizard gets his love story at last! In his book, you will catch up with the other wizards and their mates, and their adorable children as well. This is a story of about 90,000 words. If you've read The Mating Season, Tristan's book, it's about the same length. More action, adventure and love!

Dragon shifter Lacey McGuire is in big trouble. Not only is she flat broke, but she has an immortal wizard pursuing her for possessing an illegal book of spells. Drust, the Coldfire Wizard, needs to destroy the book, but Lacey needs it to pay next month’s rent. What Lacey doesn’t know that the dark magick within the book can unleash a horde of demons hell bent on taking over the world. Equally dangerous are Lacey’s growing feelings for the sexy, intriguing Coldfire Wizard, for love is more lethal to her than any magick book.

Controlled and disciplined, Coldfire Wizard Drust has vowed never to fall in love with a dragon shifter, but elusive Lacey threatens his resolve. Her fiery spirit and wicked sense of adventure bewitch him as much as they vex him. Drust must convince Lacey to surrender the book so he can destroy it. When a desperate Lacey uses another spell from the book, Drust will go to extreme lengths to protect her from the evil threatening to steal her very soul…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 10-10-20 08:48 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
1 ãÑÝÞ
The Mating Need
(Werewolves of Montana #15)
by Bonnie Vanak

When darkness gathers, he will protect her from the growing evil with every last breath in his body…

Kicked out of his pack for being different, Troy Gilbert knew from experience life on the road is rough for a lone wolf. When he rescues a woman in trouble, Troy knows he’s met his true soulmate and feels driven to protect her. Jenny possesses extraordinary magick while she’s in human form. Unlike Troy who wishes for a pack to call home, she’s determined to avoid pack life and stay in wolfskin to suppress her frightening abilities.

Jenny Logan’s been a wandering soul since the day her pack died from a violent shooting that she blames on her magick. Yet frightening as her powers are, she senses they call her to a higher purpose. When Troy convinces her to stay at Aiden Mitchell’s werewolf ranch in Montana, Jenny knows something evil is afoot. She and Troy must find the darkness seeping into the ranch and destroy it, before it destroys all in its path…


ÃÌãá ÒåÑÉ 10-10-20 09:03 PM

ÑÏ: Bonnie Vanak's Books
Rescue from Darkness
by Bonnie Vanak


To find a missing child

They must rely on one another…

After losing his family years before, Special Agent Kyle Anderson nurses a deep distrust of doctors. But he’d do just about anything—even team up with Dr. Belle North—in order to track a kidnapped child. With time running out, Kyle knows his attention should be focused solely on the case. Yet Belle has him rethinking many of his beliefs, including his vow to never get involved with a witness…


ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 10:09 AM.

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