منتديات ليلاس

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~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:27 PM

Best English sentences
السلام عليكم

لأنه أفضل الطرق لتعلم الإنجليزية هي عن طريق تعلم الجمل لقيت افضل الدروس بهذا الخصوص وجبتها لكم هنا ... بالتوفيق يارب للجميع

جمل مفيدة في محادثاتنا اليومية
الدرس الأول

هل تعرفان بعضكما ؟
Do you know each other?iii

هل تقابلتما ؟
Have you met?iii

أنتما الاثنان لديكما أشياء كثيرة مشتركة
You two have a lot in common

كنت أرغب في لقائك منذ وقت
I've been wanting to meet you for sometime

5 –
أخبرتني سلمي كل شيءعنك
Salma has told me all about you

6 –
سمعت الكثير عنك
I've heard so much about you

7 –
أشعر أنني أعرفك بالفعل
I feel I know you already

8 –
كيف الحال ؟
How is everything? / How's it going?iii

كيف كان حالك ؟
How've you been?iii

ما الجديد ؟
What's up?iii

ماذا يجري ؟
What's going on?iii

12 –
لم أرك منذ دهر
I haven't seen you in an age

لم أرك منذ مدة طويلة
I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays

يالها من مفاجأة أن أراك
هنا What a surprise to meet you here

15 –
لم أكن أظن أبدا أن أقابلك هنا
Neverthought I'd see you here

16 –
هل تقابلنا من قبل ؟
Haven't we met before?iii

17 –
كنت أحسن حالا
I've been better

18 –
غارق في العمل
I'm swamped

19 –
مشغول جدا
I don't have time to think

20 –
ليس لدي دقيقة واحدة لأهدرها
Not a moment to spare

21 –
كيف حال عائلتك ؟
How is your family?iii

22 –
كيف حالك اليوم ؟
How are you doing today?iii

23 –
كيف حالك ؟ ( كيف تشعر ؟ )
How are you feeling?

24 –
كيف تسير الأمور معك ؟
How're things with you?iii

25 –
هل سمعت آخر الأخبار ؟
Have you heard the latest?iii

26 –
لن تخمن أبدا ما سمعت
You'll never guess what I heard

27 –
خمن ما اكتشفته توا
Guess what I just found out

28 –
لن تصدق ذلك
You won't believe this

29 –
أنصت لي
Hear me out

30 –
هل أنت مستعد لما سأقوله ؟
Are you ready for this?iii

31 –
هل تنصت لي ؟
Are you listening to me?iii

32 –
انظر ماذا لدينا
Look what we have here

أنا لا أصدق عيناي
I don't believe my eyes

34 –
تخدعني عيناي ؟ هل
Do my eyes deceive me ?iii

إنني سمعتك
I have you

36 –
كلي آذان صاغية
I'm all ears

37 –
دعني أكرر ما قلت
Let me repeat myself

كم مرة يجب أن أقول لك ذلك ؟
How many times do I have to tell you?iii

39 –
هكذا قلت
So you said

40 –
توقف عن الحديث في هذا الموضوع
Stop harping on that subject

41 –
هل يجب أن أكرر نفس النقطة ؟
Must you belabor the point?iii

هل لي بكلمة معك ؟
May I have a word with you?iii

43 –
ما الذي تريد أن تصل إليه ؟
What's your point?iii

عن ماذا يسفر ذلك ؟
What's the upshot ?iii

45 –
لا تخبيء شيئا ( قل كل شيء)
Spare me nothing

46 –
هذا خارج الموضوع
That's beside the point

47 –
لا علاقة لذلك بالموضوع
That has nothing to do with it

48 –
لا علاقة لذلك بما أتحدث عنه
That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about

49 –
هذه قصة أخري
That's another story

50 –
هذه قصة أخري تماما
That's a whole another story

إنها معلومات عامة
It's a common knowledge

هذا ليس من شأنك
None of your business

53 –
هل تفهم ما أقول ؟
Do you understand what I'm saying?iii

سأتركك الآن
I'll let you go now

حقيقة يجب أن أذهب الآن . سنتحدث في وقت لاحق
I really have to go now . We'll talk sometime

56 –
هل يمكنني أن أعاود الاتصال بك ؟ شيء ما جد
Can I call you back ? Something has come up

57 –
جرس الباب يدق ، سأتصل بك ثانية
The door bell is ringing . I'll call you back

58 –
شخص ما هناك علي الطرف الأخر . يجب أن أقول وداعا الآن
There is someone on the other line. I must say goodbye now

59 –
لن أعطلك أكثر من ذلك
I won't keep you any longer

60 –
يجب أن أعود للعمل قبل أن يراني المدير
I have to go back to work before the boss sees me


~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:28 PM

رد: Best English sentences
جمل مفيدة في محادثاتنا اليومية
الدرس الثاني

كان الحديث معك ممتعا
It has been fun talking to you

دعنا نتناول الغذاء سويا في هي وقت ممكن
Let’s do lunch sometimes

إن الوقت يتأخر
It's getting later

وداعا إلي وقت لاحق
Good-bye until next time

سأحاول أن أتصل بك لاحقا
I'll try to catch you later

دعنا نتقابل في أقرب فرصة
Let's get together soon

سألتقي بك ( هنا أو هناك )
See you around

سأراك في أقرب وقت
See you in a little while

حان الوقت المناسب للرحيل
Let's go while the going's good

دعنا نرحل
Let's head out

سأكون علي اتصال بك
I'll be in touch

دعنا نكون علي اتصال
Let's keep in touch

إني أخبرك بذلك لثقة فيك
I'm telling you this in confidence

هل من المفترض أن نكون في مكان ما الآن ؟
Are we supposed to be some place right now?iii

15 –
أنا مفلس
I'm broke

إنني مفلس للغاية
I'm dead broke

أنا في ورطة كبيرة
I'm in a big trouble

أنا متورط في مشكلة مع أحدهم
I'm in trouble with someone

19 –
أي ورطة أوقعت نفسك فيها؟
What kind of mess did you get yourself into?iii

20 –
كيف تفعل شيئا بهذه الحماقة ؟
How could you do something so stupid?iii

21 –
أنت لست في وعيك
You're out of your head

لست جادا
You can't be serious

هل فقدت عقلك
Are you out of your mind?iii

هل جننت ؟
Have you got crazy?iii

لا تقلق نفسك
Don't trouble yourself

26 –
لا تنفعل
Don't get excited

أنت بلا قلب
You're heartless

28 –
حاول أن تكون مكاني
Think what it is like to be in my situation

هذه المنطقة ممنوع التدخين فيها
This is non-smoking area

30 –
عليك أن تغادر المكان
You'll have to step outside

آسف ،
ولكن التدخين يضايقني
I'm sorry , the smoke is bothering me

ألديك عود ثقاب ؟
Got a match?iii

هل لديك ولاعة ؟
You got a lighter?iii

34 –
أتمانع من أن أدخن ؟
Do you mind if I smoke?iii

سأفقد عقلي
I'm losing my mind

36 –
أحتاج لبعض النوم
I need some sleep

لن تسعد الجميع
You can't please everybody

أنت تقوم بأشياء كثيرة
You are taking too many things on

39 –
أنت ملتزم بأشياء كثيرة
You're over committed

40 –
لابد أن تحدد أولوياتك
You need to set your priorities

~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:28 PM

رد: Best English sentences
جمل مفيدة في محادثاتنا اليومية
الدرس الثالث

من فضلك ، أريد شيئا آكله .
Please , I want something to eat

أريد أن أشرب . هل تسمح أن تحضر لي
كوبا من الماء فضلك ؟
I want to drink . Could you bring me a glass of water , please?iii
3 –
هل الغذاء جاهز من فضلك ؟
Is dinner ready , please ?iii

4 –
أين دورة المياه من فضلك ؟
Where is your bathroom , please ?iii

5 –
أريد أن أجري مكالمة تليفونية
I want to make a telephone call

6 –
كم الثمن من فضلك؟
How much , please ?iii

7 –
أريد أقرب فندق من فضلك
I want the nearest hotel , please

8 –
أقرب متجر كبير من فضلك
The nearest super market , please

9 –
في الطابق الأعلي
Up stairs

10 –
في الطابق السفلي
Down stairs

11 –
لم أرك منذ مدة طويلة . أين كنت ؟
I haven't seen you for a long time . Where have you been?iii

12 –
من فضلك بلغ سلامي إلي أصدقائنا
Please , remember me to our friends

بلغ عظيم تقديري لوالدك
My best regards to your father

كل عام وأنتم بخير
Many happy returns

15 –
يسرني أن أراكم هنا
Nice to see you here

يسرني أنك تمكنت من الحضور
Nice you could come

17 –
كم يطيب لي أن أقابلك مرة ثانية ؟
How nice to see you again ?iii

18 –
كنت مسافرا بالخارج لمدة ثلاثة شهور
I've been abroad for three months

19 –
هل تتفضل بحضور حفلنا يوم الأربعاء القادم ؟
Would you join our party next Wednesday?iii

20 –
تفضل الغذاء
Help yourself to dinner

21 –
هل تأتي معنا إلي السينما الليلة ؟
Would you come with us to the cinema tonight?iii

22 –
عندي بعض العمل
I've some work to do

دعنا نسترح
Let's have a rest

24 –
هيا ننضم إلي الحفلة
Let's join the party

25 –
كم دفعت ثمنا لسيارتك الجديدة ؟
How much did you pay for your new car ?iii

26 –
متي سنتقابل مرة أخري ؟
When shall we meet again ?iii

27 –
كم من الوقت سنبقي هنا ؟
How long shall we stay here ?iii

28 –
أنا أوافق علي اقتراحك
I agree to your proposal

29 –
دعني اشتري لك ما تحتاجه
Let me do the shopping for you

30 –
هذا كرم منك . أنا ممنون جدا
It's very kind of you . I'm much obliged

~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:28 PM

رد: Best English sentences
جمل مفيدة في محادثاتنا اليومية
الدرس الرابع

اصبر علي الأمر
Take things as they come

سنعرف مع الوقت
Time will tell

كل شيء في وقته
Everything in its time

ستنجح في نهاية الأمر
It will work out in the end

علي المدي البعيد سيكون كل شيء علي ما يرام
In the long run , erverything will be Ok

- 6
أنا واثق أن الأمور ستسير
I'm confident it will all work out

هذا لن يفيد
That won't do

هذا لن يحقق الهدف
That doesn't make the grade

هل هذا كل شيء لديك ؟
Is that all?iii

10 –
حاول في الأمر
Take a stab at it

لن تؤذيك المحاولة
It won't hurt you to try it

الآن وإلا فلا
It's now or never

احسم الأمر
Knock yourself out

أنا بجانبك
I'm on your side

يمكن أن تعتمد علي
You can count on me

16 –
يمكنك أن تضع ثقتك بي
You can put your trust in me

سأكون هناك دائما لأجلك
I'll always be there for you

18 –
أنا أثق فيك ثقة كاملة
I have complete faith in you

19 –
هل أنت جاد؟
Are you serious?iii

لا تدعي ذلك ، أليس كذلك ؟
You're not making this up ,aren't you?iii

~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:29 PM

رد: Best English sentences
جمل مفيدة في محادثاتنا اليومية
الدرس الخامس

Asking for information
طلب معلومة

Excuse me. Could you tell me where ... is?iii
Excuse me. Can you tell me...?iii
Do you know...?iii
You wouldn't know..., would you?iii
Do you happen to know...?iii
I'd like to know..., please.
And there's another thing I'd like to know... i
I would be interested to know... i
Please could you tell me... i

Asking for directions
السؤال عن الاتجاهات

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ... (place), please? iii
Which way is the ... (place), please?iii
Could you tell me where ... is, please? iii
Do you know where ... is?iii

Asking someone to repeat
طلب إعادة ما قاله شخص ما

Could you say that again, please?iii
Would you mind repeating that, please?iii
Could you repeat that, please?iii
I'm sorry I didn't catch that.
I'm sorry, what was ... again? iii
I'm sorry? iii
I beg your pardon? iii
I'm sorry, what was that?iii

Checking that you've understood
التأكد من أنك قد فهمت

So, I / We have to...
Do you want me / us to...?iii
Am I / Are we supposed to...? iii
Should I...?iii
So, the (general/basic) idea is to... i
Do you mean...?iii
Does this mean that...?iii
So am I right in saying...? iii
So, what you're saying is... i

Expressing uncertainty
التعبير عن عدم اليقين

I'm not really sure but I think... i
I can't say for certain but... i
It's difficult to say exactly but perhaps... i
I couldn't say, really... ii
I'm not sure.
I don't know for sure but... i

Giving yourself time to think
إعطاء نفسك الفرصة لكي تفكر

Well, let me see... i
Let me think... i
Let me get this right... i
Um, well, that's a difficult question / that's an interesting question.
I'll have to / Let me think about that for a moment... i
I think it's difficult to answer that question... ii
How shall I put it?iii... i
Now, how can I best say this...? iii

Interrupting politely
مقاطعة الحديث بأدب

Could I just say something? iii
Actually, I'd just like to say... i
Sorry to interrupt, but... i
Oh, while I remember / before I forget... i
Excuse me... i
May I interrupt? iii

Saying you don't know
التعبير عن عدم التعرف على أمر ما

I'm afraid I can't help you.
I'm sorry, I don't know.

التعبير بأدب

و هي لها عدة طرق

Showing interest
إظهار الاهتمام

That's interesting!
And? iii
What then?iii
What happened next?iii

Showing that you're listening
أظهار أنك تستمع بشغف

Now, you mentioned...
So, that's how...? iii
Yes, I was going to ask you about that...
Could you give me / us an example of...? iiii
Could you explain in more detail...? iii

Thanking and responding
التعبير عن الشكر و الامتنان

many thanks.
Thanks a lot.
That's very kind of you.
Thank you very much
Not at all.
It's a pleasure. / My pleasure.
You're welcome.
Don't mention it.
Any time.
That's OK / all right.
I'm glad to have been of some help


I'm very/awfully/so/extremely sorry.
Excuse me.
Sorry, (it was) my fault.
I do apologize.
Please accept my apologies.
Accepting an apology
That's all right/OK.
Not to worry.
That's quite/perfectly all right.
No reason/need to apologize.
Don't worry about it

التعبير عن الأفعال

Giving instructions
إعطاء التعليمات

Make sure... i
Remember... (to do). i
Be careful... (Not to do). i
Don't forget... (To do) i
Giving directions i
Go straight on.
Take the first/second on the left / right.
Turn left / right.
Go along... as far as... i
Take the number 7 bus / tram.
Get off (the bus / tram) at... (Place). i
Carry on until you see... i
Look out for... i

Checking someone has understood
التأكد من الشخص قد فهم ما تصبو إليه

Are you with me? iii
Did you follow that?iii
Have you got that?iii
Is everything clear so far? iii
Does that seem to make sense? iii

Sequencing actions
(كلمات الترتيب (التتابع

First of all,
After that,

Making suggestions

Shall I / we... (Do)?iii
Let's... (Do).
Why don't I / we... (Do)? iii
How about... (Doing)?iii
What about... (Doing)? iii
I think we should... (Do). iii
I suggest that we... (Do). iii
It might be a good idea if we / you... (Do). iii
I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to... (Do). iii
If you ask me, I think we / you should... (Do). iii
We could... i

Agreeing to a suggestion
الموافقة على اقتراح

Yes, I think that's a good idea.
That's probably the best option.
Sure, why not?iii
Yes, definitely.
By all means.
Good idea!

Rejecting a suggestion
رفض اقتراح

Yes, but wouldn't it be better to... (Do).iii
That's a good idea, but... (Do).iii
Making invitations
What are you doing on... (Day)? iii
Have you got any plans for...? (Day/time of day)? iii
Would you like to... (Do)?iii
Do you fancy... (Doing)? iii
What about... (Doing)? iii

Accepting an invitation
قبول دعوة

Yes, I'd love to.
Yes, that would be great.
Refusing an invitation
I'm afraid I'm busy on... (Day). How about next... (Day)?iii
I'm sorry I can't. I'm... (Doing something else).iii
I'm afraid I can't make it. I'm... (Doing something else).iii
I'd love to, but... i
That's very kind of you, but...i

Expressing a preference
التعبير عن مفاضلة أمر ما

I'd much rather... (Do) than... (Do something else).iiii
I prefer... to... i
I'd prefer to... (Do).iii
I think... is much more interesting than... i
I don't find... half as interesting as... i
I like... better than... i

Making recommendations
إعطاء التوصيات

You mustn't miss the... i
You must go to the... ii
You've got to... (Do)iii i
You'll love the... i
I wouldn't recommend the... i
You definitely wouldn't enjoy going to the... i

Offering something
تقديم شيء ما

Would you like...? iii
What can I get you? iii
Help yourself to... i
Please have some... i
Would you care for some...? iii
Can I offer you...? iii
Can I get you a... / anything? iii

Accepting something that's offered
الموفقة على شيء ما تم تقديمه إليك

Yes, please.
Thank you very much.
That would be very nice.
I'd like some..., please.

Declining something that's offered
رفض قبول شيء ما مقدم إليك

I'm all right/I'm fine, thank you.
No, thanks.
Not this time, thanks.
I'm not sure I could, thank you.
Asking for advice
What do you think I should do?iii
What would you do (if you were in my situation)? iii
What would you advise me to do? iii

Giving advice
إسداء النصيحة

I think you should... (Do)iii.
You could... (Do)iii.
Why don't you... (Do)?iii
If I were you, I'd... (Do)iiii.
Have you tried...? (Doing)?iii

Asking for permission
طلب الإذن

Can I.../May I..., please? iii
Do you mind if I...? iii
Mind if I...? iii
Any chance I could...? iii
I wonder/I was wondering if I could... i
Would it be possible for me to... i
Do you have any objection if I...? iii
Would it bother you if I...? iii

Giving permission
إعطاء الإذن

Of course.
By all means.
Yes, that's OK/fine.
You're welcome to...
Please feel free to...
Please don't hesitate to...
Go ahead.
Why not?iii

Refusing permission
رفض الإذن

I'm afraid not. I'm sorry it's not possible... I'm afraid you can't. I'm afraid that's out of the question.

(قل الأفكار (التعبير عن الرأي


I'd probably agree on that.
I think that's probably right.
That's absolutely right.
Sure! That's exactly what I think.
I couldn't agree with you more.
That's what I think.


Yes, but... i
True, but...i
I see what you mean, but...i
I suppose so, but... i
Yes, but on the other hand... i
I'm afraid I disagree / don't agree / can't agree...i
I'm not sure if that's strictly true.
You have a point there, but... i
Actually, I'm not sure if I agree with that.

Asking what someone thinks
استطلاع رأى شخص ما

What do you think? iii
What do you reckon? iiii
What's your opinion about/of...? iii
What's your position on...? iii
What's your reaction to...?iii
What's your take on...? iii
Do you have any thoughts on...? iii

Stating consequences
التعبير عن تتابع الأحداث

As a result, ... i
Consequently, ... i
Because of this, ... i
Due to (cause),... i
Expressing two points of view
On the one hand..., on the other hand... i
Although I'd..., I certainly wouldn't... i
While I might..., I don't think I'd... i
Of course I'd..., but I'm not sure if I'd... i
There's no doubt that it would..., but there's also a chance it might... i

Giving examples
إعطاء الأمثلة

For example, ... i
For instance, ... i
One example of this is... i
To give you an idea, ... i
Look at the case of... i
Take, for example, ... i
Let' say, ... i

Justifying your opinions
(تبرير الرأي ( أعطاء الأسباب

Personally, I (don't) think... because... i
Let's (not)... because... i
In my opinion, I (don't) feel... because... i
I would definitely (not)... because... i
It would be better to... as... i
I (don't) feel that it's important to... as...i

Linking what you're saying
الربط بين ما تقول

Anyway, ... i
True, but ... i
As a matter of fact, ... i
... sort of... i
Hmm... i
... you know... i
... believe me... i

Ordering / Sequencing
الترتيب التتابع

First of all, ... i
To start with, ... i
Secondly, ...
Another thing is that... i
Alternatively, ...
Last but not least, ... i


But don't you agree that... i
Yes, but I'm sure you'd agree that... i
Don't you think that... i
Presenting an opinion i
Personally, I think that... i
It seems to me that... i
From my point of view, ... i
In my opinion, ... i

ترتيب الأولويات

... would be much more important than... i
I don't think... would be nearly as important / urgent as...i
... will definitely be the most / least ... i


It's difficult to say exactly but I suppose it could be...
I'm not sure but it might be...
It can't be... because...
It must be... because...
I would guess...


So what it comes down to is...
The point I'm trying to make is...
Let me just recap what's been said so far.
In short,
To sum up,
Overall, it would seem that...

~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 31-05-13 09:32 PM

رد: Best English sentences
موضوع جميل بروح أتعلم وأرجع لكم خخخخ

Koedara 31-05-13 10:19 PM

رد: Best English sentences
مشكووووووووووووووووورة ياغالية
تسلم الأيادي هااذاكر وادعيلك
شكرا حبيبتي

لوشة العزاوي 01-06-13 11:14 AM

رد: Best English sentences
يا هلا ب بيبو

منورة القسم حبيبتي

والله عاشت الايادي على هذه الدروس الرائعة

عن جد مفيدة وخفيفة جدا

عملت ريفريش للانجلش تبعي


نورينا دوووم بهذه المواضيع الرائعة


~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 01-06-13 01:00 PM

رد: Best English sentences

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Koedara (المشاركة 3328180)
مشكووووووووووووووووورة ياغالية
تسلم الأيادي هااذاكر وادعيلك
شكرا حبيبتي

الله يسلمك ويسعدك ياقمر ...

إيوه ادعي لي كويس تسلمي لي حبيبتي

~ Amoَrat Nَajed ~ 01-06-13 01:01 PM

رد: Best English sentences

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة لوشة العزاوي (المشاركة 3328387)
يا هلا ب بيبو

منورة القسم حبيبتي

والله عاشت الايادي على هذه الدروس الرائعة

عن جد مفيدة وخفيفة جدا

عملت ريفريش للانجلش تبعي


نورينا دوووم بهذه المواضيع الرائعة


منور بأصحابه ياعمري ,, ربي يسعدك

إيوة دروس جميلة بحاول قدر الإمكان أستفيد منها ..

حلووووو بس أظن إنتي الريفريش دايم معك خصوصا مع الترجمة ماتحتاجي شيء جديد هههههه

الله يسعدك ان شاء الله

لوشة العزاوي 01-06-13 01:21 PM

رد: Best English sentences


لكن مادام مو لغتك الام

كل شئ يكون مفيد لك : )

الساعة الآن 10:43 AM.

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