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-   -   every life time I love you-collection (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t177037.html)

THESTRANGER 06-06-12 10:16 AM

every life time I love you-collection
They loved once deeply & madly
They lost each other somehow , but never lost what they feel
it's so strong
stronger that scurvies , stronger than death , stronger than life it self
so they had 2 come again , they had 2 find each other once more cos it's over ,
it would never be over

اهلا يا حلوين ! :11:
الموضع ده عن نوع غريب من الخيال
فكرة الفرصة التانية بشكل مختلف
البطل او البطلة بيموت فى حياة اخرى دفاعا عن الاخر او لاى سبب ولكنه يعود للحياة من جديد بشكل ما
تنوعت المعالجة فى الموضوع ده فى الكاتبات اغلبها فى روايات paranormal
حبيت اشارك ببعض ما لدى فى الموضوع لكن للاسف اغلبهم عندى كتب ورقية هاحاول ابحث عنها فى الشكل المعتاد فيما بعد حاليا هشارك باللى عندى على الجهاز !
plz feel free 2share with me dears :234dd:
much love

THESTRANGER 06-06-12 10:27 AM

Before Blue Twilight - Maggie Shayne
1 مرفق
Before Blue Twilight
Maggie Shayne

He had been alone for so long that he could not go on. But from the depths of despair, he found a light — a soul mate, a woman who gave him a reason to live, to exist, to go on.
In this thrilling online prequel to her Twilight vampire series, author Maggie Shayne takes us back into the depths of history to tell a story like no other — the story of one man who would refuse to give up hope. The story of a love that would last for centuries.…

الرواية دى هى الجزء الاول !


THESTRANGER 06-06-12 10:42 AM

BLUE TWILIGHT - Maggie Shayne
BLUE TWILIGHT - Maggie Shayne
"Please, just your name. Then you can return."
The eyes opened slightly, the black color changing slowly, growing lighter. "Names mean nothing. I've had so many. Now, my name is Tempest. Once I was called Mina, and before that I was Elisabeta. But it doesn't matter. We are one and the same."
Her eyes closed again, then slowly opened, and when they did, they were bright, clear sapphire-blue. "Storm,” she said in her own voice. "My name is Storm."
Martha nodded slowly. Max couldn't take her eyes off her best friend. She was herself again, looking relaxed, normal. "Storm, tell me how you feel when you're near the ocean in Endover."
She smiled. "It's like coming home."

Back of the BookEndover, New Hampshire, looks innocent. But below its surface an ancient and powerful thirst boils fiercely. When two girls go missing, only one person can find them: private investigator Maxine Stuart.

No other living mortal knows as much about the undead as "Mad Maxie." But the dark force controlling Endover will use that knowledge to strengthen his hold on the town—and on her. Not even Lou Malone, the man Maxie most desires, can convince her to abandon her crusade against a madman's yearning for power…and resurrected love.



THESTRANGER 06-06-12 10:52 AM

maaggie shayne - Eternity
maaggie shayne - Eternity

She stepped up onto the sidewalk. Came closer. Tears, he could see them now. Welling deep in her eyes, glimmering, spilling over. Wet black lashes shining, dampening her cheeks. Longing so intense he could feel it, flowing from her eyes with the pain and the tears. Closer. And she was so close now she was nearly touching him. God, was he dreaming this? Her body brushed his and he felt a snapping, crackling electricity spark between them as she tipped her head back, searched his face. A trembling hand rose to touch his cheek, brush at his hair, and he felt it again. Delicate brows drew together. She tilted her head slightly to one side, and she whispered, “Duncan?”
“Yes,” he said, amazed he could speak at all with the force of these unnamed, and utterly illogical, emotions swamping him. He felt absurdly like pulling her into his arms, like kissing her endlessly. It was an effort to keep his arms at his sides, and the muscles flexed and his fists clenched as he reminded himself to do just that. “How did you know my—”



katia.q 06-06-12 11:14 AM

فكرة جنااااااااااااااااااان يا قمر
أنا حبيت الملخصات جدااااااااااااااااااااا
أظن ان أنا قرأت رواية بالفكرة دي بس مش متذكرة الاسم دلوقتي
هأحاول أجيبها هنا
تسلم الأيادي
موضوع يستاهل التقييم والشكر

THESTRANGER 06-06-12 11:17 AM

تسلمى حبيبتى كاتيا على التشجيع
انا بحب النوع ده جدا
سعيدة انه عجبك واتمنى البنات يحبوه وفى انتظار مشاركاتكم لانى اتلهف شوقا لقراءة المزيد من نفس النوع
لسه هارفع كام واحدة عندى !
thank u


THESTRANGER 06-06-12 11:28 AM

Voodoo - by maggie shayen
1 مرفق
Voodoo - by maggie shayen

back of the book
Tessa and her sister Tricia are having the vacation of a lifetime in naughty New Orleans. They’ve partied on Bourbon Street until the wee hours; visited the famous cemeteries; wandered around the historic French Quarter; and visited the Voodoo Museum. They’ve even taken a tour of the haunted corners of the grand old city, led by a sexy, mustachioed guide in tall black boots.

But when they learn that their elegant old hotel was once a house of ill repute, and was ravaged by fire more than 100 years ago, resulting in the death of several women, something in the steamy night air changes. Tessa, who is not one to let her imagination run away with her, feels a chill, and can’t stop thinking about the mysterious tour guide. And when she peers out her window late one night, there he is...


Catching her breath, she looked up and saw her sister standing there. Only — it wasn’t. Her face was pale, and her eyes — her eyes were the wrong color. They were jet black, with a soft glowing light coming from within them.
"You must remember. You must," she said in a voice that was not her own.
"Unless you remember, it was all for nothing," Tricia went on in that strange voice. Then she reached up, her hands clasping Tessa’s shoulders like claws. "Remember!" she shouted, shaking her violently, with surprising strength. "Remember, damn you!"
"Tricia!" Tessa planted her palms flat on her sister’s chest and shoved with everything in her. Tricia’s grip was broken, and she staggered backward.
"Remember," she whispered, and then she collapsed on the floor.

THESTRANGER 06-06-12 12:09 PM

Soul Mates- lisa childs
1 مرفق
Soul Mates- lisa childs

Is it possible to love someone so deeply that even death can't keep you apart? Susannah
Quist-Carter had found her soul mate in Jordan Rogers when she was fifteen, but a tragic twist of fate had taken him from her. In the years since, she's done her best to move on, but somehow, in her heart, she can't forget Jordan.

And then, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death, she meets a man who claims to have Jordan's reincarnated soul. He knows things only Jordan could know and she can't deny that she's drawn to him, but can she believe him? Can she trust him with her life, her heart…and her soul?


احمد هيثم 06-06-12 08:19 PM

موضوع هايل انا بحب وجع القلب اوى اوى وكل ما الروايه فيها البطل بيبهدل بفرح جدا شكر ا يا جميل


THESTRANGER 07-06-12 11:10 AM

شكرا حبيبتى على التشجيع
انا كمان بحب موضوع بهدلة البطل ده !!
تصدقى فكرة جامدة , نعمل موضوع عن البهدلة انا واثقة ان فى ناس كتير زى حالاتنا كده
نياهاهاهاهاااااااااا (ضحكة شماته شريرة ^_^)

katia.q 07-06-12 11:02 PM

هاااااي يا قمر
أنا جيت أحط الرواية اللي قلت لك عليها لقيتك حطتيها soul mates
الف شكر بجد علي الروايات الجميلة دي
أنا عجبني ملخص رواية فودو كتييييييير
دي أول رواية هأقرأها أكيد
تسلم ايديك يا قمر

katia.q 07-06-12 11:03 PM

سؤال بقي
اللي عايز يناديكي يقولك ايه؟؟
انا مستتقله أوي اسم سترانجر
وبعدين احنا ماعدناش غرب بقي *_^

THESTRANGER 10-06-12 10:36 AM

sure darling , It would be an honor 2 me 2 be ur friend
my nickname is :peace:LOLO
all my friends use it
I'd like u 2 use it 2


THESTRANGER 13-06-12 09:36 AM

Lisa Kleypas - Prince Of Dreams
1 مرفق
الرواية دى فيها فكرة العودة فى الزمن مع فكرة تناسخ الارواح مع بعض
بس اعتقد هنا مكانها الانسب
لانها بتتناول قصة البطلة والبطلة فى حياة اخرى مش مجرد رحلة فى الزمن
نفس الروح , نفس الاحاسيس و...... نفس الشكل !

Lisa Kleypas - Prince Of Dreams

A wealthy and bitter exile, he most dangerous and desirable man in all of England, he burns to possess a proud, headstrong beauty who is promised to another. But winning Emma Stokehurst's exquisite hand through threats and determination does nothing to fill the empty spaces in Nikola's heart—until passion's magic carries the handsome, tormented prince back to a bygone era of splendor and romantic dreams. For there his destiny awaits him in a distant life. And in one remarkable woman's tender touch—achingly familiar but gloriously new—he must seek the elusive promise of ecstasy . . .and learn, at last, to love.


sydra 13-06-12 08:37 PM

هاي أحلى لولو فكرة موضوع روعة حبيتا كتير تسلم ايديكي ياقمر بس مو حرام عليكن انتي و روز بتحبو
بهدلة الأبطال
يا حراااااااااااام

katia.q 13-06-12 11:21 PM

تسلم ايديكي لولو
باين عليها انها جميلةة
تعيشي وتجيبي يا قمر

THESTRANGER 18-06-12 10:27 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sydra (المشاركة 3118718)

هاي أحلى لولو فكرة موضوع روعة حبيتا كتير تسلم ايديكي ياقمر بس مو حرام عليكن انتي و روز بتحبو
بهدلة الأبطال
يا حراااااااااااام

شكرا على التشجيع حبيبتى ^_^
بالنسبة لموضوع البهدلة ده فمقدرش اقاومه بصراحة :party0033:
بفكر اعمل عنه موضوع اصلا !!! شوية سادية بقى ههههههههههههههه
لا بجد زى ما فى بطلات بيوجعوا قلبى فى كمان ابطال معرفش عاملين كده ازاى :Taj52:

THESTRANGER 18-06-12 10:28 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة katia.q (المشاركة 3118897)
تسلم ايديكي لولو
باين عليها انها جميلةة
تعيشي وتجيبي يا قمر

تسلمى كاتيا يا حلوة على ذوقك
يارب تعجبك ان شاء الله :peace:

احمد هيثم 18-06-12 01:36 PM

بزمتك يا شيخه ما هيبقى موضوع تحفه دائما البطل مدوخنا ومطلع عينينا على ما يتنحنح والحقيقه تخبطه انه بيحب ومطلع عين الغلبنه وتكون خللت ايه رائيك ندور على روايات الابطال هما اللى بيخللو فيها على ما البطله توصل[FONT="Arial Black"][/FONT]

:ostrich_liam::ostrich_liam::ostrich_liam::ostrich_liam::ost rich_liam::ostrich_liam:

ديدي 1990 27-06-12 12:42 AM

روايت فودو مش بتفتح معاي ممكن رابط جديد

katia.q 27-06-12 06:35 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ديدي 1990 (المشاركة 3128711)
روايت فودو مش بتفتح معاي ممكن رابط جديد

هاااي ديدي
طيب هي لولو كانت نزلت الرواية قبل كده في الموضوع ده
جربيه كدخ ولو ما نفع قولي لي وراح أحمله من تاني

noor 2000 30-06-12 12:17 AM

LOLO NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE like the nickname hon missed u alot and as always great idea i'll see if i have any books with the same concept

بالمناسبة انا مع موضوع بهدله الابطال دة :iU804754::iU804754::iU804754::iU804754:

THESTRANGER 30-09-12 12:19 PM

1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة katia.q (المشاركة 3128825)
هاااي ديدي
طيب هي لولو كانت نزلت الرواية قبل كده في الموضوع ده
جربيه كدخ ولو ما نفع قولي لي وراح أحمله من تاني

hi lovelies :)
missed u all ^_^
katia , hon
how r u doin? miss u

اهلا ديدى ! انا فعلا نزلت الرواية في روايات ماجى قبل كده وكمان الرابط هنا شغال !! نزلت الرواية وفتحت معايا عادى !بس مش مشكلة هنزلك الرابط تانى ! شكرا على الرد كاتيا الحلوة ^_^

THESTRANGER 30-09-12 12:33 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة noor 2000 (المشاركة 3130555)
LOLO NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE like the nickname hon missed u alot and as always great idea i'll see if i have any books with the same concept

بالمناسبة انا مع موضوع بهدله الابطال دة :iU804754::iU804754::iU804754::iU804754:

نور حبيبتى وحشتينى كتير والناس كلها وحشتنى بنشغل شوية وظروف غريبة كده بس دايما برجعلكوا تانى !
يارب تكونى بخير وتكونوا كلكو تمام
مبسوطة ان الفكرة عجبتك انا بحب النوع ده من الروايات جدا جدا
بحب الروايات المختلفة وغير النمطية والخيالية جدا
حاليا قريت مجموعة روايات للكاتبة lisa cach اكتر من تحفة بس لسه بدور على روايات في الموضوع ده عشان كده لو افتكرتى اى روايات متعلقة بالموضوع هكون مبسوطة جدا جدا لو شاركتينا بيها

وحشنى كلامنا كتير ورواياتك التحفة ^_^
عندى كام رواية هنزلهم دوقتى عشان عيونك !

THESTRANGER 30-09-12 12:48 PM

Time After Time by kay hooper
1 مرفق
Time After Time by kay hooper



They first met in a darkened loft, in the middle of a blackout, but the power of attraction supplied all the juice that Alex Bennet and Noah Thorne required. Noah was Alex’s match in every way, while the onetime lion tamer turned world-class interior designer possessed just the air of wildness that Noah preferred in a woman. Inexorably, they found themselves drawn together. So why was each haunted by dreams of the other that seemed to hint at secret lives in bygone times and places–and a relationship fated to end in separation? For Alex, the solution may lie in a Gypsy fortune-teller’s prophecy. To repeat the past is the one thing neither of them wants–but how do you overcome the pull of a destiny that is stronger than time itself?

THESTRANGER 30-09-12 01:00 PM

Once in Every Life by Kristin Hannah

Once in Every Life by Kristin Hannah


Tess Gregory's brilliant career as a research scientist hides her longings for husband and child. Though deaf, she is a free spirit -- a woman full of life and love. She is struck down all too soon.
But for Tess, a new life begins at her death, in post-Civil War America. She is now Amarylis Rafferty, wife and mother of three -- and she can hear. Shocked and disoriented by her new surroundings, she is drawn into the savage heartache burdening the family, especially her husband, Jack, a man who fears himself capable of anything.


أجمل زهرة 22-10-15 09:50 PM

رد: every life time I love you-collection
بالفعل فكره مميزه من شخص مميز
مشكور تعبك يا عسل.
بس اذا امكن في كم روايه ما نزلن ... روابطهن معطله
اذا امكن تنزليهن.
Before Blue Twilight
Maggie Shayne
Soul mate - Lisa Childs
Prince of dreams - Lisa Kleypas
Time after time - Kay Hooper

الساعة الآن 12:16 PM.

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