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اعتمادات 25-01-10 02:23 AM

روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية


فكرة الموضوع ده هى لريما الجميلة


وهى تجميع روايات عبير بالنسخة الانجيليزية


اعتمادات 25-01-10 02:42 AM

1 مرفق
0-عاشت له

Love's Prisoner by Violet Winspear

( نسخة أصلية )


Eden loved safe, but Gale wanted him

The two sisters were aptly named. Gale was wild, turbulent and demanding; Eden was the quiet one, gentle and kind.

Gale found the money, power and luxury she wanted when she met wealthy, handsome and magnetic Lafe Sheridan. But it was Eden who saw behind Lafe's facade to the lonely poverty-stricken Irish boy he had once been. She loved him for the qualities he tried grimly to hide.

It was a situation that threatened heartbreak--for all of them!


اعتمادات 25-01-10 02:47 AM

1 مرفق
1- العروس الاسيرة

The Unwilling Bride by Violet Winspear


Ravena dearly loved the kindly guardian who had brought her up -- and she loved his son Rhodri Brenin even more.

But she was marrying a virtual stranger, the forbidding Sardinian Mark di Curzio, a man for whom she felt nothing but apprehension and dread. She was doing it for love - but for love of her guardian, whose life would be ruined if Mark told him, as he had threatened to, that it was his son who had been responsible for the tragic death of Mark's only child.

The price for Mark's silence was a high one - for all he wanted of Ravena was that she bear him a son to replace the one he had
lost. Could she bring herself to pay it?


اعتمادات 25-01-10 02:58 AM

2- الأمواج تحترق

Waves of Fire by Anne Hampson


It was five years now since Shani had married Andreas Manou -- but the marriage had been in name only and she had not seen him since the wedding day. And now Shani was planning to marry again -- and Andreas had chosen this moment to coma back into her life .. .

This lawyer of yours apparently believes an annulment will be simple. Did you tell him we were married in England?"

Shani's spirits began to sink, even while she obstinately refused to admit that Andreas had the power to keep her bound to him.

"He knows we were married in England, yes."

"And yet he believes he can obtain an annulment for you." Andreas shook his head. "Only can annul the marriage -- you are not in a position to do so, whatever you, or this lawyer, might think to the contrary."

"You?" She stared at him. "But I'm the Injured party. I was forced Into marriage -- black-mailed!"

"Don't talk rubbish! You married me willingly. I'm the injured party! I've offered you a home and you've refused to live with me. In the eyes of the law I'm the one with the grievance; consequently it is only I who can annul the

( لم تتوفر بعد )


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:05 AM

3 - من أجل حفنة جنيهات

Opportune Marriage by Kay Thorpe


Lisa Farrel was at her wits' end, wondering how she could possibly raise the money to get her beloved brother out of serious trouble, when Brad Norton appeared on the scene, like an answer to a prayer.

Within a few days of their meeting, he had proposed to her--and Lisa agreed, on condition that he provide the money her brother so desperately needed. She had been honest with Brad about her reasons for marrying him, and thought she could expect the same honesty from him. He had implied that she attracted him, and that he was willing to wait for something deeper to develop between them.

How could the marriage work out once Lisa discovered that his motives for marrying her had actually been as calculating as her own?

(لم تتوفر بعد )


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:11 AM

1 مرفق
4- سيدة القصر الجنوبى

Something Extra by Janet Dailey

( نسخة أصلية )


Jolie Antoinette Smith found more than she was looking for in Louisiana. Not only did she locate the home of her ancestral namesake, she found someone to love.

But what use to fall in love with a man like Steve Cameron? "It's always been my policy to stay away from spirited virgins," he informed Jolie. "They tend to complicate your life... and your conscience."

Jolie had left home because of a problem; now she was faced with a greater one. For clearly, marriage played no part in Steve's plans!


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:16 AM

5- ماأقصر الوقت

The Time is Short by Nerina Hilliard


Love comes swiftly, at first meeting. There is an attraction that grows undeniably stronger until it is a fire inside. You do not believe in love like that?" Morgana Carol never had been in love like that, and, hearing Felipe's words, she knew that now she never could be, that even if such a love did come her way, she must somehow find the strength to withstand it. A lovely tropical island provides the background to this poignant story of a nurse who, knowing that the future could not give her the same things as it did to others, found herself in the very situation she wished to avoid

الجميلة ايلينا لقت الرواية وحطت رابط لتحميلها هنا


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:24 AM

1 مرفق
6- رجل بلا قلب

Man of Granite by Lilian Peake


It was ten years now since the Kathryn's brief, youthful marriage to Jon Wright. They had parted in anger any misunderstanding, and she had never seen him again.

Since then, the only important thing in Kathryn's life was security. It was for security that she was now on the verge of marrying Francis Rutland, a man old enough to be her father, for whom she had nothing but a kindly regard. It was hardly the moment for Jon to come back into her life again, and in circumstances which meant she would be seeing him every day.

Still less was there any future in her realizing that she loved him as much as she ever had -- since he made it quite clear that she now meant less than nothing to him.


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:31 AM

1 مرفق
7- شهر عسل مر

The Honey Is Bitter by Violet Winspear

( نسخة أصلية )


"KEEP YOUR LOVE. DID I EVER ASK FOR IT?" Paul's voice rang out. His face was taut sculpture, chiseled out of stone -- as she felt certain her heart was.
No," Domini threw at him, "but you're not quite so inhuman as to enjoy for very long the companionship of a wife who hates you!"

She couldn't weep. Tears had set like ice in her and the sweetness of today had turned to bitterness. The rings on her hands felt heavy -- like manacles, she told herself. Shackles that bound her to a man who had forced her into a loveless disaster of a marriage.


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:40 AM

1 مرفق
8- نداء الدم

For the Love of Sara by Anne Mather


Rachel had tried to escape the torture of her thoughts and memories. She had loved Joel--loved him with all the wealth of tenderness and passion she possessed. He had taken her love and destroyed it... .

Now she heard Joel say, "I know what I always said. And I used to believe it, too. But not any longer. I've been a fool, Rachel. You don't know how much of a fool."

But it was too late; she couldn't let herself believe him now.


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:46 AM

9- قلب فى المحيط

Song of the Waves by Anne Hampson


At the age of twenty, Wendy Brown had embarked on a luxurious round-the-world cruise - an enviable position to be in, surely? And when she me a devastatingly attractive passenger, Garth Rivers, and a romance swiftly grew up between them, she would seem to be even luckier. But was she so lucky? For, although Wendy knew that Garth was the love of her life, only she knew the dreadful truth - that her life in fact had not much longer to go; she had been given four months to live. It would hurt Garth less, she felt, if she could manage to persuade him that she did not love him after all: but had she the strenth of mind, for his sake, to carry out the deception?

(لم تتوفر بعد )


اعتمادات 25-01-10 03:56 AM

10 - تعالى الى الأدغال

Three Weeks in Eden by Anne Weale


Andrea Fleming was perfectly happy about the prospect of accompanying herbrother into the Malayan jungle for a three-week trip, but James Ferguson,the doctor who was to guide the expedition, was adamant that she should staybehind. But Andrea had no intention of taking that decision lying down!

(لم تتوفر بعد )


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:27 AM

1 مرفق
11- عذراء فى المدينة

Miranda's Marriage by Margery Hilton

Desperation forced Miranda to encamp for the night in Jason Steele's office suite, but unfortunately he found her there, and after the unholy wrath that resulted she never dreamed that a few months later she would become his wife. For Jason was reputed to be a rake where women were concerned. What chance of happiness had Miranda?


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:34 AM

1 مرفق
12- حب فى الظلام

An Eagle Swooped by Anne Hampson


Tessa had loved Paul Demetrius from the start, but from the moment she introduced him to her beautiful sister Lucinda he had had eyes for no one else. At last, unable to bear seeing the two of them together, Tessa had gone away.

Now, two years later, she was home again, expecting to hear that they were married -- only to learn that they had never in fact married, that after a terrible accident in which Paul had been blinded, Lucinda had walked out on him and he was now living the life of a recluse in Cyprus. So Tessa took her courage in both hands, went out to Cyprus pretending to be Lucinda, begged Paul's forgiveness -- and married him.

Would her love be strong enough to stand the strain of living such a lie? And what if Paul ever found out?


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:38 AM

1 مرفق
13- عيناك بصرى

The Ivory Cane by Janet Dailey

( نسخة أصلية )


"Shut up, Sabrina," said Bay with barely controlled anger. "Maybe when I can think clearly I'll be able to offer an apology. Right now all I want to do is wring your neck!"

Sabrina would not consider the possibility that Bay had been prompted by desire for her. Her blindness had touched him - his emotion was based on pity.

All at once she could no longer regard Bay as a friend. She had started thinking of him as a man...and for her that was dangerously foolish!


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:42 AM

1 مرفق
14- الزواج الأبيض

Dark Star by Nerina Hilliard


"The ship is due to sail, " Ruiz said softly.

Quite involuntarily, Leigh leaned her head back against his shoulder and his arm tightened around her, while they both watched the distance from the dock imperceptibly broadening, like a chasm between the old life and the new, Leigh tried not to think that the new life was only for a while and that one day she would have to cross the chasm and go back to the old life.

Leigh's marriage to Ruiz Aldoret was purely a business arrangement made so that Ruiz could comply with the terms of his grandfather's will and inherit the large estate of Carastrano in Mexico. The intention was that after a short time at Carastrano, a quiet annulment would arranged.

But now Leigh was not at all sure that she wanted their marriage to end...


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:46 AM

1 مرفق
15 - ليالى الغجر

The Night of the Bulls by Anne Mather


It was only desperation that had brought Dionne back to the Camargue, that remote, still little-known part of southern France that had been so important -- and so tragic -- a part of her life three years ago.

Back she had to come to the Mas St. Salvador, and to Manoel, who hadn't wanted her before and who had even less reason to want her now. Back to Manoel's old grandmother, who had been fond of her, to Manoel's mother, who had hated her; to Yvonne, who was by now certainly his wife. How could she face them all?

It was only the thought of Jonathan, who needed her and was more important to her than Manoel, that would get her through. For only Manoel could help her and Jonathan now...


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:52 AM

1 مرفق
16- لقاء الغرباء

Gates of Steel by Anne Hampson


Helen Stewart was disenchanted with the whole idea of love and romance, while Leon Petrou, it was said, had no time for women -- so when he suggested that she should marry him, to provide a background for his small niece and nephew, she agreed, feeling that emotion would not enter into the situation at all. And that could prove to be a dangerous assumption.

Turning to her, Leon said softly, "Don't you think we might try to - to - ?"

"Are you expecting love from me?" A hint of bitterness had crept into Helen's voice now.

"No, I shall never expect love from you. You're not willing to give it -- you told me that at the beginning, told me you'd never again allow your emotions to become involved -- because of what some other man had done to you. That's right, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, that's right. I said I'd never risk that sort of heartache again."

"And you believe that's reasonable."

She glanced at him sharply, "I shall never give another man an opportunity to hurt me. I don't intend to fall in love again."


اعتمادات 25-01-10 04:58 AM

نكمل بعدين ...........


selva 25-01-10 05:17 AM

اعتمادات إنتي كنز من كنوز الحياة :flowers2:
تسلم إيديكي يا قمر على المجهود الجبار و تسلم ريما على الفكرة الأكثر من رائعة .
الحمد لله أجازة نص السنة كلها كام يوم و تيجي و الواحد هيلاقي حاجات كتييييير يقراها :c8T05285:


BON BON 25-01-10 09:19 AM


liilas676 25-01-10 12:47 PM

يا سلام على الأفكار النيره

بجد تسلمى إنتى و ريمو عليها و الله يعطيكى ألف عافيه للمجهود الهايل ده

و الله رجعتينا لروايات زمان الحلوه و ذكرياتها الجميله



ضـَـوء 25-01-10 01:37 PM

اعتمادات الله يكرمك حبيبتي مجهود مميز بتشكري عليه .

امنية في القلب 25-01-10 03:51 PM

اعتمادات مجهود خررررررررررررررراااااافيييييييييييي

يعطيك العافيه والف شكر

ريما مو غريبه هلافكار الابداعيه ماننحرم منك ان شاء الله


الجنية السمراء 25-01-10 04:07 PM

الله يعطيكي الف عافية يا قمر

(noha(22 25-01-10 04:34 PM

اعتمادات انا مش عارفة اقولك اية البنات خلصوا الكلام كلة

الف شكر ليكى ولمجهودك الرائع ودايما منورانا وتمتعينا :flowers2:


ريما 25-01-10 04:59 PM

اعتمادات عم يخطر على بالي كلام كتير وبمحي فيه لانه مو ممكن يعبر لان عن تقديري وشكري لتعبك ولا عن مدى الفرح والسرور يلي عم تنشريه بالقلوب حبيبتي :friends:

لذا مجرد دعاء من القلب ان ربنا يعطيك ويرضيك وينولك مراد قلبك ويطرحلك البركة بكل ناحية بحياتك إن شاء الله :flowers2:

ألف ألف شكر وعين الله عليك حبيبتي :55::55:

وصبايا الشكر كله لجهد اعتمادات وبالها الطويل وكرمها المعطاء وإن شاء الله بوجودها وجهود باقي الصبايا القمرات وحضوركم الكريم بيضل ليلاس منارة بين كل المنتديات :friends:

نورملاك 25-01-10 05:16 PM

مشكورين يا اعتمادات والله يعطيكي العافية

هدهودة 25-01-10 06:26 PM

اعتمادات تسلمى يا جميل و ربنا يقويكى مجهود ررررررررررررائع
و تسلم ريما على الفكرة الجميلة

*Aphrodite* 25-01-10 08:11 PM

اعتمادات تسلمي يا عسل على الروايات
و رح أقراهم قريب أن شاء الله لانو الوقت دا مشغولة :7_5_129:
و خصوصا العسل المر مستنيتها من زمان
ربنا يعطيكي ألف عافية


cocubasha 25-01-10 08:12 PM

الله يعطيكي ألف عاااافية

موضوع مميز و تعب واضح


توضيح بس للبنات اعتمادات قالته قبل كده بس حبيت أني أكد عيله

الروايات مترجمة من لغة آخرى إلي الإنجليزية

و أعتمادات الله يجزاها خير جمعتها

أحنا أن شاء الله راح نخلي الروايات المترجمة هنا

و في الموضوع التاني إللي أن شاء الله راح يتفتح

ومواضيع الكاتبات وموضوع فروتي للروايات الأصلية



اعتمادات 25-01-10 09:19 PM

شكرا لكل البنات الله يكرمكم ويجازيكم كل خير وتسلم ايديكم اللى كتتبت الكلام الجميل ده ويارب الروايات تعجبكم

ريما حبيبتى انتى صاحبة الفكرة وانتى اللى تستاهلى كل كلمة حلوة اتقالت او ماتقالتش ربنا خليكى ويفرح قلبك



كوكو انت فعلا باشا ياباشا ... شكرا والله يعطيكى مليون عافية على التوضيح
وكمان على فصل الروايات المترجمة عن الاصلية عشان لو فى بنوته لقيت رواية اصلية بعدين.
تسلمى مرة تانية وشكرااااا

اعتمادات 26-01-10 04:49 AM

17- رجل من نار

Man of Fire by Margaret Rome


The celebrated explorer Ramon Vegas had been given the nickname "Caramuru" -- Man of Fire -- by the Brazilian natives, and that, said Tina Donnelly's botanist aunt, was exactly what legend had him to be -- a truly volcanic personality. "I'm absolutely thrilled at the idea of joining him on his latest expedition up the Amazon," declared Aunt Chris.

But it was not to be. At the last moment Aunt Chris had an accident and could not go - so Tina took her place. After all, they were both botanists, even their names were the same, so why shouldn't Tina just pretend to be her aunt? She should have known, even before she met him, that Senor Vegas was not the man to appreciate having that kind of deception practiced on him; but by the time she had met him -- and immediately fallen in love with him -- it was too late.



اعتمادات 26-01-10 04:53 AM

1 مرفق
18- بين السكون والعاصفة

Lord of La Pampa - Kay Thorpe


Lian Trevor was forced to make a hurried decision. Stranded in Buenos Aires, she must choose between remaining in her very dangerous predicament, or marrying a stranger.

It was like something out of a dream...or a nightmare. Lian didn't want to be Ricardo Mendoza's wife for the next six months; nor did she want the cash settlement he promised her.

And Ricardo was less than reassuring when he warned, "You are going to earn your fee, every penny of it!"


اعتمادات 26-01-10 04:58 AM

19-الوجه الآخر للذئب

Master of Saramanca by Mary Wibberley

Jane traveled to the island of Saramanca to meet the father she had never known. But Gavin Grant suspected her motives for coming and made his disapproval plain.. "He's arrogant and overbearing, and I don't think I've ever disliked anyone quite so much," stormed Jane. Yet . . .

(لم تتوفر بعد )


اعتمادات 26-01-10 05:02 AM

1 مرفق
20 - فى قبضة الأقدار

The Marriage of Caroline Lindsay by Margaret Rome


It had been a dreadful shock to Caroline when her sister disappeared, leaving her baby with Caroline, but she vowed to herself she would do the best she could for the infant.

So when the baby's uncle, Domenico Vicari, appeared, with an offer to marry Caroline and give the child a home and security, she felt she could not refuse. A condition of the marriage was that it would be in name only -- but when Domenico had made it he had been under the impression that Caroline was the child's mother.

What would his reaction be when he discovered how she had deceived him?


اعتمادات 26-01-10 05:07 AM

1 مرفق
21- الشريدة

The Strange Waif by Violet Winspear


It annoyed Doctor Avery Chase to hear his cousin Robert denounce as a phoney the frightened young girl found late one night sitting on the doorstep of Chase, the family home on the edge of the Devon moors.

But Robert was convinced that the girl who said she thought her name was Lygia was acting the part of a person who had lost her memory just to see what she could get out of the wealthy Avery.

Lygia was tormented by her inability to remember, but the sole clue to her identity seemed to be the mark of a ring on the third finger of her left hand; a mark which Lygia noted with some misgiving.


Lola Ali 26-01-10 01:36 PM

إعتمادات تسلم الايادي على تعبك يا قلبي :flowers2:
مانتحرم منك ياغزال ومن افكارك النيره :flowers2:
Coco ,sweetie , thanks for pointing out that these novels are translated and not original :confused:cause I have been having a hard time reading some of them , actually they gave me a headache:lPk05240: , sooooo sorry E'timadat but i hate bad grammar:pQ204444: especially wrong pronouns
Again , thanks lovely E'timadat for the effort :flowers2::friends::8_4_134:

ريما 26-01-10 10:05 PM

اعتمادات سويتي

ضـَـوء 26-01-10 10:38 PM

اعتمادات الله يعطيك العافيه على تعبك ومجهودك .. ماننحرم منك يارب .

اعتمادات 27-01-10 01:04 AM

ريما تسلمى حبيبتى ربنا يخلكى*انتى و ضوء و لولا ومانحرمش منكم

لولا حبيتى انا قلت قبل كده انها مترجمة وعيبها الضمائر
ملخبطة بس

بالنسبة لى ان بقراهم لحدماربنا يفرجها

برواية اصلية

يعنى من باب نص العمى ولا العمى كله .

عشان كده يابنات بلييييييييييييييييززززززززززززززززززززززز

لو مسترخمين قرايتها قولوا وانا مش حانزلها لانى

بنزلهم عشانكم لانها بجد بتاخد وقت كبير فيبقى على الاقل تعجبكم

فبلييييييييزززززززززززززززززززززز مرة تانى قولوا لو مش عايزين


cocubasha 27-01-10 04:52 AM

اعتمادات حبيبتي

مين قال أن أحنا مسترخمين

لولا بس ما كانت عارفة السبب في لخبطة الضمائر
عشان كده بتبين وجه نظرها

حبيبتي الله يجزاكي خير على حط الروايات
و أحنا عارفين البحث عنها متعب قد إيه

و بعدين في أنواع كتير في القسم و كل واحد حر يقرا إللي هو عايزوا

لو في بنات مش عارفة تقراها

في بنات تانية قابلين بنظرية نص العمى

توكلي على الله حبيبتي و نزالي


anime girl 27-01-10 09:50 AM

اعتماداااااااااااااات هنئيا لنا باناملك الالماسيه وبصماتك الذهبيه
يعني شكر وربي مايكفي حقك لكن دعوه حلوه توصل الى ابواب السماء ربي يخليك ويطول بعمرك ويهنيك ياعسل

ايش رايكم يابنات يتثبت الموضوع مو احلى

نورملاك 27-01-10 02:19 PM

يا عزيزتي نزليها وانتي من البداية شرحت مشكلة الضمائر والله يعطيك العافية على تعبك

ريما 27-01-10 04:00 PM

اكيد اعتمادات توكلي على الله وكملي الله يجزيك كل الخير حبيبتي

امنية في القلب 27-01-10 04:05 PM

مرحبا اعتمادات

والله للحين ما قرات شي من القصص الي نزلتيهاوراح ابدا فيها بعد الاجازه. بس والله لو مترجمه من الصيني يابنتي احنا ما صدقنا يعطيج مليون عافيه عالجهد.وزي ماقالوا البنات انتي منبهه على هالنقطه من البدايه.وانا اايد الي قالته انمي وياريت يتثبت الموضوع ويكون فيه توضيح انها مترجمه عن الاسبانيه.

وماقصرتي يالغاليه عالجهود الجباره

yasmin_port 27-01-10 06:55 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

اعتمادات 27-01-10 08:06 PM

تسلم ايديكم والله يجازيكم كل خير

انا فاهمة وجهة نظر لولا بس حبيت اعرف اذا كنتم عايزنها ولا لا لاانى بنزلها عشانكم

شكرا لاهتمامكم بالرد على والله يسعدكم يارب


اعتمادات 28-01-10 01:24 AM

1 مرفق
22 - الماضى لا يعود

Legacy of the Past by Anne Mather


There had been two men so far in Madeline's life--her late husband, Joe, and her boss, Adrian. Both had been kind and uncomplicated, wanting only to cherish and look after her.

But now another man had surged into her life--Nicholas Vitale. Handsome, dynamic, devastatingly attractive, he was utterly unlike anyone she had ever met before. But he certainly could not be described as gentle or kind, still less did he want to protect and cherish her. And Madeline could not resist him.

In getting so far out of her depth with Nicholas, was Madeline doing anything but stirring up trouble for herself? And what about her duty to that other important person in her life--her young daughter Diana?


اعتمادات 28-01-10 02:01 AM

1 مرفق
23 - الماس اذا التهب

The Fire in the Diamond by Marjorie Lewty


I don't think you and I have anything to say to each other, Mr. Lawrence," Toni replied. She didn't want to cross any more swords with him.

There were no doubt plenty of girls who were ready to fall for his charms. She just had to be very careful that she wasn't one of them.

Antonia Warren wanted to be loved, completely and as herself -- but not as an imitation of the wife he had lost.



ريما 28-01-10 05:45 PM

تسلم الايادي اعتمادات القمر


Lola Ali 28-01-10 05:59 PM

إعتمادات حبيبتي انا ماكان قصدي شي, بالله ماتزعلي و زي مابتقولوا نص العمى .....:toot:
مره ثانيه تسلم ايديكي على تعبك معانا والله يجازيكي خير زي مابتفرحي الصبايا :flowers2::friends::8_4_134:

اعتمادات 28-01-10 09:32 PM

حبيبتى لولا انتى مش تفهمينى غلط

انا والله مازعلت منك انا فهمه قصدك

كل الحكاية ان كان واضح ان مش كل البنات عارفة بموضوع الترجمة ده فحبت ااكد عليها :friends::friends::friends: ربنا يكرمك حبيبتى ويجازيكى كل خير

Lola Ali 29-01-10 12:27 AM

تسلميلي إعتمادات يا ذوووووووووووووووق :friends::8_4_134:

ضـَـوء 29-01-10 04:52 PM

بالعكس حبيبتي مقدرين مجهودك جدا وبالنسبه لي ماكنت احلم اقراهن لا مترجمه ولا أصليه .. شكـــــــــــرا ياعسل .

yasmin_port 30-01-10 07:07 AM

ممكن حبييتي روايه هدية الحب للكاتبة باتريسيا ويلسون من روايات عبير الجديدة وشكرا لك على مجهودك انت بجد كنز ثمين

razan 04-02-10 12:44 PM

الله يعطيك العافية وممكن رواي العريس الحاقد( sara wood )

اعتمادات 05-02-10 02:51 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yasmin_port (المشاركة 2154989)
ممكن حبييتي روايه هدية الحب للكاتبة باتريسيا ويلسون من روايات عبير الجديدة وشكرا لك على مجهودك انت بجد كنز ثمين

العفو حبيبتى

اتفضللى الرواية بس هى مترجمة

The Gift of Loving - Patricia Wilson


Lucy didn't trust Guy an inch

The Comte de Chauvrais was the rudest and most insensitive man she had ever met.

What had possessed her Aunt Wanda to accept an invitation to stay at his chateau? And why was he so interested in them? The whole affair made Lucy nervous.

Especially when Guy claimed love did not exist--that it was merely a respectable cover for desire. Suddenly Lucy was strangely afraid she'd never be able to escape from the trap he had set--and the desire he aroused in her....

اعتمادات 05-02-10 02:55 AM

1 مرفق
معلش نسيت الملف


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة razan (المشاركة 2160255)
الله يعطيك العافية وممكن رواي العريس الحاقد( sara wood )

تسلمى رزان بس مش عندى الرواية دى لولقيتها حنزلهالك

yasmin_port 05-02-10 06:51 AM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

moon 18 05-02-10 03:36 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اعتمادات (المشاركة 2160946)
العفو حبيبتى

اتفضللى الرواية بس هى مترجمة

The Gift of Loving - Patricia Wilson


Lucy didn't trust Guy an inch

The Comte de Chauvrais was the rudest and most insensitive man she had ever met.

What had possessed her Aunt Wanda to accept an invitation to stay at his chateau? And why was he so interested in them? The whole affair made Lucy nervous.

Especially when Guy claimed love did not exist--that it was merely a respectable cover for desire. Suddenly Lucy was strangely afraid she'd never be able to escape from the trap he had set--and the desire he aroused in her....

ياهلا والله في الغالية اعتمادات
عودتي والعود أحمد
وأحلى عودة رواية لكاتبة التي تحبها حبيبة الكل سوسو
مشكووووورررررررررة يا غلا
وتسلم الأيادي

نورملاك 05-02-10 04:01 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

sommanha 05-02-10 05:37 PM

ربي يسلم ايديكي يا اعتمادات

و عساك على القوة يا حبيبتي

و تسلمين لي على الهدية بصراحة أنا أعتبرها هدية لي أنا لي شخصياً

و شكراً على مشاعرك الحلوة يا مون

و أنتو كمان حبايب المنتدى يا حبيبتي



اعتمادات 05-02-10 07:34 PM

نورى ومون تسلمولى ياحبايبى انتو الغاليين ربنا يخليكو:flowers2::flowers2:

حبيبتى سوما تسلمى حبيبتى ويابخت الكاتبة انك بتحبيها اوى كدة


عاشقة مهند 05-02-10 08:32 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مجهود رائع اكبر من ان يوصف بكلمات
مشكورة اختى علي اختياراتك الرائعة
بس ممكن طلب صغير
كنت عايزة رواية ايام معها لان ميثر
ولا ترحلي للليان بيك
اسفة للاطالة

اعتمادات 05-02-10 10:19 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقة مهند (المشاركة 2161393)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مجهود رائع اكبر من ان يوصف بكلمات
مشكورة اختى علي اختياراتك الرائعة
بس ممكن طلب صغير
كنت عايزة رواية ايام معها لان ميثر
ولا ترحلي للليان بيك
اسفة للاطالة

العفو حبيبتى ان شاء الله حكمل تنزيل الروايات هنا بالترتيب ومنهم الروايتين اللى انتى عايزاهم


ريما 06-02-10 09:38 AM

اعتمادات تسلم ايدك والله يعطيك الف الف عافية يا كابتن


milou 06-02-10 09:41 AM

شكرا كتير اعتمادات

Lola Ali 06-02-10 09:34 PM

إعتمادات الروووووعه


katia.q 10-02-10 06:04 AM

تسلم ايديك ياأحلى وأجمل اعتمادات
ميرسي كتييييييييييير ع المجهود الرائع
انا بس زعلانه ان شهر عسل مر مش بتفتح معايا وانا كان نفسي اقراها من زمان
بس بجد بجد
u r the best

ASHRAF AHMAD 12-02-10 02:09 AM

ألف شكر
تسلم الأيادي على هذا المجهود الرائع و هذه الروايات جميلة جدا و يعطيكم ألف عافيةو الله الموفق:55::flowers2::55::flowers2::55::flowers2::55::flowers2::55:
:Welcome Pills4:

leeen2 12-02-10 05:13 AM


yasmin_port 18-02-10 07:43 PM

ممكن يا بنات رواية حبك أكبر مجازفة من روايات عبير الجديدة
للكاتبة ماري ليون وشكرا لكم جميعا على تعبكم معنا

zhooor 18-02-10 11:11 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

dalia32 19-02-10 07:23 AM

جزاك الله الف خير

جزاك الله الف خير

جزاك الله الف خير

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

اعتمادات 25-02-10 09:32 PM



اعتمادات 25-02-10 09:45 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة katia.q (المشاركة 2166151)
تسلم ايديك ياأحلى وأجمل اعتمادات
ميرسي كتييييييييييير ع المجهود الرائع
انا بس زعلانه ان شهر عسل مر مش بتفتح معايا وانا كان نفسي اقراها من زمان
بس بجد بجد
u r the best

شكرا حبيبتى لذوقك و والرواية جربتها لقيتها فتحت حاولى تانى


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yasmin_port (المشاركة 2176431)
ممكن يا بنات رواية حبك أكبر مجازفة من روايات عبير الجديدة
للكاتبة ماري ليون وشكرا لكم جميعا على تعبكم معنا

سورى حبيبتى بس الرواية مش عندى اسمها ( Dangerous Stunt
معلش ع التاخير فى الرد

اعتمادات 25-02-10 09:58 PM

24- جزيرة آدم

Frail Sanctuary - Margery Hilton


Robin's marriage to Adam Grant had been, to say the least, on unorthodox. She had felt herself stranded on the tiny Pacific island of Alzena three months, the only woman in a small community of men and obligated to accept Adams hospitality, and had to agree to his solution of a wedding of convenience. It did not remain an affair of convenience for a long though, as attraction grew into real love for both of them. But they could not stay on their remote island forever, and the time came when they had to go back to civilization-and face the problem of the Adams shattered career, and the even greater menace of his former fiancee, the beautiful Stella.


( لم تتوفر بعد )

اعتمادات 25-02-10 10:42 PM

النت وحش اوى معلش حكمل بعدين

ريما 25-02-10 11:45 PM

ولا يهمك اعتمادات خدي راحتك ونحنا بالانتظار يا قمر

jufailia 27-02-10 08:03 PM

يا سلام! انا من زمان ادور على روايات عبير الاصلية :)
مجهود ممتاز
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

اعتمادات 11-03-10 08:39 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة jufailia (المشاركة 2189007)
يا سلام! انا من زمان ادور على روايات عبير الاصلية :)
مجهود ممتاز
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

العفووووووووو حبيبتى يارب يعجبوكى


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نورملاك (المشاركة 2147065)
ممكن يا اعتمادات رواية 2- الأمواج تحترق - آن هامبسون - أنت لي - هيلين بيانشن - قلب في المحيط -آن هامبسون - رجل من نار - مارغريت روم - وشكرا انا عارفة انها كثيرة

نور حبيبتى انا مش ناسية الروايات اللى كنتى طلبتيها منى بس انا مش لقياهم وبعدين عرفت من صديقة لى اسبانية اتعرفت عليها ان مش كل الروايات الانجليزية اترجمت زى عندنا كده فى احلام وعبير بيختاروا روايات معينة ويترجموها, بس لقيت رواية انت لى و ان شاء الله حنزلهالك :flowers2:


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة لوكيميا (المشاركة 2146142)
the legend of lexandros is the name of the novel

لوكيميا حبيبتى نفس الحكاية بس لو لقيتها باى لغة تانية حنزلهالك ان شاء الله :flowers2:


Lola Ali 12-03-10 05:36 PM

مانتحرم منك ميمي :flowers2::55::8_4_134:

shun 13-03-10 09:33 AM

أحبك اموت فيكي مشكورة عزيزتي حتى شكرا قليلة عليكي قصص كان نفسي اقرأها مو المترجمة الناقصة وانت حققتي حلمي بس باقي قصة رجل من نار
شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا
موووووووه مووووووووه

اعتمادات 15-03-10 07:02 PM

لولا ربنا ما يحرمنى نمنك حبيبتى وشكرا shun على الكلام الجميل ده الله يكرمك يارب وربنا يحقق لك كل أحلامك مش فى الروايات بس :lol:


اعتمادات 15-03-10 07:10 PM

1 مرفق
Pagan Lover - Anne Hampson

رواية أريد سجنك



شفتى ياريمو عشان خاطرك نزلتها من غير غلاف عشان مش نتخانق :Tgn04610:الظاهر ان الابطال اللى على الغلاف شكلهم حلو اوى فخافوا عليهم من الحسد فنزلوا الملخص بس

:t9L04569: )

اعتمادات 15-03-10 07:15 PM

1 مرفق
Stormy Possession by Helen Bianchin

رواية أنت لى


Love can never be bought, or sold!

Sally had to save her father from bankruptcy. Only one man could help her--financier Luke Andretti, who had a reputation for driving a hard bargain.

"I will put your father's affairs in order," Luke said, "for a price. You must marry me, and give me a son."

She had to accept on his terms. But Sally vowed Luke would rue the day he had forced her into a loveless marriage. She was going to fight him every inch of the way!


اعتمادات 15-03-10 07:19 PM

1 مرفق
Gates of steel - Anne Hampson

رواية لقاء الغرباء

نسخة احسن من النسخة اللى موجودة


ريما 15-03-10 09:42 PM

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله :V5N05075: بقا بالذمة هاد كلام :EWx04511: ما نزلتي صورة البطل منشان ما نتخانق ولا منشان تستفردي فيه من غير الغزال أبو صوت جميل :Taj52: طيب المرة هي بعديها بمزاجي عشان خاطر نشوف ليون محطم قلوب العذارى :IuL04800::peace:

ميمي الله يسعدك ويقضي حاجتك متل ما عم تفرحي هالصبايا وتجبري بخاطرهم :friends:

zhooor 15-03-10 09:57 PM

جزاك الله الف خير شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

kmoneka 16-03-10 06:13 PM

شكرا جزيلا بليييييييز ممكن باقي الروايات التي لمتتوفر تنزيله الف شكر لكم

milou 16-03-10 06:44 PM

thanx a lot

Lola Ali 16-03-10 06:54 PM

ميمي العسووووووووووووووله


لوكيميا 17-03-10 12:10 AM

جزاك الله الف خير جزاك الله الف خير:va122XN::welcomepirate2:

اعتمادات 17-03-10 12:42 AM

الله يكرمكم يابنات , يعنى الروايات مش أصلية وبتقولولى الكلام الحلو ده و اما لو أصليةبقى :ekS05142: , الله يجبر بخاطركم


ousha233 17-03-10 12:03 PM

اسماء لروايات عبير و قلوب عبير بالعربي و الانجليزي
POWERFUL STRANGER - باتريسيا ولسن - حلم الطفولة
DANCE WITH ME - صوفي ويستون - لنرقص معا
STRANGE INTIMACY - ان ميذر- في قلبي رغم الجميع
DARK GUARDIAN - ربيكا كينغ - الوصي الغامض
ACCIDENTAL DAD - ان بيترز - اب بالصدفة
TRAIL IN THE SUN - كاي ثورب - الفترة التجريبية
THE WIFE NEXT DOOR - كارولين زين - جارتي الحسناء
ONE FATEFUL SUMMER - مارغريت واي - صيف مصيري
THE VENGEFUL GROOM - سارة وود - العريس الحاقد
WEB OF FATE - هيلينا داوسن - تشابك الاقدار
MOTHEN ON THE WINGS - ماري فراريلاي - حب في الطائرة
LEGACY OF SHAME - ديانا هاميلتون - سجينة الذكريات
SOMETHING IN RETURN - كارين فان ديرزي - شئ بالمقابل
SOUTHREN PASSION - سارة وود - اشواق جنونية
INSTANT FIRE - ليز فليدنج - لحظة الندم
LOVERS NOT FREINDS - هيلين بروكس - حبيبان لا صديقان
KNIGHT OF THE RESCUE - ميراندا لي - فارس النجدة
A WEDDING TO REMEMBER - ايما دارسي - زفاف للذكرى
A HAPPY MEETING - بتي نيلز - اللقاء السعيد
MAIL ORDER BROOD - ارلين جميس - عروس بالبريد
SUMMER'S VINTAGE - لوريا بيفان - صيف القطاف
DEAREST TRAITOR - باتريسيا ويلسون - حبيبي الخائن
DESPRATE MEASURES - سارة كرافن - خطوات متهورة
LOST IN LOVE - ميشيل ريد - ضائعة في الحب
SAVAGE DESTINY - اماندا براونيج - القدر القاسي
SAFTEY IN NUMBERS - ساندرا فيلد - الامان في الحب
FORBIDDEN LOVE - بيني جوردان - الحب المستحيل
NO WAY TO BEGIN - ميشيل ريد - لن احترق بنارك
MEANT FOR EACH OTHER- ربيكا وينترز - انت قدري
FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN - جاين اولان - من اعالي الجبال
STREW IN THE WIND - اليزابث باور - قلب في مهب الريح

safsaf73 17-03-10 03:14 PM

سلام على احلى منتدى بالدنيا كلها
عمالي بقرا روايه شبابي والقدر و حاولت ادور عليها بالانجليزي بس مش لاقيتها
هل يوجد احد يعرف اسمها او اذا موجودة
وشكرا كثيرا

dalia cool 18-03-10 03:40 AM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

katia.q 18-03-10 11:03 PM

تسلم ايدك يا اعتمادات ياقمر
شكرا كتير كتير كتير على القصص الجميله وعلى ذوقك الرائع
وان كان عليه انا نفسي اديلك 100 وسام شرف لااحلى وارق مشاركات

وانا بس ليه طلب صغير نفسي في قصه دليله لجين كورى باللغه الانجليزيهthe impossible boss
may be u r not the only one but u r certainly number one

eng_saleh 19-03-10 07:12 AM

يعطيكي الف عافيه

Lola Ali 19-03-10 07:14 AM

تسلم الايادي أوشا :flowers2::friends::8_4_134:
حبيبتي إيش رأيك تقارني اللي موجود عندك باللي البنات ميمي و البقيه وضعوه already عشان ما يصير في تكرار و يعطيكي العافيه مره ثانيه :flowers2:

moon 18 19-03-10 01:31 PM

يعطيك العافية إعتمادات صراحة ما يقدر الواحد يوفيك حقك
بس ممكن خدمة بسيطة تذكرين رواية العذاب إذا ابتسم
أكيد تذكرينها إذا كانت متوفرة عندك يا ليت تنزلينها
مع الشكر مقدما يا حلوة

اعتمادات 20-03-10 12:26 AM

1 مرفق
داليا - eng _saleh شكرا يابنات شرفتونى ونورتونى :flowers2:
صفصف - انا رديت عليكى فى الموضوع التانى وان شاء الله حد يساعدنا ونلاقيها

Ousha >... thanks my dear:flowers2:

katia... شكرا بجد على ذوقك و على الكلام الحلو ده:flowers2: بس الله يكرمك من غير ارقام , اصل لو استخدمنا الارقا حاكون فى اخر واحدة لاان مش معقول اقارن الروايات اللى بنزلها بالروايات التانية لأن احسن روايات وروايات ماحلمتش انى اقراها قريتها هنا بفضل البنات الحلوين اللى هنا:Welcome Pills4: ( من غير ماقول اسماء عشان مانساش حد زى الممثلين مابيقولوا ؟) بجد الله يكرمهم ويجازيهم كل خير .:8_4_134:

بالنسبة للرواية , والله انا مكسوفة اقول مش موجودة بعد كلامك الحلو ده , بس هى مش اترجمت للغة تانية غير الانجيليزية , اترجم لها رواية واحدة بالأسبانى وهى the spanish uncle , ان شاء الله حد من البنات يلاقيها بنسختها الأصلية و وخيرها فى غيرها ياقمر .

مووووووووووووون ,قمر 18 بنفسه بيطلب , مع انع عادة القمر بيكون 14 , ماشاء الله عليك واضح ان الجمال زايد ربنا يزيدك كمان كمان وعقبالنا .:lol:

معلش انا كان مفروض اكمل تنزيل بس الايام دى مشغولة بجد , ان شاء الله حكملهم .

اتفضلى الرواية

Captivity by Margaret Pargeter

العذاب اذا ابتسم


"Do you realize what you're turning down?"

Chase Marshall's question was arrogant. He obviously thought that just because he was rich and handsome no girl in her right mind could refuse to marry him.

But Alex had struggled against a matchmaking mother for the right to lead her own life. And that didn't include marriage especially to someone who boasted that he always got his own way.

It was time someone said no to Chase Marshall--and meant it!

ريما 20-03-10 02:47 PM

ميمي تسلم الايادي وتعيشي وتفرحينا يا كابتن :55::55:

ومعلش انا مقدرة ظروفك يعني اكيد مشغولة بالتحضير للعزومة اياها :lol:

Lola Ali 20-03-10 08:29 PM

ميمي تسلم الايادي الكريمه اللي ما بتبخلش علينا لا بالروايات ولا بالعزايم :IuL04800::lol:

moon 18 21-03-10 12:20 AM

يا ربي والله خجلتيني يا ميمي يارب:f63: يخليك لنا ولا يحرمنا من جمايلك علينا
ريما كوكو ولولا بس عاد يكفي
في أكبر من هالعزايم اللي ماشاءالله ميمي كل يوم تنزلها
لا تصيروا طماعين والله البنت مومقصرة كل يوم رواية
سووووووووررررري :lol: ( أقصد طبق )
يارب خليكم لنا يا بنات ولا يحرمنا من هالجمعة الحلوة أبد

لوكيميا 21-03-10 12:38 AM

موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية . :rdd12zp1::welcome3:

milou 21-03-10 08:58 AM

thanx a lot

gypsy 05-04-10 07:30 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

princesse.samara 06-04-10 12:09 AM

thank you for all

katia.q 07-04-10 06:08 AM

تسلمي ياحبيبتى
ومليون شكرا ع اهتمامك
انا عارفه ان بنات المنتدي كلهم قمرات وزى العسل
بس انتى بجد...........wow

katia.q 07-04-10 06:09 AM

تسلمي ياحبيبتى
ومليون شكرا ع اهتمامك
انا عارفه ان بنات المنتدي كلهم قمرات وزى العسل
بس انتى بجد يااعتمادات...........wow

اعتمادات 08-04-10 11:49 PM

العفو كاتيا , تسلميلى على ذوقك حبيبتى


توتةتوتة 09-04-10 06:40 PM


اعتمادات 14-04-10 12:11 AM

1 مرفق
شرفتينى توته:flowers2:

Forbidden Fire by Charlotte Lamb


There were two great loves in her life . .

Louise's love for her beautiful home, Queen's Dower, was as solid and unchangeable as the house itself.

But her love for her stepbrother, Daniel, had subtly evolved over the years. While she had adored him during her childhood, she now loved him with a woman's passion.

She couldn't let Daniel hold her at arm's length, shut her out of his life. She didn't want any other man. She belonged with Daniel, just as she belonged at Queen's Dower. And it would always be that way!

الجنية السمراء 14-04-10 05:59 AM

الله يعطيك الف عافية يا قمر

وبنولك على قد نيتك الصافية حبيبتي

تعيشي وتجيبي ميمي

milou 14-04-10 09:48 AM

thanx a lot

ريما 14-04-10 09:51 AM

هي قلبها طيب ونيتها صافية :hR604426: ما حكينا شي بس بدي افهم ليييييه بتعملي فيا كده بس :Taj52: طيب قولي هي اي رواية بالعربي يا بنت ضروري الفضايح وتخليني اعترف بآثار الزمن على الذاكرة الحديدية :EWx04511::YkE04454:

ميمي الله يعطيك من عطاه ورضاه ويفتح عليك حبيبتي :friends:

zhooor 14-04-10 02:05 PM

جزاك الله الف خير شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

اعتمادات 15-04-10 02:08 AM

يارب يخليكوا لى حبيباتى وما يحرمنى من كلامكم الحلو زيكم ولا من دعواتكم:flowers2:


ريما انا ملاحظة ان ذاكرتك بتشتغل على مزاجها يعنى بتنسى حاجات وبتفتكر حاجات تانية ( هه انتى فاهمة طبعا:ekS05142: )
بس وغلوتك معرفش ان ليها شبيه بالعربى ولا لا , كل الحكاية لما مروة طلبتها نزلتهالها

اعتمادات 15-04-10 02:15 AM

1 مرفق
25 - أصابع القمر

Yellow Moon by Rebecca Stratton


Since her father had never taken any interest in them, Catherine had had to act virtually as a mother to her two small half-brothers, and she simply adored them.

So she could hardly believe it when her father died--and left the two boys to the guardianship of a Greek uncle none of them had ever heard of. Catherine was heartbroken to realize that she must part from the children and send them to live with this man, Stefan Medopolis, in his Greek island home. It softened the blow a little that she was at least going out there herself until the children were settled in -- but really that was only deferring the agony of parting from them.

And then it seemed that Stefan Medopolis was planning to take over Catherine's life as well -- with Catherine, of course, having no say in the matter! She loved her little brothers, but even for them could she put up with the situation?

اعتمادات 15-04-10 02:20 AM

1 مرفق
26 - وعاد فى المساء

The Man at La Valaise by Mary Wibberley


To Sacha, La Valaise and its owner, Madame Cassel, had always been a haven. This time, she arrived to find three strangers in residence and herself a prisoner.

What had happened to Madame Cassel? What would happen to her?

Although the mysteriously disturbing Nikolai Torlenkov said no harm would come to her, how could she believe him when he wouldn't let her go? And what was even more disturbing--she was no longer sure she wanted to.

اعتمادات 15-04-10 02:28 AM

1 مرفق
27 - وردة قايين

Savage Land by Janet Dailey

( نسخة أصلية )
thanks to sommanha


"Don't you want to tell me how much you love and adore me and how you can hardly wait to marry me?" Coley asked mockingly.' "I was so looking forward to that part."

Even though her own heart was breaking, she could still derive pleasure watching the angry scowl on Jason's face.

How upsetting for him and his plans for the Slash S ranch that Coley wasn't falling into his arms as he had thought she would!

ريما 15-04-10 05:42 AM

طيب تاني مرة يبقا قولي كده وانت بتنزليها عشان العجاجيز امثالي ما يتعبوا حالهم فيها :lol:

والله يعطيك تريلون عافية يا أحلى وأكرم كابتن رومانسية بالدنياااااااااا :friends:

milou 15-04-10 10:25 PM

thanx a lot

mona2 16-04-10 12:57 PM

الله يعطيكم الف الف عافية

Lola Ali 16-04-10 10:10 PM

تسلم الانامل كابتن ميمي العسل :flowers2::55::friends::8_4_134:

zhooor 17-04-10 12:35 PM

جزاك الله الف خير شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

maroua marmar 18-04-10 11:55 PM

الله ياخذ بخاطرك حبيبتي اعتمادات و يعطيكي كل الي تتمنيه يا رب:flowers2:
بصراحة ما توقعت انك تلقيها الرواية لانو من مدة وانا ابحث عنها والظاهر انو ولا احد يعرف او سمع الملخص (و الله شكيت اني صرت اهلوس :party0033:

امنية في القلب 19-04-10 11:58 AM

اصابع القمر اعرف وحده من قرت القصه قبل اكثر من عشر سنين وهي متحطمه في البطل وحاطته ضمن فتيان احلامهاخخخخخخ وذابحتنا باستيفان

وردة قايين من الروايات الحلوه بعدالي للحين اذكرها

ميمي يعطيك العافيه وللاحلى والاروع دايما

naro 19-04-10 06:37 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

طرف زوليه 19-04-10 08:36 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ousha233 (المشاركة 2216857)
POWERFUL STRANGER - باتريسيا ولسن - حلم الطفولة
DANCE WITH ME - صوفي ويستون - لنرقص معا
STRANGE INTIMACY - ان ميذر- في قلبي رغم الجميع
DARK GUARDIAN - ربيكا كينغ - الوصي الغامض
ACCIDENTAL DAD - ان بيترز - اب بالصدفة
TRAIL IN THE SUN - كاي ثورب - الفترة التجريبية
THE WIFE NEXT DOOR - كارولين زين - جارتي الحسناء
ONE FATEFUL SUMMER - مارغريت واي - صيف مصيري
THE VENGEFUL GROOM - سارة وود - العريس الحاقد
WEB OF FATE - هيلينا داوسن - تشابك الاقدار
MOTHEN ON THE WINGS - ماري فراريلاي - حب في الطائرة
LEGACY OF SHAME - ديانا هاميلتون - سجينة الذكريات
SOMETHING IN RETURN - كارين فان ديرزي - شئ بالمقابل
SOUTHREN PASSION - سارة وود - اشواق جنونية
INSTANT FIRE - ليز فليدنج - لحظة الندم
LOVERS NOT FREINDS - هيلين بروكس - حبيبان لا صديقان
KNIGHT OF THE RESCUE - ميراندا لي - فارس النجدة
A WEDDING TO REMEMBER - ايما دارسي - زفاف للذكرى
A HAPPY MEETING - بتي نيلز - اللقاء السعيد
MAIL ORDER BROOD - ارلين جميس - عروس بالبريد
SUMMER'S VINTAGE - لوريا بيفان - صيف القطاف
DEAREST TRAITOR - باتريسيا ويلسون - حبيبي الخائن
DESPRATE MEASURES - سارة كرافن - خطوات متهورة
LOST IN LOVE - ميشيل ريد - ضائعة في الحب
SAVAGE DESTINY - اماندا براونيج - القدر القاسي
SAFTEY IN NUMBERS - ساندرا فيلد - الامان في الحب
FORBIDDEN LOVE - بيني جوردان - الحب المستحيل
NO WAY TO BEGIN - ميشيل ريد - لن احترق بنارك
MEANT FOR EACH OTHER- ربيكا وينترز - انت قدري
FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN - جاين اولان - من اعالي الجبال
STREW IN THE WIND - اليزابث باور - قلب في مهب الريح

الاسماء هذي غريبه علي... ممكن اللي هي عنده ينزلها حتى لو عربي عااادي كلووو حلووو..

بليز بنات :liilas:

ريما 19-04-10 11:17 PM

عزيزتي أغلب العناوين هي من عبير دار النحاس وبتصور نازلين بالقسم الخاص فيهم (العربي قصدي) ممكن تلقي نظرة على قسم النحاس والمركز الدولي وإن شاء الله تلاقي يلي يعجبك

نورملاك 24-04-10 02:15 AM

يسلمو يا احلى غزال منور

ريما 24-04-10 06:08 PM

النور نور طلتك يا بنت الله لا يحرمني منك ياااا رب

نورملاك 26-04-10 03:45 PM

ميمي تسلمي يا عسل

sunsat 14-05-10 09:19 PM

واااااااااااااااو اعتمادات انت رائعة

لا اكتر من رائعة بكتيييييييييير

شكرا لكى يا احلى قمر


WafaaZagh 19-05-10 11:51 PM

:55: تسلم ايديكى
ممكن رواية المطاردة الحلوة المريرة
انا حاتجنن واعرف اسمها كان ايه بالانجليزى علشان ادور عليها

اعتمادات 20-05-10 05:30 PM

نور, sunsat شكرا الله يكرمكم يابنات

WafaaZagh الرواية مش موجودة بس اسمها Bittersweet Pursuit ل margarete mayo

Lola Ali 22-05-10 10:30 PM

الله يعطيكي العافيه ميمي دايما حاضره للمساعده :55::friends::8_4_134:

WafaaZagh 25-05-10 07:43 PM

شكرا حبيبتى على الاستجابة السريعة و تسلم ايديكى على كل الروايات الحلوة:55:

sunsat 26-05-10 07:30 AM

ممكن اسم رواية مصارع الثيران الاصلى
لانى نفسى اقرأها
شكرا لكى مقدما يا احلى اعتمادات

eamo 01-06-10 02:38 PM

مجهود رائع تسلم الأيادى

نفسى ألاقى الترجمة لروايات قلوب عبير دار النحاس

معظمها تحفى عربى وأكيد هتكون تحفة مترجمة

ريما 01-06-10 06:16 PM

sunsat عزيزتي الرواية لسه ما توفرت بعد وإن شاء الله ميمي تحسن تنزل نسخة مترجمة مؤقته لها لو فضيت وبكل الأحوال هي الاسم الاصلي لرواية مصارع الثيران Sweet Torment by Flora Kidd :flowers2:

eamo معك حق دار النحاس كانت ترجمتها شيك وجميلة وتقريباً مو محذوف منها شي بالمرة (النسخ غير السعودية طبعاً) وإن شاء الله تتوفر كل الروايات عما قريب :flowers2:

Lola Ali 01-06-10 06:31 PM

خخخخخخخخخخ كويس ريمو انك استدركتي حالك :lol: لان النسخ السعوديه لروايات قلوب عبير دار النحاس مكتوبه بالالغاز وتشوه القصة تمااااااااااااااما :mo2:

sunsat 01-06-10 08:01 PM

[QUOTE=ريما;2329087]sunsat عزيزتي الرواية لسه ما توفرت بعد وإن شاء الله ميمي تحسن تنزل نسخة مترجمة مؤقته لها لو فضيت وبكل الأحوال هي الاسم الاصلي لرواية مصارع الثيران Sweet Torment by Flora Kidd :flowers2:
شكرا لكى يا حياتى ولتمنى انك تنزليها علشان هى جميلة بالعربى واكيد النسخة الانجليزية تكون روعة


ريما 01-06-10 08:15 PM

أكيييد لولتي النسخ السعودية ليها سمعة اسطورية وحرام نظلم جهودهم بالتشفير والتمييز هههههههه

sunsat كوني متأكدة إن الكابتن ميمي ما بدها توصاية ولو بتحسن تنزل الرواية ما راح تتأخر علينا إن شاء الله

dido76 09-06-10 02:29 PM

Salam :) I hope all is well.. is it possible that I can find the story Beloved Vagabond by Anne Hanpson.. thank you so much for all the hard work :D
Best to all :)

Blue Bird 11-06-10 10:00 AM

ممكن لو اغلبكم بدي روايتين لان هامبسون بدور عليهم من زمان بدي اقرام بالنسخة الانجليزية و لو في بلغة اخرى بقدر اترجمها عن طريق جوجل هما اعدني الى احلامي و قريبا يا ملاكي و مشكوريييييييييييييييييين

yasmin_port 02-07-10 07:04 PM

ممكن يا بنات رواية حبك أكبر مجازفة من روايات عبير الجديدة
للكاتبة ماري ليون وشكرا لكم جميعا على تعبكم معنا

don't talk 12-07-10 03:27 AM

thank you very much sis
I would like to read this novel
"Battle for Possession"
if you can honey ??
thank you again

don't talk 12-07-10 03:29 AM

" Battle for Possession "
is written by Charlotte lamb
actaully it is the second novels
of barbary worf series :)

انفاس حياتى 24-07-10 05:04 PM

الروابط مو شغالة ..

sunsat 24-07-10 07:35 PM

لو ممكن رواية مصارع الثيران بالانجليزية

نايدا 25-07-10 12:15 AM

شكلرا على المجهود الرائع بس انا لى طلبان اولا رواية قبضة من وهم و

هى من روايات احلام بس مش مكتوب اسم المؤلفة
ثانيا انا كان نفسى اعرف طريقة اقدر احول بيها الملفات من صيغة doc الى صيغةlit

NOOR338 26-07-10 12:22 PM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية

sunsat 02-08-10 05:00 AM

شكرا لكم وبارك الله فيكم
ياريت لو ان الكابتن ميمى ينزل رواية مصارع الثيران

sunsat 09-08-10 12:35 AM

لو ممكن رواية قريبا يا ملاكى

sunsat 12-08-10 01:21 AM

ممكن رواية باللغة الانجليزية اسمها beloved vagabond

وهو اسم رواية قريبا يا ملاكى

yasmin_port 26-08-10 10:04 PM

ممكن يا بنات رواية حبك أكبر مجازفة من روايات عبير الجديدة
للكاتبة ماري ليون وشكرا لكم جميعا على تعبكم معنا

blueromance 27-08-10 12:15 AM

اعتمادات thunks a lot
ur the best

sarastar 15-09-10 03:58 PM

حد يعرف يا جماعه ينزل روايه رقصه الغجريه اسمها الاصلى dance of seduction وروايه العشيقه الذهبيه golden mestress ارجوكوا الاهتمام وشكرا لكم جميعا

starshinez 09-12-10 10:08 PM

pls someone post violet winspears unwilling bride

selen 11-12-10 11:25 PM

لوسمحت ابي اعرف اسم رواية اميرة الغابة بانجليزية

اعتمادات 12-12-10 06:37 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة selen (المشاركة 2558434)
لوسمحت ابي اعرف اسم رواية اميرة الغابة بانجليزية

الرواية اسمها

Untamed Heart (1983)

A novel by Elda Minger

dew drops 12-12-10 09:34 PM

انا مغرمة ببطل رواية

"مسافر بلا طريق"

رايون دوبار من سنيييييييييييييين

بليييز شنو اسم الرواية بالانجليزي

و هل موجودة عندنا ولا لأ؟

شكرا مسبقا يا انشط نحلات

starshinez 04-02-11 07:57 PM

Hey could someone pls post unwilling bridegroom by roberta leigh & temporary marriage by kay thorpe???? These are some good novels....pls & thanks for the lovely ones already posted :55:

missfati 09-02-11 12:27 PM

:f63:en francais

starshinez 11-02-11 01:24 PM

Does anyone have Waves of Fire by Anne Hampson??? Its a great novel but am unable to find it anywhere though i see many posts about it

starshinez 17-02-11 08:38 PM

[CODE]Forbidden Love by Rachel Lindsay - 1977


Venetia hadn't wanted the assignment in Hong Kong. Acting as secretary to a neurotic, unhappily married woman didn't appeal to her--no matter how important her foreign-office chiefs assured her it was.

The job turned out to be even more troublesome than she had feared. And the biggest problem Venetia encountered was her employer's attractive husband, Neil Adams.

Anger made her reckless. "I've been here long enough to see what's going on," she told him. "I know I haven't the right to talk to you like this, but I can't stand by any longer and watch you being made a fool of."


starshinez 17-02-11 08:42 PM

[CODE]Forbidden Love by Rachel Lindsay - 1977


Venetia hadn't wanted the assignment in Hong Kong. Acting as secretary to a neurotic, unhappily married woman didn't appeal to her--no matter how important her foreign-office chiefs assured her it was.

The job turned out to be even more troublesome than she had feared. And the biggest problem Venetia encountered was her employer's attractive husband, Neil Adams.

Anger made her reckless. "I've been here long enough to see what's going on," she told him. "I know I haven't the right to talk to you like this, but I can't stand by any longer and watch you being made a fool of."


minervajane 29-03-11 02:39 AM

هاي ، انا عايزة اسأل عن الاسم الاصلي لرواية ثمرة الحب لجودي هوبر فياريت اللي يعرفها يقوللي ضروري عشان دورت عليها كتير بس موصلتش لحاجة وشكرا في كل الاحوال.

قوت القلوبب 06-07-11 08:41 AM

مشكورة ياقلبي عالروايات الحلوة انا من زمان ادور عليها:55:

لوكيميا 06-07-11 04:07 PM

thaaank u but where the link :8_4_134:

*mero* 25-07-11 02:20 AM

فكرة مميزة وجميلة بارك الله فيك
اذا ممكن رواية الانتظار المر ل شارون كيندريك بليييييييييييييييييييييييز

Elaina 16-10-11 03:53 PM

Nerina Hilliard - Scars Shall Fade - خطوات نحو اللهب
1 مرفق
Nerina Hilliard
Scars Shall Fade
خطوات نحو اللهب

The scar that marked Andrew Dalwin's face was a slight thing compared to the scar that a woman's fickleness had left on his heart and his feelings. How Trina Meriton overcame his suspicion and distrust and brought him back to happiness is told in a pleasant story, set in Australia. Is Trina Meriton the woman to give him back joy?


لوكيميا 16-10-11 04:59 PM

شكررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر ا كتيرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر الينا:liilas:

Elaina 27-11-11 01:09 PM

Nerina Hilliard - Dark Intruder حورية التلال
1 مرفق
Nerina Hilliard - Dark Intruder
حورية التلال

Carefree, *******, young Kerry Derwin wanted life to go on forever just the way it was. To Kerry, love was a lot of nonsense. Certainly she wasn't interested in marrying and settling down. And every one in the village knew it.

So she wasn't very pleased at the upheaval caused by the arrival of a film unit making a movie on the moors. As for the star of the film, Paul Devron, he was conceited and a confirmed ladies' man. Kerry had no intention of adding herself to his long list of conquests.

But that, of course, was before she actually met Paul Devron...



katia.q 27-11-11 01:31 PM

thank u elaine
y r an angel hon

midnight starlight 03-01-12 08:33 PM

يسلموا حبيبتي

hassan effat 24-11-12 08:22 PM

رد: *** روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية ****
تسلم على المجهود الرائع.. وياريت بعد الاذن
روايات عبير القديمة بصيغة text لاني من هواة قراءة الروايات باللغة الانجليزية
وسوف اضعها عندي علي الجهاز

Elaina 18-03-13 04:01 PM

The Time is Short - Nerina Hilliard
Nerina Hilliard

ما اقصر الوقت

Novel link

"Love comes swiftly, at first meeting. There is an attraction that grows undeniably stronger until it is a fire inside. You do not believe in love like that?"

Morgana Carol never had been in love like that, and, hearing Felipe's words, she knew that now she never could be, that even if such a love did come her way, she must somehow find the strength to withstand it. A lovely tropical island provides the background to this poignant story of a nurse who, knowing that the future could not give her the same things as it did to others, found herself in the very situation she wished to avoid.



Elaina 24-03-13 04:07 PM

لقاء واحد يكفي - Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert
1 مرفق
152 - لقاء واحد يكفي
Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert

LIT format

"You're a classic arrogant Scorpio!"

It was only a guess, but Frances knew she was right about this aloof, handsome stranger.

After spending the past six months getting over an ill-fated romance, she was ready for a new man in her life. And she knew she could easily fall in love with this stranger Felix Ravenscar, whom she'd met in the elevator.

But Frances was wary. After all, this noted director was also a well-known philanderer, and she wasn't going to give her love again unless it was returned in equal measure.


اسلام11 26-03-13 01:39 AM

رد: لقاء واحد يكفي - Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert
مساء الخير شكرا على الرويات الرائعة اذا ممكن تنزلى الماس لوبكى من الجمل الرويات الى قرتها اتخيلها حتكوناكثر روعة IN English وشكرا مقدما

Elaina 26-03-13 08:42 AM

رد: لقاء واحد يكفي - Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert
1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اسلام11 (المشاركة 3298371)
مساء الخير شكرا على الرويات الرائعة اذا ممكن تنزلى الماس لوبكى من الجمل الرويات الى قرتها اتخيلها حتكوناكثر روعة IN English وشكرا مقدما

Bonjourek اسلام11

اعتقد ان الرواية موجودة تحت اسم Bride of Diamonds في روايات احلام
للأسف النسخة هناك ليست الأصلية, على كل حال مرفق الرواية.

Enjoy it :)

Bride of Diamonds by Emma Darcy
الماس لو بكى - روايات احلام


This was a contest of power

Man against woman--woman against man. The most primitive duel of all.

When Laura left her glittering life in Boston to learn more about her father's past in Australia, she didn't realize she'd be confronting her own destiny in the arrogant, yet attractive, form of Jared Eastern.

The sizzling awareness that flowed between them could not be denied, yet Jared was highly suspicious of Laura's motives. "Right at this moment," he declared, "I'm not sure whether to hate you ... or kiss you senseless!"

اسلام11 26-03-13 08:51 PM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية
thanks i am in your debt:55:

katia.q 26-03-13 09:42 PM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااا ايلينا

Elaina 15-04-13 01:00 PM

Something in Return by Karen Van Der Zee
1 مرفق
Something in Return
by Karen Van Der Zee
شيء بالمقابل

Sinfully rich

Though unaccustomed to socializing with the rich and famous, Samantha was a fast learner. The kind of money Ramsey MacMillan was offering to donate to her community-aid program made her determined to excel at her role--to attend fancy galas and protect Ramsey from women who found his devastating good looks and immense wealth simply irresistible.

Samantha knew that behind his cool, composed facade was a lonely man--a man she could easily love. But could she show Ramsey, who believed that everything had a price, that love came free when the heart was willing?


Elaina 22-04-13 09:22 AM

Dark Remembrance - Daphne Clair ذكريات مظلمة
1 مرفق
Dark Remembrance By Daphne Clair
ذكريات مظلمة
نصف الحقيقة

It was time she faced the truth

After her husband's death, Raina believed Logan Thorne, his business partner, visited often because of her son, Danny.

When Logan offered marriage, she didn't take him seriously. Why should he tie himself down because Danny needed a father? Then, in a weak moment, she accepted Logan's proposal--for Danny's sake, of course.

Jealousy and bitter memories of the past were driving her and Logan apart until Raina realized that their marriage had nothing to do with Danny, but with their own love for each other!



Elaina 22-04-13 09:34 AM

لعنة الماضي - Savage Atonement by Penny Jordan
Savage Atonement by Penny Jordan
لعنة الماضي

Already in the site
just follow this link

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...GL._SY300_.jpg

Elaina 29-04-13 09:19 AM

The Magnolia Siege- Pamela Pope
The Magnolia Siege- Pamela Pope
لا تعتذري ابدا

Novel link

The man she loved, loved someone else
Ryan Donalson was adamant. If Jessica Franklin, scriptwriter, was not going to finish the job, Hanna Ballantyne, secretary to Jessica, would

And that meant accompanying the famous director, and his film crew to Mississippi. It was a place Hanna had longed to go, but she hadn't envisioned going like this--nor expected such complications.

She knew that Jessica and Ryan, before Jessica's recent marriage, had been extremely close. Knowing he still loved Jessica, Hanna had only herself to blame for falling in love with him.


لوكيميا 29-04-13 10:27 AM

رد: The Magnolia Siege- Pamela Pope
thaaaaaaaaaaaank uuuuu elaina :55:

Elaina 29-04-13 03:08 PM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية
1 مرفق

Dark Fate by Charlotte Lamb
رواية غيوم الصيف

عدد (1177 ) روايات عبير دار النحاس

'It's fate- even when we're miles apart the link between us holds!'
Saskia thought that two years was long enough to confirm that she would never be reunited with her estranged husband, Domenico. But it seemed there was no end to the strange bond that had existed between them: Domenico was waiting for her when she arrived on vacation in Venice!
Saskia had always had the uncanny ability to read Domenico-s mind, so she was unnerved to find that now he, too, knew what she was thinking. Once again, she was somehow tied to him physically and mentally, and there seemed to be no escape.
Except that, in Domenico's eyes, a happy marriage should be completed with children...."


Elaina 25-06-13 03:26 PM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية

Isle of the Rainbows by Anne Hampson
اذا كان له قلب

novel link


When Penny arrived on the island of Dominica, her employer, Mrs. Redfern, warned Penny that
her son Max was used to authority, and expected to be obeyed. Penny herself decided that here was one girl who was not going to comply!

But could she be successful?

Elaina 25-06-13 03:32 PM

Ride a Black Horse - فرس الريح
Ride a Black Horse
by Margaret Pargeter

فرس الريح

novel link

The advertisement for a Girl Friday seemed just the job Jane was looking for-with a chance to work in the wild border country of Northumberland and train for a riding school of her own.

Without hesitation, she started off to apply for a position at High Litton; but the owner, Karl Grierson, was not quite what Jane had been looking for!


Elaina 25-06-13 03:38 PM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية

Fated Attraction by Carole Mortimer
الحب المقدر

novel link

Mr. Wonderful

Lying bruised and disoriented oil the slick pavement, Rhea-Jane felt helpless and alone--looking every inch the lost waif, despite the designer labels on her clothes. And given the way her luck was running, it was hardly surprising that someone as arrogant as Raff Quinlan would become her unwilling rescuer.

Raff didn't believe her alias, Jane Smith, and was disturbingly curious about his mysterious new houseguest's past. But he had his own problems--just as clearly as Jane had hers.

It didn't take long for Jane to realize that the longer she remained, the tighter the desire that coiled between them--a dangerous situation for an attraction built on lies.


Elaina 25-06-13 03:53 PM

The Iron Man by Kay Thorpe
The Iron Man by Kay Thorpe
أقدام في الوحل

novel link

Kimberly Freeman was worried to death when her fiance, who had gone out to Sierra Leone in West Africa, seemed to have disappeared with-out trace, and she decided the best thing to do was to follow him out there and see if she could discover what had happened to him.

In Sierra Leone, however, she met another man, of a very different kind -- the domineering Dave Nelson, who had a low opinion of Kim, her fiance, and indeed the whole situation between the two of them. And he added. 'Don't run away with the notion that being female gives you any special immunity where I'm concerned.'

Kim would rather have ignored Dave altogether -- but now could she?


Elaina 23-07-13 12:54 PM

المجهول - Dance of the Snake by Yvonne Whittal
Dance of the snake
by Yvonne Whittal


novel link

Dane had no wish for commitment

He regarded all women as potential bedmates. And Jessica, newly arrived doctor in the Transvaal town, resolved that she would never be one of them.

Her relationship with Dane Trafford would be strictly professional; she admired him as a doctor. The problem was that he insisted on seeing her as a woman.

Jessica prided herself on alwasy having firm control over her emotions, yet he swiftly pierced her armor. As never before, Jessica was made very much aware that she was a woman.


mona dentist 25-07-13 11:33 AM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية
thnx so much Elaina this was one of my all time favorite abeer novels and I wanted to read it in English so badly thnx sweetie you never cease to amaze me :D

milou 30-07-13 11:39 AM

رد: روايات عبير بالنسخة الإنجيليزية
thanx a lot

الساعة الآن 11:50 PM.

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