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-   -   Sophia Nash (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t120686.html)

ruba 05-10-09 01:07 PM

Sophia Nash

Novels By Sophia Nash

Hope you like them. Enjoy!1

http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...c8f0190ed7.gif http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...c8f0190ed7.gif

ruba 05-10-09 01:08 PM

About Sophia


Sophia Nash was born in Switzerland, raised in France and the United States, but says her heart resides in Regency England. Her ancestor, an infamous French admiral who traded epic cannon fire with the British Royal Navy, is surely turning in his grave.

Sophia snapshotShe is very sorry to say that she does not have a Master’s Degree in English literature, nor a PhD in English history, although she wishes she did. She has a mere Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, which is worthless when it comes to writing Historicals. Although she does admit, it helped tremendously when she was an award-winning Producer/Writer for PM Magazine and the CBS/WTVJ-Miami news division, and again when she produced live international programs for the European Division of Worldnet Television.

It came as little surprise to her family when she decided to focus on writing in 2000. An avid reader like her beloved father she was enchanted by the idea of a job that required reading and writing all day long. Plus there were added benefits: pajama dress code, ultimate authority over a make-believe world without being confined to a padded cell, and the ultimate “career” to trot out at almost any gathering, but alas, none of the millions à la J.K. Rowling.


ruba 05-10-09 01:14 PM

Sophia Nash - Lord Will & Her Grace
1 ãÑÝÞ

Sophia Nash - Lord Will & Her Grace

Devilish Designs

Lord Will's amorous appetite has landed him in hot water again. Fleeing from a furious family intent on securing the notorious rake for their daughter, the Marquis of Granville's youngest son finds quiet refuge in Burnham-by- the-Sea. Assuming the guise of a harmless dandy, William is as far away from London scandal as he can get—or so he believes until he crosses paths with an audacious outcast who might just be the solution to all his other pressing needs...

Miss Sophie Somerset's gauche behavior at this season's balls has made her quite the topic of the gossip columns. Alarmed by suitors interested only in her future inheritance, she must nevertheless marry a proper aristocrat or lose the title and the fortune. Lord Will discomposes her mind and her heart with his lessons in flirtation to help her succeed. But little does this future duchess know she trifles with the devil in disguise



ruba 05-10-09 01:19 PM

Sophia Nash - Love with the Perfect Scoundrel
1 ãÑÝÞ

Sophia Nash - Love with the Perfect Scoundrel

Only a man with a mysterious past could tempt the Countess from the Isle of Ice . . .

Twice jilted, Grace Sheffey has given up on love. No longer capable of maintaining her elegant facade with her intimate circle of friends, she has little choice but to flee . . . right into the teeth of a blizzard. But when her wretched carriage ride ends in disaster, a rugged, imposing stranger is waiting to save her life . . . and her heart.

Michael Ranier is a man of many secrets—secrets that could place the countess in terrible danger. But concealed in the wilds of Yorkshire, he can't help but unleash her hidden reserves of desire and fortitude—and challenge her to blossom into the woman she was destined to become . . . a lady willing to sacrifice all to find love with the perfect scoundrel.



ruba 05-10-09 01:21 PM

Sophia Nash - A Dangerous Beauty
1 ãÑÝÞ

Sophia Nash - A Dangerous Beauty

Love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by the removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder.
The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

A Courageous Outcast . . .
Rosamunde Baird has lost everything and has no choice but to accept an invitation to spend a season with a dowager duchess and her clandestine ladies club. Determined to stay in the shadows and live quietly, she has sworn never again to come face to face with adventure and temptation, two things that brought her ruin years ago. But then the Duke of Helston dangles before her the very things she craves most . . .

Lord Fire & Ice . . .
Mysterious Luc St. Aubyn has a much-deserved reputation for exuding blistering passion at night and frost the morning after. What demons drive this audacious war hero to hide secrets about the dowager's club and his devilish dictionary? When he's blindsided by his reactions to a virtuous siren, he has no choice but to reveal all during a scandal that will doom them . . . or save them, if only they dare to believe in love.



ÇáÌäíÉ ÇáÓãÑÇÁ 06-10-09 07:41 AM


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ÑíãÇ 06-10-09 09:18 AM

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liilas676 06-10-09 03:18 PM

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ÇáãÕáÇæíå 06-10-09 06:04 PM

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cocubasha 08-10-09 08:21 AM


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Lola Ali 09-10-09 12:23 AM

ÊÓáã ÇíÏíßí ßäÇÝÊäÇ ÇáØÚãå :flowers2::friends::8_4_134:

NOslipperyslope 23-02-10 01:17 PM

Sophie Nash - Secrets of a Scandalous Bride
1 ãÑÝÞ

Secrets of a Scandalous Bride

Elizabeth Ashburton lives behind a charming, happy façade in an effort to forget her former life. But when she is forced to confront the devil from her past, her friends in the dowager duchess’s widows club can not save her, and Elizabeth turns to the last man on earth willing to help her…

The extraordinarily powerful Rowland Manning has never pretended to be anything but a bastard, in every way imaginable. Through innate grit and determination, he built an astonishing empire and he’ll do anything and everything to save it. Yet, the one thing he secretly craves . . . something even he cannot name, can never be purchased with his kingdom of riches.

Each has something to win. Each has something to lose. Only love will determine if the price of redemption and sacrifice is too high.


ÇáÌäíÉ ÇáÓãÑÇÁ 23-02-10 01:29 PM


thanx a million sweety

Lola Ali 23-02-10 06:50 PM

Sis Nos, thanks a million times for the novel:flowers2::55::friends::8_4_134:

ÑíãÇ 23-02-10 09:28 PM

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BON BON 24-02-10 09:38 AM

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soliel 29-09-13 05:43 PM

ÑÏ: Sophia Nash
Brilliant collection
thank you

dew drops 22-01-14 07:22 PM

ÑÏ: Sophia Nash
Great interesting collection

Elaina 23-08-15 02:30 PM

ÑÏ: Sophia Nash

Novels link

https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1321945548l/11785880.jpg https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1326486656l/11823059.jpg

Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea (Royal Entourage #1) by Sophia Nash

Six Regency heroes—One royal hangover

An infamous night has been lost to memory. The scandalous Dukes of the Royal Entourage must make amends. The first step is a heroic rescue.

One of England’s most disreputable peers, Alexander Barclay, Duke of Kress, has stumbled upon a perfect opportunity for redemption. Having been exiled to Cornwall by the Prince Regent himself, Barclay discovers lovely Roxanne Vanderhaven clinging to the edge of a cliff, stranded there by her murderous blackguard of a husband . . . just waiting to be rescued.Royal Entourage Series
Sophia Nash

Back on solid ground, Roxanne is desperate for a new life— once she’s retaliated for her husband’s despicable actions. Surprisingly, she finds herself drawn to her unlikely champion, certainly the last man in England she could count on. Yet, the infamous Duke of Kress isn’t quite the scoundrel he seems . . .

The Art of Duke Hunting (Royal Entourage #2) by Sophia Nash

Six Regency heroes — One royal hangover

Last night was a blur.

This morning is a shock.

Tonight will be a secret. . .

The Duke of Norwich has two rules: never marry and never go to sea. So on the morning after the most extravagant royal bachelor party of the century, he is stunned to find himself aboard a storm-tossed ship and locked in the arms of a proper lady.

The Countess of Derby has two rules as well: never give away your heart and never let anyone get in the way of your life's deepest passions. But Esme cannot resist Roman when all seems lost at sea. Yet when their ship returns to London, everything will be forgotten . . . as long as they can keep their secret from the Prince Regent. For if the future king commands them to marry, all their fondest dreams will be ruined. But where love is concerned, some rules are made to be broken . . .

The Duke Diaries (Royal Entourage #3) by Sophia Nash

Your heart will be set afire with The Duke Diaries, the third book in Sophia Nash’s Royal Entourage series set in Regency England.

After a wild, scandalous night, Rory Lennox, the Duke of Abshire, finds himself in the bed of his sworn enemy’s wholesome sister, Verity Fitzroy. To protect her honor and keep the peace, he agrees to marriage, but it’s an engagement neither is happy about—until unimaginable occurrences make them view the other in a new, passionate light.

RITA Award–winning author Sophia Nash is a master of the historical romance who has created unforgettable, compelling characters with powerful emotions and intense sensuality. Sparkling and smart, The Duke Diaries is a wickedly fun romp that will leave you breathless.

The Once and Future Duchess (Royal Entourage #4) by Sophia Nash

A duchess in time saves a noble line...

In theory, the Duke of Candover is the most eligible peer in the realm. But in truth, he has a deep aversion to the merest hint of marriage, not to mention two botched engagements which have marked his jaded soul. Now, after a debauched bachelor party that causes public outcry, the Prince Regent is demanding that it's Candover's turn to be brought to heel. And Prinny secretly believes that Isabelle Tremont, the Duchess of March, is precisely the lady up to the challenge.

Isabelle must marry, but a day of reckoning with the man she's loved for years is her greatest fear. If Candover insists she's too young and innocent for a seasoned world-weary man like him, there's no shortage of other candidates. Gentlemen of prestige and position. Gentlemen whose attentions are driving Candover to jealous distraction. Yet one abandoned moment under the stars hints that if they can put aside pride and duty, then a love once denied might just be their destiny.

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 12:04 AM.

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