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ريما 20-05-09 05:48 PM

Lisa Cach
سلام صبايا :flowers2:

الكاتبة Lisa Cach وإن شاء الله تطلع حلوة


ريما 20-05-09 05:50 PM

1 مرفق
A Babe in Ghostland by Lisa Cach

Megan Barrows has retired from a brief career as a ghostbusting psychic and now uses her sixth sense to fill her Seattle antiques store with objects with happy pasts. After once nearly having the soul sucked out of her by a malevolent spirit, she prefers a quiet life.

Case Lambert is a real estate prospector who restores old houses, then sells them for profit. He has just bought a dilapidated mansion so amazing that he wants to keep it for himself, but the house appears to be haunted. Seriously haunted. A few inquiries lead him to Megan Barrows.

Megan at first refuses to help, but Case is a master of persuasion. Moving into the mansion, they discover that one of the ghosts has a thing for Case -- and there may be even more amorous spirits inside this veritable paranormal vortex. But it soon becomes clear that no one -- dead or alive -- can stop Megan and Case from ending up in each other's arms. . . .


ريما 20-05-09 05:55 PM

1 مرفق
Bewitching the Baron by Lisa Cach

Valerian has always known before that she will never marry. While the townsfolk of her Yorkshire village are grateful for her abilities, the price of her gift is solitude. But it never bothered her until now. Nathaniel Warrington is the new baron of Ravenall, and he has never wanted anything the way he desires his peoples enigmatic healer. Her exotic beauty fans flames in him that feel unnaturally fierce. Their first kiss flares hotter still. Opposed by those who seek to destroy her, compelled by a love that will never die, Nathaniel fights to earn the lone beauty's trust. And Valerian will learn the only thing more dangerous than bewitching a baron, is being bewitched by one.


ريما 20-05-09 06:02 PM

1 مرفق
Come to Me by Lisa Cach

Samira is the lowliest creature of the Night World: a mere succubus, a winged spirit bringing dreams of passion to sleeping men. She knows every wicked wish that lurks in their hearts, and yet she has never felt the touch of a man's loving hand. Nor has she wanted to . . . until now. Shattered by war and banished to a crumbling fortress, Nicolae turns to the dark arts. He plans to use Samira as a tool to find a means to oust the invader from his lands and regain all that he's lost. When she arrives on his doorstep in human form, his long-sought vengeance is lost. What happens next will change their worlds forever.


ريما 20-05-09 06:06 PM

1 مرفق
Dating Without Novocaine by Lisa Cach

For 29-year-old Hannah O'Dowd, finding a decent man in Portland, Oregon, is like pulling teeth!

Luckily, the self-employed clothing designer has a job she loves and friends to help ease the pain: oversexed Cassie (always good to have the opposite perspective, Hannah notes), analytical Louise (too much perspective not always good), and an in-the-flesh tooth puller, dentist Scott (could prove useful). But as she nears the big 3-0, she begins to realize that dating frantically may truly be the only solution to finding Mr. Maybe.

So, pumped up on nothing but drive and determination, Hannah cuts loose on her romantic quest. In fact, she kisses so many frogs she fears she'll turn green. (Note: While paling in comparison to her paralyzing fear of anything dental related, acquiring froglike qualities from hanging around losers -- still not good.)

And she's only just begun!


ريما 20-05-09 06:09 PM

1 مرفق
Dr. Yes by Lisa Cach

A desperate man. A dastardly plan. In... DR. YES

Dr. Alan Archer didn't seem evil. With his boyish good looks and shy demeanor, he seemed more a mom's fantasy than every woman's nightmare. But Rachel Calais knew the insidious truth: The doc was down in Nepal searching for the lost city of Yonam--and a plant that, when properly refined, would have every female in the world on her knees... or her back.

Rachel had a mission: Stop Archer at any cost. B.L.I.S.S.--an international organization fighting such dastardly villains--had given her a kit to help, as well as Harrison Wiles--a dangerously sexy man who knew how to watch a woman's back. With a stun gun, infrared goggles, and other less conventional forms of nighttime protection, Rachel was a regular Jane Bond, ready to face danger wherever it lurked. What she didn't know was that playing spy could make her pay the ultimate price: her heart.


ريما 20-05-09 06:17 PM

1 مرفق
Dream of Me by Lisa Cach

Theron, undying creature of the Night World, knows everything about making love. But though he's an incubus, a bringer of carnal dreams to sleeping maids, he has grander ambition. He plots to step into the mortal world and rule as king. The beautiful Lucia is imprisoned in a fortress atop a mountain. Her betrothed, Prince Vlad of Wallachia, wants her purity intact; but when the prince breaks his vow, nothing can keep her safe. In the name of vengeance, Lucia will be subjected to Theron's seduction; she will learn all his lips might teach. A demon of lust and a sheltered princess: each dreams of what they've never had. They're about to get everything they wish . . . and more.


ريما 20-05-09 06:26 PM

1 مرفق
George & the Virgin by Lisa Cach

The medieval village of Markesew was besieged, its virgins demanded in tribute, so when St. George the Dragonslayer arrived from modern times--in his silver pants and lace-up boots--his quest was clear. Being a professional wrestler didn't qualify him for the task, but a sword and imagination were all he needed... or so he thought, until he came up against the mysterious mistress of Devil's Mount.

Twelve years ago Alizon had been sent to die in the jaws of the serpent. Too tough for dragon teeth then, she'd never surrender to some foreigner in shiny hose now. She feared first for the secret world she'd built atop her mountain... but as the hero approached, Alizon realized it was not the dragon's armor he'd come to pierce, but the scales around her own ferocious heart.


ريما 20-05-09 06:32 PM

1 مرفق
Have Glass Slippers, Will Travel by Lisa Cach

Single twentysomething seeks Prince Charming.
Those without royal castles need not apply.

Inspired by a famous talk show host to "live her best life," out-of-work tech writer Katy Orville flies off to London to find the man of her dreams. But in order to catch a prince, she has to shed her all-American girl image and transform herself into a hip, fashionable heiress. Can she really pull it off? Will she?

At a society wedding, it seems like a dream come true when a handsome man in a formal kilt begins a hot pursuit, clearly smitten with Katy. Unfortunately, Will Eland is more interested in rebuilding some old estate in the countryside than in partying with the aristos -- how can she be attracted to Mr. Handyman when she's looking for a nobleman? But appearances can be deceiving, as Katy well knows. Sometimes a prince is disguised as a pauper -- and sometimes an ordinary bloke is really a duke. And she hopes that playing make-believe hasn't ruined her chance for happily ever after....


ريما 20-05-09 06:35 PM

1 مرفق
Of Midnight Born by Lisa Cach

Alex Woding has come seeking peace. And though the young astronomer is thrilled to discover a place where he can pursue his passion undisturbed, he has another motive for seeking out Maiden Castle. There, in his youth, Alex had glimpsed a beauty that has haunted him ever since. Staring now into the evening sky, the gentleman sees again the reason for his return.

For five hundred years Serena has been a ghost-since the days of the Black Prince-and she has never known peace. But watching the keep's handsome new tenant, happiness is easy to imagine. Which makes her all the more determined to drive him away. Alex makes Serena burn to be flesh once more, to revel in a touch she'd once reviled. He makes her dream that she can be saved, for there is no power greater than that of love, even one ... of midnight born.


ريما 20-05-09 06:42 PM

1 مرفق
The Changeling Bride by Lisa Cach

In order to procure the cash necessary to rebuild his estate, the earl of Allsbrook decides to barter his title and his future: He will marry the willful daughter of a wealthy merchant. True, she is pleasing in form and face, and she has an eye for fashion. Still, deep in his heart, Henry wishes for a happy marriage.

Wilhelmina March is leery of the importance her brother puts upon marriage, and she certainly never dreams of being wed to an earl in Georgian England-or of the fairy debt that gives her just such an opportunity. But suddenly, with one sweet kiss in a long-ago time and a faraway place, Elle wonders if the much ado is about something after all.


ريما 20-05-09 06:44 PM

1 مرفق
The Wildest Shore by Lisa Cach

Teasing the female passengers about the perils of the sea is great fun, but once Horatio Merivale opens his mouth to laugh at danger, he wishes he'd kept it shut. A storm drags the Coventry under, and it is all the East India Company officer can do to rescue a lovely but terrified blonde. Still, the whole escapade seems the start of a marvelous adventure. The dream luring Anne Hazlett from England is grand--a turquoise seascape with a jade-carved island whose beaches beckon. Yet she hadn't expected to arrive on flotsam, be accosted by pirates, or have such an odd entourage. Indeed, the man who saves her is thrilled by their bad luck, calling it ""The Hand of Destiny."" And looking into her eyes, Horatio promises to see Anne to the wildest shore.


cocubasha 20-05-09 06:53 PM

الله يعطيكي ألف عافية ريومتي



sommanha 20-05-09 10:21 PM

تسلم الأيادي يا ريومتي

انشاء تطلع رواياتها حلوووووووووووة

ربي يسلمك



anime girl 20-05-09 10:24 PM

ريموووتي برافو عليك يابنت هالكاتبه كتبها حلوه انتظر بفارغ الصبر اخلص قراءة روايات الست كوكو القراصنه وابدا بالروايه الاخيره دي هههههههههههه شكرا يالغلا

نورملاك 21-05-09 12:40 AM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية ريما

liilas676 21-05-09 09:47 AM

الله يعطيكى العافيه ريومه

باين من ملخصات الروايات إنها كلها


تسلم إيديكى الحلوه يا حبوبه


ريما 21-05-09 05:46 PM

صبايا نورتوني واسعدتوا نهاري الله يسعدكم دنيا وآخرة يا رب

Lola Ali 24-05-09 07:13 PM

شكرًا ريما الكريمه:flowers2::flowers2::flowers2:

hmmmm ! I think this deer reminds me of someone , I wonder who?????:lol:

ريما 25-05-09 12:57 AM

أنا كمان كأني شايفة هالصبية بشي محل بس فين يا ترا :lol:

شرفتيني احلى لولا الله لا يحرمنا هالطلة حبيبتي :f63:


Lola Ali 01-02-10 08:54 PM

1 مرفق
The Mermaid of Penperro


In Hot Water

Though her mother had been in the opera, Konstanze had never imagined that singing could land someone in such trouble. The disrepute of the stage was nothing compared to the danger of playing a seductress of the sea-or the reckless abandon she felt while doing so. She had come to Penperro to escape her past, to find careless anonymity among the simple people of Cornwall, and her inhibitions melted away as she did. But the Cornish were less simple than she expected and the role she was forced to play was harder. For on thing, her siren song was more portent than she'd dreamed. It lured to her not only the agent of the crown she'd been paid to perplex, but the smuggler who'd she'd been missing. Suddenly Konstanze saw the true peril of her situation-not that of losing her honor, but her heart.

ريما 01-02-10 10:01 PM

لولتي تسلم الايادي والعيون الجميلة يا كبييييييييير


ولولا إن البنت سمكة :mo2: كان شبهت عليها على بنوتة قمورة شطورة بيجوز تعرفيها لحالك :lol:

الجنية السمراء 02-02-10 11:19 AM


تسلم ايديكي يا قمر

تعيشي وتجيبي حبيبتي

Lola Ali 02-02-10 03:48 PM

همممممم ؟؟ بنوته شطوره قموره ؟؟ ياترى مييييييييييين ؟؟:3EO05175:
خخخخخخخخ أكيد على طوووول عرفت مين . وهل يخفى القمر غزولتي :welcomepirate2:
ولايهمك أكيد الصبيه بتستعيد رجليها أو هيك شي بنهايه الروايه " طبعا تخمين " خخخخخخخخخ :lol::IuL04800:
فيري العسوووووووله واللي جابره بخاطري دايما يسلملي مرورك حبيبتي :friends:

الساعة الآن 10:29 PM.

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