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cocubasha 23-03-09 05:01 AM

Georgette Heyer


سلااااااااااامات على الحلوين :flowers2:

بناء على طلب الأخت وحدة فاضية

روايات لكاتبة قديمة شوية

Georgette Heyer

طبعا إللي عنده يلا هلاااااااا


cocubasha 23-03-09 05:06 AM

About Georgette Heyer



About Georgette Heyer

Georgette Heyer, born in London in 1902, had her first novel published when she was nineteen years old and continued to write novels of many genres for more than fifty years. During that time she never made a public appearance or granted an interview. The great majority of her books are historical romances set in Regency England, such as Devil's Cub (1934), Regency Buck (1935) and Faro's Daughter (1941). They are admired to this day for the meticulous research and profusion of essential ingredients - arranged marriages, murder, fashion, upper classes, sarcasm and humour. Indeed, Heyer set the tone for this entire genre. She was also one of the first of the female mystery authors - the group that includes Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sayers and Ngaio Marsh. When she died in 1974 she had fifty-one titles in print, legal translations of her work in ten languages and pirate editions in several others.


cocubasha 23-03-09 05:10 AM

Georgette Heyer - The Black Moth
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - The Black Moth

Lovely Diana Beauleigh was under siege. The notorious Duke of Andover meant to have her--if not with her assent, then by force. But Diana was not about to surrender her virtue. She had already lost her heart to the man who rescued her from the Duke --a handsome mysterious highwayman.




cocubasha 23-03-09 05:18 AM

Georgette Heyer - These Old Shades
1 مرفق

Georgette Heyer - These Old Shades


Lovely, titian-haired Leonie, ward of the dashing Duke of Avon, had all Paris at tier feet. Yet tier true origins remained shrouded in mystery. And neither the glittering soirees nor the young aristocrats who so ardently courted tier could still the question that plagued her young heart.

What was her mysterious parentage?

Just one man held the secret, the one she feared most in the world--the iron-willed Compte de Saint-Vire, deadly enema of the Duke. He would give her the answer--for a price. But could she betray the man she secretly, helplessly loved? And could this proud young beauty hear to face the truth when it came?



cocubasha 23-03-09 05:25 AM

Georgette Heyer - Devil's Cub
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Devil's Cub


When lovely, saucy Mary Challoner had practiced her hold deception upon the hot-blooded, fiery-tempered young Marquis of Vidal--substituting herself for the young wench he had thought to carry off to France--she had little notion he would grimly hold her to her part of the bargain. Now he had left her, and she was alone, a stranger in a strange land, prey to the intrigues of glittering, heartless, 18th century Paris.

Only one person could rescue her--the Marquis himself. But how could she ever trust this man? How could she even hope to overcome the contempt in which he held her? And how could even the sudden flowering of her love ever bridge the terrible gap between them?




cocubasha 23-03-09 05:31 AM

Georgette Heyer - Regency Buck
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Regency Buck


Judith Taverner had captivated all London society. A bevy of elegant bachelors swarmed about her, vying for her favors. But H hen her brother suddenly vanished, she was forced to seek the aid of her mysterious guardian, the powerful Earl of Worth.

Once Judith had looked upon the Earl as a protector -- and then as something far more. But now she was gown-up, worldly-wise ... and prey to a chilling suspicion. For Judith was not only a bewitching young lady, but also heiress to a great fortune -- a bewildered creature trying to discover the difference between a man's love and a man's greed.




cocubasha 23-03-09 05:34 AM

Georgette Heyer - April Lady
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - April Lady

Young, beautiful, impetuous, Lady Helen Cardross had collected quite a basket of little white lies in her efforts to help those less fortunate than herself. There were, for example; her own dashing, debt-ridden brother, and her husband's love-sick, youthful sister.

But to her adored (and adoring) lord and master, there could be no dissembling of integrity, honor, or truth. One faced up to grim reality -- unless one were Lady Helen.

And so began a romantic duel between two strong-willed people who, when the last Roman candle finally winked out, learned to compromise under the common denominator of love.



cocubasha 23-03-09 05:38 AM

Georgette Heyer - Arabella
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Arabella

To Arabella Tallant, daughter of a provincial minister, the invitation to stay with her London godmother was like the key to heaven, for in addition to living in the glamorous city, Arabella might even find a suitable husband there.

Under her godmother's watchful eye, Arabella met all the eligible young men. But only one caught her fancy: Mr. Beaumarais, the most handsome-and dedicated bachelor in London. That gentleman, however, although a most artful matrimonial dodger, badly underestimated his seemingly naive adversary....



cocubasha 23-03-09 05:42 AM

Georgette Heyer - Bath Tangle
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Bath Tangle


Lady Serena Carlow raged as she heard her father's last will and testament! How could he mortgage his only daughter to the odious Lord No Rotherham, making the very man she had recently jilted caretaker of her inheritance and her heart?

It was unthinkable that No should dole out an allowance until she married the man he approved! Serena was set on moving to Bath with her charming young stepmother, Fanny, as "chaperone." There they'd turn the ton inside out!

All too soon, the scandalous Serena had more beaux than she could dangle on a string, but none of them seemed to matter--now that Rotherham pursued a beautiful belle!


cocubasha 23-03-09 05:45 AM

Georgette Heyer - Beauvallet
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Beauvallet


A great Spanish heiress, a young noblewoman and for a brilliant marriage in her native land, Dona Dominica de Rada y Sylva was captured in a sea battle by the notorious English freebooter, Sir Nicholas Beauvallet. Seizing the chance, she tried to kill the hateful pirate -- but as he took her arm and held it she found herself strangely captured by his boyish smile.

She could not believe it when he set her, unharmed, on the shores of Spain. Nor could she still her beating heart when he vowed to return to her, braving all the perils that the Inquisition and King Philip could devise.



cocubasha 23-03-09 05:49 AM

Georgette Heyer - The Black Sheep
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - The Black Sheep

With her high-spirited intelligence and good looks, Abigail Wendover was a most sought-after young woman. But of all her high-placed suitors, there was none Abigail could love.

Miles Calverleigh had no regard for the polite conventions of Regency society. His cynicism, his morals, his manners appalled Abigail. Yet she was irresistibly drawn to his knowing smile. But how could she persuade her wealthy, respectable family to accept this unconventional, unsuitable man?




cocubasha 23-03-09 05:52 AM

Georgette Heyer - Charity Girl
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Charity Girl

The first time the young Viscount saw the girl, he thought she was a child. A child in trouble, running away. But she was nearly seventeen and when Desford rescued her, everyone assumed that he had run off with her.

Now in disgrace, Desford had to find the truth behind Cherry's strange behavior--before his own life came apart....



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:04 PM

Georgette Heyer - Cotillion
1 مرفق

Georgette Heyer - Cotillion

Meet Kitty Charing: young, beautiful--and penniless . . .

To Kitty, the conditions of her guardian's will were intolerable. She had to marry one of his nephews before she could inherit a tuppence -- and the only nephew she wanted was handsome Jack Westruther. He, however, made it quite clear that he would marry her only when he had sown his last wild oat.

Anxious to hasten matters, Kitty engineered an engagement to Jack's carefree cousin Freddy, hoping thereby to make Jack jealous. But Freddie turned out to be more of a man than Kitty anticipated--man enough to light the fuse that exploded her carefully laid plans...



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:14 PM

Georgette Heyer - Cousin Kate
1 مرفق

Georgette Heyer - Cousin Kate


The night was airless, with an oppressive calm that presaged a storm. It seemed to Kate she had been lying awake for hours, repeating questions that plagued her.

Faintly, she heard footsteps. Tiptoeing across the gallery, coming closer. A board creaked just outside her door, and the steps stopped. Was someone there, listening, checking perhaps to see if she was asleep? Kate scarcely breathed as she waited ... for what? There was a grating noise, as if someone were putting a key in the lock. Crossing the room in a flash, Kate wrenched open the door...



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:20 PM

Georgette Heyer - Detection Unlimited
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Detection Unlimited


It was a hot June evening, and young Haswell had just motored the lovely Abby Dearham back from Thornden's social event of the week. All of the village uppercrust had come to the Haswells' tennis party--the Squire, the Vicar, the sharp-tongued heir to five centuries of local real estate. But Sampson Warrenby had declined, and no one was sorry.

Why this charmless social-climber was invited was beyond Abby. Had he some sinister hold on the social leaders of Thornden?

All joking was cut short when a wild-eyed girl came running down the lane. For it was Warrenby's niece, announcing he was dead.



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:26 PM

Georgette Heyer - False Colors
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - False Colors


The young Earl of Denville was missing. Handsome and eligible as the titled elder of the renowned Fancot twins was, no one would forgive him if he failed to appear before his fiancee's family. For even though they did not love each other, he could hardly embarrass the charming Cressida Stavely at her own engagement party. And if the match were wrecked, it would dash the last hope of getting his lovely, improvident mother out of debt.

With an uncanny hunch about his twin's predicament, the younger brother, Kit, appeared at the party just in time to double for the missing Earl. With his intelligence he succeeded in deceiving all present. And with his superb manners he not only charmed Cressy's formidable grandmother, but made Cressy herself wonder if she didn't love the Earl after all . . .



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:30 PM

Georgette Heyer - Faro's Daughter
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Faro's Daughter

Lady Mablethorpe was aghast. Her young son Adrian was marrying Miss Deborah Grantham--a gambling-club wench! Thus she sent her trusted nephew, the vastly wealthy, clever, and imperturbable Max Ravenscar, speeding to the faro tables to buy the hussy off.

To Ravenscar's surprise, Deborah turned out to be remarkably handsome, witty, and--he could scarcely believe it--well-bred. Nevertheless, he expected she'd be grateful far the price he offered to give up the young lord.



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:35 PM

Georgette Heyer - Frederica
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Frederica


Frederica Merrivale has come to London for the glittering social season, in order to give her beautiful younger sister Charis a chance to make a good marriage. The Merrivales, a family of solid social standing, have fallen into unhappy financial straits, and the marriage might deliver them from this situation. Frederica herself, a gay and witty charmer, is feared to be beyond marriageable age -- she is twenty-four!

But when they are introduced to London society by their distant cousin, Lord Alverstoke, they find themselves both besieged by more suitors than they can possibly handle!



cocubasha 23-03-09 03:41 PM

Georgette Heyer - Friday's Child
1 مرفق


Georgette Heyer - Friday's Child

To orphaned, pixie-ish Hero Wantage, it seemed like a star-studded dream when dashing Viscount "Sherry" Sheringham asked her to be his bride--for although she knew it was a marriage of convenience (his convenience), it eliminated the depressing prospect of life as a governess.

But their marriage soon became a frenetic comedy of errors, as Hero tried to keep up with the fashionable and very unfamiliar society in which she now found herself. From chariot races to gambling tables to exclusive drawing rooms, an exasperated Sherry followed in his wife's wake, trying to clear the air after her well-intentioned but scatterbrained escapades. And it was with great surprise that both Hero and Sherry discovered that even a marriage of convenience can turn into a love affair, under certain circumstances ....



ريما 23-03-09 10:52 PM

Pistols for Two: And Other Stories
1 مرفق
Pistols for Two by Georgette Heyer


The meeting of eyes at a ball--the touch of hands in an open carriage--one breathless, moonlit kiss--This is the stuff of which stories like these are made. Here is the vanished world of great country houses and London in the Season; of titles and fortunes and scandalous elopements to Gretna Green; of sprightly schoolgirls and bored men of fashion, pretty widows and charming peers -- a frivolous, decorous world where marriages of convenience threaten but love always triumphs.


ريما 23-03-09 10:56 PM

1 مرفق
Venetia by Georgette Heyer


At five-and-twenty, Venetia Lanyon despairs of ever meeting the handsome hero of her romantic dreams. Then her long-absent neighbor, Lord Damerel, returns home to Yorkshire. An infamous rake, he is the most scandalous man in all England and he has set his amorous sights on the lovely Venetia.

Determined to woo and win the fair Venetia, Lord Damerel pursues her with a passionate abandon that is soon the talk of the ton. But Venetia has no intention of losing her heart to the rakish lord until she is sure that beneath his swashbuckling ways and shocking manners lies a tender heart belonging to her.


Awards: 2004 AAR Top 100 Romances #60 2007 AAR Top 100 Romances #95 2000 AAR Top 100 Romances #96

ريما 23-03-09 10:58 PM

A Civil Contract
1 مرفق
A Civil Contract by Georgette Heyer

Although Jenny Chawleigh was bright, well-mannered, and an heiress, she was no match for Julia Oversley, the love of handsome Adam Deveril's life. But Adam desperately needed money to keep his fatherless family together, and a marriage to Jenny would solve all his problems. And Jenny's father, a man of great wealth and ambition for his daughter, was only too happy to arrange a suitable match for her.

But Adam didn't reckon with the Jenny nobody knew, or the unknown quality that lay hidden behind her demure and plain facade....


ريما 23-03-09 11:00 PM

Lady of Quality
1 مرفق
Lady of Quality by Georgette Heyer

Annis Wychwood was in her late twenties, a beautiful heiress, and hopelessly single. When she sponsored young Lucilla Carleton's "coming out," the town's social elite were shocked. After all, how could Annis find Lucilla a husband when she could not choose one for herself? Then Lucilla's handsome and egotistical uncle and guardian arrived to approve the sponsorship. But his brash and rakish manner quickly succumbed to the will of Annis, this remarkable heiress no man had yet subdued.


ريما 23-03-09 11:02 PM

Powder and Patch
1 مرفق
Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer

Handsome, manly Philip Jettan felt only contempt for sissified Regency dandies. Their elaborate wigs, powdered faces, satin clothes and mincing walks repulsed him. But pretty Cleone wanted no part of any man who wasn't in the very height of fashion. And Philip would do anything for her love--even beat the dandies at their own detestable game.


ريما 23-03-09 11:03 PM

Sprig Muslin
1 مرفق
Sprig Muslin by Georgette Heyer

Young, beautiful and headstrong--but old enough to know her own romantic mind--Amanda ran away from her doting grandfather, who objected to her proposed marriage to a youthful, impecunious officer.

Fleeing alone across Regency England. Amanda soon crossed the path of handsome, cynical Sir Gareth, an "older man" whose interest in her was purely avuncular, since he had romantic problems of his own.

From their first disastrous meeting, the adventures and misadventures of the harassed protector and the unwilling protectee lead to romantic complications of a most tempestuous and unexpected nature.

Eventually Amanda gets the man she wants, and Gareth gets the woman he wants.


ريما 23-03-09 11:06 PM

1 مرفق
Sylvester or the Wicked Uncle by Georgette Heyer

Nothing could have induced impulsive outspoken Phoebe Marlow to marry handsome, elegant Svlvester Rayne, Duke of Salford, the
one man she thoroughly detested. But Sylvester had other ideas; this beautiful young rebel had caught his fancy, and if Petruchio could tame Katherine, he had no doubt he could tame Phoebe.

But Svlvester underestimated his opponent: Phoebe secretly wrote a novel that not only shocked London, but presented her unwelcome fiance, thinly disguised, as a villain and a knave.


ريما 23-03-09 11:07 PM

The Convenient Marriage
1 مرفق
The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer


When dazzling Horatia Winwood married the powerful Earl of Rule, she was saving her sister from a loveless match, rescuing her family fortune, and providing herself with a life of ease. Hers was a marriage made not in heaven but in the coolly logical mind of a very self-possessed young beauty.

Not until Horatia was deep in dangerous intrigue with her husband's vengeful rival, the dashing and arrogant Lord Lethbridge, did she suddenly find -- to her own tremulous surprise -- she had fallen deeply in love with the man she had married for money. But was it too late, now that she was but a heartbeat away from betraying both him and herself?


ريما 23-03-09 11:10 PM

The Corinthian
1 مرفق
The Corinthian / Beau Wyndham by Georgette Heyer


Behind lovely Penelope Creed was the lavish life of a brilliant London heiress, and a proposed marriage to a man she loathed.

Ahead, tantalizing, was the shimmering dream of a love she had known once--and lost.

And with her in flight across a landscape of excitement was a man like no other she had known--the handsome, cynical, sophisticated Sir Richard Wyndham. They had met by accident, been drawn together by danger. And now only his masked emotions and the shifting impulses of her own wild young heart would tell what their destiny would be...


ريما 23-03-09 11:20 PM

The Grand Sophy
1 مرفق
The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer

Beautiful, gay, impulsive, shockingly direct. Miss Sophia Stanton-Lacy swept into elegant London society and scattered conventions and traditions before her like wisps in a windstorm. As the mainstay of her hilariously bedeviled family, as a horsewoman, social leader and. above all, as an ingenious match-maker, the Grand Sophy was a smashing success.


Awards: 2004 AAR Top 100 Romances #21 2000 AAR Top 100 Romances #89

ريما 23-03-09 11:23 PM

The Masqueraders
1 مرفق
The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer


Prudence and her brother did not even know their true family name. And now, with their own Iives at stake, they hid in the very limelight of London society.

To escape detection, captivating Prudence assumed the disguise of a man. She became the favorite companion of a certain Sir Anthony Fanshawe--even though discovery meant death. Just as it seemed as though her mad pose might succeed, she was challenged to a duel.

Prudence knew it would not he long before this tall, sleepy-eyed gentleman fathomed her desperate secret.


ريما 23-03-09 11:25 PM

The Nonesuch
1 مرفق
The Nonesuch by Georgette Heyer


When they learned that Sir Waldo Hawkridge was coming, the village gentry were thrown into a flurry. The famed sportsman himself! Heir to an uncounted fortune, and a leader of London society! The local youths idolized "the Nonesuch"; the fathers disapproved; and the mothers and daughters saw him as the most eligible--and elusive--man in the kingdom.

But one person remained calm. When she became a governess, Ancilla Trent had put away romance, and at first she could only be amused at the fuss over Sir Waldo. But when he ignored the well-born beauties of the district, a shocking question began to form: could the celebrated gentleman be courting her?


ريما 23-03-09 11:27 PM

The Quiet Gentleman
1 مرفق
The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer

The new Earl of St. Erth returned from glory at Waterloo - to a nest of intrigue at his ancestral home. Vexed by his pompou stepmother and reckless half-brother, he seemed to have but on ally - Drusilla Norville, a level-headed girl who had lost her heart to the dashing lord. But family plots were not the only danger besetting the Earl. There were, too, the wiles of charming Mariann Bolderwood, a collector of beaux. Could Drusilla save his lordship from that fate as well?


ريما 23-03-09 11:29 PM

The Reluctant Widow
1 مرفق
The Reluctant Widow by Georgette Heyer

Elinor Rochdale thought she was entering Highnoons as a governess, but the handsomely fashionable gentleman who carefully interviewed her obviously needed no governess. He was seeking a wife-not for himself, but for the profligate cousin who now lay on his deathbed.

Surprised and repulsed as she was by this strange proposal, Elinor was nevertheless unable to resist Lord Ned Carlyon and his mystifying plans. And so in the short span of a few hours she became a bride - and a wealthy widow.

Even as she assumed the duties of mistress of Highnoons, even as she tried to solve the puzzle that placed her in this unusual situation, Elinor found herself inextricably- drawn to the aloof, caustic man who treated her with nothing more than cousinly respect - the last thing that spirited Elinor wanted ...


ريما 23-03-09 11:31 PM

The Spanish Bride
1 مرفق
The Spanish Bride by Georgette Heyer


As he led her to his tent, the laughter of the wedding faded. Harry looked down at his little bride, and with all of his will mastered the desire to crush her in his arms.

Had he the right to lead her into a life of the cold of an officer's tent in winter, the searing sun and horror of the summer's battles? She was alone among foreigners, barely out of the convent, bred to the sheltered life of a noble lady. What had he done?

He looked into her eyes and read a girl's hero-worship there. For the first time in his reckless life, Captain Smith was afraid ...


ريما 23-03-09 11:33 PM

The Talisman Ring
1 مرفق
The Talisman Ring by Georgette Heyer


A ravishing beauty, Eustacie de Vauban had been snatched from the excitement of the French Revolution to be sheltered in the dull safety of her grandfather's manor house in England. And, worst of all, she was being compelled to marry a boring gentleman thirteen years her senior.

Her impetuous spirit rebelled, and she fled. Setting out alone in the dark forest she was terrified by a strangely familiar young man, a man whose irresistible charm swept her into a maelstrom of terror, deceit -- and passionate love.


ريما 23-03-09 11:35 PM

The Toll-Gate
1 مرفق
The Toll-Gate by Georgette Heyer

Who's who at The Toll-Gate

She is:

Nell Stornaway, granddaughter of Sir Peter Stornaway, squire of the village. Herself affectionately known as "the Squire" because of her self-sufficiency and competence, she is far, far more feminine than the appellation suggests.

He is:

Capt. John Staple, recently retired from the Dragoon Guards, as much a confirmed bachelor as a confirmed adventurer. Bored with the idle ways of the idle rich, he has disguised himself and taken on the menial job of keeper of the turnpike toll-gate.

They are:

destined to meet one another, as the last minute of spring is destined to meet the first :minute of summer-to cross paths, swords and wits. Before John's true identity is discovered, Cupid finds the going as hilly and rough as the rural English countryside; a lover's patience is taxed to the breaking point; and a villain gets his just desserts.


ريما 23-03-09 11:39 PM

The Unknown Ajax
1 مرفق
The Unknown Ajax by Georgette Heyer

Making the best of a bad situation, Anthea Darricot was civil to her newly-met cousin Hugh--but barely. For Anthea, reduced to accepting the charity of irascible Lord Darricot, had been ordered to marry Hugh, recent heir to the Darricot fortune.

Grandfather Darricot's plan seemed perfect--to Grandfather: Hugh, the offspring of his son and a common weaver's daughter, might bring an unsuitable wife into the family. To prevent this disaster, Hugh must marry the impoverished, 22-year-old spinster Anthea. Knowing this, the two young people detested one another on sight.

But the infant Cupid was shooting his arrows with an appalling lack of aim that season....


ريما 23-03-09 11:42 PM

They Found Him Dead
1 مرفق
They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer


As she went up to bed, Patricia could not help but think Jim should lock his bedroom door. But it was totally out of character for her fiance to take such a simple precaution against being murdered. And if she suggested it, he would laugh at her fears.

Sighing, she climbed into bed. The moonlight cast strange shadows on the walls, and there was a tapping somewhere -- probably a vine being blown against a window. As she drifted off, she wondered if their half-joking theory of an Unknown Killer might not be true.

She had hardly fallen asleep, it seemed, when she awoke to the echo of a scream.


الجنية السمراء 01-04-10 05:11 PM

كـــــــــوكو وريمــــــــــــا الله يعطيكم الف عافية على الروايات الروعة يلي عم تتحفونا فيها على طول

تم تنسيق الموضوع

ووضع الاغلفة المختفية


اعتمادات 01-04-10 07:12 PM

كـــــــوكـــــــــو وريمـــــــــــا ربنا ما يحرمنا منكم ياقمرات

فيـــــــــــــــــــــــرى تسلم الايادى


ريما 01-04-10 09:24 PM

فرفورة بعض مما عندكم حبيبتي وما شاء الله عليك شعلة نشاط وحيوية

ميمي ميت السلامة فيك حبيبتي

Lola Ali 03-04-10 10:14 PM

يعطيكي العافيه فيري :55::friends::8_4_134:

الجنية السمراء 04-04-10 07:01 AM

تسلمولي يا احلى صبايا بالكون

الساعة الآن 04:51 PM.

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