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-   -   Allison Leigh (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t102268.html)

ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:44 AM

Allison Leigh
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ãæÖæÚ ááßÇÊÈÉ Allison Leigh æÅä ÔÇÁ Çááå ÊØáÚ ÑæÇíÇÊåÇ ÍáæÉ


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:46 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
The Bride And The Bargain

As head of his family's Seattle-based software empire, workaholic Grayson Hunt was married to the job. Then Dear Old Dad issued Gray and his brothers an ultimatum—find brides, fast, or lose their fortunes. Gray was at wit's end—until he literally ran into the perfect candidate on his favorite jogging path. But did humble school librarian Amelia White have a hidden agenda?

Amelia was going to teach this billionaire-in-training that his actions had consequences—and make him pay for what he had done to her sister. But when she signed up for this marriage of convenience, she didn't know she was signing away her heart in the bargain. Could she stick to her plan the more she fell for the man?


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:50 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
Home on the Ranch

Cage Buchanan hated her. The proud rancher might have hired Belle Day out of sheer desperation, but she was determined to help heal his injured daughter. Now here she was, installed at the Lazy-B Ranch, trying not to respond to this ornery, overbearing, incredibly arousing man.

Cage was at the end of his rope. What else explained inviting a Day to live under the same roof? His daughter, Lucy, was Cage's first priority, but with her sexy therapist around, it was hard to focus on daily chores. What would it take to turn passionate enemies into lovers for life…and, together, make a real home on the ranch?


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:52 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
A Cowboy Under Her Tree

Hotel heiress Melanie McFarlance thought running the Hopping H guest ranch would be a breeze. But after one crisis too many, she realized she needed to ask for help and came up with a crazy solution—marrying a bona fide rancher Russ Chilton.

Both Melanie and Russ know their wedding's purely a business arrangement: Melanie gives Russ half the Hopping H, which he's always coveted, and Melanie gets some hidden help running her brand-new property—a property she's bound to lose without cowboy's Russ's expert touch. What the newly married couple don't expect is for their stricly professional arrangement to quickly turn personal. Stay tuned to see if this marriage of convenience is actually one for keeps!


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:55 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
A Montana Homecoming

Maybe Laurel Runyan was crazy…at least that's what everyone seemed to think in Lucius, Montana, when she'd suffered a breakdown after her father supposedly murdered her mother. Now, after a twelve-year absence, she'd returned to bury her estranged father…and her past.

But discovering that her first love, Sheriff Shane Golightly, was her new neighbor wasn't the mark of a sane woman. Particularly when just the sound of his molasses-smooth voice recalled the one and only time they'd made love — and repopened old wounds. Laurel vowed she'd just make Shane recogize the strong, independent woman she'd become and move on, but the sheriff seemed determined to make Laurel give Lucius — and him — a second chance.…


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 06:57 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
Montana Lawman

Librarian Molly Brewster had successfully created a new identity for herself until Deputy Sheriff Holt Tanner started asking questions about her past. Molly couldn't help but look to the ground when he watched her with his soulful brown eyes and waited for her to answer. In Holt, she sensed a need as deep as her own — to be loved completely...and without fear.

Holt had a case to solve and faced a beguiling librarian with secrets. He wanted to ease the pain that kept Molly from confiding in him, but he didn't quite trust her...or himself. Would his search for the truth force Molly into hiding, or would his love set her free and make her his?

Montana Mavericks


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 07:00 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
Sarah And The Sheriff


And for Sarah Clay, that was the bad news-because Max Scalise had rejected her outright seven years ago. And now Max was back in Weaver, working as a sheriff and everywhere she turned. His slightest touch still caused her traitorous body to quake, but Sarah knew better. didn't she?


When it came to Sarah, Max was as much in love with her as ever. But he'd returned home to find that eyes that had once gazed at him with such trust now turned away. Still, he was a wiser man now...a man determined to win back her love. Even if it meant telling secrets that weren't his to reveal...


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 07:02 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
Wed In Wyoming

Growing up in a family of alpha male ranchers had taught EMT Angeline Clay all about arrogant men like Brody Paine. She'd even mastered the art of rejecting the sexy agent's none-too-subtle overtures. But this time, Angeline was out of her league—because two children's lives depended on her masquerading as Brody's wife! All too soon the high stakes, close quarters and Brody's unexpected acts of kindness toward their charges wore down her defenses. And it wasn't long after a tender kiss turned into something less innocent that Angeline began dreaming about a big Wyoming wedding with Brody by her side.


ÑíãÇ 10-01-09 10:57 PM

1 ãÑÝÞ
äåÇ æáæáÇ ÊÓáãæáí ÕÈÇíÇ :friends::flowers2::friends:

Just Friends? by Allison Leigh

He was the most infuriating man. But on television it was a different story. There, Evan Taggart came off as handsome. Confident. Single. A state the reality show played up a little more than producer Leandra Clay planned.

All too soon women with the same thought in mind—marriage!—started invading their small town in droves. So now it was payback time. Evan's ultimatum to Leandra—masquerade as his fiancée or he was walking (and her career in television was toast).

The choice seemed easy at the time. But this Evan didn't act like the childhood friend Leandra remembered. Who knew he could kiss like that? Or that his slightest touch could set her skin on fire? Just friends? Stay tuned.…


cocubasha 11-01-09 11:51 PM

Allison Leigh - Taggart's Bride
1 ãÑÝÞ


Allison Leigh - Taggart's Bride

Seven years ago Drew Taggart married the young and pregnant Jolie Stewart when his brother had abandoned her. But now Darian Taggart is back in town and the two brothers are competing for the same woman. Who will Jolie choose?
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sommanha 17-01-09 09:48 PM

Allison Leigh - Valentine's Fortune
1 ãÑÝÞ


Allison Leigh - Valentine's Fortune

"You're safe now."

His voice was a seductive whisper as he pulled her from the blazing restaurant. But on the run and pregnant, Bethany Burdett knew she had to forget the brave firefighter who'd risked his life to save hers. Until Darr Fortune tracked her down...

Ever since he spirited the unconscious stranger to safety, the youngest Fortune brother was haunted by a powerful desire to see her again. And when a blizzard stranded them together, Darr knew he'd risk it all again for the enigmatic mother-to-be who aroused much more than his protective instincts....




ÑíãÇ 16-02-09 03:23 PM

1 ãÑÝÞ
The Boss's Christmas Proposal

(A book in the Back in Business series)
A novel by

Allison Leigh

Greg Sherman was determined to make the newest addition to the Taka-Hanson hotel empire a resounding success. Then the hardworking manager met the newest addition to his team: Kimiko Taka, the boss's daughter. She was gorgeous, free-spirited.and strictly off-limits.

When Kimi decided to learn the family business from the ground up, the hotel heiress didn't realize her new job came with an irresistible boss! Greg might have decided that business and pleasure don't mix, but Kimi had already made up her mind about the gift she wanted this special holiday season: a proposal from the man she loved!


liilas676 30-04-09 11:41 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
Mergers & Matrimony

To: Helen Hanson
From: Richard Warren
Re: Almost Through!

It's been an exhausting battle, but we're almost done with the merger between Hanson Media and the Japanese powerhouse TAKA Corporation. And we couldn't have done it without your business savvy, Helen. Your late husband, George, would be proud of all you've done to salvage the business for his kids.

I hear that you and the fierce head negotiator, Morito Taka, are getting on famously. I'm surprised that he'd even talk to someone from the other side of the negotiating table, but your all-American beauty and sparkling blue eyes seem to have captivated him! Just be careful, Helen: mixing work with pleasure can be a very risky business....


liilas676 30-04-09 11:45 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
The Truth about the Tycoon

Worldly tycoon Dane Rutherford was accustomed to handling billion-dollar negotiations, though one small-town girl had just gotten the better of him. He'd come to Lucius, Montana, with only one goal in mind — revenge. But his plans changed the second that Hadley Golightly crashed into his life…and his vintage Shelby. Now, forced to keep his mission and name a secret, he was living under Hadley's roof while his car was repaired. And though he'd vowed to protect the virginal beauty from himself, the CEO soon found himself powerless to resist Hadley's youthful lure. But once she learned of his deceit, could the truth drive Hadley away — or finally give him the love he'd long denied himself?


liilas676 30-04-09 11:50 AM

1 ãÑÝÞ
All He Ever Wanted

Well, it looks as though steadfast single dad Cameron Stevenson may not be single much longer. The whole town has seen the smoldering looks he's directed at Faith Taylor, the rescue worker who saved Cam's son from a cave-in at the old Queen of Hearts mine. But does the gorgeous gal return his affection?

Faith had given up on love after her marriage ended badly.And Cameron — well, that widower's had enough heartache to last a lifetime.Can they find happiness together after all the sadness they've surmounted? Keep reading, friends — your favorite prospector is keeping a close eye on these two lovebirds-in-the-making. With all the heat they're generating, this town might be in for an early spring thaw!


liilas676 30-09-09 03:14 PM

A Weaver Baby
1 ãÑÝÞ
A Weaver Baby
(A book in the Men of the Double-C Ranch series)

J. D. Clay's biological clock is busted. She'd long ago given up her dream of having children, and poured her heart and soul into her career as a horse trainer. Until a night of passion with her jet-setting boss, Jake Forrest, results in an unexpected but desperately desired consequence.

But when Jake offers J.D. financial support, a place in his bed and not much more, J.D. bolts home to Weaver, Wyoming. Jake might be drop-dead gorgeous, wealthy and brimming with Southern charm, but J.D. knows he's not daddy material. Or so she thinks.


liilas676 30-09-09 03:18 PM

A Weaver Wedding
1 ãÑÝÞ
A Weaver Wedding
(A book in the Famous Families series)

Shy and retiring Tara Browning couldn't believe it. One minute she was enjoying an outrageous, out-of-the-blue weekend of heaven with Weaver's hometown hunk, Axel Clay, and the next minute he disappeared without so much as a goodbye! Was she dreaming? The baby on the way seemed very real indeed..

Now, months later, Axel was back in town, showing up on her doorstep with a song and dance about being her bodyguard while her brother testified in a high-profile criminal trial. In such close quarters, could Tara keep her baby secret - and her hands to herself - now that this masterful man of the Double-C Ranch was back on her radar?


leeen2 30-09-09 07:03 PM


liilas676 30-09-09 07:52 PM

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BON BON 05-01-10 12:12 PM

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