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ريما 02-01-09 11:35 PM

Joan Johnston
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:

موضوع للكاتبة Joan Johnston ويا رب تطلع حلوة وتعجبكم


ريما 02-01-09 11:37 PM

1 مرفق
Honey and the Hired Hand


When a mysterious drifter appeared at Honey Farrell's ranch, willing to work for room and board, the wary widow had to hire him. Tall, dark and grouchy, Jesse Whitelaw could scare away the lurking cattle rustlers with one growl. And Honey's sons could sure use a man around. Still, there was something mighty suspicious about the cowboy....

Jesse hated lying about who he really was, yet he had to keep his cover--and the Farrells--safe. But who knew that somewhere between fixing fences and secret meetings, he'd teach a teenage boy how to be a man ... or that with one wet kiss he'd remind a brokenhearted woman what it meant to love again? Or that, when the truth came out, he'd lose everything?


ريما 02-01-09 11:44 PM

1 مرفق
The Cowboy and the Princess


Faron Whitelaw had some nerve calling Belinda Prescott a princess. A nearly bankrupt ranch was hardly a castle, and Faron, an ill-tempered cowboy who'd inherited half her kingdom, was certainly no prince. The man was lucky she didn't make him sleep in the barn!

Faron had been spitting mad when Belinda had to inform him, because of his inheritance, about the truth of his parentage. Suddenly, he wasn't one of the Whitelaws of Texas, and he was taking his anger out on Belinda. He wanted to believe she was nothing more than a gold digger, but all she seemed to want was him ...and that was the one thing he couldn't give her.

Where the Whitelaws of Texas run free... till passion brands their hearts.


ريما 02-01-09 11:47 PM

1 مرفق
The Wrangler and the Rich Girl


Was she crazy? Garth Whitelaw didn't have time to hold Candy Baylor's hand and drag her around his ranch, and why on earth would the rich Texas debutante want to train horses, anyway? But she sure looked sexy in tight, worn jeans and with hay in her hair, so maybe it wasn't such a bad deal, after all....

Candy had no idea why Garth was suddenly so agreeable, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, her instructors in school had never been so ruggedly handsome as this wrangler... and she wouldn't mind engaging in some horseplay!

Where the Whitelaws of Texas run free ... till passion brands their hearts.


ريما 02-01-09 11:51 PM

1 مرفق
The Unforgiving Bride


This was rancher Falcon Whitelaw's favorite phrase. Until he heard himself say, "I do" to widowed mother Mara Ainsworth—a woman who hated his guts and was marrying him only for his medical insurance! No more women, no more sex, no more nothing!

But one look into her sick little daughter's eyes reminded Falcon of who was really suffering. And for the first time in his life, he found himself praying—for a woman's love and a child's life....

CHILDREN OF HAWK'S WAY: The Whitelaws of Texas had three sweet and innocent little kids.... Now they're grownup—and not so innocent!


ريما 02-01-09 11:53 PM

1 مرفق
The Headstrong Bride

Rancher Sam Longstreet planned to woo and wed the innocent daughter of his enemy -- all in the name of sweet revenge. And he knew just how to make Callen Whitelaw fall in love with him....

Callen didn't know why everyone thought Sam was no good. There wasn't a man in all of Texas as sexy, kind and thoughtful as her husband-to-be. Surely marriage would soften up his rough edges....

In his great plan, Sam hadn't counted on loving his headstrong bride!

CHILDREN OF HAWK’S WAY: The Whitelaws of Texas had three sweet and innocent kids. Now they’re all grown up – and not so innocent!


ريما 02-01-09 11:58 PM

1 مرفق
The Disobedient Bride


HEARTLESS HUSBAND?: Texas rancher Zach Whitelaw advertised for a wife to bear his children -- but if she wasn't pregnant in a year's time, he'd divorce her.

DISOBEDIENT BRIDE?: Six months into their marriage, Rebecca Littlewolf Whitelaw's tummy was as flat as it was on her wedding day.

EXPECTED BABY?: Short of stuffing a pillow under her shirt, what was a wife in love supposed to do?

Zach had dreamed of four little Whitelaws running around Hawk's Pride ranch. But no matter how many long, lazy hours he and his bride spent in their marriage bed, no matter how much hoping he did, there was still no baby. And no baby meant no Rebecca, right?


ريما 03-01-09 12:00 AM

1 مرفق
The Virgin Groom


One minute, Mac Macready was a living legend in Texas every kid's idol, every man's envy, every woman's fantasy. The next, his fiancee dumped him, his career was hanging in the balance and his future was looking mighty uncertain. Then there was the matter of his scandalous secret, which didn't stand a chance of staying secret where he was headed now.

So it was either succumb to Jewel Whitelaw's shocking proposal--or take cold showers for the rest of the long, hot summer....


ريما 03-01-09 12:03 AM

1 مرفق
The Substitute Groom

His marriage proposal wasn't shocking. His motive was. But she had her own secret . . .
All of Jennifer Wright's hopes and dreams had rested on her summer wedding --- until a single moment changed everything. Including the groom. Suddenly, Jennifer agreed to marry her fiance's best friend, a darkly handsome Texan she needed --- and desperately wanted --- almost against her will. But U.S. Air Force Major Colt Whitelaw had sacrificed too much to settle for a marriage of convenience, and that made hiding her passion all the more difficult. And hiding her biggest secret downright impossible . . .


ريما 03-01-09 12:08 AM

1 مرفق
Comanche Woman


Captured by the Comanche Indians, Bayleigh Stewart clung to fantasies of Jonas Harper, the wealthy gentleman she had fallen in love with long ago in Boston. . . in a world of elegance so far removed from the hide tent she now called home . . .

Yet it was not Jonas who finally rescued her, but Long Quiet--a tall, handsome half-breed at war with his own soul. In the white man's world, he'd once glimpsed Bayleigh, an angel with eyes the dark purple of a stormy night, and hair the color of fire. He would have searched for her for a thousand years. And when he found her, he saw that the harsh Indian life had tempered her lush femininity with steel, making her more beautiful still. Claimed as his Comanche bride, Bayleigh discovered a passion as dazzling as sun on water, as free as a soaring eagle. But when danger forced her home to her father's Texas plantation, Bayleigh feared she would lose Long Quiet forever.


ريما 03-01-09 12:11 AM

1 مرفق
Texas Woman


For Sloan Stewart, romance meant only heartache and betrayal. Rip Stewart's eldest daughter was raised as if she were the son he never had. She knew exactly what she wanted from life: to take command of the sprawling cotton plantation, Three Oaks, that was her legacy. Passion was a danger to be avoided. . . .

But Cruz Guerrero had other plans for the iron willed beauty he called his Cebellina . . .named for the long sable hair through which he yearned to run his fingers. On the brutal frontier, many would simply have taken what they wanted. Aristocratic Cruz was not such a man. He would seduce her with the softest words, the tenderest caresses. . .and only when she surrendered herself to him in breathless wonder would he make her his own. Yet as Texas raged in the battle over statehood, even he could not protect his beloved from a web of treachery spun long ago . . .


cocubasha 03-01-09 12:55 AM

تسلم الأيادي غزولة

الله يعطيكي ألف مليون عافية



(noha(22 03-01-09 01:18 AM

اية الجمال ده يا ريما

دايما كده ممتعانا بقصصك الجميلة

ربنا يبارك فيكى




ريما 03-01-09 02:55 AM

كوكو ونها الله يجبر بخاطركم دنيا وآخرة صبايا

sommanha 03-01-09 12:10 PM

ريما قمورتي شكرا على الروايات

باين على الروايات انها حلوة و يكفي انها من اختيارك

أسفة أن كنت ما رديت عليك بدري أمس ما كان عندنا نت بسبب العاصفة




ريما 03-01-09 01:51 PM

يا ست الكل انت مجرد وجودك بالمنتدى بيكفينا

والحمد لله تطمنت عليك والموضوع طلع عاصفة وبس هههههههه

بتعرفي الحال من بعضه كمان نحنا عنا تلج والناس عم تلعب فيه وأنا عم اطلع بعيون فيها حسرة لان الخط زاد جربه يعني مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائدووووووووووو

sommanha 03-01-09 05:21 PM

شكراً ريمتي الحلوة

انت ما تدرين أمس ويش حالي من بدأت العاصفة عندنا و النت صار جربان
طول اليوم و أنا متضايقة اريد أدخل للموقع و الصفحة ما تفتح

أحنا عندنا نت ستالايت و تعرفين الستالايت يتأثر بعوامل الطقس

الحمد لله إنها عدت الله لا يعودها يا حلو

ثلج عندكم يا بختكم نفسي أشوف الثلج و ألعب فيه

على العموم احنا عندنا ثلج غبار الحمد لله



wild-flower 04-01-09 01:10 PM



ريما 04-01-09 04:02 PM

هلا فيك عزيزتي

Lola Ali 09-01-09 03:10 PM

thank you thank you thankyou thank you
i would've written these words a thousand times if they can tell you , reema , how grateful i am

anime girl 27-02-09 09:31 AM

ريممممممممممماااا ريووومتي ريموووووني ريمووووونا
ريما ماتدري قد ايش كنت ادور عن هالكاتبه كتبها روعه مره تخيلي كنت ادور بقوقل وفجأه طلع رابط موضوعك معقوله ماكنت ادري عنه ياله ياريما ماتدري قد ايش مت من الذهول لمن شفت الموضوع ولا بعد في منتدانا يعني يابنات تصفحوا صفحات المنتدى راح تحصلوا ماشاء الله اغلب الكاتبات المشهورات
ريما اذا كنتماراح اثقل عليك انتي ماشاء الله نزلتي سلسلة hawks family way
ونزلت سلسلة lone star sister بس بقي الروايه الاولى
وبقى اهم سلسله واروع سلسله لها انا قرات منها كتاب واحد بس bitter Creek novels هالسلسله رووووعه مره اكون ممنونه لك لو قدرتي تحمليها هنا وشكرا جزيلا يالغاليه

ريما 27-02-09 06:43 PM

لولا يا عسل أنا يلي بيكون مو بس مسرورة لا وبقمة الشرف كمان وقت بتنوريني حبيبتي :friends:

انومة يعني خلاص بقيت مشهورة وبجوجل وميييين قدي يا عم :lol:

من عيوني بدورلك عليهم انيمي وأنا حاولت قبل شوي بس ما شفت الا اسباني وهيك أشيا وبإذن الله أحسن أخدمك فيهم يا قمورة :friends:

هالكاتبة لفتت نظري وقت كنت عم دور بالايمول ووقتها قريت لها رواية The Virgin Groom لأن كالعادة بيعجبني مرسي الزناتي جداااااا :lol: وللي ما شافت كلامنا من قبل بقول إن المعنى هو البطل وليس البطلة بيكون عذراء :party0007: وفعلاً الرواية ما خيبت أملي لذا دورت وقتها ويلي لقيته نزلته بس إن شاء الله أعمل بحث تاني وأتوفق بباقي رواياتها قولوا آمين :f63:

anime girl 27-02-09 11:22 PM

يااااااااااااااااااااااااااه شكرا يالغاليه وبليييييييييييييييييييييز شوفي سلسلة bitter creek
وشكرا مقدما على الروايات الاكثر من رائعه وانا راح اقرا البطل دا اللي حكيته عنه ههههههههههههههههههههههههههه حلوه عذراء خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ
شكرا مره ثانيه

Lola Ali 28-02-09 12:25 AM


liilas676 28-02-09 01:23 PM

teslam edek ya a7la rema


sarastar 02-03-09 04:23 PM


sarastar 02-03-09 04:26 PM


ريما 02-03-09 04:30 PM

سلااااااااامات لكل الغاليين المنورين


Lola Ali 14-06-09 07:47 PM

Breathless Seduction / Sisters Found

Beautiful, bold and uncertain of love after being abandoned as an infant, Charity is bewildered by Kane Longstreet's marriage proposal. Despite her misgivings, she agrees to go home with Kane for the holidays. But at his cousin's engagement party at Hawk's Pride, she gets the shock of her life when she comes face-to-face with identical twin sisters Hope and Faith Butler, and sees a mirror image of herself.

The stunning discovery that she is a triplet does little to distract Hope from her own personal heartbreak. The man she has loved all her life, Jake Whitelaw, is about to marry someone else. With only two weeks until the wedding, she needs a miracle. And thanks to her determined sisters, she might just get it.

Fearing that her parents gave Charity up for adoption because of her own special needs as a child, Faith is consumed by guilt. She vows to see both her sisters happy, no matter what it takes. That means she's got to break up one wedding, arrange a couple more...and seize her own chance for happiness.

ط´ط¨ظƒط© ظ„ظٹظ„ط§ط³ ط§ظ„ط«ظ‚ط§ظپظٹط©

anime girl 14-06-09 08:18 PM

لولتي ايش هالكنز اللي مديتنا هو روووووووووووووعه لولا رووووووووووعه حطيت روايه كنت ماتوقع ابد اقرائها شكرا يالغلا

ريما 14-06-09 10:35 PM

ما شاء الله لولا الله لا يحرمنا هالنشاط والحلاوة يا عسل

Lola Ali 14-06-09 11:45 PM

احلى فريق رفع معنويات بالعالم موجود بليلاس :8_4_134:الله يجبر بخاطركم انيمي و ريمو مثل ما فرحتوني بطلتكم :friends::friends:

sommanha 15-06-09 10:27 AM

نشششششششاط رووووووعة من أحلى لولا

ربي يوفقك يا قمر



Lola Ali 15-06-09 07:05 PM

ولا يحرمني منك ومن كلامك البلسم سمسمه :flowers2:

cocubasha 10-07-09 06:41 PM

Joan Johnston - Outcast
1 مرفق


Joan Johnston - Outcast

Society bachelor and former army sniper Ben Benedict moves between two worlds - from high-society Washington to the mean city streets, from tuxedos to Glocks. His powerful Virginia family wants him out of harm's way, but Ben stays on the job, determined to make amends for a past that haunts him.

Dr. Anna Schuster is fighting demons of her own when she crosses paths with Agent Benedict. The two become adversaries - and lovers - as they search for an Al Qaeda operative bent on revenge.

Ben must fight against time - and his own darkness - to rescue millions of innocents and the woman he loves from a virulent bioweapon in the hands of a dangerous enemy.


Lola Ali 10-07-09 09:39 PM

تسلمي ياست البشوات يا أبهة :flowers2::friends::8_4_134:

anime girl 10-07-09 10:51 PM

رووووووووووووووووووووووووعه يا كوكو تعورين القلب بالتحف الابداعيه نموت على القوي يابيه

ريما 10-07-09 10:58 PM

تسلم الايادي يا ماستر

ريما 07-08-09 09:15 PM

1 مرفق
The Cowboy Takes a Wife

(The fifth book in the Hawk's Way Family series)


When single mother Desiree Parrish discovered that her abusive ex-husband was being released from prison, she knew she needed live-in protection at her ranch. And since hiring a bodyguard would only scare her young daughter, Desiree decided to hire a husband - a big, brawny husband - who had more muscles than questions...

All cowboy Carter Prescott had to do to own a piece of Texas was say "I do" and live with a pretty woman and her cute kid. He didn't have to love his instant family, and since Carter was incapable of that, anyway, he thought he'd gotten one heck of a hassle-free deal. At least until the truth came out...


cocubasha 08-08-09 11:11 AM

بجد تألق تألق يعني


صحيح بنات فينها إنيمي
بقالها فترة ما باينة

ريما 08-08-09 04:01 PM

كوكو وأنا كمان مشتاقة للبنت بس بآخر مرة كانت عم تشتكي من النت كتيييير لذا ربنا يطمنا عليها بسرعة يااا رب

نورتي يا ماستر قلبي

Lola Ali 10-08-09 03:19 AM

تعيشي ريمو المتألــــــــــــــــــــــــــقه على طول :friends::flowers2::8_4_134:

ريما 10-08-09 09:36 PM

معك حق لولتي حتى رفقاتي بالبنك شايفين إني عم المع وابرق طول الوقت هي من شدة التألق بعيد عنك خخخخخخخ

نورملاك 11-08-09 01:15 AM

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

ريما 11-08-09 03:19 PM


liilas676 01-12-09 09:04 PM

The Wrangler and the Rich Girl by Joan Johnston
1 مرفق
The Wrangler and the Rich Girl
by Joan Johnston


Was she crazy? Garth Whitelaw didn't have time to hold Candy Baylor's hand and drag her around his ranch, and why on earth would the rich Texas debutante want to train horses, anyway? But she sure looked sexy in tight, worn jeans and with hay in her hair, so maybe it wasn't such a bad deal, after all....

Candy had no idea why Garth was suddenly so agreeable, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, her instructors in school had never been so ruggedly handsome as this wrangler... and she wouldn't mind engaging in some horseplay!

Where the Whitelaws of Texas run free ... till passion brands their hearts.


liilas676 01-12-09 09:06 PM

The Cowboy and the Princess by Joan Johnston
1 مرفق
The Cowboy and the Princess
by Joan Johnston


Faron Whitelaw had some nerve calling Belinda Prescott a princess. A nearly bankrupt ranch was hardly a castle, and Faron, an ill-tempered cowboy who'd inherited half her kingdom, was certainly no prince. The man was lucky she didn't make him sleep in the barn!

Faron had been spitting mad when Belinda had to inform him, because of his inheritance, about the truth of his parentage. Suddenly, he wasn't one of the Whitelaws of Texas, and he was taking his anger out on Belinda. He wanted to believe she was nothing more than a gold digger, but all she seemed to want was him ...and that was the one thing he couldn't give her.

Where the Whitelaws of Texas run free... till passion brands their hearts.


leeen2 01-12-09 11:12 PM


الجنية السمراء 02-12-09 04:07 PM


الله يعطيكي الف عافية يا قمر


Tree 03-12-09 04:50 PM

Hi all,

this is nice work put if you make book PDF like Arabic story it will be more nice

Lola Ali 23-12-09 04:05 PM



Lola Ali 16-02-10 08:46 PM



Nine years ago Kate Grayhawk Pendelton walked into Wyatt Shaw's life - and out of it the next morning. Now Wyatt's back - and has the power to shatter Kate's future with the man she loves.

By reputation, Wyatt Shaw is a brutal killer who always gets what he wants. And he wants Kate and her twin eight-year-old sons.

Texas Ranger Jack McKinley is hot on Wyatt Shaw's trail. The presumed heir to the D'Amato crime syndicate is threatening to steal the woman he loves.

Holly McKinley is fighting to keep Jack from leaving her for another woman. Now the secret she's kept for over twenty years may save their son's life, and cost her the only man she's ever loved.


ريما 16-02-10 11:47 PM

لولتي تسلم ايدك والله يعطيك الف عافية يا كبيييييييير


اعتمادات 17-02-10 02:19 AM

تسلم ايديكى لولا


Lola Ali 19-02-10 05:05 PM

ريمو و إعتمادات U R most welcome my sisters:friends::8_4_134:

الجنية السمراء 19-02-10 06:18 PM

تسلم الايادي ام اللــــول

تعيشي وتجيبي يا قمر

Lola Ali 19-02-10 06:29 PM

U R most welcome sweetie :8_4_134:

الساعة الآن 08:18 PM.

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