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wsae4 03-10-08 11:46 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
IF possible my sister
can u put your lessons in links to download them in our PC?
thanks so much

sofeya 04-10-08 10:57 AM

وعليكم السلام

ولكم منوررر والله

sofeya 22-12-08 12:53 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة wsae4 (المشاركة 1671789)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
IF possible my sister
can u put your lessons in links to download them in our PC?
thanks so much

اوك راح احط بس لمن تنتهي الدروس

sofeya 22-12-08 01:57 PM

Words of October

word of October 31st, 2008

part of speech: adjective

بَعيد، ناءٍ meaning: far away in distance, time or relation


It happened in the remote past, so no one worries about it any more

He lived in a farmhouse remote from civilization

They take little interest in a conflict far from their homes and remote from their everyday problems

other word forms
remoteness: noun
remotely: adverb
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word of October 30th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: ensorcells, ensorcelled, ensorcelling

يُسحر meaning: to enchant / bewitch


The beauty of the moon ensorcelled them

Did she try to ensorcell him with a charm spell

other word forms
ensorcellment: noun
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word of October 29th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

مرصوص او مصفوف meaning: overlapping in sequence


The antique mirror had tiny imbricate gold squares around its edge

other word forms
imbrication: noun
imbricately: adverb
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word of October 28th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

يتغذى على المواد الحيوانية meaning: Feeding on animal matter


Zoophagous insects include predators and parasites
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word of October 27th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: scours, scoured, scouring

يُنَظِّف بالحَك meaning: to clean by hard rubbing


You'll have to scour out those old cooking pots before you use them
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word of October 26th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

عالي جداً meaning: very loud


Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room

This speech was answered with stentorian cheers of "Huzza for the Queen
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word of October 25th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

بعيد و غير مهم meaning: remote and unimportant


"We're stranded in some jerkwater town in the middle of nowhere," said Larry when he called to tell us that the car's engine had blown

I grew up in a jerkwater town in the middle of nowhere
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word of October 24th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural for: priorities

أولوية meaning: something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things


The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority

My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live

Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans

other word forms

prioritization: noun
prioritize: verb
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word of October 23rd, 2008

part of speech: verb

مؤذي meaning: harmful or limiting


Teenagers are known to have habits that are inimical to good health

Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression

other word forms
inimicality: noun
inimicalness: noun
inimically: adverb
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word of October 22nd, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: perplexes, perplexed, perplexing

يُحَيِّر، يُرْبِك meaning: to puzzle or confuse (someone); to make (someone) unable to understand


She was perplexed by his questions

Her strange response perplexed me

The disease has continued to perplex doctors

other word forms
perplexed: adjective
perplexing: adjective
perplexity: noun
perplexingly: adverb
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word of October 21st, 2008

part of speech: noun

فترة اسبوعين meaning: a period of two weeks


Most major tennis tournaments last a fortnight

It's a fortnight since I last saw her

other word forms
fortnightly: adverb


We make a fortnightly check on supplies
The group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays

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word of October 20th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

مَذْعُور، مَشْدُوه meaning: struck with terror, amazement, or horror : shocked


In an effort to impress his date, Adam ordered the most expensive items on the menu, then was aghast when the bill arrived

They stood aghast at the sight of the plane crashing

She was aghast at the mess
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word of October 19th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

غَيْر مُكْتَرِث، عَديم الإهْتِمام، عَديم الشُّعور meaning: indifferent or feeling or showing no excitement, fear or other emotion


Collette was amazed that Ryan could remain so nonchalant after being informed that he had won the scholarship

His nonchalant manner infuriated me

other word forms
nonchalantly: adverb
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word of October 18th, 2008

part of speech: noun

مبتدئ meaning: A beginner or novice


You have no right to preach to me, you neophyte, that have not passed the porch of life, and are absolutely unacquainted with its mysteries

He's a neophyte at chess

other word forms
jocundity: noun
jocundly: adverb
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word of October 17th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

قديم و لكن موجود، لا يزال قائِما meaning: very old that is still existing


We have some extant parish records from the sixteenth century

There are only three extant copies of the report
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word of October 16th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

مبتهج او مسرور meaning: cheerful; merry; glad


Mary joined a witty and jocund group

other word forms
jocundity: noun
jocundly: adverb
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word of October 15th, 2008

part of speech: noun

فَضيلَه meaning: a good moral quality


Honesty is a virtue

other word forms
virtuous: adjective
virtuously: adverb
virtueless: adjective
virtuelessness: adverb
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word of October 14th, 2008

part of speech: noun

طَمَع في جَمْع المال meaning: strong desire for money


Avarice is often personified as one of the deadly sins

other word forms
avaricious: adjective
avariciously: adverb
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word of October 13th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: maligns; maligned; maligning

يطْعَنُ في، يَقْدَح في شَخْصٍ بَريء meaning: speak evil of


She has recently been maligned in the gossip columns of several newspapers

Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular

Critics have relentlessly maligned the mayor since rumors of bribery surfaced, even though she has successfully revitalized the downtown shopping district

other word forms
malign: adjective
malignly: adverb
malignity: noun
maligner: noun
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word of October 12th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: impugns; impugned; impuging

يشكك بالشيء من خلال انتقاده و ابراز العيب فيه meaning: attack as false or wrong or cast doubt upon


Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer

He wanted to impugn his political opponent's record

other word forms
impugnable: adjective
impugner: noun
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word of October 11th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: covets; coveted; coveting

يشتهي شيئا يملكه الآخرين بشدة meaning: to desire something strongly, especially something which belongs to someone else


She always coveted power but never quite achieved it

She covets her sister's house

The Booker Prize is the most coveted British literary award

other word forms
covetable: adjective
covetous: adjective
covetously: adverb
covetingly: adverb
covetousness: noun
coveter: noun
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word of October 10th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

مدني او له علاقة بالمدينة meaning: of or in a city or town


He dislikes urban life

One of the things that disturb villagers coming to the city is its urban traffic

other word forms
urbanize: verb
urbanized: adjective
urbanization: noun

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word of October 9th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

قروي / ريفي meaning: in, of or like the countryside


The area is still very rural and undeveloped

The scouts stopped in a rural area where they camped at night

other word forms
ruralism: noun
ruralist: noun
ruralite: noun
rurally: adverb
rauralness: noun
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word of October 8th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: aftermath

عواقب او آثار الحرب او الكوارث meaning: the period following an event, such as an accident or war, and the effects caused by the event


The country is still suffering from the aftermath of the war

We all worked together in the aftermath of the earthquake

Famine is an aftermath of drought
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word of October 7th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: cocoons, cocooned, cocooning

يغطي و يلف او يحمي من خطر meaning: to wrap or envelop; to protect someone or something from pain or unpleasantness


Lily settled into the bleachers and cocooned herself in blankets so she could enjoy the ball game without being chilled by the icy wind

As a student you're cocooned against/from the real world

other word forms
cocoon: noun
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word of October 6th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

غير صبور meaning: impatient


The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the performance to begin

The government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive

other word forms
restiveness: noun
restively: adverb
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word of October 5th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: gravamens / gravamina

الجزء الاهم و الاخطر في الاتهام او الادانة للمتهم meaning: the most serious part of an accusation


The gravamen against James is that the police found a drop of blood from the victim on his shirt
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word of October 4th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

غير ماهر في التصرف او الفعل meaning: unskilled in behaviour or action


She can be a little maladroit in social situations
A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve

other word forms
maladroitly: adverb
maladroitness: noun
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word of October 3rd, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: blurbs

meaning: a short de******ion of a book or film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, and intended to make people want to buy it or see it
وصف بسيط لكتاب او فيلم، الخ يُكتب من المنتجين او الناشرين و الهدف منه جعل الناس ترغب في شرائه او مشاهدته


The author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book

The blurb on the back of the book says that it 'will touch your heart

other word forms
blurb: verb
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word of October 2nd, 2008

part of speech: noun

كرش meaning: a protruding abdomen, belly


Jim's bride was an excellent cook, and after only a few weeks of marriage, he began to develop a significant paunch

He was getting something of a paunch, and sorrow had no effect on it

He developed quite a paunch

other word forms
paunchy: adjective
paunched: adjective
paunchiness: noun
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word of October 1st, 2008

part of speech: noun

سعادة و مرح meaning: laughter, amusement or happiness


Her impersonations of our teachers were a source of considerable mirth

other word forms
mirthless: adjective
mirthlessly: adverb

golya 22-12-08 07:48 PM

يسلمو قلبي ولي عوده ..

الساعة الآن 03:33 AM.

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