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-   -   MILLIONAIRE'S WEDDING REVENGE (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t54369.html)

nargis 15-10-07 09:02 AM

Chapter Ten

Stephen had the chance to speak to his mother alone after the family dinner. He stopped her at the base of the foyer staircase.
Good thing that today she seemed more sober than usual. Still, he had a good hunch she’d been heading upstairs to her stash of liquor.
"You're out of control." he said without preamble.
She raised an eyebrow haughtily. "Excuse me but I have no idea what you mean."
He had to give his mother credit. Even struggling with an addiction to alcohol, she was still the grand dame. But he knew where the truth lay.
"Let’s dispense with the subterfuge," he said.
If possible Bonita seemed to freeze even more. ‘I’m your mother. I won't have you speaking to me this way."
With her hand on the railing Bonita took a step up but he placed his hand over hers, halting her progress.
‘I’m talking about your drinking Mother. It’s started to affect the entire family, and its consuming your life."
Bonita straightened, her spine stiffening with outrage. "How dare you? Wasn't I polite and cordial to your wife and daughter? Didn't I welcome them into my home?"
"Your drinking is upsetting the whole family." he continued implacably.
Bonita's eyes snapped with anger. "How dare you speak to me about upsetting this family? Your father cheated and imperiled the family fortune, and you've decided to follow in his footsteps."
He sighed. The family peace that had prevailed tonight appeared to be over. He'd figured Megan would come into this at one point or another.
"Your accusations are off the mark. I didn't cheat on my wife—" Though Megan had thought he'd cheated on her before they were married, he decided his mother didn't need to know about a false accusation "—and I sure didn't jeopardize the family fortune. Parker and I are working to get this situation with the woman in the Bahamas straightened out. The only parallel with Dad is that I had a child out of wedlock, but I don't regret Jades existence for a second."
His mother’s lips thinned. "And now your mistress has joined the family, too. You outdid your father in that department. Stephen."
He held on to Bonita's hand when she tried to ascend. "Make no mistake Mother. Megan is part of this family, and she's here to stay. I won't tolerate your being rude to her."
Then because of his purpose in seeking out his mother tonight, and because he could read the turbulence and pain in her eyes unusually well at the moment, he softened his voice. "Get yourself some help Mother. Otherwise, we'll have to do it for you."
After a tense moment during which neither of them spoke Bonita extricated her hand from his and went up the stairs without a look back.
Watching his mother depart Stephen reflected on her accusations, and his thoughts naturally turned to the status of his relationship with Megan.
Yesterday had been fantastic. He'd taken Megan and Jade for an outing aboard his prized yacht and had been able to share one of his favorite pastimes with his daughter for the first time. Life didn't get any better.
On top of it all his and Megan's lovemaking had been as explosive as ever. He meant to repeat the experience as soon as possible. Tonight, if he could arrange it.
Yesterday, when Megan hadn't seemed to mind the possibility of getting pregnant again, he'd nearly blown his cool right then with his blinding need to have her.
Now the thought of having more children with her made his pulse quicken all over again. This time he wanted to be around for all of it. He wanted to experience the wonder of pregnancy with her. He wanted to be there when their child was born.
He wanted Megan in his bed in his life. Period.
If Megan didn't realize it already, he was going to set out to prove it to her.
Their marriage in name only was about to become a marriage in every possible way.
When they got home from Bonita's estate Megan helped Jade get ready for bed then tiptoed out of her daughter's room while Stephen read a bedtime story.
Returning to her own room, she thought about how wonderful it would be to luxuriate in a warm bath for half an hour. She’d survived the evening, and all she wanted to do now was relax.
Instead, however, she opted for a quick shower in the adjoining bathroom. A hot shower would do the trick almost as well to relieve her tight muscles. And it had the added benefit of being relatively fast—no need to worry too much about Stephen moving around in the next room.
She stripped, then walked into the bathroom and got the water running in the shower. Stepping into the stall, she sighed and closed her eyes as hot jets of water pounded her.
All in all she had to admit the evening hadn't gone badly. Bonita—judging from what Stephen had told her beforehand by way of warning—seemed to have behaved fairly well.
And Stephen’s siblings had been warm, welcoming and nonjudgmental. They appeared to accept that whatever her relationship with Stephen had been, and whatever reasons shed had for not telling Stephen about Jade, it was all water under the bridge now that she and Stephen were married.
She sighed again.
"Need me to do your back?"
She gasped and jerked around.
Stephen stood outside the shower stall, and from his lazy, amused tone, he'd gotten quite an eyeful.
"What are you doing here?" Surprise made her tone sharp.
His lopsided grin emerged. "I knocked on your bedroom door, and when I got no response I came in." His eyes crinkled. "I thought you might have fallen asleep on the bed—again."
"Well, as you can see. I'm taking a shower!"
His eyes traveled downward. "Yeah. I can see all right—"
"What do you want?"
His eyes came back to hers. "Take a guess."
She regretted her choice of words. "I'll be out soon."
She made her tone repressive. They needed to talk, that was for sure—but not here and now! She used her pointed tone to mask her susceptibility.
She felt vulnerable and exposed, not to mention that standing before him naked was doing strange things to her insides.
Stephens grin only widened. "Sure about the back scrub?"
"No. thanks."
'I’ll try to get over the devastating rejection."
"I know it doesn't happen much, but join the masses."
His eyes glinted at her humor. "Do you remember the showers we took together?" he murmured. "We'd wind up late for work."
She certainly hadn't forgotten. How could she? Shed replayed those scenes in her mind too many times over the years.
She moved to turn off the shower. "I've grown up." she responded.
"So have I." he drawled, turning toward the door, "but that doesn't exclude indulging in some fun."
Judging by their encounter yesterday, she'd have to agree with him. Mercifully, though, she was spared a response as he walked out of the room.
Twenty minutes later, she wandered downstairs in her bare feet, a satin robe over a matching knee-length gown. Damp tendrils of hair lay against her shoulders. She hadn't completely succeeded in keeping her hair dry despite tying it up for the shower.
She found Stephen in the spacious living room. The lights were turned down low and the voice of Harry Connick Jr. crooning "Only You" sounded softly in the background.
Stephen stood holding two wineglasses filled with red wine. He held one out to her.
A little flame she was all too familiar with ignited inside her.
Shed sought him out for a talk—the recent episode in the shower had convinced her they were past due for one—but this wasn't quite the ambience she was expecting.
"Relax." he said, as if reading her mind.
She realized her only hope rested with appearing cool and nonchalant. Stephen would exploit any hint of responsiveness to his advantage.
With that thought, she took the wineglass from him—ignoring how the brush of their hands sent a tingling through her—and sat with him on the couch.
"Thanks for coming to the family dinner tonight." he said. "I know it was stressful for you."
"It’s important for Jade to meet your family." she said, glad to be on a safe topic. "She is the first grandchild, after all."
She took a sip of her drink. She’d expected him to immediately begin putting the moves on her so he’d thrown her off with his comment.
Still, it was hard not to be aware of him. He was impossibly masculine in black pants and an open-collar white shirt. His shirtsleeves had been rolled back to expose the dark hair of his arms.
Now he nodded. "I know some of my siblings would have bet good money against my being the father of the first grandchild. We almost beat Parker and Anna to the altar, too."
She looked down into her glass. "Your mother behaved well."
She hadn’t gotten a warm, fuzzy feeling from Bonita Garrison, but she was happy the woman had been polite and accepting of Jade.
"For a change." Stephen said.
She looked up at him again. "Do you ever worry about drinking yourself?"
He shook his head. "No. I set clear limits to when I drink, and I can stick to them. Besides—" he shot her a significant look "—I get into enough trouble without bringing alcohol into it."
She knew he was thinking about their relationship and. specifically, about the child they'd produced.
"You haven't told me about your years in Indianapolis." he said abruptly.
She shrugged. "There isn't much to tell. I was raising a child with help from my family."
She talked then about her life in Indiana. She told him about her family and friends, and the funny little things that had happened to her.
"How did you support yourself?" he asked.
"I did small contract jobs for family, friends and neighbors." She shrugged again. "You know, helping someone remodel a kitchen or add on to a house."
His lips tightened.
"I know what you're thinking," she said. "Don't say it."
"We're married now." he responded. "That's what counts."
"Yes, about that—"
She wet her lips, then stopped as she saw he'd focused on the action.
"Are you going to express regrets about accusing me of cheating?" His eyes held hers steadily. "You should have faced me four years ago with your suspicions."
"I was wrong not to face you." she admitted, knowing she owed him that, at least. "You'll never know how many times I've wondered over the years whether I made the right decision for Jade."
He looked mollified.
She took a deep breath. "But I've also come to the realization that meeting that woman that night was just the catalyst for my leaving. I knew what your life was like—"
His brows snapped together.
"—and we were having a no-strings affair."
He leaned forward to place his wineglass on the end table. "Oh. there were strings, baby, make no mistake about it."
She put down her wineglass, too and rose. "That's why yesterday shouldn't set a pattern."
He got to his feet too. "I agree."
"You do?" She couldn't keep the surprise from her voice. Well, that was easy.
His arms snaked around her. "Next time, it's going to be dry land or nothing. A small cabin like that isn't big enough for our kind of—" his eyes gleamed "—physically demanding lovemaking."
She nearly choked.
"Hey. I'm a big guy."
This time, she did splutter, but she could see from the amusement on his face that he was enjoying toying with her—enjoying having her wonder exactly what he meant by big.
A smile teased his lips. "Four years ago we were closer to being kids. We could have made do with a park bench. Now as you've pointed out we're seeing the wrong side of thirty."
"I said I was grown-up—"
His head came down, and he claimed her mouth.
Behind her eyelids, the world erupted in color. Her mind swam.
Pressing his advantage, he plundered her mouth, making her open to him, Making her feel.
She moaned low in her throat, even as a part of her mind fought for control.
After several moments, she tore her mouth from his. "Stephen—"
In response, he bent her backward, and her robe fell open. He trailed his lips down her throat, lingering over the pulse under her jaw.
Pulsating awareness sang through her veins and gathered at the juncture of her thighs.
Oh. "We have to talk—"
"Trust me on this one Meggikins." he said thickly. "There are actions more valuable than words right now."
‘I’m not sure that's the saying." she said somewhat breathlessly, raising her head. He used to call her Meggikins all the time before she left Miami. This was the first time he'd used her old nickname in his previous sweet, unsarcastic way.
"Whatever." he responded. "There are times when we guys call it right."
He was getting it more than right, she thought. He was playing her like a virtuoso handling a Stradivarius.
He stared at the silky nightgown revealed by her open robe. She could tell he'd focused on her nipples, which had tightened and now jutted against the thin material of her gown.
His eyes darkened, his face growing taut with desire. "Do you know I fantasized about you?" He shook his head slowly. "It used to drive me crazy that I kept thinking about you when you'd been the one to walk away."
"That's why you want me now. I'm a novelty. The one who dumped you." She guessed this wasn't the time to tell him she’d dreamed about him too. It would be like adding fuel to the fire. She could feel his erection pressed against her.
He shook his head again, his brows coming together. He gave her a little shake. "Don't give me that garbage. You're the mother of my child."
Her heart plummeted, even as she told herself she shouldn't care whether he saw her as just a mother or not at all.
"We can barely be in the same room without wanting to get it on." he said huskily.
Her heart skipped a beat. "Lust."
"Sexual attraction," he contradicted. "Its more than a lot of other people have."
But it wasn't enough for her. "What happens when it all fades?"
"It hasn't in four years."
She shook her head in denial.
His eyes gleamed. "Do you need me to show you again just how much it can be worth?"
His hand skimmed up her thigh, raising her gown and robe. His head lowered.
"We shouldn't," she whispered.
"What?" he muttered against her mouth. "We’re married. We’re legal. We’re not inebriated."
"This isn't what I signed up for."
"Hell, me too, but sometimes you just have to run with it."
He hoisted her up and fastened his mouth to hers.
Oh damn. She’d underestimated just how hard it would be to live under the same roof and resist him. And he wasn't making it any easier on her.
In the background Harry Jr. had faded into the slow, sultry tones of Norah Jones.
Without breaking contact Stephen used one hand to pull her panties off, then sat back on the couch with her.
Her legs came down on either side of him straddling him.
He rubbed her sensitized nipples and made a guttural sound of pleasure.
Yes, her mind whimpered.
She’d gone so long without. So long without him. Yesterday, the dam had burst, and now all her desires came pouring forth.
He kissed her jaw then pushed the robe off her shoulders so that it dropped to the floor. He kissed her neck, her shoulder and her collarbone, then gave her a little love bite.
She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, sliding against him. needing him to fill the dull ache inside her.
Eventually, with a groan, he stilled her hands against his shirt. He grasped the bottom of her gown and pulled her last article of clothing over her head before tossing it aside.
Turning back to her he reached between them. He delved, testing her with his fingers and finding her wetness.
And she savored his touch. Her eyes closed, her back arched, and her breathing became shallow. She clenched around him.
"That's right." he muttered. "Come to me my mermaid."
She opened her eyes and looked at him.
From the harsh, intent look on his face, she knew he was ready. She was ready.
He withdrew his hand, and with quivering fingers, she helped him undo his belt and free himself.
She held his gaze as she sank down on him joining them and making them both sigh with pleasure.
She rode him then with sweet rhythm while he whispered encouragement in her ear.
Slowly, slowly, they climbed to the pinnacle together.
When she peeked at him and saw his jaw was locked, she realized only iron control kept him from taking her wildly. She knew he was waiting for her—trying to make this good for her.
And with that awareness, all her nervous tension broke and she found a magnificent release.
He caught her when she came, taking over in the last few moments and thrusting up to meet her with a deep groan as he shook and strained one last time.

Chapter Eleven

On Friday Megan met Anna for lunch at La Loggia, near Elkind Ross's offices downtown.
After they'd ordered Anna said. "Marriage seems to agree with you."
"Does it?" Megan remarked, lifting her water glass.
"Mmm-hmm." Anna persisted, a teasing light in her eyes. "You look as if you've been having lots of sex—and enjoying it."
She choked on a sip of water. "What?"
"Are you okay?" Anna responded, laughing.
"How would you know that?" She felt as if she were wearing an H for horny emblazoned on her knit top.
Anna gave another tinkling laugh. "Simple. I'm married to a Garrison, too and I'm also a newlywed."
Megan resisted the urge to cup her hot cheeks.
The past week had been crazy. She and Stephen were married parents of a young child, and they were conducting a passionate affair.
The couch...the desk...the breakfast table. They were sneaking around a three-year-old. They'd even put his gift of lingerie to good use.
Just last night, after they'd put Jade to bed Stephen had bent her forward over the desk in his study and had intercourse with her.
Anna took a sip from her water glass, seemingly reading Megan's silence for the admission it was. "Mmm-hmm. Persuasive, was he?" she murmured.
Megan groaned and hid her face behind her hands.
"Oh. Anna." she said when she looked up. "we’ve been on a roller coaster this past week."
Her friend laughed again. "So you're having wild, uninhibited sex with your husband. What's wrong with that?"
Anna’s lips twitched. "I understand. Stephen’s an attractive guy with a healthy sex drive and he wanted to get it on with you."
Megan expelled a breath and nodded. “The rat. He's reneging on the terms of this marriage."
Her friend placed a hand over her heart melodramatically. "How? By wanting to have sex with you his wife, rather than someone else?"
"When you put it that way it sounds so reasonable."
"It is reasonable."
Rather than concede, however, she held on doggedly to her position, which she nevertheless knew was fast becoming unsustainable.
Still, she felt compelled to set the record straight on one score. "It turns out he wasn't having sex with anyone else four years ago. either."
Anna raised an eyebrow, and Megan recounted Stephen's story to her.
"And I believed him." she said when she finished.
"So." Anna said, "everything should be great now right?"
She shook her head. "No. Don't you see?" she said, her voice almost a wail. "I was vulnerable to believing that woman four years ago because Stephen had such a reputation as a player, and nothing has changed, and—and. oh God. I may be falling for him again!"
Panic roiled her stomach.
She was in love with him. Maybe had always remained a little in love with him.
Anna patted her hand.
She looked at her sister-in-law, her eyes pleading. "Why? Why? Why did he have to insist on this marriage? We could have come to an arrangement that allowed him to see Jade!"
Anna shook her head. "Megan. Megan, look around!" Anna glanced to one side of them, then to the other. "Do you know how many men have looked over at us—at you—since we arrived? You're a tall, gorgeous redhead who attracts more attention than a neon sign in the desert. Of course Stephen wanted to slap a ring on your hand as soon as possible!"
Megan closed her eyes, sucked in some deep, controlling breaths, then looked at her friend again.
"You're fearful right now that's all." Anna said. "Believe me. I understand. I was just there. Falling in love is scary. And then there are all those trust issues."
"I know." she said matter-of-factly.
Trust. Anna and Parker didn't have the lengthy tortured history she and Stephen did and yet Anna knew about the importance of that little word.
Just then, the waiter approached with their food.
All through lunch, however Megan wondered about her new discovery and how she was going to handle it.
She was in love with Stephen Garrison. Again.
A storm was on the way. Stephen looked up at the sky from the deck of Wishful Thinking. Fortunately, the storm wasn't a hurricane—at least for now.
Still, it would hit over the weekend, and he wanted to make sure his yacht was prepared.
Though the staff at the marina could do the work for him Wishful Thinking was his baby, and he liked to get personally involved when he could.
The yacht needed to be tied up with longer, sturdier lines, and as a precaution, he needed to clear out some of his personal possessions.
He headed below deck, then turned at the sound of someone clambering aboard.
Retracing his steps, he felt a smile rise to his lips. Megan was early.
They'd agreed last night to meet at the marina after work and have a Friday night out. He'd been looking forward to it all day.
But as he came up on deck again, he saw his visitor wasn't Megan, but their babysitter.
Tiffany was dressed as if she was heading out for a night on the town. She was wearing a sheer blouse, black miniskirt and heels, and her face was more made-up than usual.
He remembered now mentioning to the babysitter that he'd have to tie up his boat at the Miami Beach Marina after work today.
"What's up Tiffany?" His thoughts automatically went to his daughter. "Is something wrong with Jade?" he asked, his voice coming out sharp.
"No, no, no." Tiffany said on a breathless laugh, walking toward him. "I dropped her off at her friend Gillian's birthday party earlier."
He relaxed. "Well, if you're thinking you need to babysit, there are crossed wires. My sister-in-law Anna, is supposed to pick her up from the party—" he consulted his watch "—in a little over an hour."
He and Megan had agreed Anna and Parker would take Jade for the evening while they went out for a quick dinner, just the two of them. Anna had been thrilled at the prospect of babysitting.
"No crossed wires." Tiffany said easily, her gaze focused on his face, "and there's plenty of time for what I came to discuss."
"Oh yeah?"
She nodded to the stairs. "Can we talk somewhere more private?" She hugged herself and looked around. "It’s windy out here."
"Yeah, with good reason. There's a storm coming ashore." he said, but nevertheless turned to lead the way.
"I've never been aboard before." Tiffany said from behind him once they were in the narrow corridor below deck. "Is this where you nap?"
He turned around to see Tiffany peering into the master cabin.
"Yup." he said, then braced his hands on his hips. He'd dressed in pants and an open-collar shirt for work today because he'd known he'd be heading over to the yacht to meet Megan for dinner. "Now why don't you tell me what this is about?"
Tiffany straightened and peeked up at him through her lashes. "Better yet. I’ll show you."
She stepped forward and fastened her mouth to his.
It happened so fast, he didn't have a chance to react. In the tight confines of the yachts passageway, there wasn't much room to move.
Still, it was the last thing he'd been expecting from Tiffany, so for a second he remained immobile.
She pressed closer, going up on tiptoe, her arms snaking around his neck.
"Mmm." she murmured.
As she moved her mouth over his, his brain snapped on. What the hell.
He reached for her arms and tugged them from his neck.
She touched his chest, looking up at him pleadingly. "Do me."
He opened his mouth, flabbergasted.
"Excuse me."
He and Tiffany both turned to look at the end of the passageway.
Megan stood rigidly, silhouetted by the light, then spun on her heel.
Stephen cursed. "Megan, wait!"
He started after her but Tiffany fisted her hand into the back of his shirt, stopping him.
He turned back, his brows snapping together. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Let her go. Stephen."
"She’s my wife!"
Tiffany smirked. "C'mon. I know you're not sleeping with her. She's been in the guest bedroom."
Oh, hell! Yes. Megan's stuff still remained in the guest bedroom, but he'd been having a damn good week, seducing Megan at every opportunity—making headway, or so he thought. And now this.
Tiffany trailed a hand down his chest. "I know a virile guy like you must have a difficult time doing without." she said, lowering her voice invitingly. "So here I am."
He removed her hand from his chest. "You don't know a thing." he said coldly.
The first glimmer of uncertainty entered the babysitter’s eyes. "C'mon. Stephen. Everyone knows you play the field—"
"Past tense there, honey." In fact, in the last couple of years, his reputation had been based more on past public perception than on reality.
He glowered at her. "What's your game?"
Tiffany affected a pout. "Nothing! You're one of the sexiest, hippest guys in Miami. Everyone knows about the Garrison brothers. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about."
Stephen sighed inwardly. He'd been reduced to a notch on the bedpost, and the irony wasn't lost on him. Aloud, he said. "You're going to explain to Megan exactly what happened here."
"That we were kissing?" Tiffany smirked again. "I think she saw that for herself."
"No. that you came on to me unexpectedly."
Tiffany's jaw set mulishly. "I can't do that."
"You can, and you will." He resisted the urge to shake some sense into her.
"If I say that I’ll never get another child-care job! I have to stick to the story it was mutual."
He was surprised and even a bit impressed at how much she’d thought this through. It made him wonder, though, just how many guys Tiffany had come on to in the past. He’d been at the receiving end of enough conniving women to be sort of jaded about the type.
"You wont get a job based on the recommendation I’d give you." he gritted.
She folded her arms. "At least my way I’ll have a fighting chance. It will be my word against yours."
Tiffany had cost him and cost him big with Megan, but Stephen suddenly felt an iota of sympathy for the babysitter. She was young and impressionable, and obviously looking for love in all the wrong places.
"Stop chasing a rainbow. Fame and being hip isn't all it’s cracked up to be." he advised.
Then he turned away to try to find his wife.
Megan blindly found her way back to her car. She got behind the wheel and her brain went on automatic pilot as she steered out of the parking lot.
It was just like four years ago. A wild affair where she couldn't see straight, then blindsided by a betrayal.
She should have known. She should have known.
Once a cheater always a cheater the naysayer within her chanted.
She made herself relive the pain of catching Tiffany and Stephen in an intimate embrace.
At least four years ago she’d been spared the visual evidence. Then she’d gone only on the word of a woman she hadn't met before. That, and Stephen's playboy reputation.
This time, shed witnessed the cheating herself.
As she made a left turn at a stoplight, she realized she couldn't go home—or rather, to Stephen’s estate near South Beach. He'd be there, and she needed time to think.
Her cell phone rang, and she ignored it. She recognized the ring as Stephens.
Her mind raced ahead. The Garrison Grand was also off-limits for obvious reasons. Under other circumstances, she might have turned to Anna for help, but Anna was now married to Stephen’s brother.
With that thought, her mind went to Jade. At least she wouldn't need to worry about her daughter tonight. She knew Anna would be happy to take care of Jade for as long as needed.
Her cell phone rang again, and she turned it off with one hand.
She realized after a moment that she could always go to the little house in Coral Gables. She had the lease until the end of the month, and some of her furniture and belongings were still in the house.
Her mind made up she turned the car west.
A short time later, when she reached her former home, she let herself in kicked off her sandals and turned her phone back on.
The screen on her cell flashed information on several missed calls from Stephen. Cynically, she wondered what explanation he'd come up with this time.
Then she searched for and found Anna’s number. When her sister-in-law picked up. she said. "Anna, it's Megan."
"Hi! I was just about to go get Jade—"
"Listen, would you mind keeping her until tomorrow?"
"Of course I don't mind." Anna responded. "Well just run by the Garrison Grand on the way home and pick up some stuff for her from your suite."
Like Stephen. Megan knew. Parker and Anna maintained a suite at the Garrison Grand for personal use.
"Thanks." Megan said, relief making her relax. "I left some clothes over there when Jade got a tour of her father’s hotel."
The father who had just proved once again he was a lying, cheating, untrustworthy rat.
"You and Stephen want the evening to yourselves, hmm?" Anna asked teasingly.
"Something like that." Megan heard her voice wobble. "Just tell Jade I love her and I’ll see her tomorrow."
"Is something wrong?" Anna asked, her voice suddenly tinged with worry. "You sound a little strange."
Sudden, unexpected tears clogged her throat. Damn it. Shed thought she had this under control.
"Everything's fine." she managed. "See you tomorrow."
After disconnecting, she looked around.
She was beginning to rethink her idea of staying in Coral Gables tonight. It might not be the first place Stephen thought to look for her but it might occur to him if he reflected on it a bit.
With that thought, she strode purposely into her former bedroom and gathered up some clothes. She packed an ancient overnight bag.
She needed to ponder what to do she thought, feeling sick to her stomach. This time, it would be hard for her to cut and run. She and Stephen were married, and there was a three-year-old child involved.
She knew he'd come after her—because of Jade, of course.
She couldn't believe she'd opened her heart to him again. The jerk.
She swung her overnight bag off the bed with more violence than necessary. The philandering snake.
This time, though, she decided her reaction would be different—not only because it had to be but because she wanted it to be.
She walked toward the front door.
She wasn't going to be a passive victim. She wasn't meekly going away.
Outside, she locked up the house, tossed her overnight bag into the car and got behind the wheel.
Jaw set she knew exactly where she was going. First steps first.
She was checking into one of the Garrison Grands rival hotels. It was just too bad the Hotel Victoria wasn't open yet.

a_y osama 16-10-07 02:08 AM

thank you nargis

lousclarita 16-10-07 04:20 PM

thanks a lot nargis

nargis 20-10-07 06:15 PM

Chapter Twelve

By the time Stephen got to the marinas parking lot. Megan was gone. Annoyed with himself for letting Tiffany slow him down, he whipped out his cell to try to reach Megan by phone.
When she didn't pick up then or on subsequent calls, he held out slim hope the reason was because she was driving. More likely, she'd drawn her own conclusions about the scenario that had apparently played out before her eyes.
He swore under his breath. He had to find her and fix this situation. He knew appearances were damning, but he had to convince her of the truth.
Just the thought she might walk away from him again made him nearly break out in a sweat.
He strode to his car which was parked nearby. He was willing to do this the hard way—by process of elimination.
First, he headed to the most likely place he'd find her—his estate near South beach.
When he didn't find her there, he grimly headed back out to his car. He decided to check his suite at the Garrison Grand next.
Before pulling out of his drive, however, he called Anna. It occurred to him Megan wouldn't do anything without making sure Jade was taken care of. Parker’s wife might therefore be able to give him some leads.
When his sister-in-law picked up. he said. "Hi. Anna. Is Jade with you?"
"Yes. she's right here. I just got back from picking her up."
At least he knew where Jade was. Stephen thought, some of his tension easing. "Is Megan there?"
There was a pause on the line, and he could practically see Anna frowning.
"I thought she was with you." his sister-in-law said.
"There's been a...misunderstanding. Has she tried to contact you?"
"As a matter of fact, she did—"
Stephen's hand tightened on the phone.
"—but she didn't say where she was. She asked if I could keep Jade until tomorrow. Of course I said it was okay. I just stopped by your suite at the Garrison Grand on the way home and picked up some clothes for Jade."
Damn. Still, now he knew Megan wasn't at the hotel.
"Thanks. Anna." he said. “I’lll be in touch. Give Jade a kiss for me."
"You know." Anna put in. "Megan said nearly the same thing when I talked to her. She wanted me to tell Jade she loved her."
At least Stephen thought, there was one thing he and his wife agreed on at the moment. They were united in their love and concern for Jade.
"Are you sure everything is all right?" Anna asked.
"It will be soon." Stephen assured her.
When he ended the call, he sat and gazed down his driveway for a moment.
Now he knew Megan wasn't at the Garrison Grand, he was at loose ends. He'd covered the most logical bases, and Megan wasn't answering her phone.
He squinted into the distance, then realized there was one place he hadn't tried yet.
After turning the key in the ignition, he pulled away from the house and headed to Coral Gables.
Megan woke up disoriented.
She was in a strange room. A hotel room.
Then the drama of the previous evening came rushing back, and along with it the queasy feeling there was no way to fix what was wrong with her life.
It was a feeling she’d had once before, when she’d found herself pregnant and alone, having realized the father of her child thought of her as nothing more than a fling.
Luckily, she’d found a hotel room yesterday. With the impending storm, there had been a number of last-minute cancellations of weekend reservations.
While shed been tossing and turning in bed last night, she’d also come to a resolution.
The last time shed caught Stephen cheating, shed turned and run. She hadn't even sought an explanation from him. This time, though the evidence against him was damning, she wouldn't make the same mistake.
Now after she showered, dressed and ate a light breakfast delivered by room service, she put in a call to Tiffany.
When the babysitter picked up she announced without preamble. "You're fired."
"Yes its me." she said crisply. "As of today, your services are no longer required."
"I can explain—"
‘I’m sure you can." she responded, "but I don't want to hear it."
Afterward, she checked herself out of the hotel and headed for Stephens estate.
She’d bolted, just like four years ago. But now she was turning around and fighting.
Last night had to rank as the most miserable night of his life. Stephen reflected. Megan hadn't come home, and he hadn't been able to find her.
He poured himself another morning cup of coffee and paced back and forth in his kitchen.
He'd been up since six—not that he'd gotten much sleep. Though it was only late morning, he'd showered, dressed in jeans and a casual shirt, and been prowling around restlessly for what seemed like eons.
Yesterday, when he'd arrived at the house in Coral Gables, he'd discovered Megan wasn't there. However, he'd run into a neighbor who said she'd thought she'd seen Megan's car parked in front of the house not too long before.
Cursing his bad timing, but realizing he'd run out of options, he'd returned to his estate near South Beach.
Now he looked outside at gray storm clouds and a steady rain.
Damn it. The storm was closing in. and if he didn't find Megan soon, he'd have to ride out the storm here—alone and without resolution.
The only silver lining was that Megan had asked Anna to hold on to Jade only until today. That meant—at least he hoped it did—that Megan was bound to show up sooner rather than later.
He'd already phoned Anna this morning and told her to give him a call if Megan stopped by to pick up Jade. He'd sensed that his sister-in-law had questions but was refraining from asking them.
He knew Megan couldn't just take off this time. She had a partnership in her firm and a three-year-old who couldn't be uprooted easily. There was also a storm coming ashore. And most importantly, he'd find her—no matter how long it took—and make her see the truth.
Itching to do something now, however, he dialed the sitter. Perhaps Megan had contacted Tiffany. She’d seemed angry enough last night to let loose with some choice words aimed at the both of them.
When Tiffany picked up. he said. "It's Stephen. Have you heard from Megan?"
There was a pause. "You know, for no longer being in your employ." Tiffany drawled. "I sure do get a lot of calls from Garrisons."
Suddenly alert, he asked. "What do you mean you're no longer employed?"
"By you and your wife. She fired me."
Stephen felt his spirits lift, but he nevertheless asked sarcastically. "Even after your explanation that it was supposedly mutual?"
"It didn't get that far. She didn't even give me time to explain!"
At a sound behind him he swung around and his eyes locked with Megan's.
"Talking to the other woman?" she asked, arching a brow.
"Gotta go. Tiffany." he said absently, then disconnected. He stared at Megan, willing her to be more than a figment of his imagination.
She looked like a mermaid that had been washed ashore and up to his doorstep. She was wearing a rain-splattered flower-print sundress, the shoulder straps of which cleverly continued beneath her breasts, outlining them. Her long red hair hung down her back, drops of rain reflecting the light cast by the overhead in the kitchen.
The way she looked right now she took him back four years. Back to when she was still willing to play the seductress and he was her eager victim. Back to when things had been right between them.
He fought the urge to grab her and pull her into his arms. He settled for setting down the phone and walking toward her. "I didn't know where you were."
"Then let me put your mind at ease." she said, planting her handbag on a nearby chair. "The Tides Hotel."
Ouch. "You know how to hit a guy when he's down, don't you?"
"Funny. I thought I was the one who was down, and you—" her eyes went to his crotch "—were the one who was up."
She was taking no prisoners, he thought with an inner grimace. Still, ridiculously, he felt turned on.
"I thought you were going to bolt like before." he said.
"Can't." She shrugged and held up her hand. ‘I’m married to you this time."
He was close enough to glimpse uncertainty beneath her cool reserve, and he pressed forward. 'I’m not letting you go."
Her eyes flashed. "You strong-armed me into this marriage—"
"Damn right. I did."
"I fired Tiffany."
"But you can’t fire me."
"But I can divorce you." she said, her chin coming up.
His jaw set. Like hell.
"Were you carrying on with her?" she asked.
The question hung in the air between them. "Would you believe me if I said no?"
"Would any reasonable person?" she tossed back.
‘I’m not giving you a divorce," he said implacably, "so forget it."
Megan watched the man she loved walk toward her and held her breath.
His eyes were like hot coals, belying an expression carved in granite.
Yet beneath his hard, uncompromising attitude, she sensed a hint of vulnerability, and her heart somersaulted.
"I fired Tiffany before she gave me an explanation." she said.
He nodded. "I know. She told me. Why?"
"Maybe I learned from my mistakes." she said in a low voice. "Maybe I decided this time that if I was going to exact payment, it should fall on both guilty parties."
He nodded. "Maybe, but is that the real reason?"
He stopped in front of her and she shook her head slowly, holding his gaze.
Her lips parted. "I didn't want an explanation. I was talking to Anna recently, and she mentioned the issue of trust. It’s what was lacking the last time in our relationship. I like to think I learn from my mistakes."
"It looks bad—"
"Incriminating. So incriminating, in fact." she said, "that after the initial shock I realized no one could be that stupid."
His face relaxed, his shoulders lowering.
"Who'd try to have a romantic encounter on his yacht when he knew his wife was due to meet him there soon?"
"When he'd gone to all the trouble of strong-arming the same wife into marrying him." he supplied.
"Exactly." Shed thought this through the night before—when she'd had a chance to calmly assess what had happened.
"I'm getting rid of Wishful Thinking" he said hoarsely.
Her eyes widened. "But you love that boat."
He stepped forward. "I love you more."
A crazy joy swept through her.
He raised his hand and pushed hair away from her face. "The yacht doesn't suit my lifestyle now but there's an acquaintance who's expressed interest in buying it on more than one occasion."
His lips quirked in the lopsided smile that shed always loved. "He used to be a rival of mine in Miami's playboy sweepstakes."
"You don't say." she said, a teasing tone creeping into her voice.
"I'm also stepping away from being the public face of the Garrison Grand."
She went still. "What? You can’t do that."
"I can and I will," he responded, looking at her tenderly. "I don't need to be partying when what I really want is to be home."
It was a grand gesture, and sudden tears choked her.
"Are you going to say it?" he asked. "Because I'm prepared to wage a campaign if I have to."
"I love you!" She flung the words at him even her vision blurred. "There. I said it. Are you happy now? You arrogant, ruthless—"
He yanked her into his arms. "I'm all those things and worse," he muttered, "but I love you."
Then he silenced her with a kiss. He didn't ask he took, and they both gave themselves up to the kiss with wild abandon.
She’d taken the long way she thought, but she finally had what she’d been looking for.
When his lips eventually moved away from hers, he trailed kisses along her cheek and to the hollow of her throat.
"You know." she joked breathlessly, her heart feeling lighter than it had in years, ''if this keeps happening. I'm going to have to lock you up to keep women away from you."
"Don't worry. Meggikins." he said, his fingers searching for the zipper to her dress. "I intend to become the most family-oriented guy around. I want more kids, and I'm definitely going to enjoy making them."
She pretended to look shocked. "We can’t spend all our time in bed!"
As if in response, he nuzzled her neck.
"Is this how men communicate their feelings?" she teased, her breath catching.
"What can I say? I'm a man of action."
His response elicited an involuntary laugh, even as he nibbled along her shoulder, sending waves of lush desire through her.
"We need to pick up Jade from Anna’s before this storm really hits." he said reluctantly, kissing the tops of her breasts.
"Mmm." she responded. "I called Anna and Parker right before I got here. They're bringing over Jade shortly."
"In that case, well have to hurry."
Another laugh escaped her. "At this rate I’ll be pregnant in a month."
He raised his head to look at her seriously. "We talked about it in an if it happens sort of way but we can wait if you want to."
She shook her head. "I don't want to. Jade is going to be four, and I'd like her to have a sibling or two before she gets too much older. Now I'm a partner at Elkind Ross I've got some leverage as far as organizing my work schedule and taking a leave. I’ll just have to space my projects further apart."
He smiled. "You'll have no problem getting clearance from your current client."
Then he lifted her onto the nearby kitchen table, bunching her dress around her hips in the process.
"The kitchen table—?"
"We haven't used it yet. Let’s tick it off our list."
She slid back on her elbows to keep her balance. He was aroused, and she was weak-kneed.
"It’s been one of my fantasies for a long time." he admitted, grasping her hips to pull the panties off her.
"How long?" she asked throatily.
"Too damn long." he responded. "Since you left."
She watched as he divested himself of some clothing. "Ah, those fantasies of yours..."
He looked at her passion dilating his eyes. "We're about to make one of them come true."
"Id dream about you too you know. I couldn't stop myself."
He stilled, looking at her. "Oh, yeah?"
His pose was all male swagger, tinged with hunger.
She nodded.
He smiled. "Care to share?" She shook her head. Just the thought made her—
"You're blushing." He leaned forward with wicked intent, bracing his arms on either side of her. “I’ll just have to make you—"
"Nothing will make me spill my secrets." she said on a breathless laugh. But he was already tracing a hot path to her cleavage, making her gasp. "Whisper them to me..." And she did as they had grinding, pulse-throbbing sex on the kitchen table.
Later, as they were straightening their clothes. Stephen said. "After you saw Tiffany kissing me on the yacht I thought Id lost you for good."
"Was she kissing you?"
He nodded.
Megan was glad for the confirmation that her faith hadn't been misplaced. "I overheard you on the phone asking Tiffany about her explanation that it was supposedly mutual."
His lips twisted. "Yeah, that's her story, and she's sticking to it."
"It wouldn't have mattered." she responded. "I’d already made up my mind, but accidentally hearing your part of the phone conversation earlier was nice validation."
Stephen shook his head. "She's fairly savvy for a mixed-up kid."
Megan wondered whether she’d missed some signs where the babysitter was concerned. "I hired her through a child-care agency. She was available to babysit during the hours I needed because she's an aspiring dancer and attends classes in the evenings."
"Well. I’ll be around to help now." Stephen said. "We'll continue adjusting our schedules to accommodate Jade, and I’ll hire a live-in housekeeper. When I was a single guy I didn't feel the need for permanent staff, but that's changed now."
She thought about Stephen's statement earlier. "I don't want you to give up the yacht for me."
"Not for you. For us."
"But we'll need Wishful Thinking to entertain all those kids you're planning to have." she teased.
He looked at her for a moment, then slipped his hands around her waist. "Do you know how much I love you?"
"Tell me again." she said, smiling as she placed her hands on his chest.
He gave her a quick kiss. "I don't think I ever got over you."
"Definitely likewise." she responded.
"You were right, you know." he added. "Until you walked away, I'd never had the experience of being dumped. It was a bitter pill, especially since I'd been crazy about you."
Her heart swelled. "Walking away from you was one of the hardest things I've ever done, even though I believed at the time that you'd cheated."
"I got a necessary dose of humility." he admitted. "After that I toned down the playboy lifestyle and focused on building up the Garrison Grand."
"And got wonderful results for it" she said. "The Garrison Grand is considered the premier hotel in South Beach."
"Thanks, but I consider my greatest accomplishment to be Jade."
Her heart spilled over. "I feel the same way." she said softly.
He gave her a lingering kiss. "You hold my heart in your hands. You always have."
She raised her hand and stroked his face. "I never would have guessed. You looked so forbidding the day you walked into my office at Elkind Ross."
"I was angry." he said, giving her a lopsided smile, "but I was determined to get you back in my bed."
"Oh?" She arched a brow.
"No woman has turned me on as much as you do." he said. "I was determined to reignite our affair and break it off only when I wanted to this time. Of course I wasn't yet admitting to myself that time might be never"
"Silly man." she said, her eyes misting. "So desperate, you had to blackmail me into marrying you."
"Not one of my finer moments." he admitted. "I wanted to believe I was in control, but the reality was the opposite."
He was laying himself bare for her and joy bubbled up inside her again. Before either of them could say anything else, however, the doorbell rang.
"Jade." she said.
Stephen nodded. “I’ll get it."
Moments later, he walked back into the kitchen, trailing an exuberant Jade Parker and Anna followed behind.
“Mommy!" Jade rushed forward, and Megan bent and wrapped her daughter in her arms.
"I played board games with Aunt Anna and Uncle Parker! And I got ice cream! And Gillian's party was great, and—"
Everyone laughed.
"Slow down there." Stephen said, ruffling Jades hair.
Megan watched as Anna looked at her a question in her eyes.
"Is everything okay?" Anna asked, her gaze going from her to Stephen.
“Perfect now." Megan said.
Stephen slipped his arm around her and pulled Jade close to him with his other.
Megan smiled at Anna, trying to communicate that everything truly was fine now. The message seemed to come across because, after a moment, her sister-in law smiled back and squeezed Parkers hand.
"Now that I've been to Gillian's house I know what I want!" Jade piped up.
"What?" she and Stephen asked in unison.
"A little brother or sister." Jade announced, then ducked under Stephen's arm and skipped away. “I get to tell them what to do!"
Megan felt herself heat, and Stephen laughed.
Anna and Parker looked amused but knowing.
"Uh-oh." Stephen said. "I think we’re in trouble."
"She's definitely your daughter." Megan teased, looking up at him with her heart in her eyes, "and we've definitely come home to stay."

nargis 20-10-07 06:18 PM

The end
hope that you enjoyed reading it

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 05:40 PM.

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