منتديات ليلاس

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-   -   To love, honour and betray by: Penny Jordan (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t52407.html)

liilas676 30-09-07 12:11 AM

oh , i can't stop thinking about what's going to happen .pleas finish it soon for my sake and i'll be eternally grateful!!!!!!:Thanx:

Mai Ziyada 30-09-07 06:02 PM

Thanks dear, I will try my best to finish it very soon

Mai Ziyada 30-09-07 06:03 PM

Jxatriona's turned up Garth's head jerked back in an involuntary re
action to Claudia's casual announcement. They were eating a late
supper, both of them having been working late.

"Katriona?" Garth questioned dry-mouthed, hating himself for the
pretence he was enacting, the carefully tailored tone in his voice that
suggested he couldn't really remember who "Katriona' was when, of
course, he could. Of course.

For over a month after she had accused him of fathering her child, he
had tried unsuccessfully to find her, but that had been over six months
ago. He had told himself in relief that the whole thing had been a
try-on, an attempt to get money out of him, and that it was impossible
for him to have been responsible for her pregnancy and that he had been
a complete idiot to ever let her panic him into believing that he could
be. But he had still not said anything to Claudia.

"Mmm... Remember... she was one of my cases? Apparently, she's been on
the road travelling. She just turned up at one of the squats. She was
there the other day when I went round to see someone else. She'd been
asking for me, or so one of the other girls said. They tell so many
lies it's sometimes hard to know when they're telling the truth."

"So she's back?"
"Mmm-hmm, and not alone. She's had a baby."
"A baby...?" Garth abruptly put down his fork, his appetite lost.
"It seems she gave birth while she was on the road. The baby's a girl,
a pretty little thing. Of course, Katriona is refusing to say who the
father is--if she knows. I don't think she's feeding her properly--she
can barely look after herself, never mind a baby. One of the other
girls in the squat seems to be helping out with the baby to some
extent. The baby's such a darling. Garth. I just wish..." Quick
tears filled Claudia's eyes and she looked down at her plate.

Outwardly, she might seem to have come to terms with her miscarriage
and to be getting on with her life, but no one else knew, no one else
saw as Garth did, the nights when she woke both herself and him with
the sound of her heartrending grief. Then Garth would hold her and
comfort her and eventually she would grow calm. But there were other
times, times when the anger and the pain were so great that she turned
them on Garth as well as herself, screaming at him that he should leave
her and go find a woman who could be a proper woman, who could give him
children as she no longer could.

Garth said nothing of any of this to their parents. So far as they
were concerned, the two of them were simply biding their time before
trying for another baby.

His own father had even congratulated them quite recently on their
foresight in waiting until Garth had established himself in his new
career before taking on the additional responsibility of a child.

Not that they saw much of his parents lately. His father's work took
him abroad a great deal, and increasingly, Claudia tended to shun
family gatherings or indeed any events that might either bring her into
contact with children or remind her of what she had lost.

He had had to turn down so many invitations from his colleagues at work
that he was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable.

Claudia's heavy work schedule had been given as the excuse, and it was
true that she was working longer and longer hours. But both of them
were working increasingly long hours--because neither of them could
face the reality of what their empty flat actually meant. They had
deferred thinking about making a move until they both felt they could
put more enthusiasm into it.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," he told her now as he
tried to dismiss the memories Claudia's words had raised. It made him
feel edgy and uncomfortable to realise that Katriona was in contact
with Claudia, even though with the breathing space that time had given
him, he was convinced that Katriona had simply wanted to panic him into
giving her money. So what if she had identified that mole on his inner
thigh. He had been so out of it with the whisky he had drunk that she
could have been in the flat for any length of time before he had woken
up, certainly long enough for her to have pushed back the bedclothes
and. And what? Looked at his naked body? Just looked, or had she.
had they.

"Garth, you said you wanted to talk to me about something," Claudia
reminded him, adding tiredly, "I hope it isn't going to take too

I've got some case notes to write up and I want to go in early in the
morning. "

She looked as well as sounded tired. Garth acknowledged. She was
working far too hard, using her work like a tourniquet pulled tight
over a gaping wound, but all it was doing was stemming the loss of
blood. It wasn't doing anything to promote any real healing and the
moment it was removed. "Garth," Claudia prompted him irritably.

"Oh, yes. Nick Forbes is thinking of retiring. His wife isn't very
well, as you know, and her doctors have advised that she needs to live
in a warmer climate. Since Nick is the agency, without him..."

He paused as he saw the way Claudia was frowning.
"What are you trying to say?" she demanded.
"Is Nick trying to get rid of you? Does he--' " No, nothing like that.
Far from it," he reassured her hastily.

"In fact, what he's suggesting is that I set up on my awn. I've
already got a good portfolio of my own clients. He's been of and
Betray 257

fe red a very good financial deal by one of the other agencies and of
course there's no way I could ever be in a position to buy him out.

"Set up on your own, but--' " It makes sense," Garth interrupted her.
"I had a word with Dad about it over the phone."
"You spoke to him before saying anything to me7' Claudia protested

Garth gave a small sigh.
"You've been pretty tied up with your work recently," Garth reminded
her tactfully.

"It will be very risky--setting up on your own," Claudia commented, her
expression reflecting her concern.

"Yes, but Nick seems to think I can make it work. More and more
blue-chip companies are turning to PR agencies these days to handle
certain aspects of their business for them. It's all about presenting
the right image to the public, showing their human face, not being seen
as unapproachable institutions."

As she listened to Garth's increasingly enthusiastic explanation of
what he planned--what he wanted to do--Claudia had to close her eyes
against a sharp stab of envy.

Garth loved his work in a way that she did not love hers. Her
relationship with what she did was more of dependence and resentment.

She needed to work to stop herself thinking about. about the past, but
there were so many things about her job that she disliked, so many
times when she was aware of the fact that she could not give each case
the time she could see it needed. And it wasn't really an 'it'. Each
case represented a human being, a person whose needs she knew she
simply did not have the time to meet. No matter how many courses she
went on, how much she absorbed about the ways to best reach each
individual, what was the point when she simply did not have the time to
put that learning into practice?

On her latest course, there had been people who were in private
practice, and listening to them had been a revelation. Seeing how much
sense of achievement they derived from following a case through, from
being actively part of an improvement in the life of their client, had
reminded her of just why she had been drawn to her work in the first
place, something that tended to get overlooked in the sheer volume of
work with which they were confronted. And now suddenly and
unexpectedly she felt a sharp stab of envy for Garth. He had so much
to look forward to. a new career. a new life. and most probably a
new woman, a wife who could provide him with the family that she could

Claudia closed her eyes tightly, but it was no use; the tears still
burned their destructive path from behind her eyelids and down her

"Clo, please don't, please don't," Garth soothed her gently as he came
round the table to lift her out of her seat and take hold of her.

"It's so unfair. Garth. Everything's so unfair," Claudia protested.
"Even someone like Katriona.-.a drug addict who'll be lucky if she
lives another year, can produce a healthy baby... a baby she doesn't
even want, never mind love. But I can't," she cried bitterly.

"You ought to leave me, find someone else... I'm no use to you, I

Garth suppressed the emotions threatening to rise inside him. It was
pointless reminding Claudia that they had been through all this before,
pointless and cruel.

"I don't want anyone else," he told her.
"I only want you."
And as she looked into his eyes, Claudia saw that it was true now, but
would it always be so?

"We've got each other," Garth assured her softly, 'and that's all we
need. "

Only it wasn't, not for her, Claudia acknowledged, lying awake beside
him in bed later that night. Much as she loved him, it wasn't

She ached, yearned, needed to have a child, to be a mother. Just
looking at Katriona's baby earlier on today had awakened all the
feelings she had been trying so hard to suppress. When Katriona had
casually dumped the baby on the filthy, thin blanket on the floor of
the squat beside her while she turned to squabble with the girl who had
just come in, Claudia hadn't been able to resist picking the baby up
and holding her.

She had smelled of stale milk, urine and vomit, but that hadn't meant a
thing to Claudia. She had been overwhelmed with such a surge of
fiercely protective love for her that she had momentarily forgotten
that anyone else existed. The urge to hold the baby close to her, to
nourish and protect her, to love her, had been so strong that she had
instinctively found her hand going to her blouse to unfasten the
buttons before she realised what she was doing.

And as though she, too, shared the same need to be close, to love, the
baby, so quiet and wideeyed in Claudia's arms as she focused silently
on her, had started to cry in protest when Katriona suddenly turned
round and snatched her back.

"Give her to me," she had demanded aggressively.
"She's mine."
"If you haven't already done so, you'll need to register her birth,"
Claudia had reminded Katriona with a Herculean effort to detach herself
and remain professional. She would need to tell the local health
visitor about the baby as she was obviously a child at risk.

Possibly suffering effects from Katriona's drug addiction.
"I'll... do it when I'm ready," Katriona told her sullenly. They had
had this discussion before.

Claudia knew better than to ask Katriona any questions about her little
girl's father. To do so would inevitably provoke a stream of invective
and anger, and apart from her personal dislike of being under that kind
of attack from a professional point of view, for Katriona's own sake,
the last thing Claudia wanted was to put herself in a position where
Katriona might refuse to have anything further to do with her.

For Katriona's sake, or for her baby's?
Deliberately, Claudia looked away when the infant made pathetic little
mewling noises and pushed her face hungrily against Katriona's

"Not there, you little rat," she heard Katriona screeching angrily.
"Here, have this," she added more practically as she reached for what
Claudia guessed was a cold and certainly very unhygienic-looking
half-full bottle of milk. Then she shoved it into the baby's mouth
without any apparent concern for whether the child could suck on it
properly or not.

"No prizes for guessing what you're thinking," she told Claudia
sneeringly with one of those flashes of sharp intuitiveness that still
managed to surface past the drugs dulling her brain. One of the things
that depressed Claudia most about Katriona's situation was the fact
that the girl was obviously very, very intelligent.

"If she'd been yours, she'd have been breast fed Well, she's not yours,
although..." She stopped and then suddenly smiled, giving Claudia a
mocking, taunting look that made the tiny hairs prickle at the back of
her neck. So knowing and secretive and yet at the same time almost
sadistically triumphant was the look she could see in Katriona's

Her heart started to thump heavily, her chest tightened, and the
familiar sensations of fear, panic and bitter resentment gripped her by
the throat. Surely Katriona couldn't have guessed the truth that she
could never, ever have a child;

surely she couldn't know of the sense of helpless longing and envy, of
isolating pain and desolation, she experienced every time she saw
another woman with her child. How could she know? No one knew, apart
from herself and Garth.

"Here... take her." The abruptness with which Katriona thrust the baby
at her took Claudia off guard. Automatically, she held out her arms to
take hold of the small bundle, instinctively and deftly positioning her
comfortably against her own body as she picked up the bottle.

But the baby wasn't interested in the milk-didn't need or want its
questionable comfort now she was back in Claudia's arms--or so it
seemed. She nestled happily there as though Claudia was her mother and
not Katriona, opening her eyes to gaze up unblinkingly into Claudia's
face with a grave intentness that made Claudia catch her breath as she
was swamped by a responsive rush of fiercely protective and yearning
mother love.

It was like falling instantly and compulsively in love, Claudia
recognised. The feeling was so intense, so strong, so sure, that as
she gazed into the baby's dark green eyes, Claudia felt as though she
had stepped through a special door into a private place, a special
world where only the two of them existed.

"Reminds you of someone does she?"
Katriona's taunting question and sharp voice brought her back to

"She looks very like you," Claudia told her diplomatically, even though
in reality she could see no resemblance between the baby and her

"Think so?" Katriona gave her one of her cruel, catlike smiles. The,
I think she looks more like her dad. What's wrong? " she challenged

"Surprised I know who the father is? Oh, I know all right. She's got
a very special daddy, this one has. She wasn't fathered by some scummy
punter. No, he didn't have to pay me for sex."

She gave Claudia a sidelong, mocking look and asked her softly, "Want
me to tell you about it?"

Katriona had tried to goad her before, but never quite so specifically
as this. There was no reason why she shouldn't talk sexually
explicitly to her, Claudia acknowledged, but for some reason she knew
that she was already recoiling from the idea, unwilling to have
Katriona confiding the details of her baby's conception to her.

"He was good. He was very good," Katriona told her smugly without
waiting for Claudia to make any response.

"He even went down on me. He said that he wanted me to be really wet
and ready before he had me. He said that he was fired of having sex
with a woman who didn't know how to enjoy herself, how to enjoy him; a
woman who didn't know how to pleasure him properly. I pleasured him
properly all right, so properly that he gave me her," she added,
nodding in the direction of the baby Claudia was still holding.

The self-satisfied, purring tone of Katriona's voice jarred Claudia's
nerves like the rasp of [محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف]l on glass, her distaste so intense that
she almost physically shrank from her. The temptation to forget
professionalism and to demand acerbically of Katriona just why this
apparently so doting male was no longer on the scene was one she only
just managed to resist. And as she fought it back, she felt herself
break out in a cold sweat. Too many times recently, she had
experienced this frightening sensation of being close to the edge of a
precipice, of being one step away from total loss of self-control. As
though she could sense her distress, the baby started to cry.
Instantly, Claudia forgot her own problems, holding the infant close,
soothing her.

"Look at her," Katriona taunted, watching as the baby nuzzled close to
Claudia's breast in the same seeking way she had earlier to Katriona's

"You won't find anything there," she told the baby derisively.
Her expression turning sulky again, she reached out and snatched the
child back from Claudia.

"She's mine," she declared fiercely.
"Mine--and she's going to stay mine, even if... Good job you're a
girl," she addressed the baby grimly as her body started to give in to
the pull of the drug she had injected before Claudia's arrival.

"Let's hope you grow up pretty. That way we can get you earning your
own living. There's plenty of men around who like 'em young," she
added unemotionally to Claudia, ignoring her sudden indrawn breath of

"The younger the better it turns 'em on."
Claudia knew better than to protest or to plead with Katriona that for
her daughter's sake, if not for her own, she ought to at least try to
change her current way of life.

Common sense told Claudia that it was already too late. The Katriona
who had returned from the months spent 'travelling' looked almost a
decade older than the girl Claudia had last seen. She was thinner,
frailer, harder, her ultimate fate already showing in her eyes, and
knowing Katriona as she did, Claudia suspected that the girl herself
knew it. Even so. she had to try.

"Katriona," she began quietly, 'you--' "I'm what?" Katriona provoked
her grimly, her body taut with defiance as she silently dared Claudia
to say what she was thinking.

"You know where I am if you need me," Claudia said simply, resisting
the urge to take up the dare, then getting up to go.

She had reached the door when Katriona stopped her, calling out to her.
Slowly, Claudia turned round.

"Give me your telephone number," Katriona demanded tersely.
Claudia frowned. Tou already have it. The office--' "No, not the
office, at home. Give it to me." It was strictly against all the
rules, but instead of refusing, Claudia found herself hesitating, then
urged by some instinct she could neither define nor ignore, she quickly
scribbled her number down on a piece of paper she tore from her diary
and gave it to Katriona.

Mai Ziyada 30-09-07 06:08 PM

Back at her desk later, she broke another rule. When she was writing
up her case notes, she made no mention of the fact that Katriona had
asked for her telephone number and no mention of the fact that she had
given it to her.

Look, are you sure you'll be all right? "
"Garth, I'll be fine," Claudia assured him, trying to force the
irritation out of her voice and put a smile on her face as he stood
watching her, overnight bag at his feet, one hand already poised to
open the door onto a new life for both of them, or onto freedom for
him. From her?

Tensely, Claudia swallowed. Garth had sworn over and over again that
he loved her. But there were still images like now, when she could
only see--what? who? --a stranger, a man dressed in his business
suit, his mind already on the meetings that lay ahead of him, looking
frighteningly unfamiliar, not her Garth at all.

"I can cancel these meetings, stay here with you, if you--' " I want
you to go," Claudia insisted even though both of them knew it wasn't
the truth. She had been having one of her periods of feeling extremely
depressed and the knowledge that Garth's business meetings were going
to keep him away for two nights--normally something she would have
taken in her stride--had caused her to feel even worse.

Why, oh why didn't Garth simply go? Didn't he know how tempted she was
to beg him to stay? Every second he delayed, that temptation grew

"Just go. Garth," she finally snapped at him.
"I'll be fine."
With Garth gone, she wandered around the flat, picking things up and
putting them down. She supposed she ought to make herself something to
eat but the idea simply didn't appeal.

Although she had tried to hide it from him in bed, she could feel Garth
carefully measuring the shrinking width of her waist with the span of
his hands. He was constantly urging her to eat more, bringing home
tempting boxes of chocolates, which she took to work and gave to the

It wasn't food her body, her emotions, her whole being, craved; it was
a baby. Confirmation of her womanhood, fulfilment of the very reason
that nature had made her.

A baby. Claudia was asleep when the phone rang. As she stretched out
her hand for the receiver, she saw the time on the alarm clock and
frowned, tensing her body as sleep receded, driven away by the surge of
adrenalin-fuelled anxiety that filled her as she registered the fact
that it was gone one o'clock in the morning.

Her first thought was that something had happened to Garth. Either
that or one or other of their parents. Telephone calls at one a. m.

could only herald bad news, and at first she found it hard to make any
sense of the unfamiliar and very slurred female voice at the other end
of the line.

"I'm sorry, I don't--' she began.
But the girl cut her off, swearing volubly, then telling her
frantically, "It's Kat.-she said to ring. She's bad... she wants you
to come."

"Cat...?" But it was too late. The girl had hung up, leaving Claudia
grasping for answers.

Cat . Kat . Katriona. It had to be her. Suddenly, Claudia was up
and out of bed, pulling on her clothes, mentally running through all
the possible things the phone call might mean. Grabbing her bag and
car keys, she headed for the door.

For some people, one a. m. was not particularly late, and this was,
after all, London, whose streets were far from empty. Yet somehow,
despite their busyness, Claudia was filled with a sense of alienation
and deep foreboding. The fact that the squat was in an area that no
one would think of visiting at night never even crossed her mind as she
parked her car and got out, throwing a darkly challenging glare at the
gang of youths watching. A little to her own surprise, they shuffled
off, leaving her free to hurry towards the block of flats.

Someone, somewhere, was having a party, the music so loud the building
almost shook with the violent force of it, and as she passed one flat,
Claudia could hear the sounds of arguing coming from inside it,
followed by a crash of shattering china.

Grimly, she hurried on. Without being fanciful, she suddenly had the
feeling that she wasn't making her swift journey to Katriona's side on
her own; she could almost hear the threatening beat of his wings as she
sensed the ominous presence of death's winged messenger at her heels.

The squat unexpectedly was in complete darkness, causing her to come to
an abrupt halt. For some reason, she had expected it to be ablaze with
light, filled with noise and people, but instead it was totally silent.
As she raised her hand to bang on the door, someone opened it and a
girl she vaguely remembered from a previous visit stretched out a
skinny, clawlike hand to drag her in.

"She's upstairs... waiting," she whispered to Claudia, who recognised
from her voice that she was the girl who had rung her.

Claudia demanded, "What's wrong ... is she--' " She's a goner," the
girl replied brutally.

"She's been into a bad scene. Took some spooked heroin." She

"Have you called a doctor... an ambulance?" Claudia asked her,
hurrying towards the stairs.

"No use," the girl said.
"Wouldn't rush to come anyway, not to the likes of us, and besides,
that wasn't what she wanted."

"Go and ring for an ambulance now," Claudia instructed her.
"Tell them it's an emergency. Do it," she commanded.
Shrugging, the girl headed for the door, telling her, "It won't do any
good. It's too late!" But Claudia wasn't listening; she was heading
for the stairs instead.

Like the rest of the flat, Katriona's room was virtually in darkness
but the illumination provided by the single flickering candle propped
up in a corner and supported by its own wax was more than enough to
show Claudia that the girl had spoken the truth. Katriona was indeed

Unbelievably, though, she was still conscious. Not only conscious but
calmly aware of what was happening, Claudia recognised as she saw the
girl's eyes flicker in mocking acknowledgement of the shock Claudia
knew was visible in her own face.

"You came. I knew you would...."
The voice was a whisper, barely as loud as the whistling sound she made
trying to draw air into her lungs.

"Don't talk," Claudia urged, kneeling on the floor beside her and
reaching out to take hold of her cold hand.

"The doctor will be here soon."
Katriona gave the ghost of a laugh.
"Not soon enough. Oh, don't look so shocked," she mocked Claudia.
"After all, isn't this what you've been warning me would happen? You
should be pleased. At last you're being proved right."

"Katriona... don't try to talk. The doctor--' " Can't do a damn thing.
I'm not stupid. It's too late. I owed the dealer. I couldn't pay. "
She gave a small shrug.

"I begged him for one last fix. He took me literally, gave me a bad
mix." She smiled, a mere shadow of a smile, her eyes shockingly alive
in the drawn, already waxen pallor of her face.

Suddenly, from a dark corner of the room, Claudia heard a thin
protesting cry.

The baby. Instinctively, she started to reach for her, but Katriona
immediately stopped her, demanding, "Give her to me."

Automatically, Claudia did so, but if she was looking for some
indication that in the last moments of her life Katriona was going to
show some sign of mother love for her child, she was wrong.

"God but she stinks," Katriona protested, her voice suddenly stronger
and harsher, more familiar. "Here, you take her," she commanded, then
thrust the baby towards Claudia.

The baby's cry that had grown stronger as Katriona held her suddenly,
miraculously, magically almost, stilled as Claudia cradled her. Was it
possible that that actually was a smile of recognition the baby was
giving her? Was she imagining it or was she really reaching out with
her tiny hands to clutch her? Claudia wondered.

Katriona was momentarily forgotten as the intensity of emotion she had
experienced the first time she had held her came rushing back, if
anything even more strongly.

"Still not pregnant, are you?" Katriona demanded.
Unable to take her eyes off the baby, Claudia shook her head.
"Something's wrong, isn't it?" she heard Katriona insisting.
"It must be, otherwise you'd be carrying another by now. You can't
have any more, can you?" Claudia was too caught off guard for
pretence, her shocked gaze focused on Katriona's triumphant expression,
the skin of her face drawn tightly back against her skull--a

"Poor Claudia, so desperate to become a mother. Aren't you afraid you
might lose him if you can't give him a child, your wonderful Garth?"

As though sensing Claudia's distress, the baby started to cry again, a
nervous, frightened sound. Then, automatically seeking the warmth and
protection of Claudia's body, she squirmed closer to her. Claudia held
her tight, soothing her as she shook her head at Katriona.

"Don't be frightened of her," she pleaded.
"Katriona... take her."
"No, I don't want her," Katriona rasped weakly as Claudia tried to hand
her daughter to her. Turning her head away, she told Claudia in a
petulant, hoarse whisper, "I never wanted her... I never meant to have
her, but I left it too late. She'd have been better off with you as
her mother, not me...."

Closing her eyes, she stopped speaking, her strength fading so quickly
that Claudia felt she could almost see it draining out of her. Where
was the doctor. that girl.

"I want you to take her... to keep her... to be her mother. I want you
to be her parents... you and your Garth. It's only right that

Katriona closed her eyes again, her breathing ragged and painful.
Take her! Take Katriona's baby. bring her up as her own. She
couldn't. It was impossible, illegal . it was. The baby had stopped
crying. Claudia looked down at her.

"Do it she heard Katriona commanding her fiercely.
"You know you want to. She could be yours after all. She needs a
proper mother... a real father. What will happen to her if you don't?
A foster home, passed from pillar to post, rejected and unwanted. But
you want her, don't you, Claudia? You want her so badly, it hurts. I
can feel how much it hurts. Take her, take her now... now while
there's no one here...."

Helplessly, Claudia closed her eyes, wishing she could get away from
the insidious and dangerous whisper of Katriona's voice but knowing
that she had to stay; that she couldn't leave the girl, not while.
Outside, she could hear the sharp, fearsome clamour of an ambulance
siren and her knotted stomach muscles started to relax. She replaced
the baby in the grubby nest of blankets that was her bed and returned
to Katriona's side.

"You'll be feeling much better soon," she told her, trying to project
an air of professionalism.

"The doctor--' " The doctor. " Katriona laughed weakly.
"Oh, my God, no doctor on earth can stop what's happening to me now,"
she whispered to Claudia in a voice that sounded like the rustle of
dead leaves.

"I'm dying, Claudia ... dying. Do you want me to tell you who her
father is?" she demanded abruptly.

"Are you afraid of taking her because your Garth might not approve...
because her father might be some drop-out druggie like her mother? He
wasn't, Claudia. You'd be surprised if I told you who he actually
was...." She started to laugh again.

The siren had stopped now and Claudia held her breath, praying that the
ambulance crew would arrive in time. Not in time to save
Katriona--that was impossible. Each breath she drew was forecasting
her last and Claudia could almost see her heart straining beneath the
thin wall of her chest. No. In time to save her from committing the
crime of giving in to Katriona's tempting whispers. It would be easy
enough. Katriona hadn't yet registered her baby's birth, and in the
kind of environment that Katriona lived in, it was the easiest thing in
the world for a baby to disappear. Any one of the peripatetic
individuals who shared the squat might take it into their heads to take
the child with them. No one would know; no one would ask any-"Take
her," Katriona mouthed.

"Take her. Take her, Claudia."
The door burst open as the ambulance crew arrived. Claudia got to her

"I'm her probation officer," she began.
"She's--' " Dead or as near as damn it," the paramedic who had knelt on
the floor beside Katriona declared grimly, adding in disgust, " Bloody
young fool. Why the hell do they do it? Get her on the stretcher," he
commanded the two men with him. Then frowning, he suddenly said in a
different voice, " No, don't bother. there's no point. " He turned
towards Claudia.

"She's gone, I'm afraid," he told her.
"No, she can't be," Claudia protested even though she knew he was
telling the truth.

But the man was ignoring her, giving a string of instructions to the
men with him.

The squat, normally busy with people, had become strangely silent;
even the baby wasn't making any noise.
The baby. Claudia looked into the dark corner of the room where she
had carefully placed her.

Later she swore to herself that she had fully intended to warn them
that the baby was there;

that she had had no intention of doing anything else. But before she
could open her mouth, the paramedic's radio started to crackle.

Frowning, he took the message, then turned to Claudia and told her,
"We've got another emergency to go to. Car accident down by Vauxhall
Bridge. Sounds bad. There's nothing more we can do here. The
authorities are following close behind us and they'll want to check out
the death before the body is taken away. What did you say her name

Automatically, Claudia gave it to him, watching as he quickly scribbled
it down before sidestepping Katriona's motionless body and hurrying
towards the door.

"Do I... shall I stay?" she began.
But he was already through the door.
Silently, Claudia glanced at Katriona's body. There was nothing left
of the spirit, the presence,

the life, that had once inhabited it; it was simply an empty [محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف]l.
Even so. Claudia dosed her eyes, and on some impulse she couldn't even
begin to explain, she slowly recited the Lord's Prayer and then as much
of the Twenty-third Psalm as she could remember, her voice growing
stronger as she trembled over the familiar words.

How Katriona would have laughed if she could have heard her. But she
couldn't simply walk away from her. Turn her back. leave her.

A movement in the corner of the room caught her eye. Her heart started
to thump crazily. Slowly, she left Katriona and walked over to the
baby. She had only intended to pick her up, that was all.

She had never meant to take her away, to leave the house with her, to
carry her concealed within the fold of her coat to protect her from the
cold, out to her waiting car.

The street was empty. Claudia unlocked her car door and got in very
carefully, placing the baby still wrapped in her coat on the back seat.
As she drove off, she glanced at her watch. A quarter past two.

Wasn't two o'clock the time when the heart, the body, was at its
weakest and death most likely?

"Take her," Katriona had commanded.
"Take her."
In the back of the car, the baby was gurgling softly. Slowly, Claudia
drove home, expecting with every yard to be overtaken by a police

sirens screaming, and to be accused of stealing Katriona's baby. But
the night remained silent, the roads bare of anything more threatening
than the odd taxi.

The communal hallway to the flats was empty. Anyway, only the bottom
flat was currently occupied--by an elderly couple presently away
visiting their grandson in Brighton.

Calmly, Claudia carried the baby, her baby now, upstairs to their own
flat, carefully unlocking the door and then equally carefully bolting
and locking it again. The baby, her baby, was making happy, *******ed
noises, her dark green eyes fixed on Claudia's face.

"You must be hungry, my darling," Claudia murmured tenderly, 'but I
don't know what I'm going to give you, or how, though you certainly
need a bath. A nice, warm, lovely bath to make you all clean and
pretty. " She hummed softly as she started to remove the soiled
clothes in which the little girl was dressed, her mind racing as she
made plans.

First thing in the morning, she would find a chemist, not a local one
or a small one, no, a large distant one where an anonymous woman buying
baby things would not be noticed. Or perhaps she would make several
small purchases from a variety of stores--the amount of things that any
normal mother would buy. She would have to take her with her, of
course. She couldn't possibly leave her here alone in the flat,
wouldn't want to leave her anywhere, be parted from her for even a
heartbeat of time.

"Don't you worry, my little precious," she crooned as she filled her
washing-up bowl with warm water and placed it in the bath as a
makeshift baby bath before carefully sponging her down and then lifting
her into it.

She was so tiny, so perfect, so heartbreakingly fragile with her little
ribs showing through her skin. Claudia's heart started to beat
anxiously fast. The baby must be hungry. All she could give her
tonight was some warm milk, after she sterilised the bottle she had
found in the filthy blanket used to wrap her in.

Talking lovingly to her all the time she was bathing her, Claudia
stopped every now and again to smile into her dark green eyes and tell
her how much she loved her, her baby. hers now.

liilas676 03-10-07 12:01 AM

by god, don't stop now!!!!!!

الساعة الآن 10:19 PM.

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