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mercury doctor 03-09-09 12:42 AM

بصراحه العمليه ممتازه
بس ازاى اتصلت بالدكتور ده
يا ريت لو معاك ايميله او موبايله
وتقوله لنا

جزاك الله خيرا

dr khalid 03-09-09 02:27 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة طبيبه النيل (المشاركة 2045652)
على فكره يا دكتور الموضوع حلو اوى
بس بالنسبه للحوار اللى عملته مع الطبيب العالمى زى ما بتقول
اعتقد انه هيكون مفيد جدا ان احنا نشوفه كله وبالانجليزى وليس فقط
تلخيص او ترجمه اعتقد انه هيكون مفيد
ياريت تنزله علشان نشوفه لو مفهاش تعب ..............وياريت يكون الاصلى وبالانجليزى

اوك اليكى الحوار :

Too much information! – just give me the basics!
OK, we understand that some people prefer just the very basics - so here they are. We assume you have gallstones and have had some episodes of pain caused by the gallbladder. These are the basic facts:-
[LIST=1][*]The only effective treatment for gall stones is surgery to remove the gallbladder.[*]We remove the gallbladder and not just the stones because if you just remove the stones, more stones will form in the following months or years – back to square one![*]You will get on perfectly well without your gallbladder.[*]Removal of the gallbladder is usually done with keyhole surgery but sometimes this is not possible and a large incision is necessary. This is for your safety.[*]You will probably be in hospital just one night and back to work in 7–10 days if keyhole surgery is possible; if not 4–5 days in hospital, 3–4 weeks off work.[*]Complications can occur. The main one is accidental damage to the bile duct during surgery. There is only about one chance in 1500 of this happening with an experienced surgeon.[*]Choose your surgeon carefully and make sure you ask everything you want to know before surgery is performed.[/LIST]What are the complications of gallstones?
Some people will endure repeated attacks of gallbladder pain over many years without any complications occurring. However, complications can and do occur and the following should be considered very carefully if you decide not to have surgery for your gallstones. The major complications of gallstones are:
[LIST=1][*]Acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). The stone gets stuck in the outlet of the gallbladder and does not release. First there is a chemical reaction of the bile literally starting to digest the gallbladder causing inflammation and unremitting pain. Then the bacteria naturally occurring in the gallbladder get into the act and the resulting infection makes the situation worse and can lead to gangrene of the gallbladder. Emergency surgery is usually recommended and keyhole surgery may not be possible.[*]Jaundice (yellow discolouration of the skin and eyes). This occurs when a stone gets stuck in the main bile duct and blocks bile going from the liver to the bowel. There is a backup of bile into the liver which then cannot function properly. Bile is absorbed into the bloodstream and this stains the skin and other organs a yellow colour. Secondary infection of the bile ducts can occur (cholangitis) which can be life threatening. The stone(s) must be removed from the bile duct urgently by ERCP or surgery.[*]Pancreatitis. A stone in the main bile duct can interfere with the pancreas and cause pancreatitis. This is potentially a life threatening illness and requires hospital treatment by an experienced surgical team.[*]Cancer. Although rare, cancer of the gallbladder can occur and may be fatal. Cancers usually occur when gallstones have been present for 20 years or[/LIST]Can gallstones be treated without surgery?
No. There are no satisfactory means of treating gallstones other than surgery. Both ultrasound disintegration and chemical dissolving of gallstones with tablets have been tried. In only a very few patients is the treatment successful, but even in these cases the stones almost always recur within months or a year or two.
Why take out the gallbladder, why not just remove the stones?
Good question! Firstly, removing just the stones from the gallbladder is extremely difficult and much more dangerous than taking out the gall bladder. More importantly, even if you could just have the stones removed safely, they would almost certainly form again in the coming months or years and it would be back to square one!
How long will I be in hospital?
Where the operation is completed laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) more than 90% of patients will be able to go home on the day after surgery. Return to normal activities (other than very heavy occupations) is usually possible in 7-10 days. If you needed the open operation (large incision) then hospital stay would be around 4-5 days and return to normal activities in 4-5 weeks.

ده الحوار كما طلبتى وانا طبعا لخصته واخذت النقط المهمه فقط لأن هيكون صعب على كل اعضاء المنتدى يقرأوا حوار طويل قولت الخصه احسن لكن طالما انتى عاوزاه كله هو موجود الان بين يديكى وبالانجليزيه ..................

dr khalid 03-09-09 02:32 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mercury doctor (المشاركة 2045654)
بصراحه العمليه ممتازه
بس ازاى اتصلت بالدكتور ده
يا ريت لو معاك ايميله او موبايله
وتقوله لنا

جزاك الله خيرا

اخى انا وضحت فى نهايه الموضوع ان موضوعى مش منقووووول يعنى لو وجدت مثيل له فى منتدى اخر اعرف ان هذا الموضوع هو الاصل لأن منتديات ليلاس لا يوجد بها الا الاصل اما التقليد ليس عندنا يكون فى اماكن اخرى ...............

اما عن الاتصال بالطبيب فهذا سهل جدا من خلال موقعه تجد تليفوناته وايميلاته كامله او كلم المسؤل فى الموقع وسوف يحدد لك معاد اذا كنت تريد حوار هادف ..............
انا نشرت اسم الطبيب
ابحث على النت ستجد كلامى صحيح
وكمان النسخه الاصليه للموضوع فى ردى على اختنا طبيبه النيل
شكرااااااااااااااااااا مرورك نورنى
واتمنى ان تتابع الموضوع وتسأل كل ما لديك هذا يسعدنى ويشرفنى

نسمه خفيه 03-09-09 04:48 AM

مش عارفه اقول ايه

بس هقول رأى وبصراحه

اولا ماشاء الله عليك

بجد من احلى الموضوعات التى رأيتها فى المنتدى الطبى حتى الان
ان لم يكن احلاها

بجد مش عارفه اقولك ايه غير تسلم ايديك على الموضوع وفى انتظار ان تكمله ان شاء الله

وعلى فكره كمان الحوار روووووووووووووعه
وشرحك للعمليه فوق الممتاااااااااز


انسان مظلوم 03-09-09 07:27 AM

جزاك الله الف خير

بارك الله فيك ورحم الله والديك, يعطيك الف عافيه

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

الساعة الآن 03:43 PM.

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