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ãäÊÏíÇÊ áíáÇÓ (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/)
-   ÇáÇÑÔíÝ (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/f183/)
-   -   Helen Bianchin - The Wedding Ultimatum (https://www.liilas.com/vb3/t61386.html)

CUTE ROSE 28-11-07 05:16 PM

‘WHICH side of the bed do you prefer?’
One eyebrow arched. ‘Does it matter?’
Oh, hell. What could she say? I’m not very good at this?
She took the few essential steps to bring her to the edge of the mattress, then she sank down onto it, all too aware of Rafe’s actions as he loosened the towel.
She quickly averted her gaze. ‘Could you turn out the light?’ Was that her voice? It sounded as if she had a constriction in her throat.
She was willing to swear she detected a hint of amusement as she felt the faint depression as he sank down onto the bed.
‘Let’s get rid of this, hmm?’
Danielle felt his hands slide up her thighs as he caught hold of the T-shirt’s hem and lifted it over her head. A protest rose and died in her throat, and she crossed her arms across her breasts in an automatic reflexaction.
He possessed no such reservations, Danielle observed with resentment, aware of his powerful frame.
Dear heaven, how was she going to be able to accommodate him?
A hand closed over her wrist and shifted her arm away from her breasts, and she lowered her lashes in a protective veil. Only to have him tilt her chin.
‘Don’t hide.’
The chastisement brought a tinge of colour to her cheeks and her lashes flew wide. ‘Maybe you’re used to bedding a willing female on short acquaintance,’ she vented as he lightly traced the contours of her breast. ‘But I’m not comfortable getting intimate with someone I barely know”
Sensation began deep inside and flared through her body, activating a host of nerve cells in open betrayal. Damn him! Did he know what he was doing to her?
Stupid question! Her jaw clenched, silencing the gasp threatening to escape as he teased one nipple, then rolled it gently between thumb and forefinger.
He lowered his head down to hers and brushed his lips against one temple.
‘Please.’ There was a catch in her voice as she lifted a hand and indicated a nearby lamp.
‘I want to see your reaction to my touch,’ Rafe murmured as his mouth trailed down towards her own.
Gentle pressure on her shoulders lowered them down On to the mattress, and she lifted her hands to his chest in an attempt to increase the distance between them. Only to have them freeze as he traced her lower lip with the edge of his tongue, then slipped in to tangle with her own in a slow open-mouthed kiss.
He had the skill to render a woman mindless, and he used it mercilessly in an evocative dance that brought her unbidden response.
She was so caught up with the pleasure of it, she was scarcely aware of the seeking trail of his fingers as they explored her waist.
Danielle almost cried with relief as his mouth left hers and sought a sensitive hollow at the base of her throat.
Not *******, he trailed a slow path to her breast, teasing the hardened nipple until she tangled her fingers in his hair and endeavoured to shift his head.
He wouldn’t... But he did, holding her flailing hands together with effortless ease as he bestowed the most intimate kiss of all.
She attempted to use her feet, her legs, to buck against him, but he simply adjusted them beneath his weight, locking her into immobility as he took his time gifting a sensual feast that shattered her equilibrium and sent her climbing to heights she hadn’t known existed.
Did she cry out? She had no idea of time or place as sensation ruled.
He felt her body quiver, heard the husky sounds emerge from her lips, and he levered himself up over her in one fluid movement.
His mouth closed over her own, absorbing her startled cry .
Dear heaven. Danielle swallowed painfully against the feeling of complete enclosure as her muscles contracted around him, causing waves of sensation she was unable to control.
Then he began to move, slowly at first, and she twisted her head from one side to the other as the sensation intensified.
She was conscious of him watching her, and, unbidden, her gaze locked with his .
It happened again, that powerful, almost excruciating, exquisite spiralling sensation that took her so high she felt as if she was going to fall off the edge of the world.
His climax followed soon after, and she witnessed his attempt at control, watched as he lost it, then marvelled at the extent of his passion.
Nothing she’d experienced came close to the primitive emotion he’d managed to arouse. Raw, spell binding pleasure meshing with complete fulfilment.
It said much for the man who only hours ago had placed his ring on her finger. Was the seduction deliberate? Or was this his usual modus operandi in the bedroom?
If so, she decided shakily, it was little wonder women sought him out.
Seconds later she gasped in shocked surprise as he rolled onto his back, carrying her with him. His eyes were impossibly dark and slumberous with sated de sire, and her own widened as his fingers tangled in her hair.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Removing the band from your hair.’
Free, its length spilled down onto her shoulders, and her eyes widened as he finger-combed the thick mass, then he cupped her face and brought it down to angle his mouth to her own in a kiss that tore at the very foundation of her emotions.
So, he could kiss, part of her brain registered dimly. On a score of one to ten, she’d have to accord him a twenty. And then some. Sensual skill. ..he had it in spades, aware just which buttons to press to achieve a desired effect.
This is a man you profess to hate, remember? For any number of reasons. Uppermost, the diabolical scheme he’d devised, waiving a considerable debt in exchange for several years of her life.., and the gift of a child.
With a muted groan she wrenched her mouth away from his and used her hands to push against his chest.
‘I’d like to get some sleep.’ She’d had as much of him as she felt she could handle for one night.
Yet even as she voiced the words she felt him swell inside her, his arousal stretching and expanding until he filled her completely.
He couldn’t, surely? Not so soon?
‘So you shall,’ Rafe drawled as his hands moved from her waist to shape her breasts. ‘Later.’
Her body jolted as sensation flared, and she clutched his chest as he gently rocked his hips in the first of several undulating movements, each more active than the last until she became lost in an electrifying ride that had her crying out as she reached the brink, then tumbled over the edge in a sensual free- fall.
She felt the breath tearing from her throat as she endeavoured to control it, and she had no idea that her skin was flushed with sexual heat, or that her eyes held a dreamy almost witching moistness in the aftermath of passion.
Rafe wanted to roll her over onto her back and take his own pleasure in a series of long hard thrusts that would surely shock. Except he tamped down the desire, equally sure it would leave her hurting.
Unless he was mistaken, she’d had few partners, and unimaginative ones at that.
Or she was a superb actress. Something he very much doubted.
With care he disengaged, then slid to his feet and. lifted her from the bed. ‘Let’s go shower.’
Danielle looked at him blandly for a few seconds, then realisation sank in. ‘I’m not sharing a shower with you.’
‘Yes,’ he drawled softly. ‘You are.’
He didn’t give her the option to protest further, merely swept an arm beneath her knees and carried her into the adjoining en suite.
‘Put me down!’
Danielle smote a clenched fist against his shoulder as he reached into the capacious tiled cubicle and adjusted the water-temperature dial.
‘Don’t you dare,’ she warned sibilantly as he calmly stepped in beside her and closed the glass door.
He was too close, too intimidating, too much. After what they’d just shared she didn’t want him in her face, and she particularly didn’t want to have him administer to her in any way.
‘Isn’t anything sacred. ..even my privacy?’ she demanded seconds later as he picked up the soap and began lathering her skin.
‘Get used to it,’ Rafe drawled as she attempted to twist away from him.
Without success, and she sent him a venomous glare that had no effect whatsoever. ‘I hate you!’
Hard fingers closed over her wrist before the fist
she aimed at his ribcage could connect. ‘Don’t,’ he warned. ‘You won’t win.’
He had the height, the strength, to beat her at any thing she chose to fling at him. Although she did possess an advantage or two . .one she didn’t hesitate to use, only to have him block it in an instant.
A cry of outrage escaped her lips as he lifted her high against him .
Gone was any hint of amusement. In its place was hard implacability, and she felt a moment’s instinctive unease.
‘You want to play?’
The query held a silent warning she was too angry to heed, and without thought she lowered her mouth to his shoulder.. .and bit him hard.
Danielle heard his angry hiss at the same time she tasted blood, and she cried out as he hauled her high, her scream of pain very real as he rendered a love- bite to the tender underside of her breast.
When he lifted his head her stunned gaze locked with his for seemingly long seconds, then with deliberate intent he took her mouth with his own in a kiss that was almost savage in its intensity.
Hungry, brazen, he ravaged a primitive assault that lashed at her soul. -
Any movement was limited as she was held locked close against him. In desperation she flailed fists against his shoulders, his ribcage, anywhere she could connect... without effect.
How long did it last? Danielle had no idea. It seemed like forever, but could only have been minutes before he released her mouth.
He filled her vision, to the extent there was nothing else, only him. Features harsh in their chiselled perfection, his eyes dark as sin. Compelling, ruthless.
Was this the same man who had indulged her in an evocative journey beyond her experience? A lover who’d fostered her reticence and gifted something so wildly sensuous her body still throbbed from his pos session?
She was suddenly conscious of the fine needle- spray of water beating down against his back, her own irregular breathing.
The day, its significance, Rafe. . . it all seemed too much, and she fought against the moisture threatening to well in her eyes.
Oh, for heaven’s sake, she silently begged.. .don‘t cry. Tears, even one, would be a sign of weakness she refused to condone.
Yet she was powerless to still the escape of two lone rivulets that rolled in a warm trail to her chin, and she glimpsed a muscle bunching at the edge of his jaw.
Pride kept her from escaping, and she stood still, fighting the tide of emotion that threatened to fragment any remaining shred of composure.
In seeming slow motion he lifted a hand and smoothed a thumb-pad over one cheek, then the other.
Her mouth felt swollen and slightly numb, and she didn’t move as he traced its contours before dropping his hand down to his side.
‘ out of here, mi inujer,’ he directed huskily.
* * *
His voice was the catalyst that set her limbs in motion, and she didn’t waste a second stepping out from the shower. Her need to be free of his disturbing presence prompted her to snag a towel and fasten it around her damp form before escaping into the bed room.
There, towelled dry, the T-shirt in place, she spared the large bed a cursory glance with its tangled sheets, dislodged pillows, and made the decision to sleep elsewhere.
‘Don’t even think about it.’
Danielle turned at the sound of that silky drawl, and watched him move into the room.
‘I don’t want to sleep with you.’ Bald, brave words, spoken with quiet determination.
‘Correction.. .you don’t want to have sex with me.’ He waited a beat. ‘In this instance, sleep is the operative word. And we share the same bed.’
‘I wasn’t aware I gave you an option.’
Anger flared anew. ‘Go to hell!’
His gaze speared hers. ‘Believe you don’t want me to take you there.’
‘Oh?’ She was like a runaway train on a track leading to disaster. ‘And what—’ she flung an arm in the direction of the en suite ‘—was that happening in there? A guy thing? Or a lesson in subjugation?’
‘You have a foolish mouth,’ Rafe warned with chilling softness.
‘If you wanted a meek, subservient wife you should have married someone else.’
‘Instead, I chose you.’ He paused, spearing her an-
grey gaze with hateful ease. ‘The purpose is specific.. .or have you forgotten so soon?’
Daniel tore her gaze away from his. ‘If you touch me again tonight I’ll—’
‘Fight me to the death? Scratch my eyes out?’ He leant over the bed, straightened the pillows and hauled up the bedcovers. ‘Be warned, I’m a light sleeper.’
‘What does that have to do with anything?’
‘A warning, should you decide to go sleep some where else in the middle of the night.’
‘You can’t—’
‘Watch me.’
‘You’re nothing but a tyrannical bully!’
He unfastened the towel knotted at his waist and tossed it aside. ‘I’ll wear only so many insults.’ He slid in beneath the covers. ‘Get into bed, Danielle.’
‘What if I don’t?’
Dark eyes pierced hers. ‘I’ll put you there.’
A lock of hair fell forward onto her cheek, and she tucked it back behind her ear in an involuntary gesture.
Capitulation was born out of wisdom...for now. Although she didn’t feel particularly wise as she reluctantly slid into bed. In a final gesture of defiance she turned her back towards him and hugged the edge of the mattress.
Something that gave her little satisfaction, for he merely snapped off the light, plunging the room into darkness; and she lay there tense, listening to his breathing slow into a steady rhythm.
How could he slip so easily to sleep? Too much practice in the face of danger? Or a finely tuned mechanism that permitted him to wake at the slightest sound, the faintest move?
What had he witnessed in his youth to have created such a hard exterior? Had fate dealt him such a difficult hand that he had no heart?
Could the right woman change his perspective?. Could she?
Dear lord, what was she thinking? Her sole purpose in his life was to produce a child, then, following the requisite time span, move on.
Besides, what woman would willingly welcome a man of Rafe Valdez’s calibre into her life?
Many, she admitted with obvious reluctance. The size of his cheque-book guaranteed obsequious ado ration from the trophy wife prepared to be both gracious hostess and a seductive mistress. In all probability, willing to gift him a child.
So why her, when he could have chosen any one of several young women?
Because she refused to conform, and frequently opted for confrontation? Even to her detriment?
Or was it simply circumstance, as he’d claimed? Let’s not forget the d’Alboa lineage, she added silently.
Did it really matter?
With a faint sigh she attempted to ease her tense body. Curled into a tight ball on the edge of a mattress was not her normal sleeping position.
She was already beginning to feel the tightness in several muscles. And she hurt, inside and out. Her breast ached from his retaliatory bite, and she ran her tongue over the tissues inside her mouth where he’d heartlessly ground them against her teeth.
It would be so easy to indulge in a crying jag. Wasn’t there some analogy that credited weeping as a release to soothe the soul?
One solitary tear spilled and ran warmly down her cheek, and she brushed it away in angry rejection.
It was a while before she slipped into an uneasy sleep, from which she stirred to Rafe’s touch as early dawn fingered the day’s first light through the shuttered windows.
His sexual appetite ran to night and morning? Maybe if she simply lay there...
Fool, she accorded minutes later as warmth flooded her veins. He played her like a finely tuned instrument, seeking an unbidden response that had her clinging to him like a craven wanton.
Afterwards she slept, and when she woke it was morning, the space in the bed beside her empty.

CUTE ROSE 28-11-07 05:24 PM

DANIELLE rolled over, checked the time on the digital bedside clock, then she slid swiftly to her feet, collected her cell phone and punched in the requisite digits to connect with her mother.
‘Good heavens, darling. I don’t expect you to come in this morning,’ Ariane protested. ‘I can manage quite well on my own.’
‘With two of us, we’ll be able to sort the stock in half the time,’ Danielle said lightly as she crossed to the walk-in wardrobe, selected jeans and a singlet top, then she tossed them onto the bed before collecting fresh underwear.
‘Are you sure Rafe won’t object?’
She tucked the small phone beneath one ear and began pulling on briefs. ‘I don’t see why he should,’ she managed evenly. ‘As far as I know there are only plans for the afternoon, and I’ll be back in time.’
The jeans came next, and she stepped into them, then manoeuvred them up over her hips.
‘Shall I collect you? I have the car, remember?’
Oh, hell. She’d forgotten. ‘OK. I can be ready in twenty minutes. I’ll meet you at the gate.’ In one fluid movement she tugged off the T-shirt, then gave a yelp in surprise as the cell phone was taken out of her hand.
She made a quick lunge to retrieve it. ‘Give me that!’ -
Rafe merely put the phone to his ear. ‘Ariane? We’ll meet you at the boutique.’ And disconnected the call.
Danielle spared him an angry glance. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘I believe it’s called helping out.’
She became aware of her semi-nudity, and hurriedly turned away from him as she reached for her bra, fastening it in record time before pulling on the singlet top, and slipping her feet into trainers.
‘It isn’t necessary,’ she flung over one shoulder and she entered the en suite and closed the door.
He was still there when she emerged. She’d swept her hair into a knot atop her head, and her only con cession to make-up was a touch of gloss to her lips.
‘You’ve had nothing to eat.’
He too was attired in jeans, trainers, and a polo shirt that hugged his muscular shoulders and emphasised powerful biceps.
She caught up her cell phone, collected her purse and sidestepped him. ‘I’ll grab something later.’
‘I shall see that you do.’
‘I dislike tyrannical men.’
‘I’ve been called much worse.’
‘Without doubt,’ she responded with an edge of mockery.
She reached the head of the stairs and ran lightly down to the ground floor, aware he followed close behind her.
The garage was accessed via a hallway leading off from the lobby, and minutes later he eased the gleaming top-of-the-range Jaguar through the gates, then headed towards Toorak Road.
The positioning of La Femme was ideal, situated in a small U-shaped modern complex comprising seven up market shops and a boutique café specialising in fine coffee and gourmet food.
Danielle had to give Rafe his due, for he’d consulted with Ariane over shop-fittings, ordered what she’d requested and ensured the re-fit was completed in time to orchestrate the shift of stock.
Not only that, in Ariane’s eyes he’d changed from ogre to champion by sanctioning an order of new French imports commensurate with patrons’ expectations.
With their line of credit reopened and Rafe Valdez’s financial backing, the attitude of wholesalers’ representatives had undergone a dramatic change.
New stock had arrived by courier yesterday, and a further delivery was promised for tomorrow.
‘Just drop me outside,’ Danielle instructed as Rafe slowed the car and pulled into the kerb. ‘I’ll get a taxi back.’
He cut the engine and followed her onto the pavement, arching an eyebrow as she cast him a studied glare.
‘There’s no need for your personal inspection.’
‘On the contrary,’ Rafe drawled. ‘I make it a habit to check all my investments.’
The gold sign-writing on the shop window looked good, and she could see Ariane behind the plate glass checking boxes of stock.
Was it Danielle’s imagination, or did her mother’s gaze linger a little too long? What was Ariane looking for? A sign Rafe Valdez had mistreated her daughter?
Danielle could have reassured there weren’t any. At least, none that was visible.
‘Shall we get to work?’
She cast Rafe a cursory glance. ‘You intend to stay?’
‘You object?’
‘Of course not,’ Ariane responded with a ready smile. ‘The stock will need to be sorted according to style, colour and size. I’d like to organise the display cabinets and attend to the window dressing.’ She referred to the floor plan and the list they’d compiled on Friday. ‘I’ve already made a start. Danielle, you search and sort, and I’ll stack.’
‘What would you like me to do?’
‘Fetch and carry,’ Danielle declared, crossing to one of the large boxes and slitting open the heavy masking tape.
It took a while to unpack all the boxes, then stack individual packets in coded order in the numerous large pull-out drawers contained in waist-high cabinets lining each opposing wall.
‘I’ll go fetch drinks and something to eat,’ Rafe indicated, breaking from the task of collapsing yet another large box. ‘Any preferences?’
‘I packed sandwiches and brought bottled water,’ Mane informed. ‘They’re in the fridge out back.’
Danielle rose to her feet from a kneeling position, and stretched her arms. ‘I’ll get them.’
‘We’ll join you, darling. It’ll be nice to sit down for ten minutes.’.
There wasn’t a great deal of spare space in the storeroom. Shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, and there was a small table and two chairs, and a server cabinet which held a sink, crockery, cutlery, an electric kettle and a small microwave.
Danielle retrieved sandwiches and drinks and set them on the table.
‘All the grunt work is done,’ she declared as she fetched glasses and began filling them with water.
‘Thanks to you both,’ Ariane agreed with satisfaction. ‘There’s just the display cabinets and the win Dow.’
For the past two and a half hours she’d been supremely conscious of Rafe’s presence. The fluid ease with which he moved, the occasional brush of his fingers against her own as she took each stack of packets from his hand. The way his gaze lingered a fraction too long.
It unsettled her. Worse, it evoked a vivid memory of what they’d shared through the night. And would again. The purpose was evident in his eyes, a deep slumberous passion that held its base in sexual de sire... nothing more, nothing less.
The sandwiches were delectable, and Danielle elected to tidy up while Ariane began on the window. Rafe remained where he was, and she turned towards him.
‘There’s no need for you to stay. I’ll make sure I return to the house in time to shower, change and be ready by two.’
He reached out a hand and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. ‘No.’
Her pulse quickened, and there was nothing she could do to quell the heat coursing through her veins. Each separate nerve end seemed to flare into vibrant life at his touch, and she silently cursed him anew.
With quick, economical movements she rinsed glasses, dried and replaced them in the cupboard, then she crossed the storeroom, aware he followed close behind her.
With care, Danielle created an artful window display with tulle and satin ribbons, then dressed three mannequins in La Perla. A large illustrated catalogue was propped against an antique satin-padded chair, over which she draped a suspender belt in French lace.
A concentrated scrutiny, a few adjustments, and Ariane conceded it perfection.
All that remained was the need to dress the interior glassed showcases, which Ariane assured she could easily handle on her own.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Of course, darling. Besides; you probably have plans of your own for the afternoon.’
The tennis party, Danielle remembered with dismay. Her first entrée back into the social scene. A quiet afternoon spent lazing on a lounger by the pool with a good book was infinitely preferable to a few energetic games of tennis. Not to mention bearing the circumspect scrutiny of the social set.
‘Yes, we do,’ Rafe concurred, not missing the fleeting cloud that momentarily dulled her eyes, nor divining its cause.
‘In that case, you must leave.’ Ariane checked her watch. ‘It’s almost one.’ She leant forward and brushed her lips to Danielle’s cheek. ‘Have a good time. Thanks for your help.’
‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’
The boutique had come alive, and it looked good.. .reaily good, Danielle conceded as she slipped into the passenger seat of Rafe’s car.
‘I’ll drop you off in the morning, then arrange for a car to be delivered to you through the day,’ he indicated as he pulled out into the stream of traffic.
She didn’t particularly want to accept anything from him, but a car was a necessity. ‘Thanks.’
‘I’ve suggested Ariane interview prospective staff to fill in part-time when you aren’t available,’ he continued, and she rounded on him at once.
‘What do you mean—not available?’
‘You’ll accompany me whenever I travel on business. There will also be occasions when you’ll need to take time off to attend an early-evening function, or a specific charity luncheon,’ Rafe informed smoothly, aware of her mounting anger.
‘La Femme is a priority.’
‘Your first loyalty is to me.’
‘My apologies,’ Danielle offered facetiously. ‘For a moment I forgot that I’d been bought and paid for.’
‘Don’t push it.’ His voice was silk-smooth and dangerous, and succeeded in feathering apprehension down her spine.
Lunch was a delicious paella, followed by salad greens, and it was almost two when Rafe pulled into a familiar driveway and parked at the rear of a line of cars.
Lillian and Ivan Stanich.
Danielle’s heart sank. By attending this particular soirée, he was throwing her in at the deep end. She could imagine the guest list, and had it confirmed as they entered the house.
‘Rafe, darling.’ Lillian went with the air-kiss routine, then she took a step towards his partner, only to pause momentarily as recognition hit. ‘Danielle?’
‘My wife.’
The recovery was swift. ‘How delightful. Congratulations.’
Really? How long would it take for the gossip scoop to circulate? Five minutes? And who will be the first to try ascertaining the story behind the news? Or had the rumour mill already begun with the relocation of La Femme?
‘Come through to the terrace and join everyone for drinks. Ivan has already organised the games roster.’
Danielle summoned a smile and suppressed the silent wish to be anywhere else but here, and followed in Lillian’s wake.
Not one to miss an opportunity, the society doy Ernie clapped her hands to gain her guests’ attention and announced Rafe’s marriage, adding with a de lighted chuckle, ‘We’re the first to know.’ Turning towards Rafe, she offered a wicked smile. ‘You’ve kept this very quiet, darling.’
‘As I do most things in my personal life,’ he drawled in response. -
‘So you’re not going to enlighten us with any details?’ Lillian queried coyly.
He caught hold of Danielle’s hand and brought it to his lips. His eyes were dark, their expression un readable, then after a few electrifying seconds he lowered their linked hands to his side and met Lillian’s avid gaze.
There was a suspended silence during which it would have been possible to hear a pin drop, then Lillian spread her hands and gave a tinkling laugh.
‘This calls for a celebration. Ivan must fetch some champagne.’
Danielle made a surreptitious attempt to free her hand without success. In a deliberate gesture she leaned towards him and uttered in a quiet voice, ‘Just what are you playing at?’
‘A united we stand, divided we fall stance?’ ‘Yes.’
‘You surprise me.’
‘I imagined you’d have no hesitation in throwing me to the wolves.’
His gaze was direct, his voice as smooth as silk. ‘I take care of my own.’
But she wasn’t one of his own. At least, not really. There were, of course, voiced congratulations, and she kept a smile pinned firmly in place as she was greeted by former friends whose enthusiasm didn’t fool her in the least. These were people who’d turned their backs when the chips began to fall, whose invitations had become remarkably absent, arid who had quickly refused to acknowledge Ariane or herself in any way.
Now that she was Rafe’s wife, they were eager to renew their friendship. An act which she viewed with extreme caution and a degree of cynicism
‘Querido,’ a feminine voice purred.
Danielle turned slightly to face a statuesque blonde who was perfection from head to toe. Sex appeal, more than her share of pheromones, and the self- assurance of a modern-day Circe.
‘Cristina,’ Rafe acknowledged.
The blonde switched her attention to Danielle, and proffered a superficial smile. ‘How dare you steal him away from me?’
It was spoken in jest, but there was no humour in those cool grey eyes.
‘Perhaps you should ask Rafe?’
A suggestion which didn’t go down at all well, and unless Danielle was mistaken a war had just begun.
‘One of your many conquests,’ Danielle acknowledged as she sipped champagne.
‘We dated on occasion.’
It was as well Lillian and Ivan began marshalling players onto the two tennis courts adjoining their property, and Danielle found herself paired with Rafe against Cristina and her partner.
Tennis whites were obligatory, and her short pleated skirt and singlet top didn’t come close to the designer gear Cristina wore.
What was meant to be a friendly game became highly competitive as the beautiful blonde deliberately set out to trounce Danielle off the court.
Something she refused to allow to happen, and it said much for her own skill at the game that she man aged to return almost every shot.
As expected, Rafe was a superb player, and, aided by height, strength and a killer serve, they completed the first set with a two-game lead.
It was a knock-out tournament, and it came as no surprise when Rafe took them into the final to win by a narrow margin.
He looked as if the afternoon’s exercise had been no more strenuous than a walk in the park, whereas another set would have killed her!
Barbecued prawns and kebabs were served at eight with a variety of salad greens, followed by coffee.
‘Danielle, you really must join the girls at next week’s luncheon. I’ll forward an invitation.’
The girls, huh? There was a certain irony in the fact that where Lillian led, others would follow. ‘How kind.’ She would decline when the invitation arrived, citing her commitment to La Femme.
There were a few charities she’d willingly sup port... by gifting a cheque, rather than by putting in an appearance among women who displayed such superficial artificiality.
Rafe saw the polite mask and was aware of the effort it cost her to project a pretence. She looked fragile, and there were faint shadows beneath her eyes.
Hardly surprising, given he’d kept her awake for much of the night.
With care he drained the last of his coffee, and crossed to her side.
‘Ready to leave?’
‘Yes,’ she responded simply, wanting only to get out of here. She’d had enough, she was tired, and bed had never looked so good.
Except bed meant sharing intimacy with a man who’d wreaked havoc with her ambivalent emotions. There hadn’t been a moment through the day when just one glance at him brought forth a vivid image of the previous night. That mouth, those hands... Something stirred deep within at the thought.
Dangerous thoughts. It would be easier if he was an inept lover, more focused on his own pleasure than hers.
Minutes later they thanked their hosts and began bidding fellow guests goodnight.
Danielle slid thankfully into the car, and laid her head back against the cushioned rest.
‘You played the game well.’
She turned her head to look at him. ‘Are we tallying tennis, or the social deal?’
He fired the engine and eased the car around the semicircular driveway, then gained the street. ‘Both.’
‘Ab, a compliment.’ It was impossible to avoid a trace of mockery.
The drive was a short one, and it seemed only a matter of minutes when Rafe drew the Jaguar to a halt inside the garage.
All she wanted to do was shed her clothes, take a shower, then slip into bed.. .to sleep.
Except there was as much chance of that happening as flying over the moon, she perceived as Rafe followed her into the shower.
‘Isn’t this carrying togetherness a bit too far?’
He trailed fingers across her shoulders. ‘You’ve caught the sun.’
This close, she was supremely conscious of his powerful frame, the musculature of his chest and shoulders. And his unmistakable virility. It was an overwhelming force that swamped her senses.
Eyes front, an inner voice taunted. Better yet, turn away from him. Caution warned that might invite more than she was prepared to deal with.
She noticed a thin white diagonal scar on his left ribcage. Non-surgical. The careless slash of a knife blade?
Her head lifted, and she paused to examine a scarred indentation close to his collarbone that looked suspiciously like a bullet wound.
There was also an unusual oriental symbol tattooed on his upper right arm, and she wondered why he’d kept it, rather than have it cosmetically erased.
‘Battle scars?’ she posed, meeting his steady dark gaze.
‘From my less than salubrious past?’
‘How less than salubrious?’
‘Do you really want to know?’
Her expression didn’t waver. ‘It’s part of who you are.’
There were parts of those youthful years he refused to share with anyone. The edge of his mouth took an upward twist. ‘How profound.’
She caught up the soap and attempted to ignore him. An impossibility, given the size of the shower cubicle and his proximity.
Seconds later the soap-bar was taken from her hand, and she tossed him an angry glare. ‘Must you? A seduction scene isn’t high on my list of priorities.’
‘Why not close your eyes and enjoy?’
Something that would prove a sure path to disa Already her body was beginning to reapond to his touch, with warmth spreading through her veins, disrupting her pulse-beat.
‘I don’t want to go there. At least, not tonight.’ He caught the slight catch in her voice, sensed the fragility evident, and slid his hands to her shoulders. ‘That bad, hmm?’
She ached, everywhere. It was ages since she’d worked out, months since she’d last played tennis. Gym membership had been one of the first things to go, along with sports’ club fees.
Dear heaven. His fingers were working magic, easing out the kinks, soothing tight muscles. The temptation was very strong to do as he suggested and just close her eyes.
It would be wonderful to turn into his arms and rest against him, to feel his palms skim over the surface of her skin and soothe away the tension of the day.
Where had that come from? Rafe Valdez had only one objective, and that was to satisfy his libido, and to father a child.
With a silent derisory groan she moved out of his grasp, exited the shower cubicle, snagged a towel and fixed the ends together above her breasts, then emerged into the bedroom.
Rafe joined her just as she was pulling a T-shirt over her head, and his gaze narrowed at the faint discolouring blemishes marring her skin.
It wasn’t his practice to harm, and he had to ask why it bothered him this woman should bear the marks from his touch.
She possessed a slender lissome body, slim legs displaying good muscle definition, and there was a fluid grace in the way she moved.
‘Why a cotton-knit T-shirt as sleep-wear, when you have access to various luxury creations in silk, satin and lace at La Femme?’
Danielle turned her head and sent him a challenging glance. ‘Perhaps I chose this—’ she paused and indicated the fabric with an index finger ‘—as a turn off.’
‘Since whatever you wear won’t stay on long,’ Rafe drawled, ‘it hardly matters.’
She chose not to answer, and merely pulled back the covers and slid into bed, aware as she did so that he crossed the room, snapped a switch and plunged the room into darkness.
Seconds later she felt the faint depression of the mattress as he slipped in beside her, and she tensed, waiting for the moment he’d reach for her.
Except the minutes dragged by, and she closed her eyes as tiredness overcame any desire to conduct a post-mortem on the day’s events.
It was in the early pre-dawn hours that she struggled against wakefulness as male hands caressed her thighs, then gently tugged the T-shirt over her head.
Her murmured protest had little effect as Rafe gathered her close and nuzzled the sensitive hollow beneath her earlobe.
Danielle pushed against him, then groaned out loud as his mouth trailed to her breast, lingered.
It was with ease he plunged deep inside, aware of the way she expanded to take him, and heard the breath hiss from her throat as he began to move.
Afterwards they slept, then rose to shower and dress.

CUTE ROSE 03-12-07 09:00 PM


BREAKFAST was a leisurely meal eaten al fresco on the terrace, and Danielle filched the fashion segment of the newspaper while Rafe studied the financial pages as they enjoyed a second coffee.
He looked relaxed and at ease, bearing a pantherish grace as he leant back in his chair. His dark hair was well-groomed, his face freshly shaven. His shirt was unbuttoned at the neck, and his jacket and tie were spread over a nearby chair. A briefcase and laptop sat on the floor close by.
The successful corporate executive, she mused idly, who wielded power and authority with incontestable right.
There was an inflexible quality evident, a hardness that came from the will to survive against the odds.
At that moment he looked up, and she met his steady gaze.
‘If you’ve finished, we’ll leave.’ He drained the last of his coffee, then rose to his feet, attended to the two top buttons of his shirt, reached for his tie and fastened it, then he shrugged into his jacket.
it was almost eight-thirty when he brought the car to a halt adjacent to the boutique.
‘I have a business dinner this evening.’
Danielle unclipped the seatbelt and reached for the door-clasp. ‘So don’t wait up?’
He ignored the faint cynicism. ‘A car will be de livered to you this afternoon.’
‘Thank you.’ She slid to her feet and closed the door, watching as he eased the Jaguar back into the flow of traffic.
Danielle unlocked the boutique and discovered Ariane had already arrived, and together they effected a few minor changes, checked the stock list, before moving on to discuss a layout for their proposed catalogue.
The morning’s trade was brisk as women stopped by to check out the new premises and the range of stock. Some were merely curious, others were there to purchase.
A few former clients wandered in, bought, and at tempted to repair a severed friendship.
It was, Danielle determined, superficial behaviour at best and motivated by a need to establish favour with her powerful husband.
Integrity ensured she project a polite façade. Business was business, and it was a matter of pride the boutique should succeed.
Lunch was a fifteen-minute break each, taken, in succession, and there was a stock delivery mid- afternoon.
Soon afterwards a sales manager presented her with the keys to a 13MW parked out front. An hour before closing time Danielle signed for a certified document delivery from a prominent city bank. Inside was a portfolio containing cheque-book, ATM and credit cards in the name of Danielle Valdez.
Rafe, she perceived. Keeping his end of the bar gain.
It shouldn’t irk her so much, but it did. She at tempted to analyse why, and attributed the blame to Rafe having taken control of her life. Except honesty compelled her to admit she was responsible for giving him that option.
As if she’d had a choice!
Who, in their right mind, would settle for bankruptcy and poverty when offered the opportunity to grasp an advantageous financial alternative?
Yet it came with a high price. Would she be able to keep her end of the bargain?
Dammit, introspection was of no benefit at all, she determined, and busied herself replenishing drawers with stock from the back room.
At five-thirty they closed up, checked the day’s takings, and uttered a quiet whoop of delight at the fig- tires.
It was after six when Danielle entered Rafe’s Toorak home, and on a whim she shed the tailored business suit she wore• to work, donned a swimsuit and headed down to the indoor pool.
The land out back had been carved away to incorporate a lower level devoted to a private gym, indoor pool, a spacious shower and bathroom.
The water was cool, and she stroked several laps before emerging to snag a towel, then head for the shower.
Dinner was a chicken salad Elena had left prepared in the refrigerator, and accompanied by chilled juice it made for a satisfactory meal.
The house seemed much too large for one person.. .correction, two. The downstairs rooms were spacious, and ideal for entertaining. The formal dining-room held no fewer than twenty-two chairs positioned around a long rectangular table. The formal lounge held comfortable sofas enough to seat a similar number.
Danielle collected a glass of chilled water and settled herself in front of the television, viewed a few of many programmes available via satellite, then re treated upstairs to bed at ten-thirty.
At what time would Rafe return? She plumped her pillow and told herself she didn’t care. The later the better, for then hopefully he’d be tired and not bother her.
Fat chance, she protested silently as she emerged from the depths of sleep to the brush of his lips against the curve of her shoulder.
His mouth became an erotic instrument as he brought her to wakefulness, and in the darkness she clung to him, qualifying her own satisfaction as a pleasant fringe benefit in an otherwise diabolical scheme.
It was when they shared breakfast next morning that Danielle remembered the BMW.
‘Thanks for the car.’ She waited a beat. ‘And organising details with the bank.’
Rafe drained his coffee and poured himself another. ‘I intend that you shall.’ He speared her a musing glance. ‘Thank me.’
His meaning was unmistakable, and she hated the warmth heating her cheeks.
‘Delightful.’ His voice was a teasing drawl. ‘A woman in today’s age who can still blush.’
‘It’s a knack you have.’
‘An integral part of my charm,’ he conceded with a faint edge of mockery.
She opted to forgo another coffee and rose to her feet. ‘I told Ariane I’d be early.’
‘Hasta luego.’
The days were busy as the boutique flourished, much to Danielle and Ariane’ s delight. Quiet times were rare, and they interviewed several women before selecting one as necessary part-time staff with the Capability of temporary full-time work as and when Danielle or Mane might be absent.
At night there was Rafe.
The pattern during that first week followed an in creasingly familiar routine. They ate in, Rafe secluded himself in the study with his laptop and rarely emerged much before ten.
Danielle utilised a desk in one of the spare rooms and checked figures and stock numbers, searched numerous internet sites, solely for the purpose of stream lining La Femme and providing clients with the ultimate in luxury lingerie.
Proofs for the catalogue were in place, but she wanted to be sure the assemblage couldn’t be bettered before handing it all to the printer.
Rafe appeared to be one of the fortunate few who could apply optimum effort to a hectic work schedule with a minimum of five hours’ sleep. Less, given the regularity with which he reached for her through the night.
Each time made it more difficult for her to remain emotionally distant from him. He had the touch, the skill, and he applied the time to ensure her pleasure matched his own.
Saturday dawned bright and clear, the sun’s heat soaring with high humidity levels guaranteed to try anyone not blessed with the comfort of air- conditioning.
Traditionally, a Saturday was one of the busiest trading days of the week, with those who worked office and professional hours utilising part of the day to shop without having to cram everything into a lunch- hour.
It was an excellent day to have Leanne, the assistant Mane had hired part-time, come in to work. Especially as Danielle needed to leave an hour before closing time.
A dinner party, Rafe had informed the previous morning, to be held at the home of a prominent social hostess.
It didn’t help that Danielle was delayed due to a severe traffic accident, or that it took time for a uniform to appear and redirect banked-up traffic.
As it was, she brought the car to a halt outside the main entrance with a refined squeal of the brakes, raced up the stairs two at a time and skated to a halt in the bedroom at the sight of Rafe in the process of tucking a snow-white shirt into his waistband.
He slanted her a dark penetrating glance as he slid
the zip fastening home on impeccably-cut black trousers. ‘You’re late.’
‘So—shoot me.’ The flippant response covered an agitation caused by screaming sirens.. .police, ambulance, fire truck, an all too vivid imagination, and a painful reminder of her own father’s accidental death in a similar situation.
His eyes narrowed. She looked faintly spooked, her eyes were a little too bright, not, he was sure, caused by flying up the staircase like a whirlwind.
He discarded the tie he was about to fasten, and closed the space between them. ‘What’s wrong?’
A week, and he could read her mind, divine her emotions? Surely she wasn’t that transparent? ‘I don’t have time for an explanation.’
Rafe caught her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting it so she had to look at him. ‘A few minutes is neither here nor there.’
It was private, personal, and she didn’t want to talk about it. ‘Please, I need to shower, dress and be ready—’ she paused briefly ‘—in twenty minutes.’
‘Thirty will do.’
He didn’t release her, and she threw him a fulminating glare. ‘What is this? An inquisition?’
‘I can easily find out,’ he said quietly. ‘So why not tell me?’
‘Relentless bastard, aren’t you?’
‘The first is true, the second inaccurate.’
The glare intensified. ‘You’re driving me mad.’
He traced the pad of his thumb along her lower lip and felt it quiver beneath his touch. ‘So what else is new?’
She held out for a few long seconds, then chose capitulation and relayed the reason for her delay.
‘Something that revived the memory of how your father died.’ The knowledge explained her agitation.
Fact, not a query, she noticed, and couldn’t help wondering how closely he’d tracked the life of Joaquin d’Alboa’s son and the lives of his widow and child.
‘Go have your shower.’
Danielle escaped, managing to emerge twenty-five minutes later, dressed, her make-up complete, with her hair swept high into a knot atop her head.
The classic slim-fitting black gown with its spaghetti-thin straps showed her slender shoulders to ad vantage, accented the elegant slope of her neck, and showcased the gentle upper swell of her breasts.
She suffered Rafe’s swift appraisal as she fixed on ear-studs, then she caught up her evening purse and preceded him from the room.
As dinner parties went, this had to be one of the more lavish, Danielle determined an hour later as she stood at Rafe’s side sipping vintage champagne.
At least fifty guests assembled on a spacious terrace adjacent to colourfully lit gardens with manicured flower beds, topiary, decorative paths and seats placed at strategic intervals.
Uniformed waiters proffered trays containing a mix of canapes and savouries, and drinks.
‘I neglected to ask,’ Danielle ventured quietly. ‘Is this merely social, or a function to aid a needy charity?’
‘Ostensibly charity.’
‘To which you’ve contributed a generous donation.’
Rafe inclined his head. ‘I lend my support to a few worthy causes.’
He looked impressive attired in a dark evening suit that owed much to its Italian tailoring, for it fitted him like a superbly moulded glove, accenting an en viable breadth of shoulder, a lithe, muscular frame.
It made her think of what lay beneath the fine clothing, and it was no hardship at all to recall that toned body unadorned, the texture of his skin, the strength of muscle and sinew.
The image of his mouth angling in to capture her own, the feel of his hands on her body, skimming lightly over her skin, the intense sensual pleasure...
Stop it. The words were a silent scream. She suffered his lovemaking because it was part of the deal. Dammit, it was a major part of the deal, given conception was the ultimate aim.
A fellow male guest crossed to their side and, after an initial greeting, engaged Rale in a business discussion.
Danielle welcomed the distraction, excused herself and moved towards a waiter with the intention of replenishing her drink..something definitely non alcoholic this time out.
She caught snatches of meaningless conversation, and she had just selected a glass of chilled mineral water when she heard someone speak her name.
Turning, she summoned a polite smile and kept it in place. Cristina. Tall, elegant, exuding the patina of class bred from extreme wealth and exclusive private- school education.
‘You must enjoy being active on the social scene again after such an—’ there was an effective pause ‘—unfortunate absence.’
Careful, Danielle bade silently. Keep it polite and simple. ‘Yes.’
Something shifted in Cristina’s icy grey eyes. ‘Interesting how you and your mother managed to effect such a reversal of fortunes.’
‘Isn’t it?’
‘What did you do, darling? Sell yourself?’ This had the potential to become nasty. ‘If that were true,’ she managed evenly, ‘why would maniage come into the equation?’
‘Something that is on the tip of everyone’s tongue.’ Danielle managed a slight smile, and refrained from comment.
‘So, tell me,’ Cristina pursued. ‘Why you?’
‘Perhaps you should ask Rafe?’
‘You can’t be that good in bed.’
She’d had enough. Polite conversation was one thing. Snide comments were something else. ‘No?’
The blonde’s gaze assumed a speculative gleam. ‘Hope you can keep up with him, darling. He’s a lusty son-of-a-bitch.’
‘Mmm.’ She aimed for a smile that was both dreamy and sultry. ‘Isn’t he, though?’
She’d gained an enemy. If she’d had any doubt, the sudden flash of jealous rage merely confirmed it.
‘Just for the record,’ Cristina stated with deliberate calm, ‘a wedding ring on a man’s finger doesn’t faze me at all.’
‘And you’ll be waiting to catch him if I fall from grace?’
‘When, sweetheart. Rafe doesn’t stay satisfied with one woman for long.’
‘Well, now, maybe I’ll be the exception.’
The raking appraisal bordered on the insolent. ‘I very much doubt it.’
‘What do you doubt, Cristina?’ Rafe queried with a practised drawl.
He possessed the silent grace of a jungle cat, appearing at their side without warning.
The blonde recovered quickly. ‘We were discussing La Femme, darling. Its relocation will prove to be an enormous success.’
She was good, Danielle conceded, and wondered if Rafe bought it.
‘You’ll excuse us?’ He caught hold of Danielle’s hand and threaded her fingers through his own, then he lifted her hand and brushed his mouth across her knuckles, eliciting a sharp glance.
‘Damage control, Rafe?’ She attempted to pull her hand free, and felt his fingers tighten. ‘I can take care of myself.’
‘Cristina has all the instincts of a piranha.’
‘She has her sights on you.’
‘My bank balance,’ Rafe corrected dryly. Danielle cast him an analytical lolls intrigued by his features in profile, the angles and planes reflected by lighting and shadows.
It was a strong face, the sweep of his jaw, the wide forehead, symmetrically positioned nose, and a mouth to die for.
‘Nice to know you have no illusions,’ Danielle said sweetly.
He smiled, and her stomach executed a backward flip. It gave him an almost boyish look. Although she doubted he’d ever enjoyed boyhood. He’d gone straight from child to man, fashioned by the harsh law of human survival.
‘You have a sassy mouth.’
‘It’s one of my talents,’ she relayed solemnly.
‘Our hostess is about to announce the buffet.’
A sumptuous array of food was set out on an ex tended table, and Danielle transferred a few morsels onto her plate. Bite-size portions and cutlery forks made for ease of eating, enabling the guests to move at will, converge with whoever they chose, lending a pleasant informality to the evening’s proceedings.
Fund-raisers took various forms, Danielle mused, and success depended largely on the generosity and ingenuity of the charity organisers.
Tonight’s effort followed a familiar pattern.. .ply the guests with drink, allow time to mingle, feed them, then while they’re relaxed and mellow, provide the main event.
In this instance, the main event was an auction of memorabilia.
A set of Baccarat crystal goblets purported to have held Crystal champagne served at the table of visiting European royalty. A jade pendant worn by a past premier’s wife at a function attended by an Arabian prince.
Danielle’s attention was riveted by one item on display. The jeweller’s box was distinctive, together with the exquisite diamond bracelet it held. Hand-crafted, the linking design was unique, and she recognised it as a bequest gifted to her four years ago on the advent of her twenty-first birthday. Retaining the matching earrings had been a sentimental act, but the bracelet had been sold off last year in one of many desperate bids to maintain a cash flow.
What was it doing here, and who...? No, he couldn’t have. She shot Rafe a penetrating glance, and could determine nothing from his expression.
The auction began, and the bracelet was tabled as once belonging to a member of the Spanish aristocracy.
Rafe began the bidding, and Cristina’s participation drew interest, causing the bidding to escalate as others joined in. Soon it reached an amount that saw the bid for ownership reduced to two. For every bid Cristina made, Rafe topped it, until an obscene figure was reached and Cristina declined to increase Rafe’s bid.
Had it been Rafe’s intention to make a public issue of Cristina’s defeat? Most everyone present couldn’t fail to miss the connection between his bid for the bracelet and its original ownership.
The list went on, and bidding was intense, culminating in a considerable sum raised for a charity specialising in providing tenninally ill children with their dearest ‘make-a-wish’ fantasy. This evening’s event would fund a return trip to Disneyland for a young leukaemia patient, her mother and a registered nurse.
Afterwards there was coffee, and the successful bidders paid for and claimed their purchases.
Rafe returned to her side, extracted the bracelet from its case and fastened it onto her wrist. ‘Yours,’ he declared quietly.
She ran the tip of her fingers over the precious stones. ‘Thank you. It belonged to my paternal grand mother.’
He cast her a studied look. ‘It was among jewellery acquired by my agent.’
Jewellery she and her mother had been forced to sell. ‘You chose to donate something already owned, then buy it back? Why?’
‘A whim, perhaps?’
Danielle doubted any action he took was motivated by something as frivolous as a whim. He was a superb strategist who calculated to win.
Guests began to disperse, and she joined Rafe in thanking their hosts, then walked at his side to the car.
It was a mild summer evening, the sky a dark indigo studded with stars, and there was a freshness in the air that boded well for a fine day tomorrow.
The drive home didn’t take long, and as soon as Rafe garaged the car Danielle slid from the passenger seat and walked through to the lobby.
Thank heavens tomorrow was Sunday and she didn’t need to race the clock or the traffic. She fancied a lazy day, preferably spent catching up with some accounting work on her laptop, maybe taking time to meet Ariane for a coffee.
She made her way upstairs to the bedroom, slid off the stiletto heels, then reached for the zip fastening on her gown, only to discover Rafe’s fingers about to complete the task.
With the zip freed, he slid the shoe string straps over each shoulder, then let the garment slip to the carpet.
As the gown was fully lined with an inbuilt support bra, she wore beneath it was a pair of black thong briefs.
Danielle felt him slide the pins free from the elegant twist, and her hair fell to her shoulders.
Rafe turned her to face him, and she stood still, her eyes watchful as he shrugged off his jacket, then he discarded his tie and loosened the top few buttons on his shirt.
He cupped her face and angled his mouth over hers in a kiss that coaxed and seduced, then became intent on possession.
His hands shifted, one listing her hair while the other slid down her back and cupped her buttocks, drawing her body in against him as he deepened the kiss to something that was almost primitive.
He was wearing too many clothes, and he dealt with them.
The gentle sliding movement he initiated nearly drove her mad, and she groaned in encouragement as he tumbled them both down onto the bed.
The rhythmic tightening of her inner muscles almost caused him to lose control, and he fought against it as he drove them both high onto a sensual plane where there was only the intense joy of fulfilment, the exquisite sensation of two people completely in tune.
Rafe supported his weight as he rested against her, nuzzling the sensitive hollow at the edge of her neck.
He felt her body quiver in response, and he absorbed her faint groan as his mouth settled over hers in a kiss that started sweet and slow, then built into something so incredibly erotic it was impossible not to be completely caught up with renewed desire.
In one fluid movement he rolled onto his back, and she arched against him, exulting in the sense of power as she took him on a ride that teased, tantalised and tested his control. The brush of her hair against his chest, the trail of her fingers as she explored the shape and texture of his body.. .enjoying the faint hiss of his breath, the husky growl low in his throat.
‘Are you done?’
‘Hmm, not yet.’ She teased one male nipple with the edge of her teeth, nipped, and took pleasure in his indrawn breath.
‘When you’re through playing, querida...’
Playing? She bit him, the fine edge of her teeth drawing blood, then she arched against him in a movement that was distinctly feline and rode him deep, increasing the pace until they met at the sensual pinnacle, held, then joined each other in a spiralling
free-fall that left them both slick with sensual heat and gasping for breath.
Dear lord.. .there was almost a reverence apparent as she rested against him. Her body still pulsed in tune with her ragged breathing, and she felt the light touch of his hands as he skimmed the surface of her skin, soothing her until she gradually stilled.
Would I always be like this?
A woman could become addicted to the intense passion they’d just shared. Add love, and it would be a dynamic explosive mix.
As much as she’d vowed to hate him, her body was at variance with her brain, becoming a finely tuned instrument beneath his skilled touch. For that alone she wanted to hate him afresh. And herself, for her lack of control.
On the edge of sleep, she felt the brush of his lips against her forehead, and she sighed, too enervated to protest or to move.

CUTE ROSE 03-12-07 09:03 PM

DANIELLE woke alone, and she stretched, considered burrowing her head into the pillow for another hour, then opted against it.
The sun was shining, the whole day lay ahead, and she intended to devote part of it to updating La Femme’s records, followed by some retail therapy.
It was ages since she’d been able to do any serious shopping, and, given her husband’s social schedule, she needed to replace a pair of stilettos and acquire a new gown.
She slid from the bed, showered, pulled on jeans and a cotton top, tidied the bedroom, then ran lightly downstairs to the kitchen.
Danielle settled for cereal and fruit, followed it with toast, and made fresh coffee.
There was no sign of Rafe, and no note to provide an indication of where he might be. The study? The downstairs gym?
Danielle poured a second coffee, leafed through the Sunday papers, then she collected her laptop and briefcase, set both on the informal dining-room table and began to work.
It was there Rafe found her more than an hour later when he entered the kitchen after a punishing session in the gym.
‘Good morning.’
She lifted her head, and felt her heart leap to a quickened beat at the sight of him in shorts, sweat- patched T-shirt and trainers. ‘Hi.’
He crossed to the refiigerator and extracted a bottle of chilled water, broke the cap, and downed half the *******s in one long swallow before turning towards her.
‘I’ll organise for one of the upstairs rooms to be furnished as a study for you.’
‘That isn’t necessary. I like the flexibility of being able to work anywhere. Keeping the records up to date rarely takes me more than a few hours each week’ At least it had up until now.
Rafe shot her a penetrating glance. ‘It’ll be easier if you have your own office space.’
Case closed. She knew she should be grateful. So why was there a niggling resentment apparent?
He drained the water bottle, dispensed with it, then walked from the kitchen.
An hour later Danielle closed down the laptop, gathered papers into her briefcase, then deposited both upstairs, checked her watch, then caught up her bag and car keys, and went in search of Rafe to let him know she’d be out for the rest of the day.
Except he was nowhere in plain sight, and she wrote him a note, propped it on the kitchen server)’, then headed towards the garage.
Her first destination was Brighton, and she parked, then wandered at will, pausing at a trendy café for a cappuccino before browsing in the shops.
Her cell phone rang as she was about to enter a boutique, and she retreated onto the pavement and took the call.
‘Where are you?’. Rafe’s voice was unmistakable, and she mentally counted to three before answering.
‘Precisely? Brighton, outside a dress shop.’
‘Does the not sure when I’ll be back in your note indicate late afternoon or evening?’
‘Does it matter?’
‘Answer the question, Danielle.’
‘I didn’t realise I required your permission to go out of the house.’
‘Querida.’ His voice was a dangerous purr. ‘Don’t test my patience, hmm?’
‘Am I doing that?’ she queried sweetly.
‘Would you be so brave, I wonder, if you were facing me in person?’
‘Count on it.’
His husky chuckle sent shivers scudding the length of her spine. ‘Shall we begin again?’
She didn’t pretend to misunderstand him. ‘Evening. I want to call by the penthouse.’
‘Six, Danielle. We’ll take your mother to dinner.’ He ended the call, and she keyed in the digits to reach Ariane and relayed the invitation.
‘Nonsense, darling. It’ll be cosier if we eat here.’ Danielle wasn’t sure cosy was a good idea. Her dear mama would doubtless indulge her romantic heart with a surreptitious analysis of the state of her daughter’s marriage, despite or because of its circum stance.
‘I’ll make one of my specialities.’
It was so long since Ariane had been able to entertain. Resigned, Danielle queried, ‘Is there anything you’d like me to pick up?’
‘A fresh baguette from the bakery, darling. Oh, and some lettuce.’
‘I’ll come early and help with the preparations.’
‘No, it’ll give me pleasure to have you as my guest.’
Danielle ended the call, replaced the phone in her bag, then dedicated the next few hours to choosing a new gown and shoes.
It was after four when she let herself into the pent house, armed with flowers, a bottle of wine, together with the baguette and lettuce.
A tantalising aroma permeated the kitchen, and she greeted her mother fondly, glimpsed the sparkling gleam evident in Mane’s eyes as she stuffed the con tents of various pots on the cook-top.
‘For you,’ she said with affection, gifting the wine and flowers, then she snagged a tea towel and fixed it at her waist. ‘Now, what can I do?’
They worked happily together for the next hour, confident all was well, the serving dishes ready and the table set.
‘Time to freshen up, I think,’ Ariane declared. The intercom buzzed, and Ariane released the external security door to allow Rafe into the building. Minutes later the chime bell sounded and Danielle added water glasses to the table setting while her mother let him into the apartment.
She heard their voices, his deep with its slight American accent, and sensed the pleasure in Ariane’s greeting.
Danielle moved into the lounge, proffered a smile, and schooled her features as he crossed to her side, cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Kissing my wife.’
She wanted to slap him, and he knew, damn him! There was a humorous gleam evident in that dark gaze as he captured her mouth in a slow, sweet pos session. A gesture that unnerved her, and brought pink colour to her cheeks.
It was a deliberate gesture, and one that would merely feed her mother’s imagination. Which was precisely his intention.
‘I thought we’d eat in,’ Ariane declared. ‘You’ll be my first guests.’ She sent her daughter a sparkling glance, then doffed to Rafe. ‘What can I get you to drink? I have a nice chardonnay.’
The meal was a success, for her mother’s culinary skills were notable, her delight in exercising them evident.
Cosy encapsulated the few hours they shared, and the developing rapport between Rafe and her mother was something Danielle viewed with caution.
There was a part of her that wanted to warn Ariane against a man who could manipulate circumstance at will. To advise Rafe’s expressed affection was nothing more than an act, for it was laughable to contemplate otherwise.
His voiced interest in various framed photographs positioned on various items of furniture in the lounge sent Ariane delving into a drawer for more than one family album, and Danielle deliberately absented her self on the pretext of making coffee.
She took her time,: setting china onto a tray, adding cheese and crackers to a plate, until the coffee had filtered and there was no further reason for her to delay a return to the lounge.
The fond hope the albums would be put to one side weren’t fulfilled, and she suffered through Ariane’s affectionate recount of foreign resort holidays and various special-occasion photographs taken at different stages during her life.
It was too much information, acutely personal, and left her feeling vulnerable.
‘We must do this again,’ Ariane enthused as Rafe indicated they should leave.
‘Indeed,’ he agreed. ‘As our guest. Danielle will let you have the details.’
Danielle was silent as they rode the elevator down to the basement car park, and Rafe walked to her car, waited while she fired the engine, then followed in his own vehicle.
They entered the driveway within seconds of each other, and cut the ignition almost simultaneously.
Danielle gathered up the brightly emblazoned carry-bags containing her purchases, then she entered the foyer and made for the staircase.
‘Your mother is a charming woman.’
‘Yes, she is.’
Rafe followed her into the bedroom and began loosening his tie. ‘I’ll ensure some of our invitations include Ariane as a fellow guest.’
She deposited the carry-bags and stepped out of her shoes. ‘1 know she’ll appreciate that.’ She slipped off her watch, removed the slender gold chain at her neck, and crossed to the en suite.
A leisurely shower, then bed. Tomorrow was another day, and there were a few items of stock due to arrive.
Danielle shed her clothes, turned on the water, then stepped into the shower stall. She picked up the soap and visualised the boutique window... She’d change the central mannequin’s attire; maybe the black lace teddy— The glass door slid open and Rafe stepped in.
There was more than adequate room for two, but she resented him invading her personal space. Which was totally illogical, given the intimacy they shared.
‘Must you?’
‘You object?’
He took the soap from her hand. ‘Get used to it.’
‘I’m looking, querida,’ he drawled with amusement as he caught hold of her shoulders and turned her away from him. ‘There was one photo in the album displaying a cute little birthmark.’ His fingers trailed down her slender back to the curve of her buttock. ‘Just about here. Ah, yes, there it is. How could I have missed it?’
Danielle wrenched out of his grasp, only to have him catch hold of her and turn her to face him.
Water cascaded against his back, and without thought she batted a hand against his shoulder, then clenched a fist and aimed it at his chest. ‘Don’t!’
His eyes stilled, the humour vanishing as if it was never there. ‘You’re treading dangerous ground.’
She raised stormy eyes to his. ‘How would you feel if I began to examine you for any imperfections?’
‘Of course,’ she acceded with wicked cynicism. ‘I, What else?’
‘You want to make an issue of this?’
‘Yes, dammit.’
‘Why, when you have no hope of winning?’
‘That doesn’t stop me from trying!’ What was the matter with her? To argue with him was madness. To do so when she was naked.insanity.
‘What do you hope to achieve?’
She wrenched out of his grasp. ‘If you don’t mind, I’d prefer not to be used for sex tonight.’
Rafe pulled her back towards him and captured her head, tilting it so she had little option but to meet his gaze. ‘And if I do mind?’
‘You can go to hell.’
He was tempted to take her there. To show her the difference between taking and pleasuring. For a millisecond he almost did. Then he lowered his head and possessed her mouth, ravaging it in a manner that owed more to punishment than the desire to please.
He wanted her unbidden response, and he worked towards it, tormenting until he sensed her capitulation. Then he eased back, nipping the fullness of her lower lip with the edge of his teeth, teasing and pro yoking as she began to reciprocate, until the ardour was all hers and her hands lifted to link at the back of his neck.
He watched her eyes dilate as she absorbed him, felt rather than heard her faint whimper at the suddenness of his invasion, sensed her body tense momentarily, then relax as he kissed her. Gently, with a sensitivity that made the breath catch in her throat.
Then he began to move, and she moved with him, caught up in the mesmeric passion of his possession. Helpless against a primitive hunger that changed her into a shameless wanton.
Danielle had no perception of time, and it seemed an age before she rested her head into the curve of his shoulder, totally spent.
Afterwards he moved beneath the water and cleansed her with a gentleness that almost made her want to weep, and she stood as he blotted the moisture from her skin before towelling himself dry.
On the edge of sleep she became vaguely aware that he caught hold of her hand and brought it to his lips.
The following few days were busy. Danielle effected a stunning window display that drew several compliments.
Business was brisk, although Wednesday proved to be a day where everything that could go wrong, did.
The courier failed to arrive as promised on the morning run, and the client sailed into the boutique prior to lunch expecting to collect her special order, only to become irate on discovering it wasn’t there.
Apologies did little to appease, despite an assurance the order would certainly be included in the afternoon run.
It wasn’t, and incurred a diatribe accusing La Femme of ineptitude, carelessness, together with promoting client dissatisfaction and a threat to take business elsewhere.
Danielle made a call to the supplier, and was in formed they’d received a cancellation on that specific order, hence the reason why it hadn’t been included.
A quick check with Ariane confirmed what Danielle already knew. Neither of them had initiated the cancellation. Leanne was excluded on the grounds she only worked on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The order had been faxed through on Monday, and today was Wednesday.
‘Any ideas?’
Danielle gave her mother a thoughtful look. ‘I could be wrong.’
‘I hate to think it might be a possibility.’ Her teeth worried her lower lip, and her eyes hardened. ‘From now on we confirm each order by electronic mail with a specially devised code known only to you, me, and the supplier.’
She picked up the phone and organised the arrangement.
Nevertheless, it perturbed her. The relocated La Femme was proving to be highly successful. The boutique provided a wide range of imported stock and the level of patronage was good.
If it was sabotage, then who?
Cristina? Did her vindictiveness extend this far?
Danielle didn’t like the way the mental maths added up. If Cristina was responsible she’d have to get ir refutable proof before she could take any action. Supposition and suspicion weren’t sufficient evidence.
It preoccupied her during the drive home, adding an edginess to her demeanour. What she needed was some rigorous physical activity in order to expend excess nervous energy.
A workout in the downstairs gym, followed by several laps of the pool appealed, and she wasted little time exchanging her working clothes for a bikini, then she pulled on shorts and a T-shirt and sped lightly downstairs.
It was a spacious room, containing a bench-press, electronic treadmill, exercise, punching bag and weights. There was a locked wall cabinet containing a variety of martial arts weaponry. ..at least one of which could be considered illegal. Unless he held a license.
‘Admiring my collection?’
He had the tread of a cat, and she turned slowly to face him. He was dressed in sweat pants and T-shirt, and had a towel draped round his neck.
‘You’re a martial arts exponent?’
Rafe crossed towards her with a fluid grace not found in most men. ‘Does that surprise you?’
Very little about him surprised her. ‘No.’ There was a quality to him she hadn’t quite been able to pinpoint.. .the spiritual attunement of mind and body,
the supreme discipline of each, and the acquired skill of using both as an art form.
He rested his gaze on her attire. ‘You want to work out?’
‘Punch something,’ she amended succinctly.
He detected the edge to her voice and wondered at it. ‘Care to tell me why?’
‘Not particularly.’
• He battened down his amusement. ‘Want a pair of boxing gloves?’
Danielle cast him a dark glance. ‘I’m serious.’
‘That bad, hmm?’ was tempted to take the fine edge of her anger, turn it into passion, and enjoy the process.
Instead, he crossed to a set of built-in cupboards along one wall, extracted the gloves and returned to her side. ‘Give me your hands.’
He taped them, then moved to the punching bag and held it still. ‘Ever used one of these before?’
‘No,’she denied, following him. ‘But it’ll do.’
‘In place of who?’
She was silent for a few seconds. ‘I’m not sure yet.’ Rafe offered a few basic instructions. ‘Go for it.’ She did. Until he stopped her after a series of blows, and when he tore off the tape she crossed to the treadmill, set the controls at a medium speed and kept up the pace until she felt she’d had enough.
Rafe was within her peripheral vision, and she could only admire his fluid grace of movement as he completed a series of martial arts exercises. Control and discipline in practice form; lethal in combat.
Her energy spent, she left the gym and moved to the indoor pool.
It took only seconds to strip down to her bikini, and she took a running dive into the crystal-clear water.
Danielle lost count of the number of laps she stroked before a dark head surfaced close to her own, and Rafe matched his pace to her own.
It was a while before she called a halt and trod water at the far end of the pool.
‘Had enough?’
‘Feel better?’
‘Then let’s get out of here, shower, and go eat.’ She levered herself onto the tiled edge, then got to her feet and reached for a towel. ‘I’ll cook.’
‘We could dine out.’
‘I do a great steak salad.’ She caught hold of her hair and squeezed out the excess moisture. ‘Elena has the makings in the refrigerator. Served with Turkish bread and hummus, it’ll be divine. Trust me.’
It was. Eaten at the table positioned on the terrace, and accompanied by a superb cabernet sauvignon wine.
It was a peaceful scene, overlooking the landscaped lawns with their neat garden borders, the various flowering bushes and shrubbery.
Danielle had a sudden glimpse of what it would be like with children.., there would a swing seat, a slide, and a variety of outdoor toys. A dog to love and provide fun and laughter, and indoors a cat to curl up on a few favoured chairs. And the nursery, with its cot, bed, bookshelves and toys. A rocking-horse, and a rocking-chair so she could sit with a child snuggled in her arms.
A child. The reason for this marriage. Could she already be pregnant? It was a possibility, but, given her own calculations—most likely not.
how long would it take? A silent bubble of wry laughter rose and died in her throat. Given Rafe’s dedication to propagating progeny.. .not very long at all.
‘Ariane reports business continues to show a markedly increased turnover.’
Danielle took a sip of wine, then held the stemmed goblet in her hands. ‘Yes.’
‘You have reservations?’
He was quick Too quick, she perceived as she caught his discerning look. Had Ariane relayed the mystery of the cancelled order and the resultant ire from their dissatisfied client? Should she?
There was a part of her that wanted to deal with it on her own. Surely it couldn’t prove too difficult, even if Cristina had covered her tracks?
‘No,’ she ventured. The success of the boutique was vitally important. To Ariane, to herself. It was a matter of pride, and integrity.
‘Why do you imagine there is one?’ She hadn’t meant to sound so cynical, but Cristina and her trouble-making potential rankled.
Rafe leaned back in his chair and examined her features. Something was bothering her, and he meant to find out what it was.
‘We’re attending a photographic exhibition on Friday evening at the Simpson Gallery.’
‘Updating the coming week’s social calendar?’
‘Oh, jay.’
‘Don’t be facetious.’
‘Perhaps it’s simply an aversion to being on display.’
‘Given time, our union will become old news.’ He was right, but it didn’t help much. Especially with the spectre of Cristina constantly looming in the background.
‘Sunday we’ve been invited to join friends for a few hours in the afternoon. Volleyball on the beach, followed by a barbecue.’
‘What if I have plans of my own?’
‘We compromise.’
She’d ensure they did, just for the hell of it. ‘How about taking in a movie at the cinema?’
‘We’ll be on the Gold Coast next week.’
‘Excuse me.. .we?’
‘I have business there,’ Rafe relayed with marked patience.
‘I can’t leave the boutique.’
‘Yes, you can. Leanne will work Thursday and Friday.’
She wanted to hit him, badly. ‘1 would have preferred you discuss it with me first.’
The sun was going down, fading the sky and dimming the landscape beneath it. Soon everything would be shrouded in varying shades of grey and pewter.
Remote sensors activated electric garden lights, illuminating the grounds in a soft glow.
Without a further word she rose to her feet and began gathering up china and cutlery, then carried them through to the kitchen. Within minutes she’d restored order, and she ran lightly upstairs to retrieve her keys and purse.
The need to escape, if only for an hour, was par amount.
‘Going out?’
Danielle turned and saw Rafe framed in the bed room doorway. ‘Yes.’
‘I’ll get my jacket.’
Resentment flared, and lent her eyes a fiery sparkle. ‘I’m going alone.’
His stance didn’t alter. ‘I go with you.’ His voice was pure silk. ‘Or you don’t go at all’
Anger intensified as she threw him a furious look. ‘I don’t want to be around you right now.’
‘Dammit! You can’t—’
‘Yes, I can.’
‘Why are you making this such a major deal?’ she demanded, sorely tried, watching warily as he moved into the room.
‘Because no woman of mine goes out into the night alone.’
‘I am not your woman.’
A faint smile curved the edge of his mouth. ‘Yes,’ he acceded in an indolent drawl. ‘You are.’
‘Not in any sense.’ She was so angry she could spit, and irked no end that he found it amusing.
He caught up a jacket, hooked it over one shoulder, then he slanted her a quizzical glance. ‘Let’s go.’
‘I’ve changed my mind.’
‘We could always have an early night.’
His implication was clear, and she clenched her hands in anger. ‘Sex.’ She threw him a fulminating look. ‘Is that all you think about?’
‘With you, it isn’t a hardship.’
She• acted on impulse and aimed a stinging slap... except it was intercepted before the palm of her hand could reach his cheek.
In seeming slow motion he tossed his jacket onto a chair, then he pulled her close and fastened his mouth on hers in a punishing kiss that reached right down to her soul as it invaded, plundered and conquered.
Danielle fought him at first, beating her fists against his ribs, his back, anywhere she could reach. Except it did no good at all, as he simply hauled her up against him.
His arousal was a potent force, and she struggled against him until her brain registered what her body had already accepted.
The need to respond was uppermost, and the knowledge caused a silent groan of despair as she attempted to wrench herself from his grasp.
She managed it, only because he released her, and she stepped back a pace as she fought to control her rapid breathing.
‘Do we go, or stay?’
He sounded so cool, it merely heightened her anger, and she raised stormy eyes to his. ‘I’m going out. Alone.’
‘We’ve already done that. You don’t want to do it again.’
‘You’re not my jailor!’ She moved past him, and quickly descended the stairs. Her car stood in the garage, and she used the remote modern to lift the automatic doors, then slid into the driver’s seat and ignited the engine.
At that moment the passenger door opened and Rafe slipped into the front seat.
Rafe doubted she had any particular destination in mind, and he didn’t offer a word as she cleared the gates, then headed towards the city.
Southbank suited her mood, for there were several cafés and coffee bars from which to choose, plus the pleasure of sitting outdoors and watching the world go by.
Maybe if she ignored Rafe she could pretend he wasn’t there?
Fat chance, she concluded minutes later as she chose one café, selected an outdoor table, took a seat, and ordered a latte.
‘A short black,’ Rafe indicated, then sank back in the chair and subjected the woman opposite to an en compassing appraisal.
‘Are we going to sit in silence, or attempt to communicate?’
Danielle met his gaze with equanimity. ‘Pick a subject.’
‘Whatever it is that’s bothering you.’
‘You bother me,’ she retaliated. ‘You make plans without consulting me, and expect me to conform.’
‘For you to conform is part of the deal.’
‘Of course.’ Her eyes darkened. ‘Let’s not forget the deal.’
His expression didn’t change, although his voice was a silky drawl. ‘Careful, querida.’
The waiter delivered their coffee, and Danielle stirred in sugar, then took an appreciative sip.
‘I don’t want to leave Ariane with the total responsibility of La Fernme.’
Her mother was more than capable, and in normal circumstances she’d have no hesitation in absenting herself for a few days. Except she had an instinctive feeling that Cristina was intent on causing mischief. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced the leggy blonde was behind today’s contretemps.
The concern was what else Cristina had planned.
‘Two days isn’t a lifetime.’
The fact he was right didn’t help at all. ‘You’re not going to give in, are you?’
He added sugar and stirred the dark brew. ‘No.’
Danielle looked at him, and saw the unrelenting resolve evident. A man no sensible person would choose as an enemy.
Without a further word she finished her coffee, then rose to her feet, extracted a note from her purse and had Rafe close his hand over hers.
‘You take independence too far.’ He summoned a waitress, handed her a note from his wallet, then followed Danielle out onto the boardwalk.
Attired in black trousers, a casual cotton shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he looked the antithesis of the high-powered corporate executive. Yet there was something about him that attracted a second glance.
The evening air was fresh, and there was a breeze teasing the length of her hair. A few stray tendrils brushed her cheek, and she tucked them behind an ear.
A wolf-whistle pierced the air, but she didn’t even glance towards the admirer, unaware she was the tar get of his appreciation. Nor did she see the chilling look Rafe threw in the man’s direction.
Soon they turned and retraced their steps, and Danielle heard the laughter as they passed various tables, the chatter as couples enjoyed a late meal.
They reached the car and she handed Rafe the keys before slipping into the passenger seat.
The drive home didn’t take long, and inside she made for the stairs, uncaring whether he followed or not.
Minutes later she shed her clothes, slid into bed and snapped off the lamp. Sleep didn’t come easily, and she lay awake in the darkness for what seemed an age before Rafe quietly entered the room.
She heard the faint rustle of clothes being removed, and had a vivid image of him discarding each garment, that broad-shouldered frame, taut midriff, the flex of muscle and sinew, the satin-smooth olive skin.
Heat flooded her body, and the familiar ache deep within longed for his touch. Dear heaven, why did her body act independently from the dictates of her brain?
She didn’t want him. Liar. There was a need to lose herself in the physical act, to experience again and again the primitive, magical sensuality he was able to arouse.
And just for a little while she wanted to be irons ported to that special place where it was possible to pretend what they shared was more than.. .just sex. Albeit very good sex.
For a moment the knowledge shocked her. How could she even think her emotions could be involved? What was she.. .crazy?
She hated Rafe Valdez for the scheme he’d devised.
Except hate didn’t form any part of what she felt as he reached for her. Dislike and apathy weren’t even contenders as her body sang at his touch.
He had the skill, the knowledge to drive a woman wild, and as she went up in flames she didn’t spare a thought for anything except the man, the moment, and the glorious, exhilarating ride.

CUTE ROSE 03-12-07 09:06 PM

Danielle couldn’t help but wonder if Cristina had garnered an invitation to every function listed on the city’s calendar for the social elite.
Coincidence or design? Given the glamorous blonde’s intent to cause mayhem, it had to be the latter.
It was interesting to watch the society matrons work the gallery. A gracious word here, an overt hint there, and guests were rallied for the next event, be it social or a fund-raiser.
‘Pensive thoughts?’
She turned towards Rafe and offered him a stunning smile. ‘Observing.’
One eyebrow rose. ‘Cristina?’
‘However did you guess?’
‘Any particular reason?’
She made a play at removing an imaginary speck from his immaculate jacket. ‘She wants you. Can’t you tell?’
‘And that bothers you?’
‘Why should it?’
Amusement lurked in that dark gaze, and a lazy smile curved the edges of his mouth. ‘Let’s examine the exhibits. The ones on the wall,’ he added, placing a hand at her waist.
‘You’re killing me,’ Danielle murmured.
He had no pretensions to grandeur, and merely played the role society expected of him. Whereas she’d been born into a class structure that lauded its peers, only to discard them when the chips began to fall.
The exhibits were many and varied. Harsh black and white, subtle shades of grey. An abstract collage that caused interest due to its demand for individual interpretation.
Breathtaking beauty vied with stark reality, and Danielle stood transfixed by the print of a child with cherubic features and eyes so incredibly sad their expression tugged her heartstrings.
She moved close, read the descriptive explanation printed beneath, and wanted to weep. A Bosnian child captured in a war-tom land, and deprived of family. Such innocence, so much grief.
Danielle felt a pulse thud at the edge of her throat. The thought of a child of her own suffering in any way almost killed her.
The fierce maternal instinct caught her unawares. It also endorsed the real reason for her marriage to Rafe Valdez.
She’d counted on her dislike of him. Putting up with sex as a means to an end. Playing a part in public, whilst leading separate lives in private.
Except it wasn’t quite working out the way she’d envisaged.
No matter how hard she tried, it was becoming impossible with each passing day to distance her emotions, for he had only to touch her, and her pulse raced to a quickened beat.
It was all very well to abide by the adage take each day as it comes.. .the days were fine. It was the nights— ‘Rafe, darling.’
Danielle turned slightly at the sound of that husky feminine voice.
Cristina. Who else?
‘I’d value your advice on a business proposition I’m considering.’ The blonde offered Danielle a faint smile. ‘You don’t mind if I steal him for a few minutes?’
‘Go ahead.’ The proposition was undoubtedly a foil, but why should she care? Except she did, and that rankled more than she wanted to admit.
Fool, she derided silently. What possessed you to imagine you could become intimately involved with a man like Rafael Valdez, and keep your emotions intact?
Could he control his emotions?
Without doubt. The weak and undisciplined didn’t survive the city streets. He’d acquired a sophisticated veneer during his rise and rise within the financial sector, and he fitted well into the social scene. However, the ruthlessness was evident beneath the surface, a heartless savagery that boded ill for any adversary.
For Rafe, she was the chosen vessel to conceive and carry his child, to provide essential maternal succour during its vulnerable early years. Once that had been achieved, it would be a case of mission accomplished, and she’d be released, financially taken care of as a salve to his conscience. Except men of Rafe’s ilk didn’t possess a conscience.
So, get over it, she chastised silently. Abide by the deal, and move on.
‘Danielle. How nice to see you again.’
A familiar voice, and she turned with a ready smile. ‘Lillian.’
‘I’m endeavouring to organise something a little different as a fund-raiser. I thought possibly you and your dear mother might be interested in hosting a private showing of intimate apparel at La Femme. Invitation only, of course. We’d hire seating, provide the models, serve champagne and orange juice, bite- size appetizers. Included in the ticket price would be a voucher offering a ten per cent discount on items purchased at La Femme. What do you think?’
‘I’d need to discuss it with Ariane,’ Danielle said evenly. ‘We’ll also require detailed costing.’
- ‘My dear, the costing isn’t an issue. All I require from you is La Femme as the venue. The ten per cent discount will be your contribution.’
It was an attractive proposition, given the invited guests would undoubtedly spend, and spend well. ‘What numbers are you considering?’
Lillian offered a triumphant smile. ‘I thought fifty guests, seated in double rows of ten on each side, with two rows of five just inside the entrance.’
Naturally the boutique would need to be closed to the public during the showing. ‘What time-frame are you looking at?’
‘Two hours. Say, from two until four in the after noon, tentatively mid-week, two weeks from now?’
‘Put it in writing, Lillian, then I’ll get back to you.’
‘My dear, I already have.’ She reached into her bag, extracted an envelope and handed it to Danielle. ‘Ring me tomorrow with your answer.’
Ariane would go for it, she was sure. It meant good business for La Femme, and profit was the name of the game.
Danielle moved between the exhibits, murmured an acknowledgement to a few people she knew, then paused in front of an enlarged print of a Harley Davidson motorbike. She couldn’t decide who commanded more attention.. .the bike or the long-haired, black singlet-clad, heavily tattooed man who sat astride the seat.
‘Some women’s fantasy,’ a familiar voice drawled, and she felt Rafe’s touch at her waist.
‘11mm,’ she agreed. ‘All that pulsing power.’
‘Are we talking about the bike here, or the man?’ She didn’t miss a beat. ‘Oh, the man. Bikes don’t do it for me.’
‘Image is everything?’
She cast him a studied look. ‘You changed yours.’
‘To fit the mould I shaped for myself?’
‘Yet beneath the fine clothes, the practised sophistication, is the core of the person you were. That doesn’t change.’
‘So, in your opinion, I’m still a veteran of the Chicago streets.’
‘You’re Rafael Valdez,’ she submitted solemnly. ‘A man who fits easily into any background, and someone only the foolish would challenge.’
His eyes were impossibly dark, but humour lurked at the edge of his mouth. ‘Is that a compliment?’
‘A statement.’
He could shed his acquired image as easily as he’d assumed it. Become again what he had once been. It was there, something indefinable in his stance, the look of him. A waiting, watching quality, the hint of acutely attuned senses. In the name of survival, and protection of his own.
Did she come into that category? It was a thought she chose not to pursue.
‘You spoke with Lillian?’
‘Yes. She offered an interesting proposition.’ She relayed it to him. ‘What do you think?’
Progress, he acknowledged, aware that a week ago she wouldn’t have mentioned it, let alone asked his opinion. ‘Lillian has connections, and it will be a good advertisement for the boutique.’
It matched her own conclusions, and she was about to say so when she had the uncanny sensation she was being watched. With unhurried ease she turned slightly and became trapped in Cristina’s gaze.
Venom glittered in unmasked brilliance for all of a few seconds, then it was gone, and Danielle suppressed a faint shiver. Such hatred!
‘Can we leave?’ She needed to get out of here, feel the fresh evening air on her face, and put as much distance as possible between her and the glamorous blonde.
If Rafe sensed the reason behind her request he gave no indication, and five minutes later she breathed a sigh of relief as the car eased out onto the main street and headed towards Toorak.
Numerous calds were open, with patrons lingering over coffee at outdoor tables along the sidewalk. Rafe drew into the kerb and parked, and together they selected a table, ordered, then relaxed as they waited for their coffee to be served.
Rafe’s cell phone pealed, and he took the call, spoke for a few minutes, then cut the connection.
• ‘I need to access the computer, and email data through to New York.’
‘Do you want to leave?’
• ‘It can wait.’
He worked long hours and took minimum leisure time. Even then leisure connected with business. He could more than afford to cut some slack, delegate. Except he knew from experience that when you took an eye from the ball, the game suffered. Besides, he enjoyed the adrenalin rush of planning a deal and having it reach a satisfactory conclusion.
He’d come a long way in the past ten years. He’d acquired a reputation, wealth, social standing, and he possessed the trappings that went with them. Fine homes in different countries, a wife. Soon he would have a child. An heir of his own blood to inherit everything he’d worked for.
Danielle d’Alboa Valdez. A woman who didn’t hide her dislike of him, and was honest enough to enjoy what he offered without artifice. It made a *******ing change.
How would she react, he wondered, if be relayed he’d deliberately tracked Ariane’s financial decline and fall from social grace with marriage to her daughter in mind? That it hadn’t been a simple deal, but a well thought-out and carefully orchestrated plan?
That, instead of a few months in the making, the deal had formed in his mind as long as a year ago?
She’d been right in accusing him of using her to his advantage. But not solely for her aristocratic connections. It was her pride and her courage that attracted him. And her honesty. For that alone he’d been prepared to pay the price. It was precisely those qualities he wanted in his child.
Rafe drank the strong dark brew and watched her with an indolence he knew she found unsettling.
She had the sweetest mouth, generously curved, and the delicate features of an angel. He felt himself harden at the mere thought of her unbidden response to his touch, and he shifted slightly in his chair.
It had been a while since he had felt the need for a woman the way he wanted her. How her flesh quivered when he kissed the curve at the base of her neck. The leap of her pulse when he held her.
As for the moment he possessed her . .it was like grasping hold of something incredible.
He drained his coffee, waited until she finished hers, then he pulled out a note and rose to his feet.
It took only a matter of minutes to reach home, and he resisted the urge to follow her upstairs. Work, he reminded as he crossed to the study and booted up his computer. An hour, two at the most, then he could join her in bed.
It was closer to three when he slid beneath the covers and gathered her close. He was fully aroused and needy, yet he took it slow until her response matched his own, and her unbridled passion became the sweetest gilt as he led her towards ecstasy, then held her as they both went over the edge.

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 08:01 AM.

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